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Posts posted by Saferight

  1. For all the building modders and map makers here are a bunch of German and Soviet propaganda posters and photos, orthodox religious paintings, along with some other stuff im sure some of you here can use. They are are all in .dds format..


    And here is something i forgot to release awhile back

    German helmet covers made from captured Soviet amoeba camo


  2. Good idea ;)

    CMSF already taught me even Abrams m1a2 SEP TUSK is vulnerable to AT-14 Kornet-E, among other munitions. Perhaps a frontal hit will almost never K-KILL an m1a2 SEP (TUSK), but it's not an invincible platform.

    One of my constant fears in most scenarios for CMSF was "Is there a Kornet out there?" so i look forward to seeing how it handles against armor with APS in CMBS.. also can anyone tell me what the differences are between the Russian army's Kornet and the export model? are the penetration capabilities different?

  3. When anyone in the US complains about new immigrants i think back to this....

    Anywho back to ISIS.. I'm starting to think they learned from the previous sahwat and will be sure to stomp out any formation of such a thing in their controlled areas. They've now steam rolled Nusra front and all the other groups from Deir ez-Zor and now are looking to smash the army from their posts in the other half of the city... They control a lot of territory along with much better toys this time. Its going to prove very difficult to defeat them without either western help or everyone joining together to fight them.

  4. I missed it ?

    Seems i don't find this one on GAJ's

    Sorry again kendar i took it down to fix a few things and add some more stuff, i will have it back up later today once i get the vehicle loops all squared away. To avoid the confusion i guess i should switch to dropbox like a few others on here.

  5. as long as the Kornet-E stays home.

    Home? well thats the battlefield.






    After reading for the past ten years on the interwebs various forums about what losses the M1 abrams suffered. the constant bickering back and forth on whether they could be contributed to actions of the enemy.. well it makes this pretty nuts to finally see em destroyed and there's no doubt how!!! I hope our boys get a good APS like the Israelis!!!


  6. I'd say the conservatism we see in Islam has much more specifc roots- Saudi Arabia.

    I was waiting for someone to say this, they are the ones who created this monster. Reminds me of someone raising a dog to be vicious and unloving then acting surprised when the dog attacks them or a family member. Well that dog has yet to really sink its teeth into their ass and i doubt all their nice western toys bought with petro-dollars from the west are going to do them any good.

  7. If my presence in a place is a cause for grievance then my moving out should resolve the grievance. Shouldn't it?

    If after leaving to provide relief for the grievance the grieved follows me to my own country ... to kill me and anyone like me... it seems their ideology, their ideas and manner of thinking is the real problem.

    Heard this tech related audio this AM.

    Jihadi Videos Push Islamic Music's Austere Boundaries


    Islamist militants have stepped up their game when it comes to the music and visuals in their videos. NPR's Arun Rath talks to scholar Peter Neumann about today's tech-savvy jihadists.

    I agree. These guys have stepped their game up in many other areas thanks to the opportunity the civil war in Syria has given them propaganda one of them. One of the others thats having a factor on the battlefield is the surge in the use of ATGM's.

    Heres a article on it along with a video and pictures




  8. Updated RO-DH weapon sounds along with some others uploaded to GaJ's. I also threw in the flamethrower sound from Rising Storm.

    Looks like real life work is slowing down so ill have time to work on more sounds like the soldier movements, engines, backgrounds, and music. Enjoy gents

  9. And if that means they end up with internal war, that will keep them distracted.

    Thing is theres a good portion of them that don't want to keep it internal. They are truly longing to strike at us. A couple years back it was all about AQAP in Yemen and the threats they posed with the gains they had made. What we have seen take shape in Syria and Iraq now i think is more of a threat than that or what came out of Afghanistan after the civil war.

    I agree with you though i believe in isolation from the whole mess but i think its unavoidable in the long run. Truly damned if you do damned if you don't kind of deal.

  10. Better they fight each other than turn their attention to foreign adventures.

    Its exactly these sort of situations that provide a breeding ground for those foreign adventures. It may seem very far away at this point through our computer screens and newspapers but the whole region imploding on itself may have dire consequences for the rest of the world...

  11. another video on the subject


    Guy at the end according to someone in the comments section is the musuem director who said

    "I tell them that the tank is not battle-worthy. They say that it will be repaired. Well, what could I do against armed men?"

    Heres a quote from a article i'm reading.

    Armed men who appeared at Donetsk's local war museum with heavy lifting gear winched a World War Two tank onto a flat-bed truck and drove it off. Squatting on top of the tank, one of them told a local online journalist: "We have got an engine to go in it. We have got some experts. We have to add the engine, ease the turret and it will be a working battle tank."

    I think these guys are doomed they have obviously been abandoned by the state they wanted to join and no matter how many old tanks they take from monuments its not going to make a difference......

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