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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. National Guard "Azov" brigade destroys Russian D-30 howitzer with own French TRF-1 howitzer. Enemy positin was geolocated on NW ouskirt of Novofedorivka village of Zaporizhzhia oblast. This is NE from Verbove, but this is direction to Polohy town. So, on this direction at least two National Guard brigades of "Offensive Guard"are involved (12th special purpose "Azov" and 15th operative "Kara-Dag") as well as elements of 11th public order security brigade
  2. The video of consequence of next "meat assault" between Maryinka and Krasnohorivka. Russians tried to turn back own position, which they had been holding since 2014 and lost several weeks ago. In this atatck they lost 5 tanks and 3 BMPs destroyed and damaged. Though, some sources say UKR troops withdrew from there and this mine ventillation trunk now in gray zone. Russians say nothing about results
  3. The crew of this Humvee got the second birthday. More likely this was not artillery, but Grad barrage
  4. TB2 Bayraktars still in use and even have a strike missions. One of them was shot down several days ago near Heroys'ke vilage of Kherson oblast with ammunition load (Kinburn spit) On the video Russians claims TB2 dropped two guided bombs, but operator decided to hit more targets and went on the next strafe. For this time EW system has supressed control lines of UCAV and it switched to emergency mode, going to 1000 m altitude and circling around. After this it was shot down with Igla-1 MANPAD. Due to the manufacturer's table information this TB2 was produced in November of 2021
  5. It's meant even coordinated operations between several different army "organisms" like BTGs already caused very big tense of command lines. If you add here different volunteers, units of other branches, aviation etc, all this multiplies chaos and collisions in command. If Soviet army had experience how to rule operations in which participated several armies, that now both UKR and RUS armies suffer big problems even with several brigades-level coordinations.
  6. The group of Russian RIA "Novosti" journalists were hit by DPICM ammunition, when they drove to Pyatykhatky area to make a reportage about UKR DPICM usage %) All got wounds, but one of them has died - he was well-known propagandist in Russia - Rostislav Zhuravlyov. Recently he belonged to National-Bolshevik Party and in 2014 participated in so-called "Russian spring" on Donbass. He participated in seizing of administrative buildings in Donetsk and later was a fighter of LNR battalion "Zarya" (now 4th motor-rifle brigade of LNR) Also on southern flank of Bakhmut was shelled a car with officers of volunteer recon-assault brigade of DVU (Donbas Volunteers Union). In the vehicle also was Aleksandr Boroday, brigade comamnder, Duma deputy and chief of DVU. He also was active partipator of turmoils on Donbas in 2014 and for a short time was a first "prime-minister" of DNR. Two officers of brigade HQ were wounded, but Boroday still unharnmed. Somebody lost a chance to get award %)
  7. Who hasn't access to TG, here one of videos. Powerful detonations. This is the second large ammo dump in Crimea, hit during the week. All population is evacuating in radius of 5 km. Railway movement is stopped. The map of strikes in Crimea on this week
  8. This is both shaping and first phase of offensive simultainously. Now we concentrate a pressure on two main sectors - very narrow section between Robotyne and Verbove, the second - more wide section on V.Novosilka salient. And two auxiliary sections, directed to Vasylivka and Polohy. If the enemy has so strong minefields and fortifications we have to try to breach it in narrow places - meter by meter, instead to throw several brigades on mines and ATGM positions on large part of front. So, the same 47th and 65th brigades doing now "a shaping operation, but along with this its also breaching skirmish line and securing the corridor, which already is demining by our sappers. I think, when we will come to main line behind Robotyne - Verbove line (or even breach it), some reserve forces will be directed through this corridor to operative space. BTW, even our experts recognize, both UKR and RUS armies Commands lost old Soviet capabilities to provide mass combined arms operations
  9. Nove village - 11 km south from Robotyne. JDAM hit ?
  10. There was combined atatck of several aerial and two maritime drones, local Sevastopol publics wrote about loud explosions, but reportedly all targets were intercepted.
  11. Two 2A65 Msta-B howitzers were HIMARSed near Yalyns'ke village, Donetsk oblast. This is about 8 km SE from Staromlynivka - objective of UKR offensive on V.Novosilka (Vremiivka)salient. Strelkov and Romanov92 wrote UKR could capture Staromajors'ke because of Russian artillery didn't work due to ammo shortage. Probably and because barrels shortage %) Though in present time no any information about situation around Staromajorske. Some Russian sources claim the village is under UKR control, some - that Russians are counter-attacking, some - UKR forces are pushed back from the village. UKR sources keep silence.
  12. Two days ago the video is appeared as Slovenian M-55S was "destroyed or taken out" by direct hit of Krasnopol guided shell. It's turned out the tank survived, and even saved capability of driving. The shell hit in the gunner's sight and beat in a piece of top turret armor. On the video the damage and burning marks can be seen So, not each HE shell hit is 100 % destroying of the tank. Top turret armor can in some cases resist to HE shells, but if this shell hit engine compartment from the top, the tank would be at least heavy damaged. Original T-55 has 30 mm of turret's top armor thickness
  13. Troops of 59th mot.inf.brigade assault enemy trenches, southern flank of Avdiivka - Pervomaiske - Pisky area
  14. I have seen a fragment of this video without blure on other twitter account, but it's unclear what happened. Two Russians came from dugout and layed down, one of them was kicked by UKR soldier, but more Russians still in blindage and UKR soldiers continue to fire there, as I can remember, one Russian rised up on knees and turned toward blindage, but he was almost hidden behind the wall of trench, so I didn't see what happened. There was cut-off and continue of episode was already without these Russians. You can see uncensored version in TG by the link in video
  15. Result of UKR missile strike on 11th of July on large ammo dump in Novooleksiivka, Kherson oblast
  16. UKR FPV drone hit blindage, where Lancets were stored. The bow of one of them is seen on 0:01
  17. I think, the flame marks and traces of fragments would remain on the armor
  18. The video of "Terra" UAV recon unit about platoon of 1st mech.battalion of 3rd assault brigade attack on Russian positions on southern flank of Bakhmut. Very good bird eye view of attack developmnet and good explainnations (English subs are present) what's going on in current moment and about tactic. Attack begins from 4:18. Helicopter strike, BMPs drive on ful speed pouring the trenches to suppress possible RPG and ATGM shooters, infantry dismounts and shelling the trenches, while the "armored taxi" drive back, then cleaning the trenches
  19. WP interview with Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, where he made several tough messages: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/07/14/ukraine-military-valery-zaluzhny-russia/ Zaluzhny said, he uses weapons made in Ukraine for the frequent strikes across the border that Kyiv never officially acknowledges as its own. “To save my people, why do I have to ask someone for permission what to do on enemy territory?” Zaluzhny recently told The Washington Post in a rare interview. “For some reason, I have to think that I’m not allowed to do anything there. Why? Because [Russian President Vladimir] Putin will … use nuclear weapons? The kids who are dying don’t care. “This is our problem, and it is up to us to decide how to kill this enemy. It is possible and necessary to kill on his territory in a war. If our partners are afraid to use their weapons, we will kill with our own. But only as much as is necessary.” Zaluzhny, however, isn’t shy about his intent to reclaim Crimea, the peninsula Russia illegally annexed in 2014, even as some Western officials privately worry about what Putin’s response would be if Ukrainian troops ever reached the territory. “As soon as I have the means, I’ll do something. I don’t give a damn — nobody will stop me,” Zaluzhny said.
  20. National Guard squad takes cover under fire in the trench or big crater, their armor (captured BTR-82A) arrived to cover them and evacuate. This sound of 30 mm gun almost over the head %) This is probably near Novopokrovka village, Zaporizhzhia oblast, were sevaral NG units are involved
  21. Missed, but good example how it looks Soviet/Russian cluster artillery shell work.
  22. What is a strange flash similiar to lightning after Russian tank blew up by mine? Location - Berkhivka village, north from Bakhmut
  23. The main gun ammunition of Slovenian M-55S tanks in UKR service: M393A3 HESH-T and M465A2 HEAT-T - the same as in Stryker M1128
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