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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Fighters of Special purpose battalion "Stugna" conducted hit&run action on Russian command point on left bank of Dnipro. "Stugna" is volunteer battalion of ATO veterans, it subordination is unclear.
  2. The matter of far-right or "pseudo far-right" (better to call them populists) support of Russia is not so ideology, but Russian money. Russia generously fertilized both left and right politics, activating them, when it needs. But Le Pen doesn't support Russia after 24th Feb, though she afraids, that victory of Ukraine can lead to WWIII. Prime minister of Italy, for example, is representative of right spectre, but her level support of Ukraine is increadable. Polish ruling party and goverment also of right spectre, but they support Ukraine. Why some (far-) right political organizations has pro-Russian or false "appeasemnet" (for the cost of Ukraine of course) positions? Isolationism became popular. "We have many problems inside, but current government is wasting our taxpeyers money and military resourses for senseless support of corrupted Ukraine!" Or "do not provoke WWIII!!!" And little of ideology - as I can see in tweets of western Russia-supporters, they respect Russia for "tradicionalistic values", "Christianity", "fighting with LGBT", "fighting with Jewish-Masons world conspiracy" and they see Ukraine like a dangerous puppet in hands of leftists and globalists (OMG!!!!). Though indeed level of conservatism in Ukraine is comparable to Poland or Hungary. My personnal big dissapointment is US Republicans, which always were hawks in relation to USSR and Russia (McСain for exanle) and now MAGA-isolationism and QAnon ate brain of half of them and their followers
  3. As I can understand, Plan B is classified, but likely this will be council. According to peace time law the head of Rada have to be acting president until new will be elected. An article in Politico about this: https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraines-plan-volodymyr-zelenskyy-dies-russia-war/?fbclid=IwAR0pzoicNVfYNlRraFrkYXkMYZtJMjXBGLqDnW-W0eb5AlPcJb1rF4Tzhds
  4. They can enlist on contract service, they can enlist in volunteer BARS units. The latter have own specific, as I know they have some problems with compensations for wounding and with a status of SVO participants. BARS units is a shadow PMC indeed and all financial things maintains not MoD, but some other structure.
  5. One of Russian milblogger TG complains that operation of complex strike on Starokostiantyniv airfield failed, because Ukraine substituted real Su-24 on airfield on well-made decoys, which were took for real jets by satellite reconnaissance and local informators also confirmed this is real Su-24. As result all "12 destroyed Su-24" turned out false and huge number of missiles, especially valuable Kinzhals were wasted. Russian milblogger in angry wrote "ineffective informators have to be cleaned" On other hand Ukraine AF representatives said, that Ukraine has many airfields and highways, which allow to disperse planes and work of intelligence and surveillance allows to react quickly on missile strike threat. Some twitter accounts also added, Starokostiantyniv airfield was reinforced in Cold War times, so it can survive even tactical nuke strike, not only Kinzhal missiles. I can't comment true this or not.
  6. 19 y.o. Russian sniper, was killed on 11th of June 2023 near Vasylivka town. I wonder, in what unit he served with Mosin rifle... In June there was clashes for Lobkove and Pyatykahtky on Vasylivka direction. There weren't LDPR units as I know... And due to his young age I doubt he was a mobik.
  7. UKR Mi-24 over wheat field on Zaporizhzhia front
  8. Timed to Air Forces Day, USA and Germany handed over to Ukraine Patriot PAC-2 and Iris-T. Zelenskiy and Zaluzhnyi on airfield, and new SAMs on background. PAC-3 will be better of course, but let's see, how PAC-2 will deal with Onyx if it will be deployed near Odesa....
  9. Henichesk and Chonhar bridges are auxiliary ways - main is through isthmus on Perekop, though, they both shorten logistic distance for Melitipol direction. But Chonhar bridge, if even will be destroyed could be easily substituted by pontoons - wide of water obstacle is not big. Right from Chonhar bridge is old bridge, likely also in not very good conditions Also you can see impact of second SCALP betweeen bridges.
  10. SCALP EG under the wing of Su-24. EG is export modificatin with 290 km of range.
  11. In military aspect all our military networks, including a work of various situation awarness and targeting software were tied on one commercial Ka-satellite. But in first hours of war Russian EW assets and cyber-attacks caused huge interferences for this satellite channel and only since several days of technical and cyber-security counter measures, satellite network was mostly restored, but because of technical parameters were discredited and was a risk Russians will affect the channel again, the choice fell on Starlink. PS. It's weird, but all information about satellite, frequencies and settings of equipment, any could find in a textbook for communication troops specialists, uploaded in internet %)
  12. Chonhar bridge now from air Henichesk bridge
  13. You can see two bridges in Henichesk area on the map, but eastern one is "Iron bridge" - old railway bridge, which was assembled temporary in 1951 (it was moved here from Belarusian city Orsha). Now this bridge is in very bad conditions and uses only as pedestrian and sometime for cars.
  14. Reportedly both bridges were attacked - Chonhar and Henichesk. Early Henichesk bridge was closed for civilian passing and used for military movement. Allegedly damages on Chonhar bridge Henichesk bridge. Video of impact and photo of results - the flame on background is of gas pipe A few moments before. A SCALP missile on the bridge with personal autograph of Zelenskiy )
  15. YPR-765 after Lancet hit. Likely the hollow charge stream penetrated personnel compartmet from the top and didn't hurt engine or crew, so APC saved drive capabilities
  16. Russian wasted a bulk of missiles on Starokostiantyniv airfield, but.... Su-24 today struck Chonhar bridge again. Occupation authorities write about 3-4 missiles. No information about damage PS. Maybe the same strike, not Chonhar, but Henichesk area - reportedly several impacts near the bridge on Arabatska spit. Locals say a gas pipe damaged, no info about bridge condition
  17. "Bober" kamikadze drone in the sky of Moscow oblast caused several hours closing one of Moscow airports Vnukovo. Moscow authorities claimed the drone was shot down
  18. Last three days we have some fading of active warfare, because it's very hot, +33-35 C (92...95 F) in the shadow. On the video a soldier twists own under armor T-shirt, soaked in sweat
  19. Yesterday mass missiles strike was directed mostly airfields and military infrastructure in western part of Ukraine. Most of missiles and Shakheds were launched on Starokostiantyniv airfield. First wave: 14 Kalibrs (12 shot down), 3 Kinzhals (AF command rejected to comment eitehr were intercepted these missiles or not) Second wave: 6 Kalibrs (5 shot down), 27 Shakheds (all intercepted) Third wave: 20 Kh-101/555 (13 shot down) Russian strike was timed to today's Ukrianian Air Forces Day.
  20. This will cause economical losses, and rage of vatniks, directed on Putin, who offered them "Kiev for three days", but instead they will get a war at their home. Don't comapre Germans or Soviets of WWII period and modern Russia. Current Russian politicum and nation are a doorway thug. He is strong, fierce, impudent and haughty, but coward. If he pass several painful hits, he retreats. You can recall First Chechen war. West with his "please do not provoke, do not escalate" similar to refery, which force one side to fight only with boxing rules in boxing gloves, when his opponent can fight free even using prohibited technics and knuckles on his fists. Any attempt of one side to respond the enemy, kicking his balls meets a panic reaction "OMG! This is so inhumane! We do not recommend this! What if he become more angry and attack referies and spectators?!" refery and public to this time think they watch a fair sport competition, but indeed is a no-rule fight to the death.
  21. 11 Tu-95 in air Shakheds are approaching to Starokostiantyniv airfield
  22. Because we have have only one PAC-3 battery (other one is German PAC-2), capable to intercept ballistic missiles in 25 km radius, it's easy for Russians to avoid it, because it defends Kyiv %) Since Russians couldn't destroy Patriot launchers around Kyiv, they lost ineterest to the city, because almost all missiles were shooting down by AD. Since a half of June and July we had mostly Shakheds attacks and only several missile strikes, when in May we had night fireworks almost 3-4 days per week. Now they switched to airfields and Odesa oblast. We critically need at least one more PAC-3/Mamba battery to cover this city, because Russian launch improved Onix and Kh-22 missiles.
  23. Russians hit blood transfusion center with guided bomb in Kupiansk
  24. Media has reported from Starokostiantyniv about multiple broken windows in houses and bus station after over the town dozen heavy explosions were thundered. There is a smoke over the town. Such number of explosions says likely Patriot/Mamba worked (2 missiles per one Kinzhal), but probably several misisiles hit airfield - local TG public issued blurred screenshot with heavy smoke in airfield area. But it can be also a fire from shot down missile. Still no information from AF Command. Russia can launch in one salvo 6 Kinzhals (it has 6 MiG-31K carriers), if one was presumably intercepted in Kyiv oblast, to Starokostiantyniv could fly five. The airfield was under Kinzhal attack about 10 days ago, there was no final official report, but likely two of four Kinzhals were shot down.
  25. I remember Dec 16. Likely most of missiles were shot down on approaches to the city, because I heard only five or more explosions and several of them were impacts. Its caused temporary blackout in several districts, but during the day all was repaired. But most heavy situation was two-three weeks before, when we had almost two days without electricity and water, when all nuclear plants were stopped. Though, in that time it wasn't strike exactly on Kyiv.
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