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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. 19. 8 of them up to the end of this year, 8 during next year and rest 5 in 2025 https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2023/08/20/7416354/ I wonder, either we really have at least 61 young pilots, graduates of 2023 %)
  2. 15th operative bigade "Kara-Dag" of National Guard in action. They and two other National Guard brigades operate on Polohy direction, but looks like they have a task only to hold left flank of main direction of Robotyne-Verbove near Novopokrovka and Luhove and do not conduct decisive assaults. So, their work almost unseen, but despite this they also slowly move forward, repelling multiple atempts of Russian forces to break trough and come in or close rears - Bilohirya and Mala Tokmachka.
  3. It's claimed Russian Tu-22M3 bomber in fire after yesterday attack on Soltsy-2 airfield in 680 km north from Ukriane.
  4. Russian TGs throw in masses new theme - Russian interests in Africa. Russian milbloggers discuss situation around possible intervetion to Niger and that allegedly British MI6 establishes network of agents to withstand increasing Russian influence in Africa and as if they can involve to own operations Ukrainian merceneries and agents, who under mask of PMC Wagner will conduct different provocations and acts of terror to blame in this Wagner and new pro-Russian authorities of African countries. One of typical posts of Russian milblogger Sladkov. No, well.. We have to liberate Africa. It's enough for it to sit under colonial "corc helmet". We fought for it independence in past century. We lost Cold War and Black Continent remained in bondage of West for decades. Firstly, a freedom it's a sacred. To live quietly, knowing that there are people nearby , who are opressed by other, who feel themselves as "superhumans" - this is not good. And secondly, this is good theme for us. While Americano-European colonizers try to lock our hands, Africa got a chance to put French on the bottle. And we not give up, and colonial regime will be overthrown. We need to finish our African business Some UKR bloggers assume that after the war Ukraine can form some sort of PMC to chase and eliminate Wagners in Africa for their crimes in Ukriane.
  5. Russian 2S7M Malka was spotted by 3rd SOF regiment operators and got close hit of HIMARS. Radio interception at the end of video - Russian crewman asks about evacuation of wounded, they have four badly wounded and one killed.
  6. UKR TGs say UKR troops seized new positions aside of Robotyne, probably from western side between Robotyne and Kopani. Inside Robotyne both sides exchange with assaults and skirmishes. Also one source has hinted Russians had bad day in Kopani village.
  7. I wonder, what warhead had Iskander-M missile, which struck the theater building in Chernihiv yesterday. Even though this building has tough construction, usual 500 kg HEFRAG warhed with at least 200 kg of HE had to cause more destructions. But all what we can see is just completely destroyed roof and the loft. This video of strike shows the stream of flame directed from theater to the square. Among various warhead types, using by Iskander we can see cluster thermobaric one, which unlike thermobaric aviation bomb ODAB-500 creates not spherical, but linear cloud, hitting targets on the ground on 30 m. Though on the video, where the missile hit a roof (or has exploded slighly over?) we don't see any cluster elements. But Iskander-M hasn't pure thermobaric warhead.
  8. Russian TG is alarming. I confirm. Situation is terrible. Fascists advance toward directions Zavitne Bazhannia and Staromlynivka
  9. I have a feeling that 3, though was a sharp discussion about this is nonsense to use modern western armor according to Soviet-era "shtat", especially tanks, which should work in pair.
  10. Russian post on LostArmor about Robotyne and comment of UKR soldier, probably serviceman of drone-recon team from that direction Russian post (of Aug 19th): - Half of Rabotino is under "khohols". They fixed and hold positions - Is this yesterday attack? Do ours counter-attack inside Rabotino? - They fixed yesterday. There are position clashes. East from the village without changes. UKR comment: - Yeah, they counter-attack, why not /sarcasm/. Let they rake all what burned down on their positions in Novoprokopivka [recall FIRMS data in my post above]. And why they have so much of "500th" (deserters). And after that, they can launch counter-atatck )))
  11. Unknown how true this is In UK on F-16 will learn pilots-graduates of 2023. In Sweden will learn pilots with combat experience, graduates of 2016. Looks like veterans will continue to fight on Soviet jets.
  12. Just a notice Russia as far as in November 2019 withdrew from Fourth Geneva Convention (relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war) And new post of drunken Medvedev We must not stop until the current Ukrainian state, which is essentially terroristic, has been dismantled. It must be destroyed utterly. Or rather so, that there is no ashes left from it. In order this filth can never, under any circumstances be rebrorn. If it takes years and even decades - so be it And here how it started. 2010 year. Two years passed after invasion in Georgia. "Reboot". Year before McDonalds meeting, Ukraine under pressure of US administration signed agreement about utilization of own Elbrus SBRM (Scud) missiles. There were modernisation projects of this missiles, but since they were destroyed, Ukraine left only with short-range Tochka/Tochka-U ballistic missiles
  13. UKR kamikadze drone allegedly approached to Moscow this night and two airports again were closed. In Moscow now everywhere are mounting EW assets likely for GPS jamming Railroad station in Kursk was struck by UKR drone this night. Reportedly five people got light wounds with fragments of broken windows Several UKR UAVs attacked Rostov oblast. Local authorities reported all drones were "successfully supressed by EW, but two of them fell down on territory of military unit in Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy city. Probably he told about 11th engineer-sapper brigade of Southern military district, dislocating in this city
  14. Yesterday FIRMS data. Robotyne is relatively calm and many fire in next Novoprokopivka village and some in Verbove. Probably one more indirect evidence UKR troops seized this village (or at least most part of it) and main efforts now shifted to south.
  15. Ukraine officially asked Sweden about JAS-39. So, with very high probability they can fight together %)
  16. Hm... The second claim Robotyne is lost for Russians. But, well, let's see...
  17. Man offers to everybody, who will sign contract 195 000 Ru after signing + 200 000 Ru from charity fund "Spiritual legacy" and then 200 000 monthly in SVO zone. This is roughly 3950 $ of one-time payment and then 2000 $ monthly. Average monthly salary on AvtoVAZ is 47000 RU (470 $), but can be from 29 000 Ru of low-qualified worker up to 50 000 and even 70 000 of qualified turner or miller.
  18. UKR troops in Robotyne. One account, close to pro-UKR Chechen battalion, fighting on neighbour direction toward Polohy, wrote as if Robotyne already taken by UKR forces, but officially this will be recogized only through several days. But no other confirmations.
  19. Bradley launches TOW ... And NV sight of Bradley
  20. Ninjad, but ))) Looks like Ukraine has plan B about fighter jets due to the question of F-16 supply fell by a victim of political games. During today's visit of president Zelenskiy to Sweden was made a statement that several Ukrianian pilots already test JAS-39 Grippen jets. Agreement took place in May. Unknown either Grippens will appear in UKR AF or not or if appear, then when, but anyway this is good alternative of F-16. I like Gripen, even despite it has only one engine. This jet was designed with opportunity of highway take off and "outdoor" standing and maintenance - this is very suitable for us. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ukrainian-pilots-test-swedish-jas-39-gripen-fighter-aircraft/ Also Zelenskiy told Ukriane and Sweden will find a solution about repair and producing of CV90 IFV in Ukraine. The declaration was signed. It's good choise too, because Ukraine should have alternative to USA supply, which depends on political course and current interests of White House master and his administration.
  21. More about how drones with thermal camera can help to detect minefields in hot summer
  22. Yes, at least two strikes on bridges throuhg Syvash in Crimea
  23. AF Command reported this night 15 of 17 Shakheds were shot down. Looks like these two could cuse this sh...t. Edited. Looks like detonation took place - local administrations reported about 400 private houses and some administrative buildings and schools in two territorial communities of Khmelnytskyi oblast were damaged (mostly broken windows). I doubt such anout of damages was caused by dozen of Shakheds shooting down over the villages, but who knows.
  24. Locals write about allegedly two planes were hit. Soltsy-2 is reserve airfield, but Russian Tu-22M3 use it for temporary deploying. Now reportedly two Tu-22M3 took of and heading to Olenya airbase. Reportedly 10 Tu-22M3 were deployed there. Russian MoD claimed the attack was conducted by "helicopter type drone" and it was shot down with small arms, but fell on aircraft parking. Interesting, that Soltsy-2 airfield is located in about 680 km from Ukrianian border - too far for "helicopter type frone", but ralatively not far from Pskov oblast, where recently several strike helicopters were set on fire by diversion group.
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