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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Maybe wrong translation. Not hexane, but hexogen HE was used.
  2. Russians struck the center of Chernihiv city with Iskander-M ballistic missile. Reportedly 7 citizens were killed (anong them 6 y.o girl), 90 wounded (among them 12 children, one girl is critical). Among wounded 25 are hospitalized, other got light injuries. In this day in this buiding of city drama theater was announced "Angry birds" exhibition, were developers of drones have to represent own designs and air-recons shared with own experience. There are many kids and parents were on the square near the theater in this weekend, because of big church holiday in Ukriane on 19th of August and a church was nearby. Organizers of exhibition claimed the place of "open-day" was announced only for 4 hours before beginning and only to virified persons. The building was given by local city administration. The event started at 10:00 and in 11:30 there was a strike. Obviously somebody gave information to Russians. Luckyly when air raid alarm was claimed most of guests went away to first floor and to the underground floor, but some people went to outside and were hit by fragments. The missile hit the roof and almost completely destroyed second floor from inside. Tough overlap between floors saved the people on first floor. The theater was buit in 1959 and in thar time all public and administrative buidings in USSR had been designing with big margin of safety for case of war, so despite ballistic missile hit the theater looks not enough damaged from outside, BTW I wonder, what idiot at all came up with exhibition idea in the city close to the border, wealky protected by AD (Chernihiv since spring of 2022 was relatively calm place, so wasn't need to keep there too much AD assets). Especially afetr UKR drone hit exhibition center in Moscow, where Russian military exhibition tool place. The moment of strike: Aftermath:
  3. Russians claim yesterday UKR maritime drone tried to attack Russian ships - antisubmarine frigate (guard ship by Soveit classification) "Pytlivyi" and patrol ship "Vasiliy Bykov" in 237 km SW from Sevastopol, but was destroyed by their fire Antisubmarine frigate "Pytlivyi" (pr. 1135M, NATO code Krivak-II). Old ship, laid down in 1979 and launching in 1981 Patrol ship "Vasiliy Bykov" (pr.22160), laid down in 2014, launched in 2017
  4. Now such devices and pocket frequency analizers to detect presense of drones nearby are actively developing both in Russia and Ukraine by various volunteer teams and sometine by defense complex companies. Some models already in use. On Russian military exhibition were showed devices, mounted on tank turerret. This "trench"/"turret" EW supressors now have different effectiveness and zones of supressions due to different antennas and power of device. Main problems - heating, especially in conditions of hot weather and too high level of electomagnetic field, which harms to health of those, who constantly will be in area of this device emmition.
  5. In longer version of interview Maliuk told about UKR maritime drones. He told recently they attacked two Russian frigates and frigate "Admiral Esssen" got damages and was under repair some time. But it's turned out amout of HE onboard of first drones was insufficient to cause significant damages, so new version - "Sea baby" was developed with 850 kg of HE charge, system of self-destruction and with triple system of navigation and control, allowing to avoid GPS jamming. Also "Sea baby" got new hull of special radar-transparency material, which hiders detection. All latter attacks of bridge and Russian vessels were conducted with "Sea baby" drones. He told operators two days headed drones over the sea to the bridge almost without sleeping. Maliuk said he even ordered operators do not sail so fast. All were on high nerves tension, so when drones hit the bridge they all shout like a crazy. Interesting that the name of drone is a playword of the SBU chief surname - Maliuk is a "baby, little kid" in Ukrainian %)
  6. Russian source wrote this altitude is typical for ATGM launch. Also Russians wrote they lost not Ka-52, but newest Ka-52M (15 millions $ cost). This helicopter got new avionic, new optical targeting system, longer range of target locking, increased capabilities of target detection and recognition, capability to lauch perspective small cruise missile. Developing of Ka-52M has been starting in 2020 and in January 2023 first helicopters were received by Army. Again about effectiveness of sanctions.
  7. Colonel Pavel Chesanov (Rosgvardiya), who was allegedly heavy wounded in this strike
  8. One of Russian mixed minefield in "extra tall yellow grass" - 1 TM-62 AT-mine and 7 PMN-4 AP-mines on the square about 2 sq.m. PMN-4 is modern version of old PMN-1. It has 50 g of HE (for comparison PFM-1 "Lepestok" has 40 g)
  9. The moment of yesterday Ka-52 shooting down and falling (lower video). It's confirmed now, it was shot down by Sweden RBS-70 MANPAD Russian helicopter fell down between Robotyne and Novoprokopivka villages, so some OSINTers assum UKR troops already can control most part of Robotyne
  10. Russian counter-battery radar Zoopark-M1 was hit by HIMARS as claimed, but as for me it's more similar to Excaliburs. Target was tracked by UKR "Shark" drone, having very cool zoom. Location - Novopetrykivka village, Donetsk oblast. About 15 km SE from Urozhaine.
  11. 3rd assault have no time to play in PsyOps. They always show live action. The war as it is. But all their videos, of course passed permition of their commanders. I doubt they would allowed a video with situation, where UKR soldier is shot dead by POW.
  12. Russian sources wrote, this morning "after intensive artilery strikes UKR troops launched next mass offensive on Rabotino"... ehmm... with FOUR Strikers (yes, really mass). But attack was repelled and "our helicopters now hunting on enemy, lurking in trees" As a result of this hunting - 47th brigade shot down Ka-52 with MANPAD (I've seen claims it was Robot 70, but it's can be verified). Russian Fighterbomber TG confirmed this loss simultainously with issuing of photo by 47th brigade, but he rejected that Ukraine troops shot down second Ka-52 on Bakhmut direction also this morning as claimed UKR General Staff. Pilot of sowned Ka-52 ejected, the navigator has died. Moment of Ka-52 hit UKR TG tells about fight in Robotyne: The battle is continuing in Robotyne. The meat grinder not easier than in Klishchiivka. Most of Russian units, that are sent in assaults have been loosing up to 40 % of personnel for a battle, so Russians have been throwing each time new "not local" infantry. We also have hard situation. "Pidors" have strongpoint behind the village from whic they perfectly can look over terrain [the location between Robotyne and Novoprokopivka village next to south is highest point], so the they have good opportunity for ATGMing of our vehicles From both sides all the time heavy artilery and aviation have been working. Russians drop bombs on Orikhiv Some videos from RIbotyne area: Next UKR Bradley after direct hit of Russian tank (as claimed cameraman). ERA blocks looks like saved vehicle and it can be repaired Bradley delivered wounded soldiers after next attack
  13. New maritime drones "Sea Baby". 850 kg of warhead. Exactly this type of drones struck Kerch bridge month ago.
  14. Dash camera films UKR HMMWVV crew fight from inside. Three fighters dismount themeselves, driver, commnder and gunner still in vehicle. At the end Humvee was struck or blew by mine, but all three could abandon it.
  15. UKR sappers use drones with thermal cameras to detect minefields. Likely because of hot weather the mine hulls accumulate a heat and it can be seen in thermal from the above
  16. Russian position, taken some on southern front. It's claimed Russians were eliminated by DPCIM. You can see at least 8 bodies, while UKR soldier walks about several dozen meters https://twitter.com/herooftheday10/status/1691805607391592741 Russians write in TG they suffered heavy losses of DPICM, especially many wounded and this caused additional load on medical evacuation and hospitals. One milblogger in angry wrote RU MoD told they also have DPICM, but as turned out most of these artillery shells already in bad conditions and didn't work properly. In conditions of almost full absence of effective counter-battery fire, UKR artilelry cause big problems and allegedly retreat from Urozhaine was caused also because of UKR artillery unpunished work. Though from UKR side feedback about DPICM is not so unambigous. I have seen posts, where told DPICM initially were set to air explosion on too high altitude, so the shell created too wide circle of subminition explosions and the center of this circle had was almost "safe zone". You could see such explosions several weeks ago on numerous videos. Now altitude is sets some lower and efefctiveness became higher, but not always.
  17. This morning UKR General Staff oficially claimed units of 35th marines brigade liberated Urozhaine village. It's took more time than expected after Russians abandoned the village, because they defended own lasr positions in several houses in souuthern end of village and conducted two large counter-attacks in order to recapture Urozhaine back. Now Russians pulled back to Zavitne Bazhannia and Staromlynivka. Simultainoulsy, UKR troops started to make recon in force from Urozhaine toward Kermenchyk village - next keypoint of Russian defense in eastern direction. DeepState TG reported the battle for Urozhaine was hard and as example told about UKR vehicle losses during liberation of Staromajorske and repelling of Russian counter-atatcks on this village - 19 differnent combat vehicles. On the video is an episond of 2-3 days ago during the fighting for Urozhaine - UKR tanks conduct "hit&run" attack of Russian positions in the village - UKR tank on full speed approaches to the village, conducting supressive fire with main gun. Russians fires back. On 2:28 something big has exploded - maybe remote controlled IED, which Russians activated too late, when the tank already passed this place. There is other video of this episode, where UKR drone team, who watch this action cheers on guys in this tank
  18. Next R-330Zh Zhytel' EW asset was HIMARSed by 3rd SOF regiment targeting
  19. The scene, worthy of movie %) UKR machine-gunner of 3rd assault brigade lies together with captured Russian and talks with him: - So, what do you do here? - I went to enlistment office to get military ID - I'm 33 y.o, - in order to get a job [by the law employer can't hire a man without military ID]. But theese pidars just shoved me in here, fu..k. I even didn't serve in army, fu...k - I'l just f...k it - I have three children - I'l just f...k it... Let even ten.
  20. UKR Humvee evacuates wounded from battlefield. When it drives, AP-mine has blown up under the wheel, but the vehicle continued moving
  21. It's claimed Russian Strela-10 after Switchblade 600 hit. SOF operators have good opinion about this drone of the same class as Lancet, but unlike Russians we have too few of them. According to Wiki manufacturer of Switchblades in October 2022 could produce only 2000 drones annually, but planned increase this number up to 6000.
  22. Very similar to sniper practice range. Bold target if they struck sniper course. Location - near the village Prymorske, Kherson oblast (seashore, 61 km south from Kherson )
  23. Video of destroying two Russian S-300V launchers and probably two damaged 9S32 guidance radars in rice filds near Pryvillia, Kherson oblast near isthmus between Kalanchak village and Armiansk town. Satellite OSINT showed this happened not later than on 23rd of July
  24. Russian TG told in result of yesterday missile strike on Yuryivka village between Berdiansk and Mariupol was killed colonel Viktor Kovaliov. So, some HQ or officers deployment was still hit Also became knowingly in yesterday crash of Russian L-39 tarining jet in Adygeya Republic was lost comamnder of 627th Guard training aviation regiment (airfield Tikhoretsk) Vadim Gurov. The second pilot - senior glight instructir of Akhtubinsk flying test center Mikhail Lipatkin was injured.
  25. Captured Russians told, their commanders and Russian propaganda brainwashed them, that Ukrainins will violently torture them if they get captured. So, to avoid of cruel tortures and painful death, they have a fast solution - suicide. Also they brainwashed that to be captured by "fascists" is a shame. Also some Russians kill themselves, because in some cases they morally broken and fell themselve in hopeless situation. Value of life in Russia, especially in their outbacks is so low, that soldiers often without hesitation pull the pin in order all this tortures to finish quilcly. And their death will bring milliions for their families and kids. Not blurred video. GRAPHIC! https://twitter.com/Gulli_ver_sn/status/1691144193068904452
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