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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Platforms for Lancet launching. Our drone pilot told, alas, they only could spot them, but weren't free assets to strike it. He also told Russians usually launch Lancets from 15 km from contact line - too far for usual FPV drones and on the extreme range for best long-range FPV
  2. More footage of 22nd Aug incident with Russian jet attack on UKR RHIBs - here you can see how soldiers fire at the jet with small-arms and something like cloud of MANPAD explosion in the sky. Russian jet despite this continues own strafes and you can hear BRRRRT at the end and close hits
  3. Here is a reason why The source, familiar with Prigozhyn about death of latter: Prigozhyn was sure, that Putin will forgive him everything and feared nothing. He told he knows many things [about Putin]... Let's see if anything from his archives shows up. Concerning people, with which Prigozyn has lost. They always were flying all three - Prigozhyn, Utkin, Chekalov. Chelalov was responsible for rear, Utkin for combat part of PMC Wagner.
  4. Even less than 10 - due to passenger list, from these 10 people onboard there were 7 passengers and 3 of crew (2 pilots and stewardess). Also the second Prigozhyn's business jet Embraer 650 also flew to St.Peterburg, but remained intact.
  5. We already were liberating in 2014 Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Mariuopol, Kostiantynivka and many other towns and villages on Donbas, where locals were "on edge", brainwashed and intimidated after Maidan bu Russian propaganda and local semi-crimimnal lords. Many of them, of course even not 50 %, but anyway really many tied own expectations with Russia. They had hopes Russia will come and their level of life and salaries will grow up to Moscow level. Ukriane liberated these cities and what? They in mass became organize partisan squads? No. All what they could do it scold Ukriane on own kitchens or as ecxeption to spy for LDPR. Alas, Ukraine authorities didn't make filtrations in that time and almost all who organize "referendums", almost all local elites, who supported separatists, but didn't flee - almost all remained at power. So now we can see paradoxal situation - on occupied terririories, which already 9 years could "enjoy" with Russian order, the level of frustration and dissatisfaction with Russia and own puppet rulers is much more than on Donbas territories liberated in 2014, where people hadn't much time to feel all pearls of Russian World. Because of this so many locals, who to this time expect "when our boys will liberate us from banderites", but they in 99 % never will take arms in own hands. This is just difefrence in mentality. Their capability to self-organization, for establishing of decentralized network is too low, in comparison with centaral and western Ukraine. They alway will expect directives of own chiefs. They need "big boss", but anyway even if he will come, most of them will not aste to enlist. As far as during ATO Russian milblogegrs wrote local men support Russia only by words, but didn't want to enlist in LDPR troops, so units have significant problems with staffing. It's need a big war, that put Donbas men into army by "iron hand power". So, I don't belive in fierce resistance of locals on Donbas. Maybe something can be in part of Crimea, espacially around Sevastopol, where popu;ation is extreme even not so pro-Russian, but pro-Soviet. Citizens of Sevastopol for example hate new settlers, coming to their city from "continental Russia"
  6. All this people will moslty escape with Russians. You overestimate the level of readiness of locals to resist with arms in own hands. Many of locals are indifferent and just recognize the power of victorious side. About Donbas... Many of men already mobilized and dead - local LDPR units now mostly replenish with Russian mobiks.
  7. Kherson direction Russian Tunguska was damaged by artilelry fire near Oleshky and BREM-1 ACRV arrived to tug it, but also was damaged by artillery. Abandoned vehciles were repeatedly stroke by FPV drones One of Russian milbloggers, who yesterday told about terrible situation near Kozachi Laheri and complete incapability of 205th brigade to change situation, today issued an audio, where he described situation, how the unit of 205th brigade turned out blocked on one of islands and already has six KIAs. The commanders do nothing to save pesonnel, which already hasn't food and water - the blogger told he pesonally sent them some food, water and cigaretets by drones, because "guys already have been diunking the water directly from Dnipro"
  8. GUR clarified own words about "operation is ongoing". We conduct a complex of actions, this is not story of one day. Yesterday we destroyed S-400, today we landed our troops in Mayak village. Operation is ongoing, so no details for now. This is complex work, which shows we can reach Crimea not only with a weapon, but also with troops. Today all tasks were acomplished, our troops withdrew without losses
  9. UKR TG "Sniper speaks" aboud southern front Now we have the best tendency on southern direction. Almost each day we have an advance. If compare this with two previous months - the difference is significant. But our losses should be less. We have no right to loss even with 1:5 ratio (means 1 UKR fot 5 Russians), but we have about 1:2. I remind we are in offensive. Our artillery brings to us 50 % of success, but there is never a lot of artilelry as well as an experience of firing among artillerymen.
  10. UKR JDAM hit the building in Novoprokopivka - next strongpoint after Robotyne. https://twitter.com/markito0171/status/1694586695302222128 Maby "a few moments before". Air Forces commander lt.general Mykola Oleshchuk puts own autograph on JDAM, mounted under Su-27 wing
  11. First videos of "Artan" volunteer GUR unit of their Crimean raid
  12. I wonder, how our diversion group could land to destroy radar site, if it located from the side of cliffs, where no place to land personnel? This is typical landscape of Tarkhankut from the south, closesest place to radar site Possible landing zones only on northern part, were the beach and camping and from the west, where lighthouse, village Mayak and barrack of radar personnel. More lileky this could be a raid on barrack. But maybe later some video will appear.
  13. I think, rather to eliminate early warning assets, to increase effectiveness of strikes. Russians had a time to target and intercept almost all strike drones and S-200 missiles, entering to Crimea from NW and N. Maybe this is first phase of complex attack on Kerch bridge and important military infrastructure
  14. Tarkhankut cape - place of the raid. In the foreground the same camping, meant in Russian TG. Radar platoon baracks is in area of lighthouse on background. Radar site is about 2 km from lighthouse - somewhere in upper left corner of the photo.
  15. WOW ! UKR GUR forces has landed on Tarkhankut cape in Crimea and reportedly destroyed long-range radars of 3rd radiotechnical regiment of Air-Space Forces near Mayak village. About this told press-secreter of GUR Andriy Yusov. Ukr forces used boats and aviation for support. In present time clashes are continuing Local Russian TG claims "10 UKR diversants on two boats approached to camping of tourists and shelled it with firearms, then retreated. Tourists heard sounds of presumably RPG shooting at 3:50 of morning and came out to see what's going on" Russian milblogger writes: Nobody was eliminated. UKR diversion group withdrew without losses.
  16. One more of video with engaging of UKR RHIBs and Russian aircraft from the point of view from the boat Filmed by fighters of "Artan" - volunteer special unit of GUR (Main Intelligence Directorate). Russian aicraft shells the RHIB with gun and MANPAD launch at Russian jet. Some soldiers on the video speaks on unknown language and probably meaning Budanov surname.
  17. This is first information after the strike, then was clarified S-400 was hit.
  18. Russian TG VChK-OGPU claims Prigozhyn urgenty left Africa and arrived to Moscow, because he found out that the deputy chief - chief of special activity department of GU GSh (former GRU) Andrey Averyanov begins to implement the plan of substitution of PMC Wagner forces in Africa for "African Army Corps" in 20 000 men, which should be enlisted soon and start training. Prigozhyn tried to interfere these plans. Averyanov is known as author of such operations like Solsberry poisoning, explosions on Vrbetitse ammo dump in Czech Republic, poisining of Bulgarian weapon trader Yemelyan Gebriev.
  19. Robotyne is officially liberated. The flag with autograph of Valeriy Zaluzhnyi was raised by soldiers of 47th mech.brigade over the ruined building of school. "Magura" are titans!
  20. Day of Flag in Russia is celebrated in a day before, than in Ukriane - on 22nd of August. I can't imagine this in any normal country of the world
  21. It's too much. Loss of Crimea and Donbas will cause deep frustration in Russian society. Their "sacral chief" didn't acomplish their whishes, so some turmoils can take place. Well... It's already a smell of something. FSB should be on wathch. Ru milblogger "13th" It's not clear either was Hero of Russia Prigozhyn onboard or not. But if he was, then pack your things and fu..k off - we don't need this war . TG "Protest movememt "Wagner, play!" There are rumors roaming about the death of Yevgeniy Prigozhyn. We speak directly - we suspect in assasination attempt Kremlin officials led by Putin! If this information confirmed we will conduct new "March of rightness" to Moscow! He betetr to be alive, this is in your interests at all.
  22. UKR drone "Perun" (ancient Slavic god of thunder and lightning) - it's claimed Hero/Lancet analog
  23. Interesting coincidenсe - year ago in this day Darya Dugina was eliminated.
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