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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. UKR army is now acomplishing tasks and overcoming such obstacles and resistance level, which no army in the world have been encoutering since WWII or Korea. But even during these wars Allies had at least parity in air and in that times there were no drones, long-range guided weapons, EW and other stuff which make these tasks more complicated. But we hadn't variants except to gnau their defense tree-line for tree-line. A videocollage about fighting for Robotyne
  2. Though not single incidents of "swift justice" from locals under collaborators. I didn't hear about murdrers (though in Luhansk oblast in first day of war was stabbed one odious local official, who already prepared to meet Russians), but public obstruction (in villages this matter) or even set fire of houses took place. Especially during transition period. Many our fighters, who were forced to leave Donbas openly say, when they will liberate own homes they will remember everything to all who spited in their faces for pro-Ukrianian position, who gave their friends to MGB, who looted their abandoned appartments and houses.
  3. If we say about southern steppes, here the autumn usually not so wet. But can be too windy, especially close to the sea.
  4. This already have been happening on liberated territories. Even in Kyiv oblast. Many Russia-supporters fled from liberarted cities, towns and villages, but enough stayed here and lurked in hope they will not be revealed. But SBU, police and locals do own work. Not always good as in Kherson or Mykolaiv oblast, where police and SBU often ignore these things. But for example in Lyman many collaborators already sentenced for prison terms. In Kharkiv oblast about 100 of teachers are now under investigation because they have agreed to teach children by Russian school program and put in heads of kids Russian propaganda. In 2014 Poproshenko decided to be "good" and a comamnd was given to SBU, police, prosecutors - do not pursuit in mass even open collaborators. As I told single of local officials got prison terms - and many of them got either ridiculously low and other got suspended sentences at all. You know what happen if evil goes unpunished.
  5. It's easy to check by his Russian passport. All Crimean series, issued for locals after 2014 are good known. Also many Crimeans saved own inner Ukrainain passports (just in case). Yes, were and vatniks, which demonstratively burned or teard its off, but after several years of "Russian paradice" they became searh opportunities how to renew Ukrainian passport as "lost". Russians are not only problem of Crimea. Many Russians from Syberia, Far East, Caucasus and from European part of Russia, who haven't money for Crimea real estate have been migrate to Mariupol, Berdiansk, and other sea-shore settlements of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia oblast. Have we also to "understand and forgive" them? No. Each, who came from Russia must go out. Every, who received Russian passport have to be verified about work for Russian authorities. And if medics or communal service usual eployees should be free from responsibility for collaborationism (if they not support occupation directly, of course), that other collaborators should be punished.
  6. Іndonesia ordered 5 BTR-4M. At least one such vehicle (likely factory's demonstrator) now in use of 3rd NGU operative brigade "Spartan" along with usual BTR-4E1.
  7. Why he have to be deported if he lived in Crimea before 2014? But all Russians, who came to Crimea after occupation are illegals and must leave Ukrainian territory. All their deals of real estate are legally void. I suppose, if Crimea become a theater of warfare, they will just flee as most of local pro-Russian vatniks.
  8. Do you have inner Ukrainan passport? Ukraine has opened Kolotylivka border crossing in Sumy oblast in order Ukrainin citizens could return to Ukraine without big circle through Europe. This checkpoint works only in one direction - from Russia to Ukraine. Also it uses for official exchanges of POWs and civilains, moved to Russia.
  9. Drone unit "White wolf" of SBU Special force "Alfa" claimed they alreafy destroyed 216 Russian tanks, using R18 night bombers. This is 2,5 of tank regiments (I suppose they meant 216 armored vehicles, buat anyway this is huge number if true)
  10. One of crucial heights near Novoprokopivka has taken. Rusnia, await our gifts! Likely this is about height 163 on east. Other smaller height 164 (all heights according old 1985 topomap) is closer to the village and SE from it
  11. Nice turret toss of Russian BMD-4 after it was hit with FPV drone of 77th air-assault brigade
  12. Oleksiy Danylov, Secreter of National Security Council claims Russian S-400 in Crimea was hit by new UKR missile, have been developing since 2020. He told no any details. I think this can be Neptun, upgraded for ground targets attack. But maybe and some new... https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/08/26/7417218/
  13. Despite losses (by Orix 76 destroyed and captured + 9 damaged/abandoned) BTR-4 still in action. Maybe we continue to produce them... LIkely 92nd assault brigade (former 92nd mech.brigade)
  14. Looks like main efforts now UKR troops concentrate for taking height 163 east from Novoprokopivka (on the map this is where most southern "finger" of UKR advance)
  15. Air Forces Commander told two L-39 trainer jets have collided. Three pilots have lost. Here first time photo of "Juice" with full-open face. His name was Andriy Pil'shchikov.
  16. Huge loss for our knights of the sky. This night, in result of collision of two jets over Zhytomyr oblast experienced pilot "Juice" has died. He was one of "energizers" of F-16 supply for Ukraine and has been preparing for training on F-16 in October. "Juice" on the photo Also,as became knowingly, other known pilot "Nomad" was lost in sortie on 2nd of June.
  17. Not so fast. Our TGs write UKR command of advancing brigades concerned with such rapid withdrawal of Russians - this can be a trap with flank strikes and artillery hammering of narrow front from all sides, so UKR troops should to expand own flanks enough in order to not to be cut off and encirlced. I notice, in Novoprokopivka in front of our troops already not Territorial troops mobiks and tired units of 42nd MRD, but fresh VDV units - 108th regimemt and two battalions of 56th regiment of 7th air-assault division. This is serious opponent. Western partners say to us "Go, go, go! Winter is coming". I wish to our generals big patience and don't command to our troops in own turn "go, go, go!" like in June...
  18. Hmmm.... Next surprise at the end of Independense Day? Just RUMINT - this VERY UNVERIFIED for now, but allegedly UKR troops already fight inside Novoprokopivka village and engaged Russians on northern ouskirt of Ilchenkove. Also as if Russian troops now pulling back behind "dragon teeth" line in Solodka Balka The map of Poulet Volant likely for yesterday situation. Solodka Balka - to south from Ilchenkove. It's unseen on the map.
  19. In today's interview Budanov revealed some information about UKR maritime drones. He told Russians manage to destroy 60 or even 70 % of our drones, but rest of 30 % create problems for them. He also told an example of attack of drones, converted from hydrocycles on Sevastopol harbor. Russian frigate "Admiral Essen" has destroyed one drone, which attacked her, but close explosion - fragments and shock wave damaged sensitive radioelectronic equipment, hydroacoustic sensors and antennas on masts, so frigate was 3,5 months under repair
  20. Russians in Tokmak under missile strike
  21. If we see this video, more likely all ok with a boat. But there were two episodes as claimed Russians - one near Zmiinyi (known video from Russian jet) and near "Boiko's rig" filmed by UKR drone and by SOF soldiers on boats. In UKR twitter were rumors about sinking of boat near Zmiinyi, but to this time this didn't confirm even on RUMINT level. Maybe later we will know as we have been finding out about our naval ships and boats losses since weeks or even months.
  22. Tarkhankut has two sites - radar complexes Nebo-M + radar Kasta-2 and SAM site with own radars and launchers. Yesterday with a missile strike was destroyed S-400 launcher as claimed. Today press-secreter of MoD made a statement except this several S-300 launchers were damaged After landing of GUR special force on the cape now is claiming they eliminated and wounded about 30 Russion soldiers and took out four speed boats. Nothing about destroyed radars - maybe they really attacked the barrack of radar personnel in the village. No details. Later GUR chief Budanov made a statement that in result of these two days of attacks Russian SAM battatlion was "deactivated for some time". Looks like were damaged/destroyed some radars or command post, except known video with firewok of launcher. UKR military jourmnalist Yuriy Butuisov claims yesterday in first time UKR Neptun missile hit ground target and this was 48Ya6-K1 Podlyot extreme-low altitude radar, using in newest S-300 and S-400 complexes. But Butosov is a fan of hype and often gives unverified information. So, it's hard to say - either were more missiles launched at the site, than GUR showed, and except S-400 TEL this radar was hit, or this is just Butusov's wrong interpretation Maybe later new videos will come.
  23. Who can't open TG here it. Place of attack - E40 road area NW from Bakmhut between Zalizniznianske and Dubovo-Vasylivka
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