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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Unit of 3rd assault brigade had a drone, Russians - no. Their "foot recon in force without relying on drone" finised predictably
  2. Some of cooked value Russian equipment Next R-330Zh Zhytel GPS/GSM/SatCom jammer was hit in 5 km SE from Verbove 9S36M target aquisition and detection radar of Buk M2/M3 complexes. Though, I doubt this is first destroyed, recently I've seen a video, where such thing was shelled
  3. Can President in case of ceasing of aid activate the aid by lend-lease?
  4. Since many of convicts were killed in Wagner and Shtorm Z, Russian authorities found new source of "meat" - these are migrants from Centarl Asia, which in huge mass have been settling in large Russian cities. Along with Caucasians they also establish own close communities and their number rised so much, that more and more happened conflicts between them and Slavic population. Slavic Russians very rare dare to withstand with Caucasians (especially Chechens and Dagestanians) because of they are very agressive, cruel and many of them are good fighters. But Tadjiks, Uzbeks, Kyrgyzians are more peaceful, so inituially Russians treated them arrogantly lilke dirty seravnts, who involved mosty in dirt unqualified work. But since "mid-asians" have becoming more and more, they organized in own strong ethnic communities and now already they often dictate to Slavic Russians own order. In some cases Russian citizens already establishing "quarter guard" units, protecting their yards against agressive migrants, esapecially their youth. So, Russian authorities now try to get rid of such migrants in order to defuse a situation - they try to force migrants, who already have Russian citizenship to enlist to Army as contractors or just mobilize them - police and military conduct raids, to put them on record in enlistment offices. Those, who are just seekers of Russian citizenship encountering with situation, when they get offer "enlist to army, then you will get citizenship". And surprisingly enough of migrants do this.
  5. Like "I have two news - good and bad"... We advanced for today to Verbove direction, but, alas, we have big losses
  6. One of Russian positions with bright AT-specialization was taken by UKR forces on Zaporizhzhia front. This is "Khorne group" footage (former "Immaterium"). Cameraman says there are a lot of abandoned RPGs in trench as well as ATGM Fagot. He also says a huge amont of trash around - typically for Russians https://twitter.com/small10space/status/1696194719888367689 Other footage from this sector - several UKR soldiers begin to assault Russian trench - after first shots and grenades, Russians, having numerical advantage, just run away https://twitter.com/herooftheday10/status/1696179265694265628
  7. I recall 2014, when acting Minister of Defense Koval, who recently served in State Border Guard spoke strongly against idea of General Staff to maintain security area in 10-15 km from the border, deploying there troops and armor. Koval argued that in this case border guards can't acomplish own duties properly, so Army have to stand on the border together with them and also any step back even on 10-15 km from the border line will be met negatively by Ukrainians. Koval could find words to convince president Poroshenko in own rightness, so Poroshenko made political decision about deploying of troops on the border, which became fatal - Russians through almost a month shot out them with artillery and MLRS, as result several brigades lost own combat capabilities, because despite human losses were not so big, but units lost 60-70 % of own vehicles. Thus, "filter of border guard" led to catastrofical consequences.
  8. Some about foot recon vs. drone recon %) UKR and RUS squads suddenly encounters each other - initially both sides didn't recognize the enemy in opponemts (or Russians just didn't spot Ukrainians), but next UKR likely received a command from the drone, opened fire and shot two or three Russians. I recall a story of soldier of 47th brigade, how in Germany US ranger instructors were too sceptical about UKR platoon-level drone recon experience and teach Ukrainians only foot recon. I wonder if US conducted only foot recon on tactical level, how much recons would left after a month of such battle like near Robotyne? PS. I think in next CM generation such things like ID mistakes ad friendly fire have to be modelled on "iron" level.
  9. If somebody too lazy to open this link, here the same from twitter - UKR HIMARSed Russian rare over-the-horizon coastal radar Predel-E ($200 millions cost), which was covered by EW asset Leer-2 (SIGINT+radio comms supression) - it also got own missile. This happened in Zalizhyi Port town on seashore in Kherson oblast. Interesting, almost nothing about this radar in open sources except this photo. First time it was introduced on exhibition in 2019. It purpose tracking of vessels and low-altitude aircraft. Developer - Sitronics KT company, specialized on civil systems of coastal equipment. There is no this radar in their catalog. Next "fat" target today. HIMARS hit Russian ELINT and SIGINT security complex RB-636AM2 "Svet-KU" in Luhansk oblast
  10. UKR TG: Now, I think, we can make a statement, that a fight for Novoprokopivka has begun. We overran pidors from several positions in the village. Also were taken sevaral VOPs (platoon strongpoints) on the village outskirt
  11. Interesting thread about defense fortifications around Novoprokopivka, Solodka Balka, Verbove and possible decisions how to breach them
  12. New leader of PMC Wagner - Anton Yelizarov ("Lotos"). Field commander. He passed Syria, Libya, Central African Republic. Played important role during battles for Soledar and Bakhmut
  13. While many discussing how to restore "Grain deal", UKR and neighbours have found solution It's similar to this %)
  14. Aftermath of yesterday ammo dump detonation near Tokmak.
  15. Russian milblogger about terrible situation on Kherson direction with timely artilelry support. Now i Russian media is a big scandal with situation in 205th motor-rifle brigade, commander of which wasted almost whole recon battalion of own brigade, landing them on islands, without fire support, food and water. Here is about artillery support The reason - main and general is one. Complete absence of fire and artillery support. All coordinates of targets, revealing by soldiers in real-time, are not transmitted further chief of recon [so, this brigade has tough centralized fire control - all coordinates go to brigade HQ, then its distribute to artillery HQ and to the gun units. But maybe brigade's arty hadn't enough ammo too, so chief of recon considers all reported targets as minor]. For this soldiers pay with own lives. This is a "scourge" of all direction. The same situation on dachas and under the bridge (and all this already on left bank of Dnepr)
  16. On 24th - Independence Day. Yes, PsyOps )
  17. Russian TG Fighterbomber confirmed attack on Kursk airfield, but wrote nothing about result of this attack. Instead he described type of drones, used by Ukraine. These were presumably Australian SYPAQ, made with pressed waxed cardboard and equipped with electrical engines. He says this made these drones almost invisible for radars on the ranges, which allow to react timely. Each drone can carry 4-5 kh of HE. Fighterbomber says, these drones were launched as "swarm", but not each had warhead (I suppose, not all warheads detonated - UKR source claimed about 16 launched drones, Russian sources wrote about 13 explosions). He also supposes, if drones had electrical engines, they couldn't be launched from Ukrianian territory to reach Kursk. In Wiki pointed that range of SYPAQ can be 40-120 km depending on load. Closest point is Sumy oblast - 101 km from the border to airfield First time about SYPAQ drones receiveing became knowingly at the end of May 2023
  18. Russian milblogger writes, Ukraine uses guided bombs JDAM of 230 and 960 kg of weight on Zaporizhzhia front. Our jets drop them from 40-75 km of range Crater of JDAM hit, likely 230 kg (500 lb) So, on the south we also have airstrike support, not only with low-effective rocket tossing salvos from Su-25 and choppers, but something more heavy and precise, but looks like we hadn't enough quantity of JDAMs to more intensive strikes
  19. It was some panic of Ru milblogger. UKR just approached to this village from the east.
  20. Russians today write completely mismatching info. We threw out ukies from Rabotino! We abandoned Rabotino and now it's grey zone, which is demolishing by our artillery and aviation! We heroically repelling hordes of western armor near Verbove! Ukr assault group entered to Verbove!
  21. It's claimed SBU attacked with 16 drones Russian airfield in Kursk. Drones atatcked 4 Su-30, MiG-29, radars of S-300 and 2 Pantsyr S1. The source claimed Russians heard at least 13 explosions. Result of attack will be known in "nearest time". Attack was conducted by counter-intelligence service of 13th Main Directorate of SBU Let's see if true... https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/08/27/7417295/
  22. Just an example of M58 MICLIC work. Too short range as for me in comparison with UR-77
  23. Loclas in Kherson write they felt shockwawe like eartquake at 01:10 of night. There is some information UKR forces hit some "interesting target" near Oleshky on left bank of Dnipro. PS. Here is a video of this "nuke"
  24. Russians after concentration of reserves in Novoprokopivka area has began to do own usual thing - to trow them in counter-atatcks on Robotyne. To compensate insufficient of effectiveness of own artillery, Russians much more increased number of airstrikes. Despite this UKR troops could repel Russian atatcks on southern part of Robotyne and even more, reportedly UKR troops completely sezed height 166 east from Novoprokopivka, pushing back from there units of 201st MRR regiment of LNR. Sitaution around Klishchiivka and Andriivka - UKR troops in recent two weeks were forced to withdrew to heights over Klishchiivka, repelling intensive Russian attacks. As our soldiers say, no more Russian Shtorm Z infantry meat attacks. Now they have a deal against with regular units armored attacks. But their advantage in positions on heights and good artillery work allow to beat up each Russian assault. Now UKR troops again entered to Klishchiivka and reteken several parts of this village. Assault actions inside the village mostly conducring asault brigade "Liut' " ("Rage"), formed from special police units as a part of "Offensive Guard" The map of heights in section of UKR offensive (height 166 this is probably height 163.7 on this map)
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