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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Likely old video how 47th brigade hit four Russian tanks in one day with FPV drones near "Deer" position south of Robotyne. Now this fortifications more likely under UKR control
  2. Interesting to see time-lapse. It seemed to me the tank ran over mine by right track. But then I spotted some short horizontal movement behind the tree like a missile. UPD:
  3. I respect Lindsey Graham for his honesty, when he explained why West support Ukraine. And one usual American, who wrote in twitter almost the same "each of us paid 14$ of our taxes to see how Russian army will be destroyed without any losses of our soldiers" Big countries or their allinces can smile each other and talk about cooperation for peace, but in real struggle for influence and resources has not gone anyway. And big countries conduct hidden game for this influence and resources. And if in 19th and 20th centuries this achieved mostly by military force, that now much more economical and information levereges to this. I bet US always wanted declining of Russia and China as well as China and Russia want declining of USA. Russia just brutally violated the order of this "big club". Even not because they invaded the large European country, which created many risks (millions of refugees, grain export, nuclear plants security etc), but because Putin jumped directly on the West, choosing Ukraine as "whipping boy" to scare westren elites and trade more appropriate place (on his opinion) of Russia in world order. You can recall demands of Putin before invasion. Most of them were adressed to West and NATO, not to Ukraine. He demanded that NATO turned back to 1997 borders. So, "big dudes" just took advantage to knock Russia down if they in so stupid way gave an occasion to do this. It's a luck for us that among large number of western elites was understanding like of Lindsey Graham. So, yes, you support us because "we tried to build a world where nations were not permitted to do what Russia is doing right now" and you support us as proxie force to weaken Russia in order to their behavior will not be "story of success" for other "big players". Because after Russian defeat western companies hipothetically can get partial or even full control over Russian resourse-mining companies. Because now you investing in own security and keep lives of own soldiers and civilians, which with big probability will not go to defend Taiwan, Israel or Southern Korea if Russia losses. So all talks about "democracy", "values" and "support of independent nation" leave for TV-shows for electorate. We are not against to be western proxies in global fight for influence, because this gives opportunity to defeat our ethernal enemy. We are weapon in your hands. So use it properly and decisively without hesitations
  4. YPR-765 of 3rd assault brigade was hit twice (likely RPG) during moving. The squad, having two wounded disembarking and takes defensive position near own APC under fire. Second YPR-765 drives near and soldier asks driver that he bring them onboard, but the driver says vehicle is full, so he will drive further to disembark infantry. The squad still taking cover under fire, theit APC starts to burn. Soldiers throw smoke grenades with violete smoke to mark own place for evacuation group and call them by radio
  5. Evil Axis became more strong Dramatic Increase in DPRK-Russia Border Rail Traffic After Kim-Putin Summit https://beyondparallel.csis.org/dramatic-increase-in-dprk-russia-border-rail-traffic-after-kim-putin-summit/ Developments elsewhere at the Tumangang Rail Facility indicate that North Korea is not simply planning to resume border traffic to pre-Covid-19 levels, but further expand the facility’s capacity at this border crossing. Military transfers between the two countries would violate multiple UN Security Council resolutions and be subject to additional sanctions by the United States and its allies. In the aftermath of the Kim-Putin summit, satellite images as of October 5, 2023, captured a dramatic and unprecedented level of freight railcar traffic at North Korea’s Tumangang Rail Facility located on the North Korea-Russia border. In light of a U.S. government official’s statement yesterday that North Korea has begun transferring artillery to Russia, it is probable that these shipments are to support Russia in its war with Ukraine.1
  6. Israel uses guided long range weapon, Hamas and Hezblla have only AA-guns and some MANPADS. The same now in Ukraine - Russians launched manufacturing of gliding kits for dumb bombs, turning them into JDAM-ER analogs, so Russian aviation now after almost 1,5 years of pause now again have opportunity to struck our forces and objects with bombs and remain unreachable for our AD. I think our Patriots defend Kyiv and some logistic centers (or airfields) in western part of country and command doesn't want to risk moving them to cover frontline. We had two examples of Patriot usage against Russian aviation - an ambush, when over Russian territory ere shot down several planes and EW helicopters and one Su-35 was downed over the sea. But since no more such successes.
  7. It's all fairytales. There are no "friendship" between countries, there are no "we support you to defend democracy and values". Only economical and geopolitical interests exist and interests of current moment. Lucky for us our interests just coincided with current intersts of West. Else we would be repeat destiny of Georgia in 2008. And maybe would be blamed for initiating the war like Georgia. Condoleezza Rice, who wrote that speech for G.Bush in 1991 since 15 years recognized that was mistake. She explained US administration feared that collapse of USSR and rising of national movements will turn USSR in new Yugoslavia. Well, further history showed, that main source of all conflicts on former USSR terrritory was Russia (except N.Karabakh, but even there Russia supported Armenia), not "evil ethnic nationalists". This also showed very bad understanding of things on post-Soviet space for further strategical planning. Like and assesment of Kyiv falling for 48-72 hours. About Budapesht memorandum. You can read about heavy pressure of G.Bush administration on UKR government in 1991-93. USA long time rejected to recognize Ukrainian independence (first contacts about this were as far as in May 1991, before 24th of August) and only after GKChP coup they some changed own mind, but as condition put in ultimative form that Ukraine must hand over own nuclear arsenal to Russia. There were very sharp tensions, because Leonid Kravchuk, first president of Ukraine didn't want sign anything without firm guarantees, but US administration just demanded to disarm. Next Clinton admininistration provide more soft policy and could find a not enough expencive keys to new president Kuchma, who on backgroupd of economical collapse easily agreed to sign all for symbolic financial aid and offering of membership in some organisations. Very easy to take advantage of weakness of opponent to force disarm it in exchange of useless paper and then to say "Who care? It's your guilt". Maybe our too. But US initiated this, seeing "big threat for the world" in Ukraine And? How much of our stored weaponary was sold to bad guys by our corrupted officials? Ah... "Kolchugas" to Iraq, where its weren't found at all. Like and bacteriological weapon, which was a reason for 2003 invasion.
  8. Russians still advance in grey zone toward Makiivka on Lyman direction Though, their advance is not parade march. 66th mech.brigade claims, only their ATGM company hit 25 tanks for 4 days. I can't verify this, but two days ago there were two photosets of dozen destroyed and abandoned armor on this direction, so even though 25 is exaggregation, that it not large. New video from this direction - Russian T-90A (M?) attacks UKR position. At 0:09 probably first ATGM hit the tank, but likely ERA activated. Crew actively uses black smoke and "Shtora" ATGM countermeasure system (this white expolsion in the air) and conducts fire at UKR position, but looks like this hadn't effect against Stugna-P or TOW and ememy tank was coocked off
  9. Israel strikes back. Residential building collapsed in Gaza. No internatinal indignation and will not be (ok, except some left-winged, which always supported Palestina). Ukrainian drone damaged windows in Moscow tower - week of discussions "have Ukraine a right to strike Russian cities or not", concernings and warnings about possible cancelling of aid for attacks on civilaian objects. What's allowed to Jupiter, that not allowed to the bull...
  10. Of course. Russians on Zaporizhzhia front understand they hold way to Crimea. The price of breakthrough is very high and in case of failure all they will be fu..d by higher chief, so they very motivated to fight for each inch. About Ukrainians I can't say more, but I think "ellastic defense" is more suitable for our forces, but this also depends of importance of position.
  11. https://inforesist.org/ua/zmi-pokazali-video-roboti-ukrainskih-speczsluzhb-povagnerivczyam-ta-ihnim-soyuznikam-v-africzi/ In this article is a new video of allegedly UKR GUR personnel involved in actions in Sudan against pro-Wagner RSF militants and PMC Wagner - sniper work and FPV drone attack showed And as a contray: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/france-says-withdrawal-its-troops-niger-start-this-week-2023-10-05/ France begins to withdraw own troops from Niger, where pro-Wagner political force took power as result of coup. If West isn't ready to fight for own interests in Africa and just will retreat each time, then Russia, China or some sort ISIS-like will come on their place.
  12. In this thread known UKR serviceman Serhiy Solon'ko, who now on Zaporizhzia front criticizes NYT article about Russian "elastic defense" tactic, which authors give like new invention. He says all what "experts" of NYT wrote is complete BS and they have no idea what's goung on here. (I hope Tatarigami soon translate it, but you can do it via Google) So, he says this is Russians in defense fight for each inch, because they (I just add "their command") very painfully perceives any loss of territory, even this is tree-line.
  13. https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/799271/ottawa-accuse-aider-contourner-sanctions-contre-russie Canadian government permited to several companies to bypass sanctions and trade with Russia (In French). Canada bought tires, bamboo boards and aviation equipment on 12 millions CAD. Real politic.
  14. What does Gorby to do with it if we say about Russia? And how much Russian Kh-xxx cruise missiles were utilized? How many southands tons of artillery shells, moved to Russia from Eastern Europe? Of course, Ukraine decided to get rid of all weaponary by own pure free-will. And weren't any "gentle offers" to sign it from any countries, wasn't any diplomacy discussions... Yes, rose unicornes exist. Instead recognize that West made huge strategical mistake in 90th making own bet on Russia as guarntor of safetry on post-Soviet space and counting Ukraine as potential "risky country", who could supply weapon to bad guys, which led to idea of disarming of Ukraine, you just tell me about bright elvish US policy, which didn't force anybody to do something. Ridiculous. I remember 1991 when G.Bush arrived to Ukraine and made a statement that Ukraine must stay in "renewed USSR" and rejected to meet with politics-followers of independence. Despite on rising crisis, Ukraine in 90th still in top-five military powers of the world. Who need potential rival? Maybe I should tell here how US during 90th-2000th elimimated nuclear physics research institute in Kyiv? We are grateful for support, but you are not doing us a favor with own aid. You are fixing now own wrong choice 30 years ago. You make this not only for us, but for yourself too. If Ukraine lost or even all end by Korean scenario, soon or later you will fight with China or with Russia, or with Iran. or with N.Korea directly. Because they will be convinced, that west is weak and they can do anything.
  15. Israel didn't develop Lancet, but Israel long time had cooperation with Russian developers in UAV technologies. Though Lancet very similar to Hero. This is like Russian Lada - redesigned Fiat. They got "knowhow", they got access to parts and electronic, all other is business of engineers.
  16. Why such noble mission wasn't offered to Russia? Now these "old USSR stocks" Kh-55 and Kh-22 fly to us back, our Scud missiles were utilized too and we begging for long-range weapon to reach Russian strategic objects. We were forced to sign different limitations on number of usual weapon, what moved it out of service. Hundreds of tanks, IFVs, jets, helicopters were stored and gave wide field of weapon business for corupted officials to sell all this "extra" staff to Africa, Asia and Middle East. We were forced to utilize all "extra" MANPADS "in order to exclude risks that terrorists will get it" - and during 12 years we utilized 1000 MANPADS, as well as 1,5 millions of small-arms. And continued to do it even in 2015! We were forced to sign agreement do not develop missile weapon with a range over 500 km. We were forced to sign Ottawa Convention and utilize all AP mines except claymors and OZM. So, how, has the world became safer after we "got rid of old Soviet weapon" in change on toilet paper of Budapesht Memorandum? Directly - nothing. Tangentially - yes. No need to bomb Moscow. War is money. No money - no war. Bad taste is cowardice and venality of many western political and economical elites, bad tatse to buy Russian resourses and bypass own sanctions, selling them equipment and electronic. Bad taste are families of Russian officilas flying to Europe free for shopping. This "real politic" is bad taste and ugly hypocrisy at all. So, if West will be go on in such way, yes, I will say, you deserve. "Capitalists themselves will sell us a rope on which we will hang them" (C) Vladimir Lenin. Despite he was a commi, his words exactly about this situation.
  17. Palestinians sing on wedding, appealing to Putin to attack harder Ukraine, "to banish them for Palestinian and we will merry on Ukrainain women", to Xi to invade Taiwan "to smash nose of Americans, who make planes for Israel"
  18. Reducing of convicted number in Russia in 2022 (grey line) - 28 0000 and in 2023 (red dotted line) - 54000. There is no numbers for each month in 2023, only total number in 54 000 reducing for 9 months of this year. This doesn't mean all these 82 000 are mobilized. Some just were released, enough part was released after their contract with PMC Wagner (total 49 000 were enlisted to PMC, at least 10000 were lost), other part went to Shtorm Z units of MoD.
  19. And this too, of course. Russia officially made a statements they don't recognize Hamas and Hesbolla as terrorist organisations. And formal receptions of these organization leaders on the level of Foreign Affairs minister speak clear about Russia had own plans how to use them in own interests.
  20. I said about their policy to Russia. Yes. Because it's sadly to see, how many politics of countries, who establised powerful military allince to withstand USSR (which was most stronger and more adequate than modern Russia) and protect "democracy values" now tack tails between legs, when they have seen a perspective of not "easy walk" like in Yugoslavia or Iraq, but clashing with much stronger evil forces, who claim to push West out from world top. If West supplied us with weapon for the same "democracy values protection" with the same zeal and preserverance, as it forced us to disarm themselves in 90th-2000th, we could expell Russians more quickly with less number of victims. Richard Lugar, senator, author of idea of UKR disarming and Barak Obama in Donetsk, watching over process of artillery shells utilizing. Last UKR Tu-22M3 utilization in Poltava, 2006. Total in 2002-2006 43 Tu-22M3 and 17 Tu-22M2 were utilized as well as 400 Kh-22 cruise missiles.
  21. Just for history, RUS LostArmor talks In short, village Hroza, being struck with Iskander, causing death of 51 people is very close to Shevchenkove town. In September 2022, during Balakliya-Izium oparation there was deployed 1st battalion of 137th airborne regiment of 106th airborne division. They got an order to hold town and to be a "barrier detachment" - to stop all troops, fleeing through this town, subordinate them and organize defense. But when UKR forces approached to the town, rallied Russians again abandoned positions and fled in panic, only this VDV battalion remained in defense. Really it was not even batatlion, but combined group of remains of 1st battalion and regimental recon company, total about 90 men. Ukrainians didn't assault their positions, just shelled during the day them with artillery, causing 50 % of losses, after this Russians withdrew. Battalion commander, experienced officer, who previously served in Spetsnaz was killed too. So, Wayne Howell, hopes, the strike on Hroza is a "fair revenge" for this.
  22. Yes, already alot of such footage, which consequences can be compared with Russian breakthrough in Crimea.. @Battlefront.com Maybe better to create new thread for Israel? Albeit it obviously fits in Russian-Ukrainian war as a part of global confrontation between conditional "democracies" and conditional "authocraties"
  23. "Alfa" SBU special force targeted TOS-1A and it was hit by HIMARS with nice firework. Zaporizhzhia oblast.
  24. Merkava hit by drone Palestinians mock over dead Israeli tanker
  25. Concerning to Israel... Here is year-ago photo, where Lavrov met with Hamas leaders in Moscow. And attack of Hamas in Putin's birthday - I think this is not coincidence. Some in Ukraine already say this is planned operation of Russia with support of Iran's proxies to force USA to direct funds to protection of Israel, instead Ukraine. And some conspirolgists say Israel also interested in this - as if because of this that well-known Israeli intelligence "overslept" Hamas preparations and army wasn't prepared. What I can say. Israel long time didn't wan't to quarrel with Russia even watching their cooperation with enemy #1 - Iran. They were giving drone technologies to Russia (thanks for Hero/Lancet, Searcher II/Forpost) and long time was rejecting to give drones for Ukraine. Israel didn't join to sanctions against Russia. Yes, Israel sent to Ukraine some non-lethal aid, they treat some our wounded soldiers, but their position concerning Russia wasn't so firm as in EU. And here next example that two-сhairs sitting policy can turn out you will get own Bucha in one moment, because Iran, being funded by Russia for Shakeds, ammo, spareparts for passenger aviation etc, will rise own head and send own proxies to fight with Israel. And here next example to western politics, who scare "escalation" and "WW3" - more than you will be scared and develop own indecisiveness, more Evil Axis will impudent to challenge world order and sooner or later you will get if not own WW3, but the chain of regional conflicts, which can disrupt this global order and then time of dictatorship regimes triumph will come. Only because they didn't scare to use force, but western democracies thoug they can sit out in own zone of comfort. Now Hamas occupied seven communities in Israel, one military base was taken. Israel citizens flee from Palestinians Sderot now can be Israeli Bucha ... As well as roads turned out to analog of our Zhytomyr highway, where Russians shot out cars with civilians
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