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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russia prepares for receiving of F-16 by Ukraine. A works of integration of A-50 AWACS planes and S-400 SAM complexes have been starting some time ago and here first A-50 already is upgraded.
  2. When the rudder system of FH70 is broken, but crew has found a solution )
  3. I would like this were first signs of decomposition in Russian army like in 1917, but anyway this is just single incidents... For huge number of Russian citizens from poor regions army is single opportunity to earn enormous money, or maintain own familiy in case of own death and just to feel himself at last real hero, who fights agaisnt "world evil" in face of West. All as according to Dostoyevskiy "Am I amimal trembling or I have a right?". Despite on hidden mobilization, many of Russian recruits sign contracts by own will. Even enlistment centers "highly recommended" to sign contract, many of people can't stand not only against offered problems in case of refusal , but also against temptation of big money. If you sign a contract you get 195 000 RU (1900$ ) at one time and 204 000 RU (2080$) monthly for private and 242 000 RU (2470$) for junior officer. Russian statistic gets 40 000 RU as average monthly salary along the country, but real situation can differ significantly for Moscow oblast and Buriatiya or Dagestan. Fot comparison, UKR soldiers on frontline receive 100 000 UAH (2700$) and 30 000 UAH in rear (790$) monthly - it's not a big difference. For a death a family of fallen serviceman in Russia receives 12.4 millions RU (126500$) and in Ukraine 15 millions (405000$). For wounding - 3 millions RU (30612$) in Russia and from 134 000 (3600$) UAH to 1,07 million UAH (29000$) in Ukraine Until Russia will have a milliards from oil, chemical, agricultural, metal, gold export - to this time they will have a money to pay to own orc hordes, who will go to army with pleasure to assert themselves in own brutality, violance and robbery, to gain money, honor and social lift. But here need a political will of West, indeed we have "busines as usual" in many cases Russia income of oil export have been raising since July: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-17/western-oil-sanctions-on-russia-are-not-working?srnd=europe-politics
  4. Video of UKR Su-25 sortie. Aircraft carries four S-25OFM unguided missiles each with 20 kg of HE in warhead and 4000 m of range. What is unusual here is a manner of attack - pilot launched missiles in two strafes from light diving instead to shoot all them in one salvo with tossing as "Grad-style".
  5. At first cadres of this video you can see a strike on Russian 2s5 Sp-howitzer by RAM II fixed-wing kamikadze drone. This is third generation of this Ukraine-developed drone, close to Lancet, bult on the base of Leleka-100 recon drone. First RAM strike UAV was presented in 2018, but didn't interest of our MoD. Next attempt of upgraded RAM II was in 2021, but first serial drones in relativly proper number were produced only in late 2022, when charity funds acccumalated donations, enough for serial production of limited batch of 50 drones. Since January 2023 RAM II got increased 30 km range, though warhead was reduced from 4 to 3 kg. Unlike Lancets, RAM II drones are not mass-product. If Lancets use all Russian Spetsnaz units and I suppose most of VDV units, that RAM II is only in service of SBU Special forces. RAM II on the photo
  6. Suddden attack of UKR troops on Pivdenne - Horlivka direction in Donetsk oblast. Almost all war this was probably most quiet part of front. UKR forces have taken by assault half of slag heaps conglomerate of five "hills", located north from mining&processing plant. This was old position, held by DPR since 2014. Last time this location was on ear In 2016 during intensive fights for Chyhari hamlet and slag heap #41 south from this plant and in first days of full-scale war, when UKR troops in rapid attack bursted on outskirts of Horlivka, but were thrown back by DPR and Russian forces. Now Russian milbloggers say they still control two eastern "terricons", when UKR troops occupy one western terricon and two lower slag heaps between them are grey zone and Russian troops try to push back UKR froces. Let's see either it was just episodical act or beginning of something bigger... By the way UKR FPV drones actively attack traffic on Horlivka-Donetsk road.... Many voices of our "armchair generals" have been voting for attack of Horlivka. But Horlivka is a hell for assauter. The city is very wide by square and enormously industrialized - dozens of mines, giaint plants, whole terrain of "artifical mountains" of slag heaps, poisoned lakes of industrial wastes...
  7. Known video of the strike on Russian column on Hladkivka village south from Hola Prystan', Kherson oblast today got new deatals Russian TG claims 1st battalion of 35th motor-rifle brigade was embarked on trucks and in two columns was moved to Hladkivka area. In result of strike 76 servicemen were lost. But maybe this is misiinformation, albeit obviously Russians suffered some losses there. But anyway very strange this mentioning of 35th brigade here. This is unit of 41st CAA of Central military district. Most of army now operates in Avdiivka area. I never heard some their part was moved to south under "Dnepr" Trrops Groupment command.
  8. Situation around Avdiivka still hard. Russians could advance further NW from Krasnohorivka alnog railroad - reportedly on northern flank from southern was moved recon-assault batalion "Sparta". Russians also could seize some part of dachas south from waste heap, their assault groups more and more try to infiltrate to coke plant territory - in present time unsuccessfully, but they don't stop attacks. On the southern flank Russians reportedly after a month of shelling of industrial zone ("Promka") on SE Avdiivka outskirt could significantly damage this heavy fortified area (allegedly many damages was caused by 240 mm mortars). So, Russian infantry could infiltarte on part of "Promka" and even some attempts of armor usage there took place, but at least one tank was destroyed. "Promka" is on the hill, so if enemy capture this point, the city will be in direct LOS from the SE too. The weather also helps the enemy - fogs, clouds, rains interfere of small drones usage (including FPV) and protect Russian asault groups from timely spotting by drones or by eyes
  9. Rare example of UKR tank engages enemy armored group. First tank probably has blown up by mine. Video if 58th mot.inf. brigade, Staromajorske (not Staromlynivka as has been written) direction One more armored group was wiped out on Kupiansk direction by 14th mech.brigade. Two Javeln launches on the video R18 bomber has sent to scrapyard next TOS-1A south from Krynky bridghead
  10. More interestig in this video is destroyed light armor at the beginning. This is BMP-1U, UKR-produced limited series of upgraded BMP-1 with Shkval RWS, which was sold to Georgia and almost all dozen vehicles were captured by Russia in 2008. Now even these minor trophies Russia has forced to use in own weponary. https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1724826755402289610 Beacuse of video has 18+ limitattion and doesn't want to insert as a video, only as a link, I post a screen with derstroyed BMP-1U
  11. Aftermath of Russian attack somewhere on Kupiansk direction R18 night bomber detsroys Russian TOR-M1 AD system, reportedly on Zaporizhzhia front
  12. Russians turture, beat up and humilitate own soldiers, who used "salts" or "spice" (very popular and relatively cheap synthetic drugs) and because of this something happened and some soldiers of their company were killed in action (as I can understand, they after drugs usage either abandoned position in panic attack or just were unable to do anything so commpany executed own task with reduced staff). While two guys are beaten up, other dig a blindage as punishing. Operator asks who brought drugs on position and after some time a guy ander beating pointed out on other guy with callsign "Godzilla" in the pit. If they do this with own personnel, you can just imagine, how they can care with POWs.
  13. Nothing sensitive at least for me. It's a part of military history so far. Just a real scale of clashes even of company level is close to maximal map size. Too hard to make such map with all stuff on it.
  14. Russian attempt to defend themselves against drones, flying into blindages. Kherson oblast
  15. Soldiers of assault brigade "Steel Border" (from "Offensive Guard" )of State Border Guard Service has entered to small village Topoli (eng. means "Poplars") on the border with Russia and raised flag there. This is on right bank of Oskil river, north of Kupiansk direction. Despite situation maps, where Topoli is marked as Ukiiane controlled, indeed this was grey zone. UKR soldiers spotted some activity of Russians, which crossed the border in village area - after short clash Russians were expelled back beyond the border. Border guards raised a flag over empty village just as mentioning that this is Ukrainian territory, but didn't establish positions there. So, probably situatin will repet through some time Enetering to the village and raising a flag
  16. DeepState map, depicting with blue color this progress during last week. This deep blue salient NW Verbove - is the same height 140, mentioned by Mashovets. UKR troops about month slowly have been bypassing it from north and partially from south and lilkely at last pushed Russians back or forced them to withdraw under threat of logistic cut.
  17. The report from Kherson oblast, Krynky bridgehead. Russians about hour ago dropped many heavy gliding bombs, looks like of heavy calibers FAB-1500 UMPK or KAB-1500. Explosions were too heavy for usual 250/500 kg bombs. Bombs impacted in radius more than 1 km around Krynky, hitting the village, islands, right bank
  18. Twitter RUMINT from our militaries - we lost one Abrams even without battle. During the march the tank fell down from bridge and broke the gun - during recent ballistic strike on Dnipropetrovsk oblast (of Dnipro city) NASAMS launcher area deploying was hit (result unknown). Launcher stood on one place more than a week.
  19. New video of upgraded Lancet attacking Bradley in side hull probably with EFP type HEAT, but no visible effect after the strike
  20. M882 ARV resqued from battlefield damaged Bradley. Likely this was under fire, because M882 got some fragments at side hull. But crew completed own mission - Bradley soon will be in "hospital" and return to beat Ruissians again. In previous days in Stepove area near Avdivka five Bradleys were damaged.
  21. This is example of good planning and lucky development. But somebody will tell after the war about Davydiv Brid... Maybe best picture to Kherson liberation Day
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