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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Well.... Again and again I recall words of Lenin "We will hang capitalism on the rope, which it will sell itself to us" Some EU Nations Push to Weaken Russia Sanctions Enforcement Plan A group of member states is pushing to dilute proposals by the European Union aimed at cracking down on the circumvention of sanctions on Russia through third countries, according to people familiar with the matter. The bloc’s executive arm has proposed banning importers from reselling so-called high-priority items — like semiconductors used in weapons or needed to make them — to Russia or for use in Russia, and requiring a sum to be deposited in an escrow account to ensure compliance. Under the EU’s latest sanctions proposals, seen by Bloomberg, at least half of that sum would be transferred to a trust fund for Ukraine and contracts would be terminated if they’re broken. Exporters would also be obliged to inform national authorities of any breaches by third-country companies. But diplomatic envoys from a group of big member states raised several concerns with the proposals this week, including doubts about their legality, and whether asking for such guarantees and clauses from importers was workable, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. The countries also want to narrow the scope of the potential clauses and the list of goods that would be covered by the proposed measure, according to the people. Those member states also worry that the contractual demands could put European companies at a competitive disadvantage. Other member states, including the Baltic nations, back the proposals, said the people. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-25/some-eu-nations-push-to-weaken-russia-sanctions-enforcement-plan?srnd=europe-politics
  2. This is because most of Shakheds were directed to Kyiv and it oblast, where AD is as very strong and echeloned from mobile groups to Iris-T/NASAMS and Patriot PAC-3. But if the same armada directed to western regions, I doubt we would be seen such excellent result.
  3. Damn... UKR mobile anti-drone group engages Shakhed - in splashes of fire at 0:08 you can see... DP-27 as one of weapon of this group. In our oblasts local administrations additionally established many of such groups, but as this often did in times of Soviet Union - for officials more important to report up "our directive is done" and show papers how all exellent. But indeed this new groups poorly equipped and if old machineguns like doulbled Maxims and PKMs (and even DP-27) is a problem of MoD resourses, that lack of pick-ups and projectors is a fail of local administrations. Also one man wrote for formation of these new units army brigades sent mostly own so-called "avatars" - drinking/drug-eating soldiers, who was just a headache for them. So, many people in these groups completely unmotivated, most of them don't want to train to shot UAVs and even if they have a training, again local military administrations just put a mark in report to up "training is condictaed, personnel is combat ready". But indeed when they engages a Shakhed, they can't shoot it even if they receive targeting via "Virazh" information system. This is one of reason why despite increasing of number of mobiule groups, result of destroyed Shakheds became worse and they continue to reach even western oblasts. Very small number of oblasts have quite number of trained and capable mobile groups.
  4. Just a business. Russia has own coal mines in Rostov oblast. Donbas mines mostly declined now because many of miners already mobilized. Many of mining volumes conduct not in official mines, but in so-called "kopankas". Kopanka (derived from Ukr "dig in") is illegal mine, have been dug in on open ground, where coal seams are close to surface. This illegal business, which held by local criminals, having protection of top officials had been prospering as far as in Ukraine. Now kopankas mostly changed own owners and legal declined mines just destroy by Russians (especially by Chechens) - they dismount minimg equipment and sell it for example to Africa and all other metal just scrapped and also sell to scrapyards. This is good business, so often different groups of involved bands (Kadyrov's, MoD, FSB) engage each other for control for this scrap meral Klondike.
  5. New batches of Su-34M and Su-35S at least per two of each type have delivered to Russian Air-Space Forces
  6. Well, it seems the season of mass strikes is opened. But maybe this was a "greeting" with Holodomor Memorial Day and Maidan anniversary (was three days ago) Since 6-00 of morning Kyiv survived most mass Shakheds attack ever seen - 66 were shot down over Kyiv oblast and Kyiv city. I counted dozen explosions. Total 75 Shakheds were launched from Kursk oblast and Kuban' region. UAVs were launched in several waves more then in 20 groups. Southern groups were circling in Kyiv and Cherkasy oblasts, awaiting arrival of northern groups from Kursk, then they simultainously were attacking the city from different directions. Attack has been lasting almost 2,5 hours. Air Defense Command has reported about 71 from 75 shot down Shakheds, then corrected this information to 74 from 75. Also one Kh-59 missile was shot down in Dnipropetrovsk oblast In result of attack fragments of falling Shakheds damaged power lines in central part of Kyiv, so about 200 buildings now without a power. Two subway stations, located on open surface on the left bank of Kyiv are without power too. Also power lines were damaged in Vyshhorod district of Kyiv oblast - north from Kyiv. The buildng of kindergarden was badly damaged either with Shakhed impact or his falling part, containing a warhead. Five people suffred from attacks, but got only light wounds or just high stress. Air Force Command claims about 40 % of destroyed Shakheds are on the count of mobile groups, armed with different machine guns, ZU-23-2 and projectors, mounted on pick-ups. I also heard work of Gepards and launches of missiles. But this photo shows a dangerous of such "fire show" watching near the window - the bullet of UKR AA group, falling from the sky hit the frame of appartment window. It already hadn't enough energy to penetrate the frame, but if it hit the window itself, the people behind could got injuries. In this time some Shakheds were painted in dark color, maybe this is against their spotting by projectors, but maybe this is special cover for radar dispersing. Some people talk this could be newest Shakhed-238, but this UAV has jet engine, whilst this night Shakheds had a typical "moped" sound Newest Shakhed-238 for comparison
  7. It seems "new" because a video is only now issued. This is likely September One more about EW-shield over UKR troops on left bank bridgeheads. "Magyar" shows how their new EW equipment resqued UKR marines boat from night attack of Russian FPV. In darkness they could't see the drone and hear it because of working engine. In last moment control lines were supressed and the drone hit the water - this is a video, intercepted live from Russian drone. As claims "Magyar", his unit in coodrdination with ELINT and EW units of Marines during whole operatrion time detected 500 and destroyed/supressed 375 enemy FPVs and recon drones (about 70 % of effectiveness). Resently Russian milbloggers tell about big troubles for drones and comm systems becaise of UKR EW assets, covering troops on left bank in that time, when UKR drones fly often with impunity even on 25 km to the rear and disrupt logistic. In last time Russians became to use more and more FPV drones with cheap "smartphone-type" thermal or NV cameras.
  8. Reportedly Russians began next heavy assault of Avdiivka. All night enemy artilery and especially heavy MLRS have been firing at UKR positions. Especially on "Promka" fortified position SE from the city. Ukrainian troops still fiercly resit in westrn part of "Promka" Also Russian dropped several cluster bombs on UKR positions between Sieverne and Avdiivka The weather is enough good for Russian assault -6 below zero at the night and morning. But alredy at Friday up to +8 and rains, so Russians have 2-3 days of "opportunity window" if not to encircle the city, but at least for enhancing of own emracing of Avdiivka. Russian soldier near abandoned Bradley, which blown up by mine and lost a track, probably near Stepove village
  9. Russian milblogger Romanov92 issued a map of Krynky, according to words of Russian soldiers from this place - purple color is new UKR gains of last days. He claims UKR froces agian seized part of the forest, because of soldiers of 328th air-assault regiment of 104th air-assault division abandoned own positions. Other source adds information that allegedly Russian position was simultainosly hit both with Ukrainian and own friendly fire, that caused panic and uncontroled retreating. 104th air-assault division is restored unit (104th airborne division in Soviet and early Russian times) on the base of 31st air-assault brigade, training center of 83rd air-assault brigade and two former motor-rifle regiments of territorial troops turned into "air-assault". Redently was known only about 1044th MRR TT in composition of this division, likely 328th is a number of second regiment, which was unknown to this time. Still unknown is this original numbe of TT regiment or new number, because 328th regiment was an existed recently unit of 104th airborne division and TT unit can be renamed for "tradition following"
  10. On 17th of November UKR missiles, likely HIMARS have struck Russian deployment in the building in Askaniya-Nova settlement of Kherson oblast (here is located unique UNSESCO biosphere reservation of origin ancient steppe, settled with 800 different types of wild animals, including even Africans and American like zebras, antelopes, lamas, american bizons etc, so Ukrainians could visit safari tour not going to Tanzania ). Local collaborator puppets claimed AFU hit "empty building" with two Storm Shadows and both missiles were "landed by EW" (!!!). Ok, here is how it looked "empty building" Along with this strike was claimed about Pantsyr S1 destroying near Chaplynka in Kherosn oblast too - this is 25 km SE from Askaniya-Nova Now we have video confirmation of Pantsyr destroying. A crew tried to shot down a missile, but...
  11. This is old info. I posted Bloomberg article with newer data - sacnctions don't work, Russia has doubled own income from oil export since April 2023: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-17/western-oil-sanctions-on-russia-are-not-working?srnd=europe-politics
  12. Russians strike UKR positions near Staromajorkske, Donetsk oblast with RBK-500 cluster bombs. This bomb, depending on purpose can be armed with 565 ShOAB-0.5 FRAG bomblets or 108 AO-2.5 FRAG bomblets, or 268 PTAB-1M HEAT submunitions. Despite many media now give this as sensation "Russia first time use cluster bombs in Ukraine!", indeed this is not true, this ammunition (as well as Soviet artilery DPICM) was episodically used since beginning of the war.
  13. Russian invention %) ATGM mounted on civilian elevating work platform. A worth target for FPV
  14. Just for information - the composition and price of UKR "Aerorozvidka" R18 drone complex, notorious "Baba Yaga" (ugly old evil witch, from Russian fairy tales) as it called by Russians - R18 octocopter with three pods for RKG-1600 HEAT ordnance - 2 - control and targeting device - 1 - onboard videomodule - 2 Total price rough 3 536 000 UAH (95600$) If our "Aerorozvidka" developers could upgrade this beast for more long range, this would be complete pain for Russians. They already announced this summer new upgraded drone of this type R34 - hexacopter with six pods, but no more information about it and I didn't read yet about its usage "Aerorozvidka" - an institution, having own combat unit, public organization, volunteer fundation, design bureau and research ceneter of military IT-technologies (except drones, they participated in development of famous "Delta" battelfield managment system), who claims each 1$ invested into R18 inflicts 1000$ of damage for enemy and first successfull mission completely recoups invested funds.
  15. Panoramic view of part of Krynky bridghead - Korsunskyi forest, road, destroyed houses of Krynky village under glide bomb strikes, further Krynka river, more further Konka river, Didiv Lyman lake in upper left part of island, behind the island - Dnipro river and on far background Tiahynka village, also heavily bombed by Russians
  16. @Vanir Ausf B Here is full artilce on Censor in English (but some words translated, alas incorrect, for example machine translation of UKR "posadka" as "landing" instead correct "tree-plant")- Military Land version is VERY shortened and many of interesting details are removed: https://censor.net/en/resonance/3453607/company_commander_of_the_47th_brigade_mykola_melnyk_the_russians_knew_our_routes_of_advance_and_everything @MikeyD Here an opinion from this article about Bradleys: - ... "Bradley" withstood everything. The shell hit the right side, the track assembling was damaged. The armor withstood the debris, but the blast wave tore the wiring in the car... The only time the Bradley could not withstand the impact was the work of helicopters, a week later. The Ka-52 hit the cars, and one Bradley detonated. But there are cases when they did not detonate when they withstood such blows. In principle, it is a very reliable machine. This is not a BMP-2 where the entire crew dies, no. The Bradley may be shot down, but the crew survives. And the engine is always running. The driver-mechanic recovers from a concussion, the engine is running - we drove on. Yes, chaos. In this chaos, it is important not to lose touch with the senior commander. Because you need artillery, you need current orders. And when this stops happening, when the battalion commander's orders are given to you by a battalion sergeant, it's not very good. Because you didn't hear the order to hand over control to a sergeant. And on the walkie-talkie, you definitely hear that it's not your battalion commander who is talking. Again, it is very important that senior commanders understand what is happening on the battlefield. You know, the control system in '47 was so high that I could see where each of my cars was on my tablet. It helped in management, you understood who was where. And the brigade commander understood who was where, and the battalion commander understood. The only thing they did not understand was what was really happening on the battlefield. And the situation was quite simple: ATGMs in each tree-plant. The Russians knew our routes of advance, and everything flew along these routes – the 152nd, 120th, and Grads... And here you go, where are you going to maneuver? Only back and forth, because everything else is mined. By us.
  17. Two main strikes were of course on Tokmak and Berdiansk (V.Novosilka salient) and latter some time considered as main, probably to confuse Russsian command, where we will attack with main forces. Other attacks were obviously probes to keep Russians in tense and don't allow them to maneuver free with units. This was Pyatykhatky - Vasylivka direction, some actions around Nesterianka and limited attack on Novopokrovka toward Polohy.
  18. Rare video of aftermath of Switchblade600 usage - Russan TOR-M2 was taken out in Zaporizhzhia oblast back to summer south from Kharkove village, 14 km south from Robotyne. Momemt of strike not shown. Spotting was provided by "Shark" UAV
  19. Of course, HQs knew about minefields. Maybe not about all, but as you can see in the head of each armored column was either tank with mine-plow or special minebreaching vehicle. But likley a bat was on sudden attack of heavy armored columns, with minimal but intensive artillery preliminary bombardment. But Russian artilelry wasn't properly supressed and did own work. Also probably weren't supressed forward positions with ATGMs, which in first order took out mineclaening vehicles. Didn't maintained air defense against helicopters (though, their role is mostly demonized, main problems were because of artillery and minefields)
  20. One of main strike forces of Russians on northern flank is 331st airborne regiment of 98th airborne division. They arrived from replenishment and training. Other units on the southern flank by the words of officer of 3rd assult brigade are receiving new portions of "meat" directly on the place. He told they fight with Russian VDV too, and main corps of their squad-platoon-company commanders are mostly experienced servicemen in that time, when many of privates and some number of sergeants are just "green", but situation saves a presence of "veterans" among commanders. In more recent interview comamnder of 3rd brigade Biletskyi told even among Russian VDV level of combat motivation and "fanatism" is very different. If compare two VDV units, with which they had a clashes - 31st air-assault and 83rd air-assault brigades, that first one were most tough and dangerous enemies, which always fought hard and untill the end, like in usual stereotypes about Russian VDV, in that time that 83rd brigade had poor comamnd and personnel, which easy can be routed after more or less strong attack.
  21. The whole plan of our big counter-offensive was based on a simple thing – Russians see Bradleys, Leopards and they run away. They didn’t, they were well-prepared for us. I wonder, what military genius planned this sh...t? I know, that all UKR offensve plans were playing in special computer simalations and HQ staff games with difefrent variants with participation of US and other NATO countries. Is this was their opinion too about "Russians will see western armor and run?" There were cases when we requested artillery support to suppress enemy positions, but were denied because of M109 Paladin’s expensive shells. People died because of this. We also found out that our tankers never fired from Leopards before. They trained on T-72s the whole time and were sent to the south with different tanks. Typically for Ukrianian army. Especially with precise ammo usage permission. Now situation became better, because of we probably received many of these shells, but anyway, to get permission for Excalibur you need in most worse cases an "ok" from brigade's chief of artillery, after he has seen several results of recon flights and personally will be sure this target is worth for such ammunition and it isn't a decoy. Also he can refute if will consider this is not priority target and if battery or battalion has low level of guided shells. Then if a tank will shel-by-shell dismountle our positions, standing in one place about 20-30 minutes he also can reject, saying some sh..t like "this is your problems, ask for Javelins"
  22. Russians intensively trying to restore situation around Bakhmut, they brought reinforcements and attack from Berkhivka on the north to Andriivka on the south. Most successive Russians are on northern flank, where they during two weeks of fierce asaults could push UKR troops back from Berkivske reservoir and northern of Bohdanivka. On southern flank UKR troops also was forced to withdraw on several parts, but not more than on 100-200 m. Albeit after continous assaults Russians about 1-2 days ago could retake railroad stattion north from Klishchiivka and renew control over railway section north from this village. One of armored assaults east from Klishchiivka in pounds area, repelled bt 93rd mech.brigade.
  23. A rare occasion, when Excalibur ricocheted
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