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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Aftermath of fighting for one of tree-plant. Russain soldier from 21st motor-rifle brigade searches among dozen of bodies of Russian soldiers a guy with name Alik (diminutive from Aleksandr), but all of them are from 30th motor-rifle brigade and he can't find him. It seems Bradley worked with own air-burst shells. Soldier of 30th brigade asks cameraman either he has some water, but he answers they are already eight days on positiions and almost empty of water, because no supply, so he can't give water to him. Soldier of 30th brigade then says to cameramam they already five days in combat. In comment on the screen Russian milblogger writes, there is no possibility to evacuate bodies even despite this position is under Russian control because hard terrain and continuous fire control of UKR troops of all approaches.
  2. Likely successfull assasination by GUR/SBU Deputy of LPR "parliament" Oleg Popov, tied with LPR intelligence was blew up in own car in Luhansk and later died in hospital. Though, some Russian milblogger claim this can be inner showdowns, because Popov belonged to group of Igor Kornet, former "minister of internal affairs" of LPR, who had a prob;lems woth Russian Investigatin Committee and was blown up and heavy wounded in May 2023 in Luhansk. Also by unconfirmed information of several Russian TGs, former Ukrainian deputy Ilya Kiva, who fled to Russia, known with own crazy Zhyrinovskity-style statements, was found murdered today in Moscow oblst on territory of hotel. According one info he was shot dead, by other killed likely with stiletto blow to the temple
  3. China more and more involving in this war on Russian side. Except no barriers for drone ordering and electronic supply, except "ok" for N.Korea to give million shells, except 1500 ATVs, there was an information (RUMINT level from soldiers and on the level on GUR hints) in Krynky bridgehead area about month ago was destroyed experimental Chineese EW asset and Chineese instructor was badly wounded (it's claimed he died in hospital later) Newest Russian kamikadze drone "Scalpel" (cheaper 20 km-range analog of "Lancet") which is preparing to serial manifacturing is very similar to Chineese drones Foxtech Great Shark 330 and Skywalker X8, at least these Chineese companies already supply Russian manufacturer and developer with own spare parts, so manybe Russian drone will be in some different hull, but inside this still Chineese-develpped drone: https://molfar.com/blog/dron-skalpel-kartonnyi-mulyazh-oglyad-kb-vostok-ta-deanon-kerivnyctva
  4. During last two days Russians tried to advance further west between Stepove and Avdiivka coke plant. In this area there were fierce clashes and UKR troops could slighly pushed Russians back Next examle of survivability of Bradley during a fight in Stepove - it got ATGM in front turret, likely gun was damaged, but the vehicle withdrew under its own power. Assault groups of Russians were eliminated near Avdiivka by "Khorn group" drone unit. One Russian vehcile has blocked back doors of forward MTLB and trapped there inside Russian squad - they burned alive As told oir soldiers, today Russзians renewed fierce assaults, after they were pushed back. Our guys say that is imagination Russian infantry is respowning after each failed assault. They are suffering enormous casualties, but with zombi perserverance attack again and again. As if they got next objective - to capture or at least to encircle Avdiivka up to 14th of December - Putin's briefing. Putin needs to say to nation something victorious. In Russian TG wives of Russian soldiers complain, Russian command throw forwar to trenches even avarage wounded soldiers, not to mention about light wounded. As if Russian generals believe if UKR troops defeated near Avdiivka, this will force Ukriane to start negotiations on Russian terms and West completely lost own illusions in Ukraine victory, so will not support Ukriane.
  5. UKR forces hit fuel depot in Donetsk. Three days ago the same facility was hit with drone in Luhansk Likely not only a fuel, sounds of detonating small-caliber ammo are heard too
  6. One time I wanted to visit Emirates to see their high-tech paradise in the desert... Now UAE are died for me
  7. Some other news about FPV drones from headliner of this direction voolunteer Serhiy Sternenko, who first became to fundrise many money for FPVs. Alas, Russians quickly understood effectivemess of this weapoan and they order on MoD level dozen southands of FPVs directly from China (when our volunteer after Chineese "embargo" for using commercial drones in warfare are forced to by drones and spare parts through mediatrs) and invested huge money in local manufacturing of FPV drones, which assemble even in the scholls. And let even Russians often complain their domestic-assembled FPVs have too low range, poor quality and relativly larg number of faults, their quantity anyway gradually come to quality on some directions of front Ukraine lost much of time, because neither former Minister of Defense, nor many of militaries from generals in high HQs to even company commanders didn't take in serious theese "kid toys" and "wedding drones", so almost all direction of FPVs, drones with grenade-dropping devices and tactical recon drones like Mavic and Autel lied on the shoulders of volunteer funds. "Army of drones", being formally state program, but anyway exists for donations and embrace mostly heavier class of drones, including long-range kamkadze. Only from 2024 the state at last funded development of FPV sector. So, some takes from Serhiy Sternenko: For understanding of the scale: 40 000 thermal vision kamikadze Russians ordered only on one factory (in China) And this is sad irony post about problem of attitude to drone in Ukrainan army on higher HQs level. We are against duties of tankers in army, because we weren't taught this in 1896 year, it's not allowed. This is about an overdue solution to increse infantry units effectivenes by establishing special drone units in battalions and maybe better in the companies. Because existing RUBAKs (Company of Control of Unmanned Aviation Complexes) in composition of brigades has some other tasks and they are not always have a time to use FPVs and grenade dropping by infantry calls. And sometime all these their "toys" are "out-of-shtat" equipment, supplied by volunteers. So, battalions and companies are forming own drone units spontaneously (and often by initiative of soldiers themselves), but they officially don't exist. Drone teams are usual riflemen, logists etc, who passed a courses of FPV operators, organized by volunteers (and there are many cases company/battalion commanders don't allow to servismen to depart to studing even if they have General Staff order). From one hand this weaken their "domestic" squads and platoons, because they involved in FPV control, not into own direct duty, but on other hand this is huge multiplicator of company/battalion effectiveness. Two days ago "Khorn Group" (but they are likely official RUBAK of 118th mech.brigade) repelled Russian attack on Stepove, not allowing them even approach withg own FPV attacks. But alas, manu commanders of even company/battalion level to this time treat FPVs as something auxiliary and even in rare cases prohibit to soldiers to gather money for FPV drones, because they didn't want to deal with tonns of papers to register these drones and then to write off them after usage. And thet still believe in Soviet doctrine of artillery, mass of armor and infantry chains). HQs prefer to use soldiers in direct attacks, when many tasks could solve drones, saving the lives and health. They even don't understand this from economical side - it's much cheaper to buy 1000$ FPV drone, which will destroy ATGM or MG team, than state will be forced to pay 400 000$ for each killed UKR soldier, who tried to capture a fortifiacation with these ATGM/MG.
  8. National Guard FPV operators (likley from the 11th public order security brigade) detsroyed newest Russian SAM S-350 "Vityaz' " in Kherson oblast
  9. Russian Su-24M, which tried to strike Odesa oblast likely with gliding bombs was shot down by UKR AD near Zmiinyi island. The bomber was covered by Su-30M. Destiny of pilots is unknown, Russian resque An-26 is flying in crash zone, but in cold winter sea chances is almost zero, if pilots wasn't captured by Zmiiny garrison. Fighterbomber TG already confirmed.
  10. Nepal asks to Russia to stop recruite Nepalians to Russian army. According to Nepal officials at least six already were killed and about 150-200 citizens of Nepal still in Russian army. But from the words of captured Nepalian on the video below, his compatriots in Russian army told him about 4000-5000 of Nepalians signed contracts. https://www.reuters.com/world/nepal-urges-russia-not-recruit-its-citizens-into-army-says-six-killed-2023-12-05/ Captured Nepalian, who signed contract, because he was short of money to study further in Russian univercity. He tell own story in English. 8 other Nepal merceneries got own contract-sign payment of 195 000 RU, but turned out more clever - after two weeks of service in rear or in training camp they just deserted.
  11. Night tank attack of 63rd mech.brigade on Russian positions somewhere on Kreminna direction. Russians fled from positions
  12. Not bad. But autoloader is critically needed (
  13. Meanwhile, when an attention of all attracted to Avdiivka, Russians launched offensive on the flanks of UKR salient between Robotyne and Verbove. Their obvious goal - to eliminate this salient and completely to zero even such small success, which Ukraine gained so hard for three months. As reported UKR soldiers in TG, most active actions were 2-3 days ago, when Russians attacked very strong from SW and could advance up to outskirts of Robotyne, so was even a risk they can take back this village, but UKR forces in series of fierce counter attacks could threw Russians back on their start positions. As told a soldier - these were very bloody clashes, many bodies of infantrymen of both sides now lie in fields and treeplants as well as destroyed and abandoned vehicles, though Russians suffered significantly bigger losses. One of episodes of Russian attack: But if near Robotyne UKR troops restored situation, that between Verbove and Novopokrovka Russians could retake about 700 m of territory
  14. Aftermath of R18 night bomber raid from Russian point of view (there was a video of "Magyar Birds" with this strike). Near Krynky two newest ATVs were detsroyed. Russia ordered in China 1590 "Desertcross 1000-3" ATVs. Many of them likely got new formed 104th air-assault division as well as other VDV and Spetsnaz units. 500 already in service and other 1090 will come in first quarter of 2024. "Magyar" told these ATVs are enough maneuverable and very suitable for forward positions logistic Desertcross 1000-3. It can carry up to 550 kg of cargo or 9 men (can be placed in front of cabine, in cabine and in the body. ). 87 h.p. engine, maximum speed 80 km/h, range up to 250 km. it can overcome fords 0,4 m deep
  15. Thanks! I've solved the problem. Interesting, when I try to sign up pointing out my mail, I was getting message about wrong password and locking my account for 15 minutes. But when I tried at last to enter my forum name, I've signed in successfully. Both on PC and phone. Thus, signing in by emal isn't working...
  16. Video of night assault of Russian Volunteer Corps near Avdiivka. Likely RVC is attached to 47th mech.brigade, so they use their Bradleys. Detailed describing what's going on is in long tweet. I just add, in this attack RVC assaulters killed 11 Russians, 16-18 injured and one was captured. Own losses - 1 KIA, 7 WIA Damn, the video isn't embedded by the phone, just a link copy %)
  17. Guys, I have a problem with forum sign in on my PC. I can sign in on my phone w/o problems, but on PC I have notification about wrong name, email, password, though I changed password and deleted old cookies. While I will figure out what's happened I can only read the forum or sometime write small messages, because it's completely awkwardly for me to write big posts and repost pictures from the phone
  18. The US has postponed the supply of the first large batch of long-range GPS-guided air bombs able to fly an almost 160-km distance to Ukraine until 2024. Source: Reuters with reference to informed sources from the US Department of Defence as reported by European Pravda Details: According to an unnamed representative of the Pentagon, the supply of this armament is expected at the beginning of 2024 after its successful inspection. According to sources, the supply of GLSDB by the Boeing company will be conducted at the end of December, and then testing will be conducted for a few more months before it is sent to Ukraine. Since the contract for the beginning of production of GLSDB was signed in March 2023, the supply was postponed until the end of the year. The production required the materials provided by the government, so its start had to be postponed. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/11/30/7431127/
  19. Useless. "We are besiged fortress, sell our lives at higher price!" - this is their credo along centuries. All what it needs - to suffocate money river, flowing to Russia. Without huge money their beggars will not sign contracts by own will. Putin's regime tries to "cosplay" Stalin's one now, but this is even not near. "For motherland, for Putin, beat up fascists!" this will work on relativelyt small part of population. Take back money from Russian servicmen and you will get 1917 throughout several months.
  20. This is not BAM (Baikal-Amur Magistral), but TransSib. BAM never connected Russia and China. Photos of this tonnel (not related to incident). Reportedly a railway tank car either was set on fire or blew up. According to other information four explosives were set in tonnel and activated, when the train passed through tonnel. Still no confirmation.
  21. As I know from twiterr hints of some people, connecting with SOF/GUR, GUR has been making offers in this direction. More, Transnistria has on own teritory largest ammo dump in Eastern Europe, with huge amount of artillery shells, which can be useful for us. But... Maya Sandu is very causion in this question. She afraids not only engagement with Transnistrian army, which much stronger, than Moldovian, but also pro-Russian revolt inside Moldova itself and economical consequenses from Russian side. Pro-Russian moods still very strong in Moldova. Except this probably Romania (NATO?) is strictly against, because this can involve it into the war and likely Article 5 will not be activated. Also Transnistrian ruling mafia clan created here suitable transition hub for contrabandists, having cover among officials in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Romania and even EU. Transnistria is a hent that lays golden eggs, so for international illegal business and "grey import schemes" is no sense to cook a soup of this hent. One more reason, why Transnistria not finished yet - are possible hidden debates, about territorial belonging of this region after military intervention. Transnistrians have 3-5 citizenships each. Here is a coctail of Moldavians, Russians, Ukrainians, but most of them, especially oler generation identify itself as "Soviet people". Historically this land has changed many masters. Some people say "Ukraine doesn't need this Soviet reservation", other say "Ukrainians live there too and recently Transnistria was a part of Soviet Ukraine, but Stalin "gifted" it to Soviet Moldavia, it's logically if the border passes along Dnister, and because we will have losses, liberating this land we have a right to demand at least a part of this territory". So, Transnistrian question is very complicated and will not have quick solution. But if delivering of artillery shells will be foiled, I think Ukraine will return to this question again.
  22. Pal, sometime when I read your last posts I recall Denetor, who looked at palantir during a siege of Minas-Tirith %) Of course, we had very hard year and broken hopes, but I not shure that all go to complete bad scenario. What I fully agree - when Russia asks "Iran, give me 1000 Shakeds!", Iran answers "here you are!", when Russian asks N.Korea "Kim, give me 10000000 shells", N.Korea (China) answers "Here you are". But when Ukraine asks "Allies! Give me... Patriots, Leos, Abrams, shells" aliies answer "well, we will support you till the end! But... we need to gather Ramstein through two months, conduct discussions, discuss all pro- and contra... And memento escalation of course" And only small Denmark silently says "Psss... I heard you need arty? We have some cool stuff. Take all wahat we have. We anyway will not make war with Norway or Germany"
  23. As told somebody of our officials - full scale wars begin professionals, but finish teachers, engineers and workers. Are you shure if US/NATO be in front of full-scale war with Russia or China all theese civilians will be ready to fight, when professional army will suffer inevitable losses? Will be they ready to meat assaults under artillery fire. Yes, western armies have strong aviation and sea component, but success of war maintain soldiers boot.
  24. Two more AD assets hit Buk M3 by HIMARS And TOR likely hit by the howitzer of 128th mountain-assault brigade
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