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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. These unit have to receive full set of Bradleys/CV90, modern tanks and artillery systems. Their recruiting and training system have to be scaled on whole ground forces.
  2. Russian BMP probably disembarked assault group in tree-palnt near Stepove and was immobilized with RPG by UKR soldiers of Bakhmut TD battalion of 109th TD brigade of Donetsk oblast. Arrived Bradley of 47th mech.brigade shot out this BMP and two other abandoned armor nearby as well as probably remained Russian infantry
  3. What doom looks like. Drones completely paralized a will. Warning. Brutal videos
  4. Russians don't abandon their own %) This guy didn't win a race with MTLB %)
  5. Odesa was struck by five missiles. Onix or Iskander-M Reportedly at the same time Russian Su-30 was shot down over Black Sea, when launched a missile toward Odesa. No confirmations yet. UPD 1. Not confirmed. Explosion in Zalizhyi Port area wasn't related to jet falling. Su-30 really was in airspace, but either could evade the missile (using EW pod, for example) or was damaged and could fly back. Maybe Fighterbomber will tell more %) UPD 2. Air Force Command officially claimed Su-34 was shot down on Mariupol direction. About Su-30 near Odesa it's claime "we worked at it, now objective control data is verifying to confirm was it shot down or not". So, will expect Fighterbomber comment too UPD 3. UKR TG assotiated with Vitaliy Kim, the head of Mykolaiv oblast administration writes about Su-30: You [Russians] can fundrise in absentia for burials for pilot with callsign "....-833". He will not so lucky next time like today.
  6. Next week in Ukraine will beat up temperature records - +8..13 is expected
  7. Just not counted. Most of used drones are small Mavic-type. It's impossible to count them.
  8. Hmmm... An information has apperaed UKR troops of 48th separate assault battalion seized the lighthouse on Tendra Spit. No any other confirmations yet. Here is a location Photo of lighthouse for the scale 48th separate assault battalion of Territorial Defense is a new unit, formed in Autumn 2023 as a unit of Crimean Tatars, who will fight for liberation of peninsula. But, of course not only ethnic Tatars serve there. This battlion was formed on the base of 251st TD battalion of 241st TD brigade (Kyiv), having experience of Kyiv battle and Bakhmut.
  9. Updated information about UKR and RUS losses in Kherson oblast along Dnipro (not only in Krynky area) on both banks of the river Russia lost 133, Ukraine 18 (also 11 RIBs and boats, not included to the table) Ukrainian losses: Russian losses (likely only one Su-34 was counted, because despite even Russian side confirmed loss of more than one jet, but photo evidence was only for the one bomber)
  10. One grenade, dropped from the drone and hit BMP has stopped advance of Russian armored assault group. Video of 79th air-assault brigade, south from Maryinka
  11. Air Force Command press-secreter made a statement that F-16, which Ukriane can receive already on next week (though already there are many conspiracy all three Su-34 were shot down by F-16) were upgraded with more long-range radars Netherlands and Denmark, whose jets will arrive first have F-16A/OCU/MLU versions. It's unknown what exact we will receive. But likley these are older jets, which now upgrading to MLU level. But I want to believe we will get some better than MLU.
  12. Amid Mi-24 and Mi-8 Ukraine uses some number of Mi-2MSB helicopters - Ukrainian upgraded Mi-2. Before the war there were even variants of armed Mi-2 and even ASW version, but thanks God, taxpayers money were saved to be wasted for these useless projects. Despite this Mi-2 still carry out own humble service as light transport helicopters for transporting small cargo, high-ranked officers and wounded. This Mi-2 and his crew of GUR, resqued hundreds of lives, evacuating them from stabilization points to hospitals in the rear. Accordong to Orix five Mi-2 were lost: two destroyed (one of them in crash) and three captured on Chornobaivka airfield.
  13. Yesterday Ukrainian troops managed to throw back Russians on one section of nortern flank of Bakhmut between Bohdanivka and Ivanivske. Our troops regained control over the cementry and dairy farm complex near Khromove On other hand today's morning Russians could seize dachas east of Ivanivske On southern section of Bakhmut front main clashes now for the fortified hill near Klishciivka. Since 3rd assault brigade withdrew for rest and replenishment, backbone of defense here became 5th assault brigade. After intensive assaults of the hill and huge losses Russians slighly reduced intensivity of assaults, but continue it anyway. In recent days they could push back our troops behind railway north from Klishchiivka, but judging on Russian TG messages, UKR artillery received new batch of shells, so could intensify own support, cutting off any further attempts of Russians to advance. According to Kostiantyn Mashovets, Russians are moving 57th motor-rifle brigade from southern flank of Bakhmut to Avdiivka sector, so Avdiivka is bigger priority for Russian command.
  14. Russian assault group made attempt to approach the area in Krynky, holding by UKR forces. But single FPV drone, which hit Russian BMP and killed a soldier, completely broken motivation of Russian assault group to continue their task, so they retreared, abandoning own dead comrade and BMP. Russian armored column in three tanks (one of them is T-90M), 3 BMP-2 (later one more BMP-3 appeared as abandoned) was stopped and disabled during a movement by FPV attacks of Adam UAV group. Infantry had a time to disembark and scatter in the tree-plants around. Question about wide usage of FPV drones and establishing of "shtat" UAV units in battalions and companies was put on Zelenskiy press-conference. As result, main "engine" of FPV direction in Ukriane - Serhiy Sternenko had a meeting with representatives of MoD and General Staff. Looks like only after presidental kick and social resonanse in media about FPV effectivenes and how "cabinet generals" interfere to rise effectiveness of troops, process has moved frorward from dead point. Sternenko write, it's too early say this is a victory, but at least he and some UAV aces presented own vision of strike drone usage conception (FPVs, grenade drops, night bombers etc), own vision of how should look UAV units inside battalions and companies etc. As he says, he has seen interest in eyes of military, so he has big hope this will be implemented in solutions and will not drown in bureaucracy and endless approvals
  15. WP, NYT and some other influent media in last time fulfilled with scepticism and defeatism about development of war for Ukraine. It seems "party of appeacement" on the West and Russia achieved some touch points and now actively push agenda about "peace for any cost", "Ukraine must agree to freeze the war to not lose more territories". Ukrainian information field on background of failed offensive and current crawling advance of Russian army overflowed with bots and real accounts, who sow panic and defeatism moods, call to open the borders and resist to mobilisation measures, pushing the takes about "Ukraine is slavery state with force mobilization like in N.Korea" (most of these bots and useful idiots you can spot via N.Korean flag near nickname in twitter), many posts "why we have to die for corrupted dictatorship of Zelenskiy?" or "We are free people and the state hasn't any right to force us go at the war" These two sides invested huge money in powerful media and PsyOps campaign to dismoral UKR society and force Ukrainian politics to sit at the negotiation table on Russian formula "peace in exchange for refuting from occupied territories". And they already achieved some successes. Coming large mobilisation already seriously scare many people. Percent of population, who would agree to freeze a war even by the cost of territories rised almost on 10 % (bigger growth in western and central oblasts) and now is about 19 % And these Putin's offers of peace is just a cunning turn for public opinion and taxpayers: "Look - Russia offers a peace for Ukraine, which inevitable will be defeated anyway. How this generously! How Putin is great! How he wants to stop this bloody war! But look at this pathetic Ukraine! They want to continue this hopeless war. Their president doesn't spare own nation and will fight to last Ukrainian for own illusions to defeat Russia! So, why we have to pay for these new deaths! Let be a bad peace, than a good war! Let make friendship and make money togrther again!"
  16. Russians, alas, have steady advance on the northern flank of Bakhmut. Here they concentrated at least two regiments of three from 98th VDV division and in last days moved here also 11th air-assault brigade. Total Russian Troops Groupmemt "South", operating from Soledar to Maryinka has two VDV division (98th, 106th) and three air-assault brigades (11th, 31st, 83rd) Yesterday Russians could enter to NE part of Bohdanivka village, which wasn't occupied since Wagner assaults of past winter
  17. Russian true-orthodox anti-drone system - a prayer to Saint Barbara "against devilish drones" Saint Barbara, great martyress and patroness, Look down at us, mourners and sufferers, Agianst devilish UAVs, sowing death and destruction. Keep us in faith and hope, give us strength and courage, So as not to lose heart and despair In the struggle for true and freedom Our patroness, pray God for us, So as He to spare us And rid us of evil slanders of our foes Amen. Almost movie scene. Russian company prayer before next "meat assault" near Avdiivka.
  18. WWII attack vibes - likely whole Russian company in attack on foot
  19. Weather conditions... UKR ATV driver of 135th TD battaion of 114th TD brigade (Kyiv oblast) after evacuation mission under ice rain Forest road near Lyman Russian T-72B has sunk. Vodiane area, south from Avdiivka
  20. Who can't see on Reddit, here is short version from Twitter. "Magyar" says this was third TOS-1A, destroyed in Krynky area since UKR troops landed on left bank. Three TOS-1A this is full set of heavy flamethrowers company of CBRN regiment - the army level unit.
  21. I wonder where these 1000 vehciles? Or they meant 1000th of total produced Senator was delivered to Ukraine? Canadian armored vehicle manufacturer Roshel recently commemorated a significant milestone, celebrating the delivery of the 1,000th Senator armored vehicle to the Ukrainian military in an official ceremony. https://defence-blog.com/roshel-delivers-1000th-senator-armored-vehicle-to-ukraine/
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