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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Some other interest example - at the end of 19th century American capitalist Nibur have bought some land and built there a factory of agricultural machines and tools. Because his wife was from New York, he named worker settlement near own factory also New York. This name existed to 1951, when settlement was renamed in Novhorodske (6 km to the west from Horlivka). And on base of Nibur's factories Soviet authorities have established Petrovskyi machine-building factory
  2. Not Hughes only, I have said "main". Donbas factories have saw last modernization in 50-60th (and not all) . Now most of its, like in 30th were consuming ocean of energy and gas and have too big prime cost of production. As cynical as it may sound, but this war it a chance for Donbas to modernize ineffective industry. After the war of course.
  3. Юз в 1869 году покупает землю у русского князя Кочубея в Екатеринославской губернии на берегу реки Кальмиус и начинает строительство металлургического завода с рабочим поселком в районе села Александровка. Для разработки угля он основывает «Новороссийское общество каменноугольного, железного и рельсового производств». Первый чугун начал выплавляться в 1872 году. Завод работает по полному металлургическому циклу, здесь впервые в России запускается 8 коксовых печей, осваивается горячее дутьё. Основанный Юзом комбинат становится одним из индустриальных центров России, позже СССР, а с 1991 года и Украины. He formed the 'New Russia Company Ltd.' to raise capital, and in the summer of 1870, at the age of 55, he moved to the Russian Empire. He sailed with eight ships, with not only all the equipment necessary to establish a metal works, but also much of the skilled labour; a group of about a hundred ironworkers and miners mostly from South Wales.[2] He immediately started to build metal works close to the river Kalmius, at a site near the village of Alexandrovka. The state-of-the-art works had eight blast furnaces and was capable of a full production cycle, with the first pig iron cast in 1872. During the 1870s, collieries and iron ore mines were sunk, and brickworks and other facilities were established to make the isolated works a self-sufficient industrial complex. He further built a railway-line-producing factory. All of Hughes' facilities were held under the 'Novorussian society for coal, iron and rails production.' The Hughes factory gave its name to the settlement which grew in its shadow, and the town of Hughesovka (Yuzovka) grew rapidly. Hughes personally provided a hospital, schools, bath houses, tea rooms, a fire brigade and an Anglican church dedicated to the patron saints St George and St David. The land around the metal works quickly grew to become an industrial and cultural centre in the region; About hystory of other main Donetsk factories you can also find in google.
  4. Donetsk, as industrial and coalmining city was found by John Hughes, Welsh businessman and some Belgian capitalists at the end of 19th century. And named in that time Yuzovka in his honor. Bolsheviks in 1919 expelled all foreign managers and qualified workers and have nationalized facrtories. So, almost all "built by Soviet people" main factories are old Belgian and Brittish, only renamed and slightly modernized in 20-30th years of 20th century. Sometime to these days on these factories remained properly working 100-years (!!!) Belgian machine-tools. By your logic govts of Belgium and UK also have to claim as minimum money compensation for lost property. Not speak, but understand. Even in Soviet times Ukrainan language was studying in schools from 2nd class. In 2013 95 % of Ukrainian citizens could understand Ukrainain and about 75 % could free speak on it. Looks like all problem only in some categories of population just hate all Ukrainian and consider all Ukraine is origin part of Great Russia. For this category I can offer only one - suitcase, station, Russia. Enough these hopes about sometime all will return back and again will be sausage for 2.20 and vodka for 3.62. In Russia recently was pased the same law - all migrants to receive Russian citizenship must speak on Russian. So, why in Russian case this is "integration of migrants in great Russian culture" and in case of Ukraine "discrimination, pressure and assimilation of "Russian-speaking" population" ?
  5. I don't know from what unit they are. On "promka" is fighting different detachments of 11th regiment "Vostok", 100th mot.rifle brigade, assault battalion "Somali" and recon-assault battalion "Sparta". Who of them filmed this - unknown. Camo is standard - UKR forces using the same. You didn't see bullet strikes, but you can hear several incoming zipping. Looks like our troops was busy with main group and this supporters fired in "area target" mode, so their fire wasn't too danger to spend firepower on that group.
  6. This is usual PM of our officers %). About photo - this is real situation, but officer definetely played along for expressiveness of the shot - was no any need to nake the pistole. You can find many photos of Yury Velichko in network. For example, his series from Donetsk airport. All of them was made in ATO zone, less part of them are stage for artistic purposes, some real. He was official photographer of MoD, but many his colleagues-journalists possibly envied for his success and blamed him in staging of some photos from Shyrokyne - you could see it, where soldiers are runing from explosion and kids stroller in front of cadre. Of course, Velichko proved that this photos were real, and all own "artistic" photos he specially marked, but MoD have fired it, because afraid negative reactions of West media. But Velichko continues make photos in ATO already as free photographer.
  7. Calcuation of fire data takes several seconds. Other - time to transmitting, voice commands and personnel manipulations near guns.
  8. Artillery PDAs merged in network theoretically allow to open fire in 1-3 minutes, but not all arty/mortar units have its yet. Also because of Minsk, formally permision on opening return fire with mortars and guns more than 100 mm gives sector HQ through the chain field unit - battalion HQ - sector HQ and back, so can be addition delay. That politruk was also Ukrainain. Lieutenent didn't cosplay him. It's just our journalists have found paralllels and shared it in media and caused reaction of Russian media. I watched interview with this lieutenent, he said he just want to reach as faster as possible to Novoluhanske, so jumping from trench and call others follow- Yuryi Velichko, photographer can catch the moment. Though, I think, some "theatricality" also was present too.
  9. How looks enemy assaults. Separatists uploaded this video with name "Avdeevka. Ukies ambushed" (don't look on cadre with Grads, this is just eyecandy first cadre), but really is a video of attempt to approach to "Almaz" position and the end of this engagement was cutted (watch second video). Possibly enemy fire suport group - three men with PRG-7, several RPG-26 and rifles conduct supress fire on our positions, while other group is trying to attack - very intensive gunfire heard on background, but in side of this three fighters are incoming only few bullets in return. On the second short video is cutted final - our troops move fire on enemy fire support group and they with cries "Retreat! Take the camera! Retreat ! Rudik, comne on! Retreat! " is running away. Unknown either can retreat their RPG-7 shooter Rudik or not.
  10. Statistic from Joint Control and Coordination Center of ceasefire questions - for five days of fight, enemy have launched on outskirts of Avdiiivka and on city itself about 7500 of ammunition from 82 mm to 152 mm and "Grad" MLRS. This is equal by 8 trains. Yesterday in 17-30 enemy again made probe with 20-30 men with artillery and mortars support on own lost position, but were repelled. Interest detail - when 29th Jan DNR troops was retreating from "Almaz" position, they blew up several own SP-howitserz. Russian volunteer "Ol'khon" said about this (on screen with red underlines): filming victorious videos, don't forget to show one moron from "DNR Internal Troops" /looks like this about 100th mot.rifle brigade, which also playes a role of Internal troops/, on background of SP-guns, blown up during retreating, which he have ordered to place on forward position on direct fireand refuled with summer diesel in winter time /SP-guns just couldn't start engines and retreat with all/ Also this theme on Lostarmor: - Alexandr, its remains /of SP-guns/ now controlling by 72nd brigade of VSU. It's a tip for you, but today we can "ask off" them from here /means DNR forces will try push off UKR troops from this position at 4th Feb/ - Vasiliy, damn. What сan its do on "Almaz" ? - Alexandr, this question to f...g moron, which have rode its out there and keep its there
  11. A struggle between of representatives of differnet "Kremlin towers" for influence in LNR I think. But if even our special force group - also good.
  12. Oh, stop this delirium, injected in Ukraine by Kremlin political technologists as far as in 2004. There is no any "westerners", "centralers", "southerners" and "easterners". There are only citizens, which idetifies themeselve as Ukrainians (and no matter on what language they are speaking and where they aree living) and there are citizens, which identifies themeselve as "soviet people, Russian people, soviet Ukraianins, Malorosians" and want of USSR/Russian Empire renovation or consider Ukraine as "origin part of "Russian world" - they hate all Ukrainish, what do not fit in Soviet hystorical and cultural frames, allowed for "Ukrainan Soviet Sоcialistic Republic". Do you think in Ukrainian army all speaking in Ukrainan language and pray on portray of Stepan Bandera ? Poroshenko sold "best leftover tanks" ? Are you shure ? Not Kuchma, Yushchenko and Yanukovich ? Here statistic: http://glavcom.ua/publications/ukrajina-vtrachaje-poziciji-na-svitovomu-rinku-ozbrojen-zvit-za-2015-rik-367990.html 2013 year - sold 50 tanks and 150 APCs, 2014 year 20-30 tanks and 20-30 APCs, 2015 - 15 tanks (and +5 new BM Oplots) and 30 new BTR-3 APCs. Copmare this with hundreds of sold armor in previous years. Why do yo lie here ?
  13. Maybe best photos "GPW-style" is a photo of artillerists (summer 2014) ... and photo of lieutenant of 46th sep,battalion "Donbas-Ukraine", which is starting advance of own unit in Novoluhanske in Dec of 2016. In Russian media real hysteria have started because "Ukrainain nazi have desecrated famous photo of soviet battalion commander, which raised own figters in attack" (below this photo)
  14. We not believe, we see enemy troops, armed by Russia and supplied by Russia on our land and fight them - and no matter who are they - locals, Russians, European or South American left-radicals, volunteers or regulars. Any state in this case must defend itself with armed hand - unlike Chekhoslovakia in 1938. "1,5 mln of inhabitants", when cried on rallies "Russsia! Russia!" and "Putin, put troops !", now have to blame themeselve, that war have came to their homes - ok, Rusisa have came as they want. Either Strelkov with own armed group, which seized Sloviansk and Kramatorsk in April 2014 was local inhabitant ? He said yourself: "I have pulled trigger of war". So, remain this Russian media fairytales about "desperated coalminers", which "Kievan junta want exteminate for Russian languge" for Russian forums. In about two times less (if to count killed only) and 80 % of them in one day.
  15. Of course, no. Man, uderstand - this is OCCUPIED territories ! Any representative of Ukrainain media or polling services risks to increase number of POWs and hostages if will cross demarcation line and will be exposed during own work. Until on occupied territories will be Russian controlled separatists forces and regular Russian troops, until local population will be brainwashed by Russian medias and will be believe in "crucifaied boys" and "US negros-merceneries, which dancing on "Abramses", - no any representative pollings and free elections will be there.
  16. Yes, we have choose this way. Several days ago Poroshenko have a meeting with Ukroboronprom officials, where told about critical need of upgrading of T-64BV and T-80BV. Reportedly first party of modernized tanks we will see to the end of 2017. But Ukroboronprom is such company, which can foil even easy task... Poroshenko have said, that we need many tanks in shortest time, which will be "not worth" then Russians, and because of better to have for equal money one company of upgraded T-64, than 1 BM Oplot and time of upgrading is 2-3 months against more than year of BM Oplot building, so we need to upgrade existing park of tanks. What will be main steps in upfrading (but this is just variant): - mounting of IR targeting system - merging of existing observation optic and NV devices with 3rd generation EOP - "Nozh" ERA in existing "Kontakt-1" boxes - FBCB/navigation "Bazalt" system - additional protection of rear semi-sphere of tank - new digital radio comm. devices - tank commnder will be able to launch "Tucha" smoke grenades - additional 3-4 "Tucha" tubes on turret - gunner will have a button of emergemcy turning of the turret - mounting of 1G46M sight with opportunity of ATGM "Kombat" launch - new engine 850-900 hp - minor improvements of running gear
  17. Some photos from Svitlodarsk bulge 2-3 days ago. There is also escalation in that part of front especially between Troitske and Kalynove villages. Firing position of 2A65 "Msta-B" 46th separate battalion "Donbas-Ukraine" in night fight near Novoluhanske
  18. Pollings roughly show that about 30...35 % wants military resolving, but exactly this part of society is most active. Polling for December 2016 didn't has this question, but was about Minsk agreements evaluations and results of hypotetical referendum about Donbas status. So only 9 % consider Minsk agreements positive, 30 % - negative, 32 % - neutrally or "something is positive, something is negative", 16 % - "I don't know about this"/ "not interest", 12 % - "hard to say something about this" If referendum would be claimed, 49 % of Ukrainians will take part, 24 % - undecided. 53 % of referendum participators (44 % of all population) would vote for recognition of Donbas as occupied territories and full isolation of it until Donbas not be back under Ukraine control, 30 % of referendum participators (23 % of all population) will vote for "special status of Donbas" and amnesty for DNR/LNR fighters/politics, which didn't commit any hard crimes: http://razumkov.org.ua/uploads/socio/infoDonbas1116.pdf And Ukraine is not Georgia. Russian invasion was big surprise for Georgian authorities, which prepare own army only to fight with separatist forces. We now is preparing army for direct engagements with Russia (even in Russia understand, that DNR/LNR forces without Russian support and supply will be destroyed during a month or even less). The point of no return has been passed in Ilovaisk.
  19. Damn ! I have spent a hour in Photoshop for making infographic collage for you and "Haiduk was right" Oh, well, here it...
  20. Instead to measure "degrees", you can watch all on wikimapia - http://wikimapia.org/#lang=uk&lat=48.061896&lon=37.787816&z=19&m=b&show=/26756514/uk/вул-Листопрокатників-10&search=Листопрокатчиков 10 Just click on house and you see the photos. This is THAT house. Behind it on my first photo you can see purple 9 storey building. This is Lystoprokatnykiv str. 3a. also click on building on Wikimapia and see it photo. This is obviosly that house: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=uk&lat=48.061896&lon=37.787816&z=19&m=b&show=/25827600/uk/вул-Листопрокатників-3а&search=Листопрокатчиков 10 Also compare gas pipes on photo and on wikimapia - its seen quite good. Ah, what is this ? Oh, nothing intrerest, just usual T-72B in Makiivka. This is just taxi for coalminers.
  21. T-REX and Azovets projects, alas, already dead. Or almost dead. A conflict between regiment "Azov" and design buerau "Azov" have happened. Dirt story. Now DB changed name on "Arey". But now they don't have any facilities for own works. Now other heavy IFV on base of BM Oplot introduced, but this is next utopia.
  22. @John Kettler And about yesterday shellings of Donetsk. Looks like, that not only UKR artillery shelled northern outskirts... Just one example. Direction of incoming shell, which hit building - E NE and is situates on line which cross through slageheaps between Donetsk and Makiivka, Yakovlivka, Mineralne, Yasynuvata. You will find its on Wikimapia, for example Hryhorivka ettles - locals are writing in twitters that this is traditional place of separatists artillery. This building is Lystoprokatnykiv str.10. Every can to investigate this impact http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=48.062345&lon=37.787907&z=19&m=b&search=Листопрокатчиков 10
  23. So if enemy tanks or artillery shelled our positions, we must anyway to depict "pigeons of peace" ? Enaugh Debaltsevo, where Russians have violated truce since 6 hours. Minsk is just opportunity to relative calm for us, we using this time for army improvement, "crawling offensive" and expecting - either Russia under sanction pressure will go out from Donbas or Croatian scenario. We don't want Donbas as Russian protectorate in our country. All politics, exept pro-Russians, understand, that if they will pass a law about "special status of Donbas", they will have new revolution. 3500 deaths of our soldiers for legitimization of "Russian world" on our territory ? Never.
  24. Ok, guys, since now hevay artillery and MLRS is working almost on all front except Luhansk sector and there is no large atatcks, just position skirmishes and artillery exchenges, I meanwhile stopping updates. When somethig important will happen, I will post here. For 2nd Feb we have 4 KIA 19 WIA on whole frontline. Among them in Avdiivka area - 2 KIA 7 WIA. Need to say about yesterday incident on Svitlodarsk bulge - separs knoked out by ATGM medic car marked with Red Cross, which drove to positions for injured soldier evacuation. Medic of 54th brigade Natalia Khoruzha got killed, driver was heavy wounded.
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