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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Mortars actively use both sides. Mortar was a main weapon of UKR infantry during position warfare 2016-2022. So, many our mortar crews became real "snipers", especially having such systems like GIS Arta and other. Also many of strikes on the videos with burning Russian vehicles this is a work of 120 mm nortars, not howitzers. About All depends from sitaution. On more calm directions artillery can stay on positions more time and shot more rounds, than in hotter places. I've already posted here different tellings about our artillery work - no one UKR unit winds a such kilomentrage per day like artillerists, which continously change positions, trying to avoid eyes of Orlans in the sky
  2. All ok with tractors But farmers are now busy working in the fields, but in free time.... )))
  3. This was a part of holiday concert, Russian singer Zara sang a song "If there was no war" and behind her the photos of "marrieds, separated by war" should have appeared. I think, either usual stupidity of editors, which take random photos from the Google Images, or deliberate mockery of this "dances on the bones"
  4. Our landing on this bare piece of rocky land has no sense. This is typical "smoke curtain", when you defeated. As if, "well, we withdrew, but the enemy lost many times more, than we are". Or "it was a plan". Also add Russian propaganda feature to turn all upside down. If they launched a missile in railway station, they say "this was Ukrainans", so here the same case "Ukrianians filmed desroying of own helicopter and pass it off as our". As well as "Ukrainans lost landing boat "Stanislav", but indeed it turned out next Russian Raptor (our Kentavr-class landing boats distantly similar to Raptors, but its can not be confused)
  5. Usual proceeding in Russia. All state-employees are forced to participate in theese "immortal regiment" marches. Often they carry even not photos of own grandpas, which participated in GPO, but just random portraits, given to them by organzators.
  6. There was a case, during Debaltsevo battle in 2015 one our BMP was destroyed and one crewman considerd as MIA about two years. Burned BMP was moved to metalworks factory as a scrap metal. A worker, who inspected vehicle from inside has spotted suspicious small thing, which looked like remains of organic. Police and forensic experts arrived to factory for investigation, and after analysys it was found this is human body fragment. Despite it suffered high temperature, the lab could extarct DNA specimen and it matched with specimen of parents of missed soldier. On post-Soviet space there is a proverb "scary, like a tanker's death"...
  7. Who tracks the units - the elements of UKR 10th mountain-assault brigade are involved in actions near Kharkiv (SP-platoon commander has a chevron of this brigade)
  8. The source says "during combat mission"
  9. Heavy loss for Ukrainian aviation. Colonel Ihor Bezday, deputy commander of Naval aviation got lost in Mi-14 with 5 crewmen - helicopter was shot down by Russian fighter jet. In past he was a commander of 10th Maritime aviation brigade, in March 2014 he managed to organize dare escape of almost whole working helicopters and planes of brigade (Mi-14, Ka-27, An-26) from blocked Saky airfield in Crimea I wonder, what was a need for such level and experience officer to participate in sortie... Submarine search? Or search&resque mission over the sea? This loss as such heavy for our aviation as the death on 25th of Feb of colonel Oleksandr Oksashchenko - brilliant pilot-instructor of Su-27, which taught whole generation of pilots.
  10. Reportedly Russians had a time to cross the river until bridge was destroyed with company size unit - about 80 of personnel, but with only "several" BTRs
  11. @sburke @Kinophile Lt.colonel Alexandr Blinov, senior officer of combat training of 150th motor-rifle division, Novoherkassk, Rostov oblast, 8th CAA, Southern military district. Got killed 18th of March
  12. Looks like direct hits of arty shell and detonation. Hull down position in caponiers doesn't help against indirect fire. Kharkiv oblast
  13. About month ago there was information we have in morgues about 8600 bodies of Russian soldiers (or even pointed the total weight of bodies and body fragments), whih Russian side doesn't want to take back. Even in present time locals and police continie to find bodies. Some part of Russians were burried in temporary graves after the combat actions in March - first half of April, when there is no firm frontline and situation was too changeable. But on the other hand we also have many missed soldiers, especially in Volnovakha and Popasna. Theese towns, like and Rubizhne and Izium suffered much more devastation than Mariupol.
  14. This photo doesn't reflect Bilohorivka pontoon crossing - this is crossing in 2,5 NE from Dronivka village,destroyed yesterday. This was shortest way to Siversk town. After this crossing was destroyed Russians could put another one near Bilohorivka village after heavy bomb strikes in previous day. They could seize bridgehead there this morning, but our troops could destroy this pontoons too and now conducts clean up operation in Bilohorivka. About Popasna. There was incorrect information that our troops completely left the town. UKR forces withdrew from "zero line", which during two month was shelled and bombed with all weapon and now completely ruined as well as streets around. UKR troops after repelling another assault had a time to withdrew on new fortified positions, but its located in the town. Our soldiers from there wrote Russians seized empty ruined trenches and tried to advance futher, but lost about dozen of tanks and ligh armor and retreated on own previous positions, so "zero line" now is mostly "grey zone" On other hand LPR troops with Russian artilery and aviation support seized Nyzhnie village north from previously seized ruins of Novotoshkivske
  15. You right, this was near Zabavne village N from Izium
  16. Russia had in the Black Sea two very similar types of these fast atatck boats, designed on the base of Sweden CB90 boat (or maybe Russia even stolen information of this project and slightly changed design) So, they built two types - project 31160 Raptor class (in two variants V1 and V2), which positioned like patrol craft with landing capabilities and project 02510 BK-16 class, which positioned like landing craft with patrol capabilities. BK-16 class has better seaworthiness that Raptor In the Black Sea Russia had 7 patrol Raptors and 9 landing BK-16 (4 of them belongs to Maritime units of Rosgvardia for security of Kerch bridge) Here is 02510 BK-16 (left) and 31160 Raptor V2 (right) On the video when TB2 hit Russian boat (color filming fragment), you can see a writing on its portside. Only one boat of both classes in BSF has own name except letter-digital number - this was P-345 "Buyevlianin" 03160 Raptor V2 class boat Total we have evidences of 5 Raptor/BK-16 hit - four near Zmiinyi island and one near Mariupol (hit by Fagot ATGM). Also our General Staff claimed two such boats were sunk in first days of war during attempt of landing near Ochakiv and as RUMINT one boat blew up on the mine, when tried to land recon group east from Odesa
  17. In Ukrainian "zmiya" is common name for all snakes. "Adder" means particular species, which in Ukrainian names "hadiuka"
  18. Russians already made a statement they specially withdrew from Zmiiny to trap Ukrianian forces - as if Ukrainains bombed the island and then tried to land there troops from three helicopters and landing-assault boat "Stanislav". As if after Ukrainian reacjed the island they were struck, lost Su-24, Su-27, TB2, all helicopters and the boat, so rest of troops evacuated on RHIBs. Also as if Russia hit airfields in Odesa oblast and destroyed remains of UKR aviation. Well, good "trap", to allow hit couple of own equipment and personnel %) Of course, Russian reports should be divided on 10, but there is some hints from our side we also have a losses, but without clarification. Probably one or both jets could be intercepted on the way back.
  19. Russian jet dropped a bomb on school building in the village Bilohorivka, Luhansk oblast. 90 villagers, which hadn't time/didn't want to evacuate hide in the basemant of school. Now emergency works ongoing, already 30 people are resqued from the rubbles. AP claimed 600 people were killed in Mariupol theater during Russian bombing
  20. Some part of our Su-27 were upgraded in previous years to Su-27-1M version with GPS naviagation, +30% radar range at air targets, capability of bomb dropping at coordinates and some other.
  21. No, Sevastopol in unreachable from any poin of controlled territory. Neptune range is 280 km. But deploying of Neptunes on Zmiinyi is suicide. And this "expert" asked himself how we can deliver at least one launcher and command vehicle there? I doubt our middle landing ship "Yuriy Olefirenko" can take aboard both vehicles and disembark its there
  22. I think Ukrainian MoD may be interested in such "professioan edition" similator
  23. Somebody already wrote today about him. Yekaterinburg oblast - and motor-rifle signs on shoulder strips - obviously 228th MRR of 90th tank division. As if was killed in engagement with UKR recon group, when personnaly led Russian recons on mission.
  24. Destroyed T-72B3 mod.2016, which was captured and used by Ukrainains. Izium area. Russian military correspondent and propagandist A.Kots claimed the level of losses of both side so high, that already were several episodes of tank engagements, when Russian units used captured T-64BV and Ukrainans - captured Russian T-72/80
  25. Roman Donik about UKR and RUS artillery on Izium direction: Our artillerists are really gods. Counter-battery fire this is first of all a war of calibers, distance and recon. Enemy has advantage in quantity and in artilery systems nomemclature. Whether you like it or not, but this is fact. And in ammunition types too. And in UAVs. And in missiles. And in aircraft. Therefore, in conditions, which our artillery works, I can say confidently - nobody can work better. Because of this SP-gunners of 93rd brigade after their effective work at the enemy, almost all day chased battery of Uragans, with continuos monitoring from the sky with 2-3 Orlans. They just were stopping for short time for the rest and almost immediately taking fire. And this mess whole day. But could break away from chasing and at the morning again poured on the attacking Russians. Why we don't beat up enemy Uragans? Because let see again about advantage in missiles and aircraft. Though... Why don't beat up? Lately a battery of Grads under comamnd of "Shkval" - the legend of the Donetsk airport defense times, in result of raid actions almost across enemy's rears, poured fire on enemy Uragan-crews, which have been deploying to shell our positions. And there is tons of such examples. For two days of fighting on Kharkiv and Izium directions, according to Roman Donik, enemy has conducted 19 and 37 artillery strikes respectively. 4 airstrikes. What is artillery strike? This is not several explosions. This is work of several guns, battery and sometime even several batteries simultainously. And this can last for hours. Tons of deadly steel are falling from the sky on you. And after this attack of Russian infantry begins with support of armor. This is hard to explain by words. This is just a psyche of people under these close explosions is beyond the edge of reality, understandable to us. And immediataly after theese explosions, this people take own rifles and launchers and repell enemy attacks on short distances. For two days of fight OUV "Sloboda" destroyed 11 tanks, 5 BMP, 3 BTR, 4 MTLB, 1 SP-howitzer, 2 UAVs Orlan, about 65 of personnel. On the photos - the consequenses of just one attack. Super-short distances. And NLAW is recognized world leader of equipmnet, which produce barbeque-boxes in contact way.
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