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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Looking to this photo again, I have a feeling Russian light armor maybe crossed the river afloat - looks like both banks suitable for entrance and exit (see next photo), but something happened, when they exited on the bank. AT-mines? I don't see too much craters from arty fire, which could made this stockpile of scrapped metal. And much more photos of this crossing to the hell
  2. According to 'shtat' we should have 25 TD brigades with 110 000 of personnel (but brigades have different number of battalions according to the number of districts in oblast) . But. On 24th Feb TD units weren't mobilized. Rapid Russian movement and sabotage of local authorities before the war in questions of support of TD units establishing caused that TD units in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts almost wasn't rised up. "Paper" Crimean TD brigade doesn't count. Kherson city TD battalion was gathering and supplying about half of day - fighters got only rifles, bullets and hand grenades and with all this armament their battalion, when personnel never seen each other and comamnder before this, was sent against Russians! So, real number of TD servicemen is too lower. Number of volunteers, attached to TD battalions probably will be blanc spot forever - on example of Kyiv defense, this was Brownian motion. Big part of TD units to this time stay in the rear, especilly in western regions.
  3. Three days ago was information from locals near Borova, two Russian armor crews decided to try river crossing in floating way. But they could't - vehicles deadly stuck in the muddy soft groud on approach, so they just abandoned it. I think, for crossing a water obstacle afloat you need to know appropriate place for this. This will take a lot of time for engineer recon tasks. And you know how Russians advanced even without a maps or with 20-30 years old maps. Most of UKR rivers on their way don't have convenient approaches/exits to/from the water as minimum from one side. The banks either covered with dense bushes and trees, or enough steep, or have muddy shores, which in "rasputitsa" time turn itself into the trap, or the bottom of rivers are unpassable for tanks (slime, drowned tree trunks, stones). So, Russians forced either to capture bridges or keep close engineer units - from brigade/division level to army and even district.
  4. National Guard isuued information about own servicemen losses since 24th Feb: 501 KIA, 1697 WIA
  5. US Azov fighter (or volunteer) Gryan got killed in Mariupol. He sneaked to the city when it was already encircled, fought together with Azov, was wounded, but rejected to evacuate on helicopter, when they could fly to the port and continued to fight after some treatmnent
  6. Ukraine received ammunition for AZP-57 AA-guns of S-60 complex and could re-activate this equipment. First guns were mounted on KRAZ trucks and servicemen of Kharkiv TD brigade have been conducting practice. Since we have received FRAG and AP ammunition AZP-57 can be useful as AA-gun against UAVs and against light armor. But there is single issue - the recoil of gun is too strong for guntruck usage, so it can affect on accuracy if don't use stops Probably each TD brigade will receive AZP-57 guntrucks if required quantity will find in storages. Ukraine has some number of S-60 complexes from Soviet times, but all ammuition to its was either sold out or utilized. Video of firing
  7. "Kraken" liberated Pytomnik village N from Kharkiv and Ruska Lozova
  8. Locals from Donetsk write in socila media about disaster with their 115th rifle regiment (conscripts). This regiment was formed mostly of 18-20 years students - they were conscripted 24th Feb and moved to Belgorod oblast of Russia and then to Kharkiv oblast. During two month they were without propper supply and their familiies didn't receive payment, due to them. After clashes, from whole military train with conscripts, which was departed to deployment of 115th regiment, only 107 men left - rest were killed, wounded and deserted. All they severly exhausted physically and mentally. Commanders threaten them with so-called "basement" (place of tortures in MGB jail), because many conscripts rejected to participate in combat actions. Now remains of regiment moved back to Donetsk and placed under guard on military unit territory. Commanders gave them three coises: death penalty, 15 years of jail or back to frontline. Meanwhile during mop up operations in Kharkiv oblast, UKR forces is catching more LDPR conscripts and Russian soldiers On the first video - LPR conscripts. UKR border guard inspects the body and says, there is information 30 conscripts hidden somewhere in that direction More captured (Tsyrkuny area). On the first viseo - mix of Russsian VDV and Rosgvardia + conscriptsof 115th regiment DPR. Second video, more likely conscripts This is also Kharkiv oblast, probably Russians
  9. This fires are on the territory of Black Sea Biosphere Reserve and around. The сause of this fires is not warfare, but natural causes or arson. Reportedly Russians don't allow to local firemen teams to extinguish theese fires.
  10. Now 40th separate naval infantry brigade of Pacific Fleet from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy is a champion among most distant Russian units, moved to Ukraine - 7500+ km. This 18-years old conscript (2004 year of born) of this unit was captured in Kherson oblast. He was in a pair with sniper. Sniper was killed and this guy wounded and captured
  11. Destroying of Russian SP-howitzer by 93rd mech. brigade in Izium area. Huge detonation and shockwave. There is unknown either single gun or some arty unit turned out in the range of this explosion
  12. Russian user (former DPR volunteer) writes on Lost Armor that UKR troops pushed off Russians (not LPR conscripts) from Ternova village, NE Kharkiv almost near the border. He writes also Russians had a lack of personnel, because some part of troops were moved to establish defensive lines on Russian territory, because they expects Ukrainian actions on Russian territory
  13. About so-called counter-offensive actions on Zaporizhzhia direction, claimed by some media We fu...g missed approaching and attack of the enemy on our positions in one area.... Then our arty has mixed them with manure... And then they [Russians] have brought down fire on ours as revenge
  14. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Sergey Borisenko, 106th guard airborne division, killed 3rd of May.
  15. Too far for ATGM to our positions and no incoming ATGMs seen on the video. This is March, so no any guided ammunition.
  16. About Russian tactic and artilery from one serviceman: Few people understand that their tactic - "throwing machine guns with hats" [he meant dumb direct infantry and armor attacks] - is not stupidity and not mistake. Once again. All theess "naked" unprofessional soldiers from their side are the part of very well adjusted mechanism aside for decades. Namely, this is a method of uncovering of firing positions for detection and destroying its by artillery, MLRS, tanks... That's exactly how it was intended and there is all good with this. And it may look weird in 21st century, but it works. I've seen how their artillery works with infinite ammunition and I wnt to say there are no fools there. Theese are not those children in torn pants, whos photos are thrown out every day in our media in huge numbers.
  17. Batteries are too vulnerable, on the videos you can see mostly platoons or even 1-2 guns
  18. About first photo... hm... this guy has signs of VDV on lapels, but the cap of aviation officer. VDV hadn't own aviation, though in 2019 Russian MoD planned to establish one army aviation brigade under VDV Command. Maybe they managed to establish it in 2021, but I've seen only one mention about in October 2021 Second guy - alas, I can't see his signs on the shoulder strips.
  19. 120 mm mortars. At least a half of explosions. I posted the same video above, but from Youtube page of K-2 UAV group
  20. GPS tracker has each drone with a class more than a toy ) But COTS drones is mostly mortar battery levlel or small tactical units. Artillery mostly uses Furia winged drones, which can determintate targets geographical coordinates and translate it into square coordinates with transmition to operator.
  21. @sburke @Kinophile Colonel Vladimir Ivanov, unit unknown Mayor Sergey Kotelnikov, killed 7th of May, unit unknown
  22. UAV recon group K-2 of 54th mech.brigade hit probably DPR armored column, which rides near Olexanrivka village to atatck Maryinka town. After first impacts convoy stopped, then after losses retreated. 5 items of armor destroyed/damaged, including two or three direct hits. Looks like this is old episode month or more ago, but previuosly unseen. @SeinfeldRules here the 120 mm mortars work or combined work of mortars and howitzers.
  23. The moment of destroying of T-90M near Staryi Saltiv, Kharkiv oblast. UKR civil volunteer Roman Donik, which supply units around Kharkiv, claimed this was a work of 227th TD battalion of 127th TD brigade and the tank was destroyed with Carl Gustav shot PS. After huge flame around this video among UKR auditory, the cause of detonation was more likely the a shot of the next Russian tank. Maybe T-90M really could be hit and immobilized with Carl Gustav (or just because of technical failure) and in order to prevent capturing of newest tank, it was destroyed by Russians themselves.
  24. GIS Arta is relatively old application, but had many upgrades and still use to this time. But much more units already use new more universal Kropyva battlefield information system. Telenko writes about GIS ARTA can't work, because Russians jammed our SATCOM equipment. I doubt this is true as mass phenomena, I never read about this in our "frontline twitters", that there is big problems with targeting via such applications. Maybe Russians could interfere GPS navigation in some places, but not satellite communication. Though I know about problems with using of battalion-level SATCOM kits. But I don't know either GIS ARTA uses own satellite (in 2015 it name was classified) or it uses VIASAT satellite of SSZ battalion SATCOM equipment, whose satellite name is known from open sources and can be really interferred %) Kropyva system can use for communication both sattelite and digital radio cahannels.
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