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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. About T-62M/MV. This is not for Russian regulars and even not for LDPR regulars. Russia still has enough T-72/80 for such purposes. T-62 will go to reinforcing of conscript LDPR rifle regiments and for some unclear "local territorial defense". Russians established some "cossack" units in occupied Zaporizhzhia oblast, I don't know how much of collaborants they have. Russian sources write that in border oblasts of Russia cossack TD units are establishing now and they are receiving T-62 too.
  2. He wasn't killed. On the screens of Russian Airbase forum wrote he was led in pair with Botashev. They flew on 1500 m and both Su-25 were hit with MANPADs. Markkov could land own damaged jet. Botashov got lost. Also they wrote both pilots was flying from PMC, Markov was more aged, than Botashov. He is 66-67 and lives in Belarus.
  3. The head of Luhansk military administration Serhiy Haidai claimed UKR troops pushed off Russians [I think, LPR really] from Toshkivka village in 9 km south from Lysychansk and held positions there.
  4. Uniquie filming of two UKR Mi-8 landed in besieged Mariupol in seaport area to take wounded onboard. Ther first comamnder of Azov Andiy Biletskyi told there was at least "more than five" successfull breakthrough to Mariupol. Except ammunition, 72 Azov fighters and volunteers were moved there as well as several civil medics from Dnipro hospital, which volunteered to fly to threat wouded soldiers. Mi-8 flew more than 100 km there and back on extreme low altitude, having 90 % of risk of being shot down. And in theese flights two helicopters were shot down on the way back... The filming of paramedic Yulia Payevska "Taira", which was captured in Mariupol more tham month ago.
  5. The length of front plays against us. We have to keep troops on the border with Belarus and with Russian in NE part of country. Russians can allow itself to concentrate and grow own forces in one place or move them to other place or rotate. We can't. Almost all brigades on Donbas and Kharkiv oblast are fighting without rotation since 24th Feb. Decision to move some TD battalions to east in order to allow mech.battalions to rest was necessary measure. Zelenskyi said yesterday we already have 700 000 servicemen "under rifle", but how much of them is Ground Forces and how much of them in mech.infantry? We have a lack of light armor not only to equip Reserve Corps mech. brigades, but already and in cadre units because of losses. If we still have +/- enough number of tanks (thanks Poland, Czech republic + Russian trophies) to equip our brigades, that number of light armor for mech., motorized infantry and air-assault troops is too low and will be decrease day by day. The second problem - artillery. Our artillery is working beyond physical and human capabilities. Even if guns are not destroyed in warfare, its barrels will be gradually exhaust, decreasing the accuracy. We havn't much artillery in stock, even old D-20.
  6. After UKR troops came to the border in Ternova area, approached to the border in Starytsia area, after SOF crossed Siverskyi Donets river and took gound on the eastern bank between Zarichne and Khotimlia, Russian command at last felt the threat to Vovchansk - the border town and the gate of shortest logistic way Belgorod - Vovchansk - Kupiansk - Izium. So Russians moved there two more BTGs, artillery, MLRS and conducted counter strike with a goal to throw UKR forces back to the T2104 road Kharkiv - Staryi Saltiv. After about three days of fighting they managed to retake Starytsia and Rubizhne villages, Ternova now still contested. But Russians also havn't enough forces to push UKR troops further to south, so now we have position warfare with probes and artillery strikes. Russians also renewed shellings of Kharkiv (but in less number, than they deployed near circle road) and villages north from the city. Simultainously Russians started to shell border areas of Sumy oblast and even conducted attempt to attack theese areas with small forces. Obviously the goal of theese actions - to create appearance of the offensive threat and tie down our forces in this oblast in order they could be moved to Kharkiv oblast
  7. Interesting, that Botashev retired in 2012 after accident, when he crushed Su-27, flying on it without permition to flights. But reportedly he was 63 years in 2022 - I doubt he could fly in such age. Maybe natural death.
  8. The driver, who evacuates civilians from Lyman runs away from the town under shelling
  9. Russians now assaulting Lyman. Reportedly they captured northern part of the town
  10. In nearest 1-2 weeks we will see culmination of Russian offensive. Their pressure now is unprecedent. Lyman and Avdiivka today were shelled severly during several hours almost with all calibers and systems. Siverodonetsk and Bakhmut also under fire. Russian use own usual "burned earth" tactic. Russian penetrating around Popasna stabilized by elements of 80th air-assault brigade, but heavy clashes are ongoing. Villages Viktorivka, Oleksandropillia, western part of Komyshuvakha still a grey zone and arena of clashes. Russians are digging in Volodymyrivka and in 1,5..2 km south from Vasylivka - Lypove villages. Locals wrote in twitters - the endless stream of Russian armor and concentration of troops in Alchevsk, Kadiivka, Pervomaisk town. Reportedly at least 18 BTGs now on Popasna - Bakhmut axis Russian commander of "Popasma group", mayor general Avdeev is relatively young general and he uses more flexible tactic, than direct assaults after artillery fire. He use HUGE amount of artillery and aviation support to supress resistsanse but instead direct assaults he uses outflanking and infiltrations of relativelly big number of small combat groups (1-2 reinforces platoons), consisting of mix of 76th VDV division and PMC units. Our soldiers point that PMC have many experienced troopers, which passed many wars - they are dangerous enemy, which never surrender and never take prisoners. This actions and lack of troops on Popasna-Bakhmut axis (as well as retreating of some TD units) forced our command to pull our right flank. Today UKR troops on Svitlodarsk bulge destroyed the bridge through reservoir of Luhan' river and abandoned Myronivskyi settlement. Looks like we will retreat soon also from Svitlodarsk beyond the river and all efforts will be concentrate on defense of Bakhmut area. Destroyed bridge near Myronivskyi Russian occupants (PMC?) in Myronivskyi And hypothetical solution...
  11. Of course, they had own defense lines - it' impossible not to have it, when you have position warfare sinse 2015. Though, many Russian sources all time criticized quality of most of theese fortifiacations in comparison with Ukrainian. PS. about video with two tanks - "Zirkuni" = Tsyrkuny
  12. Here again about capabilities of crews in steel boxes to spot incoming ATGMs to react on them or immediately open fire at the launcher. UKR Stugna-P crew fired a missile directly in front of driving BMP
  13. Colonel Denys Prokopenko "Redis", commander of Azov was the last to leave the bunker of Azovstal. Now we can only hope on mediating countries guaranties. Russian minister of defense Shoigu reported to Putin that 2439 defenders came out from Azovstal plant
  14. Colonel Gerasimenko, not GRU, but Rosgvardiya spetsnaz. Like and mayor Miagkov he served in 12th sep.special force detachment "Ural" (Nizhniy Tagil). But he got lost early of 8th of April.
  15. Rubizhne, probably Corsar ATGM hit Russian truck.
  16. UKR AA-squad (probably 95th air-assault brigade), armed with Polish "Piorun" MANPAD and driving on Kozak-2M1 armored car. They search Russian UAV in the sky with thermal camera and launch a missile at it with unknown result. Commander says "shot down!", but there is no conformaition.
  17. Stugna-P and Javelin launches of 80th air-assault brigade. Looks like Stugna-P hit Russian TOS-1A, but it's hard to identify
  18. Russian convoy in Luhansk oblast cought some fire
  19. Forced measure. Regulars need in rotation. 24th brigade held Popasna three months. And in this time dozen thousands of light infantry drink a coffee in western Ukraine, playing in space troopers on already useleess checkpoints. 110th TD brigade of Zaporizhzhia oblast. for example already about month hold positins around Velyka Novosilka and Huiliaypole. Of course, they are not alone, but in Rubizhe and Popasna areas TDs wasn't one-by-one against enemy. 115th is old video, but now appeared from Rubizhne.
  20. There is some information appeared, Russian advance of last week around Popasna and Rubizhne hapapned because of units of 115th TD defense brigade (Zhytomyr) and 103rd TD brigade (L'viv) just abandoned own positions and later filmed a video, blaming UKR command that "you got us only rifles against artillery, we reject to fight without cover". This caused very angry comments of fighters of reguar units, which blamed theese soldiers in cowardness, because they were equipeed not only with "rifles", but with NLAW and MANPAD and they, regulars, are also suffreing under Russian arty fire, but dug in in hold positions since Feb and don't cry "take us back". There are also many motivated people in TD units, but many also, especially in western part of Ukraine enlisted there to avoid mobilization and sending to war, because accordig first edition of the law, TD units could be used out of own oblast only for TD tasks. But since situation demands more people on frontline, the law was changed and TD now can be send in combined arms operations. Example of Kharkiv TD brigade showed this was right decision, but if units have motivated servicemen, well supplied and have experienced commanders. Looks like 115th and 103th have a lack of some of theese features. Bad situation, which already use Russian PsyOps. I feel a smell of 2014, when wives gathered meetings and demanded "to turn back our husbands home, they are TD and hadn't serve out of own oblast!"
  21. And welcome again.... Russian Orlan-10 was jammed today over Hostomel
  22. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Anatoliy Miagkov, last meantion of his service - 12th separate special force detachment "Ural" of Rosgvardia, Ural district of Rosgvardia. But due to his age he could be a fighter of Russian volunteer/PMC unit or some regular DPR unit
  23. I think, they maintained some SIGINT equipment on Zmiinyi island.
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