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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. He escaped to UKR-controlled territory. I can say also that not only pro-Ukrainian people flee frpm occupied territories - both since 2014 and now. Many of "vata" go to Kyiv, western Ukraine, Poland. They continue to hate Ukraine, but don't want to go to Russia. Maybe because true Russian patriots always prefer to love "ideal Russia" on the distance from its terrible reality
  2. We had pre-war re-integration law project, which also was a case for Russia to blame Ukraine in plans of "military resolve of Donbas question", though this plan never said about it. But now reality is completely other and re-integration will be conducted in more tough way. Looking at resistance/SOF actions in Melitopol, Kherson, Luhansk oblast, we will not stop even before phisical elmination of collaborants during occupation and in liibaration process, those who now became "city mayors", "oblast administrations", "police" etc. Voices of HRW will be no more interest. I hope all, who met occupants will have a time to leave with them to their beloved Russia. All other must be condemned according to passed law about collaborationiosm. After 2014 almost all officials, those, who agitate for LDPR and stayed on UKR-controlled territories, were not punished and this also played own role in significant pro-Russian moods even on Ukrainian-controlled part of Donbas. Russians, who came to Crimea for living will go away. Some of them wrote before a war, that even if UKR take back Crimea it will be forced to give them UKR citizenship (and all cherry on tops, like visa-free trips), because in other case this will be violation of human rights. No-o-oo, pals. Don't even dare to dream about this. Also we must to establish "non-citizen" passports like in Baltic states. All who was convicted in unloyality to Ukraine or was condemned for collaborationism must receive such passport. There is a movie "Atlantis" was produced in Ukraine in 2019 about problems, which will raise after liberation of Donbas
  3. This is big exaggregation. As told Zeleban many of locals are indifferent. They are also passive. They are not so much pro-Russians, like Soviet-nostalgy. Somebody said "Russia seized Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk not beacuse the majority of locals were pro-Russian, but because it didn't care". Many of pro-Ukrainain people couldn't leave occupied territories by many reasons. Especially in Crimea, when real number of referendum participators was about 35%. Many of that information, which I post here from occupied territories is information from local social networks users, which with risk to their lives continue to write about situation. And some of them already arrested by LDPR "security". Real example of indifference of Donetsk citizen - this story of 2015. The owner of car-service in May 2014 told to his friend, which suggest him evacuate togeter to Kyiv and move business to there: "I don't care who's flag will be over the city. All will be need in my service here. I got my income in hryvnas, but If Russians come - nothing will change for me, thay just will pay me in rubles. If Americans come - they will pay me in dollars. Even if Chineese come, I will get money anyway, but in yuans". But since some month to his car-service came DPR fighters fron some Russian Caucasian repuplic and told him "Now it's our business, go fu...k away"
  4. Ukrainian society will curse and even overthrow anybody, who will agree to trade our lands for peace. There is no matter about relatively big part of Russia-TV zombified unloyal population, which wanted of Russia coming. Most of them will never rise a weapon by own will, because their passive soviet mentality. Westerners always have rational point of view, which mixed with modern pacifism of many intellectuals. So, from here all this messages to our government and president - "we support you, of course, but Russia is stronger and bigger anyway, your desperate resistance only caused new and new deaths and destructions. You have to save a lives first of all and stop the war. Rest can be resolved by negotiations ... Somewhere. And we want to trade with Russia - huge market, but your foolish resistance is just spoiling our idyll" But for us, slavs, the question of "land of our fathers" will be always irrationally sacred. We can lost lands only after military defeat or betrayal of our leaders, but even in this case we will fight back early or later. All, who incline our country to peace with concessions just don't understand, that this only approve Russia in it neo-imperial ambitions. And through several years they again will come to "liberate" other Ukrainian territories. And not only Ukrainian. I bet if Russia invade to Baltic states, there will be discussions around "5th article" and many continental European countries will be search ways to avoid direct involvement. So, now the West has a chance to finish off with rashism, neo-imperialism and revanchism by our hands and our blood. We have 600-year experience of wars with Moskovia, so nobody can do it better. So, just give more weapon and ammunition and we will drive aspen stake in the heart of neoSoviet walking dead, risen from own grave. All other hints about peace, "not humilitate Russia" summon question is really western world based on own claimed values, or this is just beautiful hypocritical words, which cover ugly face of rationalism, real politic and business as usual
  5. This is point of view, which was popular in period of "Independence romantiсism" at the end of 80-th- beginning of 90th. Patriotic Ukrainian society in that time tried to find the place of Ukraine in world hystory, so this researches inevitably led to manipulations by sources and creating of hystorical myths. Of course, on the wave of euphoria of 1991, when Ukraine became independent, many of our intellectuals were throwing out even the thought that the name Ukraine was derived from Russian "okraina" - "outskirts, periphery". But really the word "krayina" as "state" never used in old chronics, this is more late means, probably since 18 century. But now, when period of romanticism has gone, nobody from our serious historians doubt that "Ukraine" is derived from Ancient Rus word "oukrayina, ukrayina" - "frontier, border land". There is nothing splended in this derivation. This is just objective fact. First mention of word "ukrayina" we can find in Ipatyevska chronicle under 1187 year, but this name related to Pereyaslav Principality. Pereyaslav - the town in nowadays Kyiv oblast, which in that times, was a center of separate principality, which was real frontier with Wild Steppe and nomad tribes. When modern Ukrainian lands in 14th century became a part of Great Lituanian Principality, already Lithuaninan rulers named old Rus lans as "ukrayina" - "Kyivan ukrayina", "Volynian ukrayina" etc, with the same sense - "frontier lands". Further theese names often mentioned in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthm. Active mastering of Wild Steppe in 16th century and rising of Cossacks gradually has been fixed "ukrayina" for lands on left bank of Dnieper with Kyiv and Cherkasy regions, and since the mid of 17th century this name was extended on whole Cossak-controlled territory.
  6. 43rd high power artillery brigade has 4 battalions per 3 batteries per 4 guns. So, only "shtat" number of 2S7 should be at least 48, not 13.
  7. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Artyom Lazarenko, chief of operative department of 439th Guard reactive artillery brigade (MLRS "Tornado-S"), Southern military district. Killed 15th of March in Kherson oblast (next Chornobaivka victim?)
  8. Zaluzhnyi has told today that 10:1 is exactly on Donbas and especially on the north of Luhansk oblast, so this is not total 10:1 advantage.
  9. @Battlefront.com This is near Synychyne village, Kahrkiv oblast, 9 km SE from Izium. Reportedly position of full Grad battery (6 launchers) and 7 ammo trucks were completely destroyed. 40th artillery brigade like and other artillery brigades operates by separate batteries along all front. So, some units can be in Kherson oblast, some in Zaporizhzhaia oblast, some in Kharkiv oblast.
  10. Before a war it was temporary administrative center of Ukraine-controlled part of Donetsk oblast
  11. This can be just an element of psychological pressure to the West and signal "you are too slow in weapon supply". Though, intencity of clashes from Kherson to Kharkiv now extremaly high, so both sides have big, but comparable losses.
  12. Enemy artillery destroyed a section of the second bridge to Siverodonetsk. Their artillery tried to do this more than a week, could hit bridge several times, but only slightly damaged it. And now they have success. The last bridge remained, but it was in bad conditions already before a war. This puts again a question of city defense expediency. The defense of Siverodonetsk is obviously political decision, so in society there is many criticism about this and demands to Armed Forces Command "don't listen Zelenskyi and to withdraw our guys to Lysychansk immediately". Though, looks like Siverodonetsk like and Rubizhe previuosly now playing a role of "meat grinder". Main forces, that ae storming the city and villages around are not Russians, but 2nd and 7th motor-rifle brigades of LPR + some battalions of conscripts rifle regiments. Russians probably represented with Kadyrov's forces and 31st air-assault brigade. Inside the city our troops hold industrial zone and quarters around it. LPR/Russians occupies NE and E parts of the city. All other space is just a place of artilery and airstrikes and deadly "counter-strike" games, as told commander of "Legion of Freedom" - one of the unit, holding the city. This is volunteer unit under Nationmal Guard comamnd, mostly of members of political moderate nationalist party "Svoboda" ("Freedom")
  13. I've just passed to this page and read THIS. Guys, I though this was just a joke, but now my heart is melted down and I can't reject this gift. Though, I feel myself awkward... and also huge gratitude to all of you and Kinophile personally for idea
  14. Since 2016. As well as indirect fire of SPG-9, using GISARTA or newer Kropyva applications.
  15. I do not recommend Василь Стус @v_stus twitter as reliable information. Too much "victorious". He has reputation of "Twitterian Arestovich". But in this post he is right - Russians didn't crossed/forded the river and hadn't any bridgeheads. Though, Hayday mentioned some recon groups actions in Bilohorivka area.
  16. Ahah, thanks, but this is superflous ) And we have PC and laptop. I don't like to work on latter, PC forever ) I will be more glad if you donate to some of UKR funds, for example for Aerorozvidka for R-18 drone-bombers producing in order to you can see more vidoes of silent bomb strikes in the night: https://www.facebook.com/aerorozvidka/posts/4854380451352064 Aerorozvidka also offers a draw of stamps with Moskva cruiser for each donation of 100 UAH and more
  17. Thanks ) Just became some more of work, my wife turned back and often occupies PC because her work, also it's hard to live three months 24/7 as war news translator, so I took small vacations
  18. Russian TG tells the lack of infantry forced Russians to use personnel of recon companies and battalions to participate in actions like usual infantry. This causes additional losses of specialiized troops, so Russian units soon can be limited in the tactical recon. Russian command puts an ultimatum for recon units commanders - either their soldiers go to the battle like usual infantry or this commander have to retire. As the author told on this screen, his familiar recon battalion commander chose to retire. Members of LostArmour discussion boards also told about lack of capable infantry both in Russian troops and LDPR. All last success maintained mostly by PMC, remained motivated VDV and Spetsnaz, which more and more plays a role of VDV. Most part of "line infantry" day by day is losing own motivation.
  19. @sburke @Kinophile Colonel Ruslan Shyrin, chief of the staff of 336th Guard naval infantry brigade, Baltic Fleet. PS. About killed lt.general Kutuzov. He was shadow commander of DPR "army" (1st Army Corps of DPR People's miltia) PPS. Retired colonel-pilot Vladimir Liakhov have died of natural cases, not in action. Just his memory table was placed near the KIAs.
  20. This is one of theese problems - D-20 with torn barrel after several shots.
  21. This is that first famous large column of Rosgvardia, destroyed in first or second day of war. All this did 6th company of 92nd mech.brigade near Kutuzivka village NE from Kharkiv. The company in Day 1 turned out itself in the rear of Russians, because they advanced forward too fast, trying to enter in Kharkiv. In first contacts the company lost 3 BTR-4E, but despite this company commander decided to break through back to Kharkiv. The company, heading toward the city, encountered with large columnn of Rosgvardia/OMON, which drove in the same direction. Commander immadiately ordered to attack them - as result almost whole column was destroyed, but from full elimination Russians were saved because two their tanks appeared on the road and engaged UKR company. Two more BTR-4E were knokced out by tanks, so rest of company broke contakt and on full speed reached Kharkiv.
  22. UKR troops near Davydiv Brid, Kherson oblast. Looks like the video of Krasnopol hit was about this group
  23. I doubt 700 000 meant as "in the army", more likely this is all force structures - Armed Forces (Ground Forces, Air Forces, Naval Forces, Territorial Defense Command, Air-assault command), SOF + their volunteers, SBU special forces + their volunteers, National Guard, State Border Guard Service. Also very likely special police units like KORD. Or maybe even whole police. I have no clue where to place 700K in current army structure even with Reserve Corps deployed. Pre-war picture in artillery was much worse. Because of losses of 2014-2015 and exhausting of barrels life in 2016-2021, the number of artillery was significantly reduced. Mech. or tank brigade had 18 2S1 (3 batteries x 6 barrels), 12 2S3 (3 batteries x 4 barrels) and 12 Grad (3 batteries x 4 launchers). Maybe, when the war started, all "shortened" battalions got additional guns/launchers for 36/18 number, but I don't know. Number in 17 brigades also not correct. We had 13 "heavy" brigades (tank, mech. and mountain-assault) +1 training center, which can consider as brigade or at least "large BTG". For this 13 brigades we should have 234 122 mm SP-howitzers and per 156 152 mm SP-howitzers and 122 mm MLRS launchers. OK, I will add per 18/12/12 for training center too. Next we had 4 "light" motorized infantry brigades, which should have the same brigade artillery group, but 152 mm towed D-20 howitzers insted 2S3. And probably because D-20 was enough quantity, they could have 18 howitzers in battalion. So +72/72/48 One yager infantry brigade. There is few info about it, but it 100 % had battalion of 2S1. +18 122 mm Next, 4 Air-assault/airborne brigades: 2 battalions of 122 mm howitzers in each (D-30 and 2S1) + MLRS battalion (12 Grad), also one BTG in 80th brigade has own arty battalion (18 D-30), also separate artillery battalion of Air-Assault Command level (12 2S3), So +162/12/48 Next, 2 Marines brigades - each had 18 2S1 and 12 Grad-1. Also at least two separate battalions of theese brigades had own 2S1 batteies. So +48/0/24 National Guard. Among all units there are 5 x 122 mm battalions and one 122 mm battery = 96 x 122 mm (2S1, D-30) So pre-war ground forces brigade level required 648 x 122 mm, 252 x 152 mm, 288 x 122 mm MLRS Artillery brigades 5 in Ground Forces and one in Naval Forces. I assume they had reduced 4-barrel batteries too, so we should have 18 x 152 mm battalions (2S19, 2S5, 2A65, 2A36) with 212 barrels and 4 x 203 mm battalions (2S7) with 48 barrels. MLRS brigades - 3 in Ground Forces and 1 in Naval Forces. Total 6 battalions of 220 mm Uragan per 8 in each = 48 launchers, and 11 battalions of 300 mm Smerch/Vil'kha per 4 in each = 44 launchers Missile brigade: 4 battalions of Tochka-U = 12...16 launchers Since the war began, Reserve Corps was depolyed 3 tank, 3 mech., 3 infantry/yager, 2 air-assault and 2 artillery brigades. This is potentially +234 x 122 mm howitzers, at least 108 x 152 mm howitzeres, 120 x 122 mm MLRS and 72 x 152 mm long-range howitzers (2A65) Territorial defense brigades don't have artillery (except MT-12), looks like some of them received D-20, but this more exception, so I will not count them. So, totally we should have: 882 x 122 mm howitzers (147 batteries). I think, they still in service, because a lot of ammunition remained. But Air-assault and marines units probably will be betetr to re-arm on 105 mm caliber (35 batteries). Or to made one battalion on M777 and the second on L118. M777 is light and mobile howitzer, it should be in mobile units, I think, but because of its range, theese howitzers now first of all go to artillery brigades. 360 x 152 mm howitzers (69 batteries). Or to reach all full-strenght batteries in 6 barrels we should have 486 x 152 mm howitzers. I see M109 or Krab, replacing 2S3/D-20 212 x 152 mm long-range guns/howitzers (53 battreies). Or 318 barrels for full-strength. Caesar, Pz2000 or our perspective Bohdana is our future in this class. 420 x 122 mm Grad-class MLRS (35 batteries). Or 630 launchers for full-strength battalions. I think, Grads can be taken from former Warsaw pact/Aisa/Africa stores. In future we are capable to close this class with own developments. 48 x 220 mm Uragan (6 batteries). This is dead end Soviet MLRS branch. After the war we should say goodbye to it. But Uragans can be substituted with M270 MLRS. 44 x 300 mm Smerch (11 batteries). M270 ATACMS or HIMARS critically needs to this class! Or at least future modifications of our Vil'kha 16 x ballistic missile launchers. HIMARS ATACMS. Or our Hrim-2 in future. Of course for reserve and losses substitution we should have +20-30% more of each class.
  24. UKR soldiers on the video, where they are training on Wolfhounds, have chevrons of 46th air-assault brigade. Like 45th air-assault they are both "ghost" brigades, which were established in 2016-17, but almost hadn't own personnel, except HQs and some minimum of contractors in some units. They participated in JFO, but "leasing" personnel in other air-assault brigades. I think, both brigades were "brigades of cadre" and were fully deployed only after the war begun. Though, I didn't hear about their participation in the war. 45th brigade dislocates in Bolgrad, Odesa oblast (Bessarabia), 46th - in Poltava city.
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