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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russian Forpost UAV (licensed IAI Searcher II) crashed (or was shot down by own AD) over Taganrtog ciity, causing fire in private house
  2. Really rare footage of UKR Buk M1 work - since Day 1 I've seen one or two videos with Buk launches. Before a war Ukraine had three regiments, armed with this system. Photo fixed losses, according to Orix are 2 TELARs and 2 TELs.
  3. Locals from Snizhne write UKR strike destroyed ammunition storage with ballistic missiles and SA-missiles for S-300 (not counting usual stuff) New hit of ammunition storage in Donetsk Also FIRMS reported about likely ammunition depot hit near Ilovaisk, Donetsk oblast
  4. No. Our arty played big role in defneding of Kyiv, Brovary, Hostomel, Kharkiv, Chernihiv. Even in Kherson during the battle for the bridge. Maybe this imagination formed with numerous videos of light infantry ambushes on columns and AT-team works, but actually our artillery met the enemy with first hours of invasion. Brigade's artillery moved behind own mech.infantry, artillery brigades hit concentrations of enemy and conducted couter-battery fire
  5. @sburke @Kinophile Lt.colonel Sergey Moskvichyov, 155th separate naval infantry brigade (Vladivostok), Pacific Fleet. Killed 27th of March, likely during the battle for Kyiv.
  6. SOF reported resistance forces in Zaporizhzhia oblast in second time blew up railroad bridge in Liubymivka village between Melitopol and Tokmak. Day ago reportedly resistance damaged railways between Yakymivka and Melitopol and Russian armored train was derailed. About two hours ago Chornobaivka airfield was struck again
  7. UKR Su-24M under cover of Su-27 fly toward frontline
  8. I don't know what hit Belgorod, but over Kursk Russian AD shot down two old Soviet jet UAVs Tu-141. Looks like this is just more psychological pressure on local population, than some military effect except spotting of AD positions. I don't know if it possible to put HE inside bow compartment of Tu-141 instead of photo devices and how much if yes. Also theese UAVs can't be guided like modern birds, they just use programmed route, so their accuracy like kamikadze would be approx like Kh-22
  9. No, if you read daily reports of our Air Force Command you can see +/- the same number of sorties 12-20 per day. Russians have enough aircraft and don't need to move all of them to Donbas.
  10. Again back to the video with destroyed PAntsyr S1 UKR military journalist Yuriy Butusov claims Ukrainian artillery used German-designed SMArt 155 artillery rounds. This shell contains two autonomous self-guided top-attack EFP submunitions. Range - 27,5 km. Can be used in PzH 2000 and M109 howitzers. Manufacturer claims this weapon is effective even against armor, equipped with APS. More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMArt_155 Butusov claims that destroyed yesterday Pantsyr S1 was hit with SMArt 155. Also he writes on 2nd July Russian column was shelled with this ammunitions and 8 vehicles were damaged or desroyed (ok, I hope we will see a video soon) https://censor.net/ru/news/3351716/vsu_nachali_ispolzovat_nemetskie_samonavodyaschiesya_snaryady_smart_dlya_unichtojeniya_bronetehniki
  11. US administration was against that HIMARS hit targets on Russian territory, though, we can say "Russians just smoked in unappropriate place". But if this was Iskander, we can't reach it with 84km-missiles
  12. Some results of rare Russian SEAD - 17th of June Russian missile (unknown SA or AS) hit the combat control vehicle 5K56S of SAM battalion of 160th SAM brigade (dislocation - Odesa, S-300PS), being deployed near Tereshkivka village, 25 km west from Sumy. Inside vehicle were killed battalion comamnder lt.colonel Serhiy Mizin and chief of the staff, battalion commander deputy captain Oleksiy Hubin. 5K56S for illustration
  13. Some about UKR losses: this article says 130th TDB of 112th Kyiv TDBR, operating in Kharkiv oblast lost for last week 18 servicemen KIA, including company commander. Some guys from our reenectment clubs enlisted in this brigade and some in this battalion. https://www.newsroom.kh.ua/ukraine/v-tyazhelyh-boyah-v-harkovskoy-oblasti-pogibli-18-boycov-kievskoy-teroborony
  14. 30th brigade is on Donbas, Horlivka - Novoluhanske sector. 10th mountain-assault brigade and 24th mech.brigade probably defends southern positions of Lysychansk.
  15. Officially claimed UKR troops forced Russians to withdaw from Ivanivka village in north of Kherson oblast, but no claiming that Ukrainian forces entered and hold the village. Position of Russian "spearhead" on Kryvyi Rih axis in Vysokopillia got more worse. In the triangle Arkhangelske - Vysokopillia - Novovoznesenske is operating Russian 205th MRB (at least 2 BTGs on MTLBVM, but maybe and whole brigade in full composition) of 49th CAA of Southern military district and forces of 10th Spetsnaz brigade of Southern military district. Several days ago Russians moved here reinforcements - BTG of 34th MRB (mountain) of the same 49th CAA (also has MTLBVMK and MTLB-6V as combat transport).
  16. 2nd battalion of Volunteer Ukrainain Corps "Right Sector" brings military oath. You can see TO&E and approx number of troops which more correspond to large company. Battalion has jeeps, pick-ups and mini-bus as transport - all vehicles bought for donates (VUC has large support of Ukarainan diaspora in USA and Canada). Also they use captured Russian Tigr-M and BTR-82A. Heavy infantry weapon represented by two 120 mm mortars and two HMGs (Brownings?)
  17. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Andrey Melikhov, senior expert of VDV military-science commitee. Got lost 24th of June. Field research of VDV troops usage finished wrong %) Probably already in list, but NecroMancer posted it not as continuing of previous post about this loss. Lt.colnel Mikhail Rodionov, senior operative investigator of Vladimir oblast SOBR detachment. Got lost 3rd of March
  18. This is twitter of servicemen of 111th TDBR of Luhansk oblast. He writes the company of this brigade, armed only with light weapon 3,5 months held own positions in Pryvillia village NW from Lysychansk, repelling all probes of Russians to cross the river, but 30th of June Russian artillery made the hell on their positions with so quantity of fire as if they need to suprees whole division. They have been withdrawing two days to Siversk on foot under shellings, hiding from the shells from 10 minutes ip to 2 hours. Despite the heavy fire, their company could avoid big losses. 111th TDBR considers as enough capable, because many of serviceman - either former ATO soldiers or active pro-Ukrainian citizens. Meanwhile Russian/LDPR forces already eneterd to Lysychansk, rear UKR screen units withdrawing from the city with some clashes.
  19. They released videos in initial pahse of war, when Russian tactic of advance in columns and deploying allowed to use TB2 for strikes. But when the war turned to position withstanding and Russians established echeloned AD of troops, TB2 became mostly use only for recon and artilelry targeting. Though, they also still in use as strike UAVs, when it possible, even on territory of Russia (at least 2 TB2 were shot down near the Russian border)
  20. Vovchoyarivka area, Luhansk oblast, Russian tank launched own turret in the space
  21. Before this strike a pair of Russian Su-30SM tried to destroy own abandoned equipment on the island with incendiary bombs, but from four dropped only one hit the island. So, UKR TB2 just made the work instead of Russians %)
  22. In our tanks units due to losses, you can meet now whole zoo of many types, included captured Russian tanks. There is no time to sort them by types...
  23. As I know 5 T-84U were in 14th mech.brigade. Maybe this 6th tank from some military academy, was repaired and brought to service in that unit, which need in tanks. Though, more logycally would be include it in 14th brigade too. Or to move 14th brigade's T-84U to 3rd brigade.
  24. Next Russian ammunition storages destroyed in previous day Zaporizhzhia direction: Popasna Chornobaivka, Kherson oblast Also locals in twitter wrote aboute some explosions in Pervomaysk again, so neighbour settlement Kirovske in sense smoke now.
  25. UKR troops are completing the withdrawal from Lysychansk. Looks like troops from the north-west of the city are withdrawing to south in expecting own queue to move out. Russians yesterday crossed Siverskyi Donets river and seized Privillia and Shypylivka villages. There is unknown how they did it - with pontoons or just on vehicles or boats. First attaempt of crossing or engineer recon for crossing reportedly took place on 29th of June. Also unknown there was some clashes for theese villages after crossing or no. UKR troops still hold southtern and south-werstrn outskirts of Lysychansk, maintiaining withdrawal of main part of Lysychansk group. Main clashes are ongoing around zhelatin factory in 4 km from southern outskirts of the city, on oil rafinery near Verhniokamyanka village and on approaches to Verkniokayanske village Russian troops advance on Lysychansk from the south with two groups. First, so called "north Popasna group": one PMC BTG and two BTGs of 1st MRB DPR, two BTGs of 100th MRB of Republican Guard DPR, 14th territorial defense battalion of LPR (moved here in last days as reinforcement) - they operate on oil rafinery, Verkhnoikamyanka, Zolotarivka, Maloriazantseve axis and have a task to take Verkhniokamyanske - Zolotarivka section of road to cut off the way for UKR troops from Lysychansk. In best case they shoul meet with "Lyman or Siverodonetsk group", which crossed the river and also now tries to move in Zolotarivka direction. The second Russian group, which should mop up Lysychansk represents left-flank part of "Siverodonetsk group" and consists of two BTGs of PMC, 39th MRB, 394th MRR of 127th MRD, 24th Spetsnaz brigade, 4th MRB of LPR in full composition. Also Russian comamnd moved from other parts of "Popasna group" to rear echelon of "Siverodonetsk left-flank group" three tired BTGs from 155th naval infantry broigade and 60th MRB. This group now hold the line from Ustynivka - Bila Hora Pidlisne and makes probes on gelatine factory area, but doesn't conduct enough active actions - they are awaiting results of the actions around Verhniokamyanske - Zolotarivka to enter the game. But yesterday there is informatin appeared, Russians threw in the battle on Verkhniokamyanske - Zolotarivka part of own "Siverodonetsk left-flank" group, reserved for urban actions. Also they threw in the battle also elements of 6th cossack MRR of LPR from "central Popasna group". This can shows either "northern Popasna" group is suffered big losses or Russians just want to trumple our lines with mass.
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