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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Meanwhile heavy fights contiue for Soledar town near Bakhmut. Probably missile or airstrike on salt mine #7 General Staff reported "Russians have partial success near Vershyna village" (should to read "Vershyna is lost")
  2. There is no separate ground version of Neptun. This is multirole missile, which at least can strike big coastal objects (even close Russian Kh-35U has this opportunity). Missiles for RK-360 Neptun complex, which were used for the strike at Moskva cruiser were assembled in some hangars probably in Odesa oblast - just parts and components were evacuated from Artem factory in Kyiv and from other factories. There was a small reportage about this evacuation.
  3. As if this is first video from airfield. Destroyed Su-24
  4. By the way, yesterday, in the Day of UKR Air Forces, Russia hit some Air Forces facilities in Vinnytsia oblast with theree Kh-47 Kinzhal supersonic missiles, launched from MiG-31M heavy interceptors. I some worry about this night. Russians can retaliate on Kyiv for today boom.
  5. As I know from our Military portal forum discussions (the forum, alas, already inactive) new homing system for Neptun missile was based on US-supplied technology. But all works of developing and design were done onour Radioniks enterprise. Neptun had two or even three generations of homimg systems during it development since 2010. In 2018-2019 (before Zelenskiy came to power) were showed results of test hits on targets by Neptun, but as turned out later there were several unsuccessfull launches, so military rejected to adopt this missile, and developers in shortest time to November 2019 made changes in homing system (allegedly based on US-technology) there was new round of state tests and only in August 2020 Neptun was adopted. First battalion and missile set should be produced to April 2022. This delay born the myth that "Zelenskiy as Kremlin agent, ruined UKR missile program", which actively spread by former president Poroshenko's bot farms and his followers, but this is obviously dirty political games, no more. At least if we say about Neptun. Because about "Vil'kha" project (some sort of UKR HIMARS) there was some questions. So, this it not 100 % equal to Soviet/Russian Kh-35U, though symilar visually.
  6. Even with complicated route the range is 264 km (see the map below) - too far to limit in 280 (but also theer was info about 285 and even 300 km). Neptune has ability of GPS homing as well as active radar homing. It can receive targeting from radar Mineral-E or GPS/Sat through battlefield info system Delta, fully compatible with NATO standarts. So, I don't see any obstacles to hit fuel tank on airfield and FAB stockpile. But here is more interesting either hint, or just friendly trolling. Taras Chmut, the head of Back-and-Alive fund and very well informed about our military sphere - here his reaction on this strike If this true, I can say only that - "Hrim-2" (eng. Thunder). UKR answer to Iskander, developing for the costs of KSA. But this is some sort of fantastic. There was never heard about this project since 2019, when engine was demonstrated.
  7. Tochka-U is Soviet missile with 120 km range. Impossible. Neptun - enough can. See above.
  8. Despite locals write they didn't see any missiles on web-cameras, which set on many beaches around, this really could be Neptunes. This missile can hit not only ships but coastal objects by GPS. Also let recall, in previous days UKR struck with HIMARS and HARM more than dozen of SAM and radars in Kherson oblast. After this we could move Neptun launcher somewhere to Ochakiv area and to send missiles in appeard "window". Neptun has a range in 280 km, so its enough to hit Russian base from Ochakiv.
  9. This is UKR tank ) That's typical "treeplant wars", known from ATO times. Small unit, tank, BMP, SPG, mortar team advances slightly forward - shelled the enemy positions in some neighvour treeplant and withraws to own position also in the treeplant. Specific of the war in plain steppes. And here is Russian - the second video )
  10. The ambush on Russian armored column near Krasnopillia, Izium axis
  11. I just have posted here official report of General Staff about destroyed Russian AD assets, and I can't add anything more ) Some military officilas have written in mockery style "this is Russian fake and propaganda, we hadn't platforms to launch HARM" Though, minister of defense Reznikov anounced anti-radar missiles as far as on 25th of July or some later. Many thought this would be far perspective, but I think, they already were delivered to Ukriane and, likely their first usage was on 18th July in Lazurne, when newest Russian low-altitude radar complex 48Ya6 Podlyot K1 was hit. But because of also two other vehicles of this complex were destroyed, more likely this was HIMARS strike.
  12. Nova Kakhovka. HIMARSed Donetsk. Some storage destroyed with 155 mm arty fire
  13. UKR position under intensive fire (probably light mortar or automatic 2B9 Vasiliok)
  14. DefMon assesment of Russian success in Pisky due to geolocatin of their videos The red markers are where i've seen Ru forces geolocated. The latest one is the one with a red circle, this is the location where ru-militants could be seen heroically trying gather foot for his comrades [he meant a video, where the member of DPR "Pyatnashka" brigade blows up on antipersonnel mine] For my opinion, Russian control over zone around western edge of the runway ("Anthill" position) is doubtful. There were neither videos, nor mentions in social media about this
  15. Yesterday they claimed initially "assault of Blahodatne, which will open the way to Partyzanske and after it will be free road to Mykolaiv by the forces of 108th air-assault regiment of 7th air-assault division ". Today our General Staff reported about unsuccsessful Russian attempt of advance from Vasyl'ky to Blahodatne and Russian propagandists changed own mind "we didn't assault Blahodatne, just artillery is bombarding it". I wonder, for example, Deepstate map shows Blahodatne like occupied by Russians. LiveUAmap, as controlled by UKR. Deepstate usually more accurate. Also Blahodatne and Partyzanske divided by irrigation canal. The bridge through the canal lays in Zasillia village, 8 km west from Blahodatne, so Russians should to attack in that direction. Or to use some engineer bridge vehicles for crossing the canal to develop own hypothetical success toward Partyzanske DefMon map for illustration
  16. For last 3-4 days General Staff reported about destroying of 17 SAM launchers and radars, mostly on Kherson direction. Looks like at least a part of such results can be explained with HARMs
  17. Huge boom of Russian tank, probably in Sulyhivka - Brazhkivka area, Izium axis
  18. Russians are moving to South through Cremean bridge own newest PP-91M (other name PP-2005) pontoon park. Main visual difference - KAMAZ trucks as carriers instead KRAZ or Ural. PP-2205 can maintain 268 m pontoon bridge (32 pontoon chains + 4 coast chains) for weights in 60-90-120 tons. It's possible to build two lesser bridges from one PP-2005 or to build big britge in 572 m from two PP-2005 Also it can maintain ferries in different configurations for weights up to 720 tons. For this purpose pontoon park has 6 MZ-330 motorized chains For moving pontoons and other utility purposes PM-2005 has also 4 tugboats BMK-225 Since 2017 at least three PP-2005 were received by Russian army.
  19. On Donetsk direction operates at least one group of PzH2000 or M109 155mm howitzers. This was found in Kirovskiy district of Donetsk. In comments somebody answered this is submunition for SMART 155 rounds
  20. UKR artillery has struck DPR ammo dump in Makiivka this morning Also locals reported about impacts in so-called "Motel' area of Donetsk. There are a place of DPR troops deployment.
  21. Meanwhile situation near Bakhmut got worse. UKR troops retreated from the heights n south and probabbly south-east from Bakhmut. Villages Gladosove, Travneve were abanoned. The enemy reportedly already either near Vesela Dolymna village or even seized it (5-6 km SE to Bakhmut). Looks like UKR troops are withdrawing on SE directions behind small Bakhmutka river, which divides Bakhmut on two parts. The first bridge bridge through this river in Bakhmut was blown today, but this is light pedestrian bridge, not for the transport Except a lack of artilelry (or ammunitions for it) UKR forces on Donetsk and Bakhmut directions also have even more bigger lack of AD assets and MANPADS. Russian aviation fells completely free in the air, so they strike, for example, Maryinka with groups of 2-4-6 jets, after which helicopters follow.
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