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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. RUMINT UKR forces liberated Pravdyne village. There are well-fortified Russian positions on this line Pravdyne - Soldatske - M14 road
  2. Russians tried to hit the bridge in Mykolaiv through Inhulets river, but missed. Maybe Smerch/Tornado-S
  3. Russian TG claims UKR forces threw 13 tanks in the battle near Posad-Pokrovske village (UKR controlled) - this is on M14 road Mykolaiv - Kherson
  4. One of today's strikes on Kherson - UKR missiles hit former enlistment center, which also had big facility for temporary deployment of recruits. Russian troops, of course, were deployed there Also there were strikes on left bank of Dnieper in Oleshky area, where Russian 127th MRD is deployed. Strike on Beryslav town, local machine-buiding factory, where allegedly Russians deployed own vehcles, was hit
  5. The traitor, deputy of parliament and member of president's party "Servant of people" Oleksiy Kovaliov (or maybe better in Russian spelling Alexey Kovalyov), who became "agricalture minister of Kherson oblast" was shot dead by Resistance in own home in Hola Prystan' settlement. Partisans also heavy wounded his cohabitant, later she has died in hospital. Also in Mykhaylivka settlement, Zaporizhzhia oblast, were recently local colalborant, "head of town council" was IEDed, was found hanged the chief of local police. Before the war he was retired officer of Border Guard Service and was a head of local border guards veteran's union. After Russians came, he offered them his service, but looks like has choosen wrong ticket.
  6. Chevron and probably vehcile sign of 3rd Army Corps. First units already in Ukraine on Donbas
  7. Nova Kakhovka now Kherson now. Locals write about detonations on the terrtory of correctional facility #90, where Russians established own base.
  8. No. Spotter just transmits range/angle or coordinates to crew by radio or via PDA and gunner, using artillery soft just calculates bearing/angle of gun for targeting This practic existed as far as in Soviet army, but was almost forgotten and also was almost "mission impossible", because tank units didn't have own spotters - tank regiment had SP-howitzer battalion, but spotters of this battalion were enough busy to attach them for maintaining of tank indirect fire. But now, with new techologies and more universalization of training (basic spotting now have to know even squad leaders) this forgotten ability of tanks became actual again.
  9. @sburke Lt.colonel Dmitriy Golosenko, deputy regimental commander of rear service (supply), 1st GTR of 2nd GMRD "Tamanskaya". Got lost 25th of Feb His name already appeared in captured document about losses as far as in March, but only now it was confirmed by Russian media
  10. Max.range 3OF26 HE tank shell is 12 000 m. Situation can be different, maybe Russians wanted to reach far rear area. In 2015 there was episode, when separs put Grad MLRS almost on "zero line" and shelled the site of UKR 2S7 Pion battery, which thought they are on safe distance. One gun was destroyed, one damaged, several of personnel were killed and wounded.
  11. Indirect tank fire is usual now. What you need is a spotter, having a LOS, equipped with PDA with Kropyva battlefield info system or at least artillery soft. If the spotter has a drone this will be exellent at all.
  12. What I know, 3rd Army Corps is forming on the base of "regional volunteer battalions". Also as I read, the Corps enough good equipped with weapon and vehicles (including even newest like BMP-3 and T-90M) but has a big lack of personnel. Also there is a question about training level of this personnel. Many "volunteers" in theese units are men 35...40+
  13. We need more howitzers. Those, which work now, just burning own barrels due to overload, where platoon makes the work of battery
  14. Two more Russian armors and mines Russian soldier blew up himself probaby with underbarrel grenade
  15. Russian attack with two BMP-3 finished too fast. Here a two Russian propagandists: ColonelCassad: this was BMP zerg-rush of AFU on positions of Pacific Fleet naval infantry VladlenTatarskyi: Yes. Just there is a little nuance - theese are BMP-3 on cadres. They recently appeared on armament of 155th naval infantry brigade. BMP were blew up on mines, but all still alive. [I have seen only six running troopers, probably a driver - seventh was hit] Also more likely this is not 155th naval infantry brigade, but volunteer battalion "Tigr" of Primorye region, formed with support of 155th brigade. There were mentions, they are operating on Vuhledar direction.
  16. This wasn't HQ or at least not only HQ. Locals write this hotel used as barrack for troops and elite bordello for officers. Girkin wrote in disgust: "10 HIMARSEs - the hotel in the rubbish. And together with it a bunch of military, which were used to make war with comfort, whiskey and wenches". Security near this hotel was so tough, that locals, which walked nearby, scared even to turn head to the hotel side - it often caused brutal reaction of guarding fighters. I doubt about 200 KIA, but locals write in TG there are casualties really took place, and LPR investigators told the missiles completelt destroyed 5th floor and pentrated building down to 2nd floor. Locals also write that 2nd battalion of 6th cossack motor-rifle regiment of LPR, not "paratroopers" was deployed there. Though, by other info some elements of 31st air-assault brigade could be moved there for R&R. Officilally Russian MoD claimed UKR missiles struck in that day a "hospital" in Stakhanov, which caused death of 3 men and 7 were wounded.
  17. BVP M-80A, donated by Slovenia in UKR service Chevron of 24th mech.brigade
  18. Became knowingly about second combat loss of UKR naval forces (i.e the loss during the task acomplishment). Small inshore minesweeper M360 Henichesk (pr.1258 Korund class, NATO code - Yevgeniya) was sunk about 1 or 1,5 month ago during missile strike from Russian aircraft from Novofedorivka airbase. Reportedly most of crew (10 sailors) was lost. This became knowingly from today's statement of President's Office about awarding of diving support vessel "Netishyn" commander for missions of mining Odesa area and recovering of bodies of sailors and equipment from "Sloviansk" patrol boat (Island class) and "Henichesk". "Sloviansk" was sunk in March in the sea also from missile strike from Novofedorivkka base jet. As if destroying of airbase and almost whole aviation regiment was a revenge of Ukrainians for lost sailors and ships.
  19. UKR YPR-765 somewhere close to frontline
  20. Russian Bashkiria Republic volunteer battalion named after Dostovalov before department to Ukraine, likely on Izium or Kharkiv direction. Likely all or most of "regional" volunteer battalions will be included in 3rd Reserve Army Corps. Theese units will get proper equipment - for example this battalion got BMP-3. Interesting, reserve units are receiving BMP-3, when for regular units, which lost the same vehicles, Russian command gives stored BMP-1 and BMP-2 In present time structure of this 3rd Army Corps is unknown. I also can't say will include this Corps already formed BARS-battalions (of reservists) or not and BARS will remain as light (or semi-light) infantry units
  21. Assasinations of collaborants by resistance groups 1. Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia oblast IED with striking elements was set on the tree - deputy chief of road police Alexandr Lokesnikov was deadly wounded and died in hospital after explosion. 2. Starobil'sk, Luhansk oblast (occupied after 24th Feb) The car of Askyar Laishev, the chief of MREO service (registring of cars and permissions for driving) LPR police was blew up on 11th Aug and died in hospital through two days. The video was issued only now. 3. Mykhaylivka settlement, Zaporizhzhia oblast Local "gauleiter", the "head of settlement council" Ivan Sushko was eliminated with car bomb on 24th Aug.
  22. Nova Kakhovka bridge after today's strike. Russian military truck turned out in wrong place and in wrong time. Cameraman says about 8 KIA. The section of the bridge lools like completely impassable Graphic video!
  23. @sburke Major Vasiliy Lushnikov, tank battalion commander of 291st MRR of 42nd MRD. On 23rd of Aug personally led the attack of own tanks, but his tank was knoked out and his body was left in tank. There are some unclear information about heavy clashes in Orikhove area (Zaporizhzhia oblat) in several past days, so probably this is from there and Russian attacks were repelled. Interesting, that 291st MRR had no tanks in own composition as far as in 2021, but division in uncommon way had own tank battalion on T-72B3. Likely this batalion was included to 291st regiment. Also this MRR use rare MTLBM-6BM with BTR-82A turret.
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