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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. You confused locations. Despite NPP is named "Zaporizhska", indeed it situates not in Zaporizhzhia city, but in Enerhodar in 50 km, occupied by Russians. Today's strike was in Zaporizhzhia. Reportedly some infrastructure object in Shevchenkivskyi district was badly damaged. In this district several important factories located, for example "Ivchenko-Prohres" and "Motor-Sich". Both involved in development and producing of different aviation engines. An-124 and An-225 Mriya, fore example, had engines of Ivchenko-Prohres factory. I read twitter of one NPP employee, he writes, collaborants and new Russian administration initially tried to win over NPP staff, but when they have seen this attempts failed, they began pressure and intimidation of personnel. Several people already abducted. Russians are shelling the NPP area to force the personnel either to execute all intentions of Russian administration about plugging the plant to Russian power grid or to stop it work at all, which will cause power defficite on the south. UKR also now sells power to EU, so the loss of ZNPP will hit on state income.
  2. UKR arty shells former own positions in NE part of Pisky, occupied by the enemy
  3. Since 2015 Crimea was cut off from UKR electricity lines. It has some energy plants (you can recall a scandal with Siemens turbines), but main energy supply maintains through so-called "energy bridge" from Russia throug the powerfull cable, bought in China. Now Russia is preparing works to plug Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant to Crimean and Russian power grid.
  4. According to Konstantin Mashovets two S-300 launchers (but due to info about type of destroyed radar in could be S-400) and Pantsyr S1 were destroyed there. As well as source, pointed by Huba tells 92N6E radar (maintains S-400 battalion) was wiped out. Our sources also add to this T-72 tank. Ziabrovka airfield now no more Belarusian. Lukashenko officially handed over this airfield to Russia. There is no important airbase for the jets, but this is hub for Iskander launchers, which have been launching missiles from this area. Due to small distance to airfield from the border (24 km in closest point) it can be combined strike with HIMARS and HARM
  5. @sburke Russian volunteer, former UFSIN serviceman (jail guard) and later private security company employee, which came to Luhansk as far as in 2014 and raised from private to "major" of "LPR-promotion". Last known duty - commander of recon company of 6th LPR cossack motor-rifle regiment in the rank of "captain". Since he became "major", probably he was regimental cheif of recon or some else. Got lost during assault of Popasna on 1st of March
  6. When Hrim was initially showed on parade in 2018 (test model of launcher without the missile) it was introduced like "operative-tactical missile complex Hrim-2". Sapsan was other project of multirole launcher for ballistic and surface-air missiles with mortar type of start. Project was closed in 2012 by the decision of minister of defense Lebedev (citizen of Russia and Russian influence agent) Hrim-2 is successor of Sapsan, which uses most of Sapsan's developments, but already with vertical start and for ballistic missile only. Maybe Hrim-2 is a name for Saudi Arabia (300 km) and improved complex for Ukraine with 500+ km range is Sapsan, let's see when it was introdiced officially like finished and adopted project @MikeyD Small phonetical lesson Unlike in Russian, where the letter "Г" transmits only the voiced velar plosive [g] sound like in English "gain", Ukrainian language has two sounds: " ґ " for voiced velar plosive [g] and "Г" for voiced glottal fricative [ɦ] (like in the English "home", but slightly closer to [g], then in English ). Sound [ɦ] is common, in that time, when [g] is very rare and apperaed only in less than two dozens words. Until new rules of translitaration were introduced about 5 or more years ago, usually words with "г" letters transliterated through "g" letter on Russian language manner. And this practice was usual and for western media. So, because of this you can see "Grim-2" spelling, though according to new transliteration rules "Hrim-2" is more correct. But there is some confusions with pronunciation - theese new rules have struck on established speech habits. For example the word "hobbit" in Ukrainian spelled like "хоббіт", which corresponded to Russian pronunciation [khobbit], but now new spelling rules demand all foreign words on "h" letter to write through "г" letter - "гоббіт" with pronunciation [ɦobbit]. But historically all foreign words with initial "h" letter always spelled and prononciated in Ukrianian with "kh" sound, because it more close to English "home", than to UKR variant of [ɦ], which I just can't transmit here So, when I see the spelling like Hrim, my mind, habits and logic cry to me to read it like "khrim"
  7. One of Brazilian volunteers, somebody in the video says "our Brazilians"
  8. The shop in Novofedorivka. Second expolosion was most huge. 2 minutes and 7 seconds between two shockwaves
  9. Additional info, also RUMINT level - 1500 tons of aviation kerosene burned and unknown mass of bombs exploded. Many of personnel just vaporized, so few bodies or body fragments were found to this time.
  10. Local TG channel wrote about 60 KIA and 100 WIA among the base personnel including pilots, but this is just rumors
  11. T-72B mod.1989/BA with penetration hole of tandem missile, likely Stugna-P. Hit at the weaken zone. Kontakt-5 ERA activated itself, but turned out useless. By the words of Russians, the comamnder - KIA, gunner and driver survived.
  12. More video (the lower one) of Nova Kakhovka bridge damages. Damaged railways and destroyed KAMAZs
  13. I read the peak load for PzH2000 autoloader is 100 shots for a day (and I hav't info how much this number should be for a month or between plan repairs). And this turned out too few for current intensity of warfare
  14. @sburke 319th separate helicopter regiment (Chernigovka airfield, Far East) of 11th AF/AD Army, Eastern Military District Also you maybe skipped (or I skipped your post): Colonel Kanat Mukatov, division deputy commander of personnel training of 20th motor-rifle division, 8th GCAA, Southern Milityary District. Killed Jul 9 when HQ of divsion was HIMARSed. I don't know if should be included in he list this guy, but well Lt.colonel of police (retired), Nikolay Aristov. Before the war he was a deputy of ataman of Novorossiysk cossack community. Likely enlisted to cossack volunteer battalion of Kuban' region and got lost on 29th of July. Probably was battalion HQ member, but his rank and duty unknown. And this guy deserves of separate post, though he wasn't military. Konstantin Tulinov. Conviced recidivist. Suspended sentenves in 14-17 years old for car theft and robbery . In 18 years old first real jail term fro attempted murder. Next terms for refill stattion robbery and drugs. In the jail he was so-called "activist" of privileged prisoners, who collaborated with UFSIN personnel (Federal Service of Penalty Executions). This "active" together with UFSIN personnel humilitated, brutally beat up and tortured other convicted. The video of theese tortures were issued by Russian jouralist Vladimir Osechkin. Despite Osechkin turned out under the pressure of authorities, society resonance was enough big, so Investigation Committee of Russia opened a case against "activists" and Tulinov got next 6 years of jail. But after Prigozhin voyage by jails, where he agitated to enlist to PMC for the war In Ukraine, Tulipov enlisted and got freedom. He was liberated on 6th of July and approx on 9-10th of July they already arrived to Rostov-on-Don. And already on 14th of July Tilipov got "heroically" lost, "blowing up himself and three UKR nationalists with grenade, when he being wounded, covered withdrawal own comrsdes". So, convicted, which enlist to PMC has very short training - looks like 1-2-3 days and they go to the grinder. His decision to serve a Motherland and his death Putin's propagandist Nikita Mikhalkov now shows like act of heroism and devotion of Motherland. Some sort of: "even if the person didn't liked authorities and law, but look -he sacrificed himself for Motherland, not for Govt. He is a role model!
  15. So called "Stables" position in DPR/Russians reports. Ruines of horse club "Donbas Equiсenter" facilities. The place of permanent deadly "Counter-strike" games since 2015
  16. He also said "two strikes at 5 of morning". But this wasn't at the morning. Probably this video not from airfield (Trukha again...) or he is really shell-shocked.
  17. Neptune was adopted Aug 23 2020. Before this already existed test battery set (based on KRAZ base, later Neptune has Tatra base). About dozen or more missiles were produced, partially launched during tests. Of course unknown, how much missiles or their kits were ready on Feb 24.
  18. The guy said "in those distant hangar - 6 KIA, and here was my food storage" (food? really?)
  19. I posted a map above - the way over the sea with several turnig points with launch point in Ochakiv area is 262 km.
  20. Meanwhile the night fell and missile exchange has begun Explosions in Dnipro city area and Zaporizhzhia UKR struck area of Nova Kakhovka - the dam area in the town and locations near villages nearby - Malokahovka and Nova Mayachka. Sounds of explosions in Nova Kakhovka
  21. About "catastrofic effect" - even suicide drone enough to make big boom if it impact in FAB-500 stockpile ot in oil tank). UKR attack with long-range commercial drone, turned out in kamikadze on Russian refinerty in deep rear showed, that even small HE charge can inflict serious damages. About Sapsan artilce, key phrase we stated our readiness to expand funding. This never be implemented in real. All works Pivdenne and YuzhMash maintained allegedly for KSA and own funds. Probaly Taran called Hrim-2 as Sapsan as association with old project. I don't know why.
  22. Ah, I meant Neptun can hit targets, located close to the coast. Airbase in Novofedorivka corresponds to this. I don't know about TERCOM analog in Neptun, but was claimed it can hit ground targets, so at least it should be do this not worse, than Kh-35U. If the missile has GPS homing as option and terrain is flat, there is no much obstacles to hit ground targets not far from seacost Also I added about Sapsan/Hrim-2
  23. It has ) Sapsan is closed missile project in times of Yanukovich. Hrim-2 is successor of Sapsan project, but our MoD, especially Taran, which failed State Defence Order program never though to order it. Hrim-2 even wasn't under state tests to be adopted. All works of developing and manufacturing has been conducting for the money of KSA. Hrim-2 with 300 km range - this was program for this country. There was a rumors that Pivdenne DB also develops 500+ km range for Ukrainian MoD, but there is no any information about REAL interest of our MoD to this missile until Reznikov and Zaluzhnyi came on own duties. So, 99,9 % that Taran told about 80%-ready project for Saudi Arabia, not Ukriane.
  24. The work of UKR Stugna-P squad. Several hits and shoot&scoot
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