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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russians on Lostarmor say they lost Petrivka village, north of Kherson oblast. This is small village between Liubymivka and Khreshchenivka, where AFU also had some advance, but likely without liberation of theese villages
  2. UAV targeting and artillery spotter trainig mission?
  3. Huge explosion in Balakliya, Kharkiv oblast
  4. No NLAWs and pick-ups, alas ) Exactly this toy was a hero of initial phase of the war.
  5. UKR soldiers on Siverskyi Donets. Soldier says "We are returning back. And without losses again"
  6. The same narratives, being inserted in our media space by Russian PsyOps as well as "there is a conflict between Zaluzhyi and President's office, because Zelenskyi sees in Zaluzhnyi own political rival" with big glad were picked up by former president Poroshenko followers and his numerous bot-farms
  7. If you try to read UKR social media you can encounter with many mentions and memes about watermelons. This is almost a symbol of Kherson oblast, which supply with own famous variety of watermelons "Khersonskyi" - big striped ones all country ) So, phrases and pictures about watermelons mean our offensive in Kherson )
  8. Meanwhile 79th air-assault brigade somewhere on Donbas took POWs, during their unsuccessful attack on UKR positions. Likely they are regular DPR fighters or "mobiks". Though one of them had a chevrone with known Russian meme writing "Hello! I'm Russian occupant!" from their propagandist short video. UPD. POWs are from m/u 08880 - this is 1st "Slavianskaya" motor-rifle brigade of DPR. But among their personnel now can see such old fighters - obviosly this dad was cought on the market and threw in the battle
  9. Looks like almost nothing changed. Locals are writing periodically about strikes and explosions in Chornobaivka area.
  10. Chornobaivka airfield - how it looked in May
  11. I read our soldiers have very good opinion about M113 family. More space than in Soviet BTRs. And light armor anyway much better than trucks and pick-ups. Likely new party of M1224 in Ukraine. I think, desert color will be appropriate in autumn steppes of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts
  12. Probably aftermath photos of video with Russian arty ot MLRS strike on advancing UKR platoon, armed with YPR-765. One APC has destroyed with almost direct hit, other two damaged. Despite successes we pay big price for it... In recent days many citizens of Mykolaiv and Odesa has been donating own blood for wounded soldiers from Kherson front. Volunteers, who gather the money for medical equipment write we have huge number of wounded, so they wonder how our medics have a time to manage with this endless stream
  13. Serhiy Prytula charity fund bought for gathered 700 000 EUR long-range UAV complexes Poseidon H10 and Poseidon H6 of Cyprus Swarmly LTD company. Reportedly H10 will go to 26th artillery brigade: max range 150 km, satellite communication up to 50 km, 4 km ceiling, 3 kg of payload H6 (larger one on the photo) will go to 120th recon battalion: max range 850 km, satellite communication up to 150 km, 25 kg of payload
  14. About week ago there was strange report of General Staff, that UKR troops repelled Russian attacks in Staryi Karavan area and about two days later Russian wrote that "volunteer cossack battalion Kuban' repelled attack of Polish merceneries near Lyman". Looks like UKR crosed SD as far as week ago, but only now tough OpSec was slightly lifted
  15. Shot down on 21st of April. Now our troops advanced and reached the crash site
  16. I post a video from Ozerne, which has common acess. This is not SOF. The soldier says the forces, liberatad Ozerne are rifle battalion of 15th National Guard operative regiment (Sloviansk) and 63rd TD battalion of 103rd TD brigade (L'viv oblast). Also he says their opponents was a Rosgvardiya unit, but he could mistake.
  17. Translation: in Vysokopillia and it outskirts there are no enemy. It was pushed back from whole salient on Vysokpillia direction, somewhere behind Novopetrivka. Allegedly Russians withdrew 6 km south to the like Novopetrivka - Novovoznesenske. There is irrigation canal suitable to delay UKR troops, advancing from the north. Yesterday there was a video how UKR troops seized Russian position in Liubymivka - Myroliubivka area (16-18 km east). From there more suitable to advance to Novovoskresenske - the crossing point of minor roads, then assault canal from Vysokopillia or Arkhanhelske. If you have a time depict this on map please )
  18. Military correspondent Roman Bochkala claims "Vysokopillia is ours!" Officially not confirmed
  19. This is sign of "Bratstsvo" ("Brotherhood") party, established by Dmytro Korchynskyi, excentric and scandal firgure in UKR politic in 90th. Korchynskyi was one of UNA-UNSO founders - nationalistic paramilitary organization, which was very popular in right spectre at the begining of 90th. Later inside UNA-UNSO conflict is happened, because it leaders had each own vision of paramilitary national movement and Korchynskyi left this organization. His political credo is "permanent turmoil" - he believs, permanent well-being and satiety of society lead to degradation of passionarity and this as result lead to degradation of the nation, so to keep society in tonus, it need in permanent stresses - protests, revolutions, wars etc. Korchynskyi positioned ideology of own "Bratstvo" party as christianity revolutianry national-anarchism. Also he adheres (or adhered in not far past) to the ideology of pan-slavism, but unlike Russians he believes that exactly Ukraine have to be a center of slavic world, so from there are "third Rome" and "Byzantine cross" as their party signs. Interesting that in 1992, during the war in Transnistriya, Korchynskyi personally led UNA-UNSO fighters, which fought on the side of Transnistriya, together with Russians , "protecting Ukrainan population against Great Romaina ideology". But during the war in Georgia in the same 1992, he supported Georgians angians Russians in Abkhazia, "protecting Ukrainain interests and friendly Georgian people against Russian imperialism". Need to say at the begining of 2000th Korchynskyi was an ally of Russian Euro-Asian ideology of Dugin. And interestingly, that deputy of Korchynskyi in his party was Oleksiy Arestovych, who also had maney meetings with Dugin and his folowers. There was information, that "Bratstvo" was hired by Viktor Medvedchuk, but it is a fact during Orange Revolution in 2004, Korchynskyi and his party actively fought against Yishchenko and pro-western course of Ukraine. After Orange Revolution won, in the frames of own "permanent turmoil" philosophy (and likely for Medvedchuk and Yanukovich money) Korchynskyi has made a political bloc with the same loud-crying marginals from "Progressive socialists party of Natalia Vitrenko" - radical left anti-Ukrainian party. In next several years they together had been conducting many anti EU and anti-NATO actions in Ukraine. But close to 2013 either Korchynskyi turned ot unnecessary for Yanukovich regime or he, followig to "permanent turmoil" ideology decided to change a side, but in 2013 his force supported Revolutin of Dignity, though in own manner - exactly his people provoked force variant in first day of revolution, wich finished with bloody beating of protesters. When the war began in 2014, Korchynckyi's paty established volunteer unit "Rota Isusa Khrysta" (Jesus Christ Company), which fought together with Azov, libarating Mariuopol. Further this unit was converted to special police battalion "Sviata Mariya" (St.Mary), which was disbanded in 2016. Now "Bratstvo" probably established air-recon volunteer unit, but I don't know under which subordination. Interestingly that in 2016 Korchynskyi said "Main crime of Russians - they didn't let us to complete our revolution. We havn't played enough barricades yet. So, now insurgents are forced to waste own energy, fighting eith intervents"
  20. UKR troopers captured Russian VDV position somewhere on Donbas. AGS-17 and BMD-2 were captured BMD has "V" marking, likely this is 31st air-assault brigade, reportedly it is remained single VDV unit, operating on Donbas, since alsmost all involved in "SMO" VDV units were moved to south.
  21. This article says first party of T-90M have to be in 30 tanks - 20 upgraded T-90 mod.1992 and 10 new-built. 8 of them went to 27th MRB (received in 2021) In Zaporizhzhia oblast reportedly T-90M were "from Vladikavkaz", so this is 19th MRD. It's knowingly, some combined unit gathered from 19th division were moved to Kherson oblast about month or slightly more ago, but no info about T-90M among it
  22. Troopers of 35th marines brigade captured next Russian position, were likely ATGM platoon covered tank-hazard direction. Russians fled, abandoning the body of their comrade in foxhole.
  23. National Guard unit SPG-9 crew fires with OG-9 FRAG ammunition, somewhere on Kharkiv front. If in 2014-2015 main ammunitin for this weapon were PG-9 HEAT ammo, then now it mostly became OG-9
  24. Turkish Kirpi MRAP. Kherson front. As I can recall, Kirpi got some marines units.
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