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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Their main forces on Izium direction - on southern bank of Siverskyi Donets - elements of 4th guard tank division, 3rd motor-rifle division something else... And in Shevchenkove area - at least two BTGs of 144th motor-rifle division. But I can't recall now exactly
  2. Reporteldly Russian forces in Balakliya and outskirts: Army: - 11th Army Corps (Coastal troops from Kaliningrad): looks like elements of 18th motor-rifle division + maybe some corps arty - 9th BARS battalion (one of at least 20 Russian volunteer battalions, formed from reservists by Russian MoD) - LPR mobiks (on the known video where commander with hoarse voice prepare own units to the battle - that was mixed unit of BARS and LPR mobiks) Rosgvardiya: - 126th operative purpose regiment (Ingushetia Republic) of 49th operative purpose brigade of Rosgvardiya - SOBR "Omega" (Samara oblast) - SOBR (Bashkiriya Republic) - OMON "Ural" (I can't find anything about this unit, maybe mistake) Both SOBR detachments have total 60 men - their already named "60 Spartanians", hoping for their martyr last stand, but looks like UKR didn't want to assault Balakliya and just semy-encircled it, develping own progress to Shevchenkove and Kupiansk.
  3. Rosgvardiya, like and UKR National Guard has units, which name "operative". This is usual light armored infantry with artillery, which can acomplish military tasks both inside the country agianst some insurgensy and together with army in usual wars. Except this Rosgvardiya, of course, has public security units, which really have more police functions, than military, but anyway they also have armored transport and APCs. Also under Rosgvardiya command are now such pure police units like OMON (riot police) and SOBR (SWAT), but they also can be used in some military actions, especially in "surgical" assault of buildings. Also Rosgvardiya has own Spetsnaz units, which almost similar to army, but has a shift to counter-terror and counter-insurgensy operations. Rosgvardiya concept was almost fully copied from Ukrainian National Guard, so both have almost the same set of units.
  4. We have gaining not only near Balakliya. Today UKR troops are continuing to expand own zone of control on northern bank of Siverskyi Donets. There was reports about intensive fire near Dibrova village next to Ozerne, liberated recently. Result unknown. Also appeared first confirmation UKR troops entered to Staryi Karavan village Looks like UKR forces is seizing forest massive between Lyman and Yampil' Also one of SOF fighters made a hint we have some gains toward Lysychansk refinery. PS. About Vysokopillia. UKR trops liberated it on Sep 2, only yesterday the photo with flag appeared in media.
  5. UKR troops are driving forward in Kherson oblast
  6. Together with Samara oblast SOBR, their comrades from Bashkiriya Republic SOBR also in encirclement. On the screens - both SOBRs claimed they will not going to surrender. Samara SOBR already doesn't get in touch. Bashkirians said last farewell.
  7. @sburke Major Anton Kuznetsov, deputy battalion commander, VDV, he is from Tula, so likely served in 106th VDV division. Got lost in Kherson oblast during the strike at bridge or pontoon crossing. This photo is old, when he was a cadet. Lt.colonel Igor Yarmanov, artillery, got lost on 1st of Sep. Too low rank for the top-brass list, but just interesting detail - on Kherson direction is operating some group of 147th SP-howitzer regiment of 2nd "Tamanskaya" MRD. This guy, captain Aleksey Litvinov, arty battery commander was killed in Nova Kakhovka on 31st of Aug
  8. What could carry Rosgvardiya armored car to make such BOOM?
  9. Russians on Lostarmor or on some other resourse told that Rosgvardiya units, which have to maintain security of cities continuously, indeed most of time sit on their bases and go out only on tasks. No dividing the settlements on sectors with document checking, when civilians cross from one to other - weak checkpoints around the city. So, such passive acomplishing of duties led to such result. Other news from Balakliya - Russian SOBR detachment of Samara oblast encircled on Kharkiv direcrion (i/e north from Balakliya) "with poor chances". And of course Russians claimed they were atatcked by "foreign English-speacking merceneries"
  10. @sburke This is Artyom Bardin, colonel, military commandand of Berdiansk. Presumably he is (or already was?) first deputy of Rosgvardiya directorate of Rostov oblast. According to other information - he served in 8th CAA HQ. Was on Donbas in 2014-2017. In present time is not clear he still alive or died. Collaborant "authorities" claimed he has died in hospital. Later Russians wrote he is alive but in very bad conditions - he lost both legs and many of blood. Badrin's car after explosion
  11. Revised list of Russian units - T-90M users (no more than company or some less each): - 27th motor-rifle brigade, 1st TA, Western military district - 1st motor-rifle regiment of 2nd "Tamanskaya" motor-rifle division, 1st TA, Western military district - 503rd motor-rifle regiment of 19th motor-rifle division, 58th CAA, Southern military district - 3rd Army Corps (exact unit unknown) Also some number in trainig centers: - Kazan' tank military school - 333rd combat training center Maybe T-90M for 3rs Army Corps were gathered from other units. New 78th motor-rifle regiment established and filled with personnel in Chehen Repuplic in composition of 42nd motor-rifle division. This regiment got the name of Akhmat Kadyrov, so likely this will be first "personal" unit of Kadyrov in Army. Before he had only own troops in composition of Rosgvardiya and police. Many soldiers in 42nd division are Chechens (and they as well as other caucasians from 19th division were often mistakingly take as "kadyrov's troops") - likely 78th regment will be filled with Chechens only, but this is my opinion no more. Reportedly new regiment got T-72B3, BTR-82A and Akhmat armored cars (local Chechen design, already used in Ukraine)
  12. About 6 hours ago: vehicles on right bank near Kozatske [Nova Kakhovka area] were hit. Fuel trucks and something other stuff is burning
  13. Russian positions or ammo dump in Snihurivka was hit hard
  14. This are words of Buk M1 battery commander Yarosalv Melnyk which was submited to the title Hero of Ukraine. This story as if happened in Kharkiv oblast in first weeks of the war. I doubt this is true, like and a story that oldman shot down Russian jet in Chernihiv with hunting rifle, where it flew over the roof of his house. Though, on the war can be anything and society during the war needs in such type of stories. Also claimed his battery shot down 11 planes, 2 helicopters, 2 cruise missiles and 2 UAVs. As for me number of shot down planes obviously overestimated. I suppose, most of 236 jets, claimed as shot down, indeed were decoys or just were "for good statistic". But this usual thing in any war. Each side in Korea, Vietnam, Israel-Arab wars claimed huge number of shot down aircraft and recognized minimal number of own losses. Since phone cameras, social networks and OSINT developmnet we can see more accurate picture
  15. Modern MRAPs often have better protection than Soviet BTRs and even old BMPs (if we say about side armor), but lose them in armament, so their using in this way, of course is not "by the lore", but it anyway better than to attack on pick-ups.
  16. Before the big war we had a crash of Su-25 with young pilot, who conducted a training flight on low altitude and hooked power lines. Also as I recall the same accident was with some helicopter Mi-2 or Mi-8 By the way, since 2015, when UKR aviation didn't participate in ATO, pilots big part of time had beeen training to fly and use weapon on extreme low altitude. During 2014 UKR aviation was used in "classic" way and suffered sensitive losses, so tactic was changed
  17. Pions still in action. On Kherson front too
  18. The second BMD-2, captured in Vysokopillia. So, two BMD-2 and BTR-D. TG channel claims vehicles were captured by forces of 1st National Guard Special purpose brigade
  19. First trophies from Vysokopillia - BTR-D and BMD-2. Thanks to Russian 11th air-assault brigade. Soldier on the second video, looking on the driving BMD-2 says "this is a second so far", but it's unclear he meant other BMD-2 or BTR-D from first video.
  20. Oh, I forgot. Despite I have very bad opinion about role of Arestovich, he really has military education and spent some years in army. He studied in Odesa Ground Forces Academy and got sen.lt rank in 1998 - he said he studierd as recon, but this is not true, he has diploma of military translator. There was a twitter post of 72nd brigade serviceman about Arestovich "service" in brigade. During ATO he was a deputy of brigade's recon chief and has only paper work. He don't know, who took of Arestovich on the mission in grey zone - he went the last in chain enough far from other group. So when the group blew up on OZM-72 he really "survived", but this not unique case or the miracle as he says, this is just because he was too far from explosion. And looks like he just abandoned own comrades and ran away. About his promotion in colonel rank- this was only his words, and later he said this is a joke. Slippery person and peacock.
  21. Bezugla "intervention in comamnd line chain" as a reason of Siverodonetsk falling - this is ridiculous hype of Butusov, no more. She is nobody for military even though she came from President's office. After Siverodonetsk, general Krasilnikov, which commanded of this direction was dismissed. And this is real reason of lossing of Siverodonetsk and Lysychansk - weak C&C, weak supply, weak comms as well as not motivated troops, abandoning positions. Whole Donbas direction is very problematic, alas. If on Izium axis our troops successfully withstanded against hordes of tanks and infantry on mostly open/forestry ground, that from Siverodonetsk to Bakhmut on heavy fortified prepared positions, industrial zones we had permanent problems. As I recall only on Donetsk direction we continously see video appeals of deserted soldiers in style "generals use us as cannon fodder, without cover". Only on Donbas direction we can read desperate posts of defenders Pisky and Bakhmut about poor arty support, where all artillery using is heavy centralized and artillery chiefs just ignore arty recon info and artillery just waste own shells - like Santa wrote "our arty fires just in the field in 800 m from the enemy, when I say to artillerists, what the hell, they just f...g me and say, that they hit all targets". When according to the same Santa's words helicopters fire own rockets in nowhere from maximum distance and on his pretensions HQ threaten him to leave Pisky without air support if he doesn't like somethig. The same on Soledar - Bakhmut. Lack of artillery, lack of supply, rifle battalion of 93rd brigade was badly hit by own artillery. Artillery of 58th brigade - poor battalion of D-20 with weared barrels can't hit anything, but arty chief of brigade f..d any pretensions. I don't know who is responsible for Donbas axis, some people write this is lt.-general Nayev, former JFO commander command there, and likely he and his HQ can't change situation to the last week, when Russians and DPR just lost enough fodder and slowed down own offensive. But Satna says in Pisky we lost "hundreds". And Bezugla wasn't there. So, I think, no sense to search black cat in dark room, especially if there is no cat in the room.
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