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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. thank you for the help but I remain skeptical that they will be able to recover some valuable things and then at what cost? I was trying myself but for the time the computer dont reconized it, otherwises I could format it full and see what I can recover...for the time he give me a hard head but I keep it and search on the net, perhaps searching how make a bootable disk when "apparently there is no disk on the computer" when I disconect my usual C drive and try to boot only with the MotherF...I wll make some test I have already my tools bootable disk and repair sector like hdd regenerator, nothing is secure but I think this is worth of a simple try... !!
  2. We can certainly put a good number of soldiers on the tanks but I don't give much for survivors if a projectile hits them, and the player's morale takes also a hit not only for the carcass but especially for the lives, but yes the curiousity was worth and will help when a long march is planified Interresting, play it again to confirm the damage I m sure this will be different... about the knees on the tanks... yes of course it's just an optical illusion but as I say interesting, and I was already able to change some positions of some tanks riders the only thing that I could not change was the sitting position form, but I was able to put a soldier more left or more right in a higher or lower position (dont have access to the 3d models sihouettes) but well on the place that they are occuped , just to have a differents view of the braves, on the hot engine grill. This could be a future mod when I will be able to breathe when all is finish...
  3. The problem is not to reinstall and reconfigure everything I need can already be found on the web, my keys and all the installation files everything is on the BFC home page,just push download and wait, ok and wait and wait...so this that's not the problem, no the problem is the numerous tests and mods that I had the idea of finishing and placing in a safe place on the CMMODs of countless information that I had collected over so many years, of the minutes of sweat that I wiped with my tissue, the hours that I left before the day dawned and before realizing that it was already very dark for the few minutes that I sat at the computer, time flies so quickly when you are in the front of a screen...which makes me think now of saving a copy in the clouds, but it is very late now to think about it, it will teach me to stay in the clouds and not see the storm coming...
  4. Because BFC took a wrong way to apply certains soldiers model 3d on the tanks they seem to be on theirs knee the poor... but is interresting I will apply them myself with a little job of the silhouettes... for exemple on the turret applying the same procedure!!
  5. it seems trivial but when it's lost it's lost, you pull out the only hair (which you have left over the years) but nothing helps he sulks forever no matter how much you stroke it in the direction of the hair, he laughs of your emotions, now it's him who chuckles, slowly taking the path reserved for him, that of the trash can which will henceforth be his only friend but, you still have a doubt,... and if only... I could resuscitate him ?...to be continued... l espoir fait vivre !! and if you don't succeed, you replay the music that's stuck in your head untill you have another HD !!
  6. Thanks you, appreciate, my life is slowing down on the forum, I just loose all my Games Mods and Scencampmaps on my HD and be on the way to reinstall all, I could give a tears about it, since longtimes 10 perhaps 15 years I had all on a "secure place", but is my blame I had already some signs of bads sectors on my HD, and dont pay attention on it and let the job for tomorrow...na ja, tomorrow was coming quick...this tomorrow never come,... untill the day that he give me his last cry and died for ever, I was trying to find "the tomorrow" to be awake and repear or change it, but cannot travel in the past...now he talk always to me, but I dont understand his language, he let me only the noise that never I wanted to listening about him, and more, dont appear more on the screen dopple motherf... when he can appear one time only I can format it, give him a second ilfe, and find something later again...and I know this sound, is not the first time that I loose a HD, but, nothing so precious as my CM collectionPlus...sigh !! Pay attention to yours CM games guys, if you dont want to let a sign of sadness !! Just pick now left and right what I could save on differents places, but when you loose something there is always something that you dont remember, untill the day that you are searching like a dum, and realized that you were aready loosing it, last time, and I know this will happend... sigh sigh ! Do you want to see how you feel when you loose your CM Games ??!!
  7. This image doesn't reflect anything of the real Red Thunder that we know, the uniforms, the grounds, the grass, are not the same and the position of the tank riders, this view is much better as the original but is not real, this, should not be allowed, and this is a bad publicity, I think, customers have to have the correct view from what they buy. I try to buy my games directly from BFC and so far I'm happy with the original version, (even when some are a little more expensive than the other versions), but that's another story.
  8. Very welcome,... look the girls smiling to you... pls all reports to Phill.
  9. Woaw extra protection this is for some very prometting duel... I like also all the stuffs around the vehicle, give me some little ideas .. Thanks to post this added infos @MikeyD.
  10. Just, woaw !! beautiful time is coming !! thank you for this detailled update !
  11. @BornGinger Graviteam makes beautiful games that I like but, we are far away of the BFC system and level that we took the habit from CM, personly, I remain in front of all these countless icons available,...probably I have to take more time to study and watching more videos about the way to do correctly, if you have some finesses about It I am all ears, ...the only game that I can control almost very good from them is for the moment, "Tunisia 1943" the others are a headache for the moment, but for the time I foccussed to the Flavor Objects of CMCW, waiting impatiently to the new expected module, and hope to see more about BFC Ideas all around theirs creations and added, and because Steve personly was and stay couple of time on the forum (distancing a short time from another thread) but is understanding we will have perhaps a new module for it ? , I guess we will have soon, perhaps very soon the contain that we are waiting, that, his whole Staff include Steve himself hidding us, ...crossing fingers, Steve.
  12. Thanks @laurent 22 for this among job, all is from @aris like you said but nice is always to have a personly touch.
  13. I don't have the same pictures, only the typical russians uniforms, but will be very nice to have this camo.
  14. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/bbh0uitnkurbo3he8o0m8/h?rlkey=ln9r68mj9vr42a3fwejpot68u&dl=0 Zip file, Inlcude sf1, sf2, Like I said probably a copy of sf1, don t know if BFC was making a new set for sf2, I doubt about that ? JM
  15. Yes I respect your choices, and do not want to change it in any way. Also because this mod is not included in the current CMMODs IV but only in the previous CMMODs III which is no longer available now because the site has been pirated, there is a second one which is similar to yours and in 32x32 just in case there are certain patterns which could interest you. It's sometimes interesting to know that a mod exists, it saves time and sometimes gives you ideas that you don't always think about, ...all the credits go to the same modder above! overview
  16. Nice job thank you to share it, have just another style from friend @Bil Hardenberger he was making also something similar in case you want to have more ideas or change something, here are the british but all nations are include for sf2 ! here a pic.
  17. I think more this is her natural voice, but you could be right for this song they put perhaps a reverberation effect, who knows ?
  18. So you can offer them a Carpaccio de Vacuno, as starter, you won't need to talk to them but they will loosen their tongues for you, this doesnt come from Peru, but the languge already or similar, but probably they know the taste already and the most important, your diner is save ! Happy weekend !
  19. Well, Phill, it was only an idea, just saying, I know all is difficult to do, but I know so long, this is a "intern model" of CM this will be possible. There is always more Ideas in two heads instead alone thinking.
  20. This is why I tell you, to use a part of the german flamethrower VEHICLE and this one exist already in CM combined with a Us Halftrack ! I know already that you were not talking about only a passenger !!
  21. can you not get it with us halftrack combined with the German flamethrower ?
  22. Sound very good, in these speed you will be finish before 2024, time, that you want normaly just starting to pick up lef and right, before you have something accectable in the CM world modules. What about your Israeli sandwitch ? I apreciate the power that you put for the community !! JM
  23. Clever le Koh !! so and all is valid for whatever pictures ? is this the procedure you put for the (code signs) on some germans turrets ?
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