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Everything posted by Probus

  1. SF2 is the weakest title for me because of the accuracy of the modelling of the forces. The Syrian military is just not up to fighting most of the Blue forces so I end up fighting red on red most of the time.
  2. I will be extremely helpful and say I only play... both. I love both the WWII and the Modern. They are so different I keep any burnout away by swapping back and forth.
  3. I am looking for suggestions of good scenarios that feature large armor battles that would be good/balanced for head to head play. Something at least company size or larger and can also include infantry (mechanized or no). A series of reinforcements would be a plus but not a requirement. WWII or Modern. Anything you've found enjoyable.
  4. Good points, but if I'm already compromised then an ECM jammer, broad range, is gonna be the way to go to defeat it quickly. The more mil-spec the drone, the harder that is going to be. And you know what comes next, autonomous drones. Followed shortly by Skynet. Edit: BTW, Im sure you know this already, but many military drones have a satellite antenna pointed skyward making them even harder to jam.
  5. @sburke, Do you have a link to your list of officers? I bet it is more accurate than CNN.
  6. Totally agree. In the future, don't try to shoot a drone out of the sky, jam it out.
  7. First ship destroyed by drone attack? I bet it was a drone. That would make sense in many ways.
  8. Here is that ship being unloaded 3 days ago:
  9. Curious to see what H.I. Sutton/Covert Shores and Sub Brief have to say about this. They've been following the Black Sea fleet movements. I can't believe the Ukrainians got them.
  10. Yeah, that's one dead, 2 damaged amphibious transports. I think Russia only had 6 amphibious transports in the Black Sea. What got them?
  11. Are you trying to tell me that those are landing ship(s) that are on fire? No way? Did they get hit, or was it an accident? That's pretty huge news!
  12. Operational layer to CM? Woohoo! When does it hit the shelves! Are we making a list of features yet? We of course need the option to play the tactical battles in the current Combat Mission. BTW, What's up with Belorussia? Does anyone have the latest?
  13. Putin won’t use nukes. He’s too afraid the West would respond in kind. After all, in his mind, that’s what he would do if Russian troops got nuked. He doesn’t want to give NATO an excuse to escalate their involvement. And if he used a nuke, just one, the West wouldn’t stop until Putin was dethroned. It’s simply not worth the risk. Unfortunately, I think he’ll use chemical weapons first and he’s a lot more likely to do that, but still very unlikely. That would make him look weak to his fan base if the West can prove he did it. Just my opinion of course…
  14. Dang John! Keeping us going in the wee hours of the morning (here in the states). Interesting take on the farmers. Prolly get more on eBay.UKR?
  15. The deputy commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet has been killed in battle near the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol: https://www.rferl.org/amp/russia-black-sea-fleet-deputy-commander-killed/31762245.html Andrei Paliy, Captain 1st Rank. Is that high enough to make your list @sburke?
  16. So are they attacking towards Kiev or moving out? Do you have any idea?
  17. I know its defensive, you know its defensive, but its setup to defend against the USSR and now Russia (primarily). So Russia sees it as a threat. Now NATO is expanding East, but its by choice not by conquest. So theoretically, if Putin is dethroned and Russia somehow becomes a Western democracy (don't ask me how. I can't see it happening) and then joins NATO, that would effectively put an end to NATO. It could be disbanded since there is no longer a threat. Or NATO could stay in place and defend against Chinese aggression. Or any other state that decides it wants to attack a NATO country. @kraze, would you like to see Ukraine in NATO and/or the EU? That question goes to @Haiduk also. I know that I would. Any other outcome to this war would do a disservice to those who have died defending it. At the very least, Ukraine should become part of the EU.
  18. @Battlefront.com or if someone else knows, I am being told by a friend that when Germany re-unified that the West secretly (at the time) promised Russia that NATO would not "expand" further East. Is this true? Does someone have a source for these (declassified) documents? This had the effect of allowing Russian Hardliners (like Putin) to get into power in Russia, pointing at the West and saying "See, you can't trust them". This was the first I'd heard of this, water under the bridge now but is unfortunate if true. Although it doesn't justify Russia's blatant and unlawful attack on Ukraine, I could see where allowing nations like Poland and others into NATO is kinda like pokin' the Bear and giving hardliners political ammunition to use in their arsenal. This has been the only argument against the West I've heard that is very troubling (if true). https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/28/candace-owens/fact-checking-claims-nato-us-broke-agreement-again/ https://www.france24.com/en/russia/20220130-did-nato-betray-russia-by-expanding-to-the-east I've also read much of Bloodlands which makes me think that Ukraine is very justified in wanting to become part of NATO. That poor area was stuck between Hitler and the USSR, both of which seemed to want to destroy a significant part of its population. Very confusing and convoluted subject and may not be a good fit for this thread as I would prefer to see reports of what is going on in Ukraine right now. So don't let me derail my own thread. But this thread also has very knowledgeable folks who may very well be able to put this issue to rest in my mind.
  19. I don’t think that can be trusted Kraze. If polls in Russia can get you thrown in jail, that is…
  20. I'm not answering that as I can't tell my meters from my feet apparently.
  21. @Sgt Joch You know that a Russian Army collapse would have been unthinkable a month ago. Now it can be debated rationally, really. How things change...
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