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Everything posted by Mingan

  1. It would be really awesome to have some official word on this. Is it really the same bug from CMBN, is it being looked into?
  2. I got it working after reloading almost 30 times. So it is the infamous reversed setup zones bug that has been along for long time I guess?? Ruins my experience for sure.
  3. I've tried to play that map in two pbem games, and I always get reversed setup zones. I've tried many times to reload the game, and it's always wrong. When I'm attacker, I get the large defender setup zone, and when I'm defending, I get the small attacker zone. This is very frustrating.
  4. When all computers have 1000 cores @ 4 Ghz you can make your own software renderer. No more driver hell.
  5. Did Jesus secretly fight for the Italians?
  6. That's it, and it is perfectly normal. Some cards do it, some don't, some games cause it, some don't. Just ignore it. Your graphics card is not going to explode.
  7. I have tried with control panel profile and without - no difference. Also I'm pretty sure they didn't look like that before, they are totally out of control now, popping visible and invisible suddenly at close range, with huge jagged or just messy edges which have nothing to do with the model they are trying to represent. Shadows were before okay, just the normal small jagged edges. Maybe it's the new drivers?
  8. I would, but now I have more problems. I have deleted the shader files from my mods folder, but my shadows have gone crazy, they didn't look this bad before I tried out the hotfix. http://tuomas.viuhka.fi/kuvat/CMFI_what_is_this.png Might be something I'm doing wrong...
  9. No better shadows for me. I've tried new drivers, both shaders, with and without overclocked gpu. Doesn't work. I hope this information is of some value to you.
  10. I tried the ATI shaders, no difference, shadows are the same as with NVidia hot fix. I'm going to install new NVidia display drivers, I'll report if they fix the problem. I apologize if I have been unclear. I know the ugly shadows are a standard feature. I got upset because others seem to report great success with the new hot fix, but my shadows got worse. Of course you have not promised that the hot fix would work for everyone, so no problem there. I'm just jealous. Yes I have shaders on.
  11. Borders of the shadows are jagged, they are not straight lines like in those screenshots where the new shader has worked. Also they flicker a lot when moving the camera, and enlarge themselves when further away. Look at the shadow of the tree trunk, or distant shadows. Some lines are straight, but it changes when moving the camera. I unzipped them. I find it hilarious that someone can't see what's wrong with the picture. I guess it happens to all of us when looking at our own work though.
  12. Asus GTX 460 (driver 296.10), Windows 7 x64. I put the shader files into Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy\User Data\Mods. Example screenshot: http://tuomas.viuhka.fi/kuvat/CMFI_ugly_shadows.png
  13. Tried installing the new NVidia shaders, no difference of any kind, shadows are still jaggy mess.
  14. Not sure if this pain killer discussion is approved by Battlefront but... kippis.
  15. Are these shipped? Still waiting for my box to arrive in Finland. I want to touch it..!
  16. If you have nvidia graphics card, set prerendered frames to zero.
  17. First one, when I move a waypoint it goes crazy, jumping up and down. It only seems to happen with vehicles. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdlDQ0-q8gw&feature=youtu.be Second one, when I jump to a camera group with alt + number, depending on my camera angle I might get this bug, where some terrain disappears and when I move my camera a little it appears again: http://tuomas.viuhka.fi/kuvat/CMFI_camera_bug_1.png http://tuomas.viuhka.fi/kuvat/CMFI_camera_bug_2.png Third, there's some textures missing in AB 41: http://tuomas.viuhka.fi/kuvat/CMFI_black_bug.png
  18. My body is ready. As a preorderer I'm going to spend August hitting F5 in my inbox. Thus I needed to prepare my fingers so they wouldn't die after first day.
  19. Does this happen with elite troops also? Because I think it's only realistic if untrained troops shoot too much and too early.
  20. Eastern front!!! Shut up and take my money!!!
  21. Dunno about that, but shadows still look ugly.
  22. I found out this "feature" yesterday when my carefully placed panzerfaust ambush troops didn't see a tank 10 meters from them, directly where they were looking, on a road. The tank had no trouble spotting them though, and so they died without ever knowing what hit them. Needless to say, I did not enjoy the moment.
  23. To me this looks like another Command & Conquer with cold war theme. Not really a sim, but maybe an entertaining arcade game.
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