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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. On my 32 inch Dell-monitor the game looks very good and runs smooth at 2560 X 1600

    A have a hard time making my mind up though if i should run the game at this resolution or lower it to maybe 1920 X 1200

    At 2560 X 1600 the UI covers only 1/3 of the screen... wich is 'not perfect'

    I hope BFC soon will be able to implement an UI that scales better with the chosen resoulution.

    I would prefer to play at the highes resolution possible...

  2. Yes...this will ALL be possible :)

    One additional feature to the current trigger system that ought to be possible to implement in the not to far future would be a slight variation of the TERRAIN OBJECTIVE trigger...

    Right now they are triggered when a unit (friendly or enemy) enter the TERRAIN OBJECTIVE..

    If we could also have the option to set of the trigger for the same TERRAIN OBJECTIVE if a unit does NOT enter it at the SPECIFIED TIME (perhaps the 2nd time in the 'exit between').

    This would also allow us the reiforce a failed AI advance for example...


    A platoon is ordered to advance to a farm but commes under enemy fire and is bogged down...When the times run out on the TERRAIN OBJECTIVE at the farm (not been touched variant)...An other platoon is triggered to attack the same objective...either by the same route or by an other route (trying to flank/bypass the enemies that are firering at the first platoon)

  3. ---- SPOILER !!!! -----

    When playing the MYTH OF INVINCIBILITY scenario as the germans a stupid mistake prevented me from getting my first flamethrower tank-kill (i think)...

    I had 2 flamthrowers in a reverse slope possition in the field east of the POTATO SHED...They were perfectly located when the russian armoured counterattack (T34/85) came on the left flank...A T34 moved right between my two guys who were in range...One of them did get a burst of...At first i thought he killed the tank but...NO

    The second flamethrower did not manage to get a shot off...HE WAS STILL ON HIDE :mad:

    Had i not missed to unhide him i would have had 2 flamethrower-guys fire at that tank...That ought to have been enough to take it out...

  4. I also lost my Jpz IV against the T34s when playing this.

    They faced off at about 900 meters.

    The 2 LATE Jpz (with 80mm armour) survived quite long and managed to kill off a few T34s befor being destroyed.


    The 2 MID Jpz (60mm armour) got killed quickly when they started duelling with the T34s.

    The increased armour of the LATE version seems to make a notable difference (good !)

    Many of the T34 crew had very good stats...Veteran, even 1 crack (atleast) and many had +2 moral...

    Good scenario

  5. As a realtime player i feel like adding a button for these behaviours would reduce my workload a bit, could focus more on the big picture instead.

    Yes...a button would be the best solution...

    In the meentime...Next time you fire up the game...Give the cover arc thing a try...I'm sure you will find you can do it very quickly...

    1. Select the unit

    2. press K on the keyboard (hotkey for COVER ARC order)

    3 hold down the shift key and set the size of the covered arc by moving the mouse. (you can make it very small...)

  6. Another thing i would like is a hold fire command, using Hide kinda defeats observation.


    I'm not sure if you are aware of the 'trick' to use a very small circular COVER ARC (select cover arc and hold down the shift key)...Or when you want to specify their facing...just use a small regular COVER ARC.

    This will work atleast most of the times...You can unhide your guys and they will not fire (atleast until the enemy get very close)...

  7. Yes...Some kind of ASSULT BUILDING order would be a good addition...

    Maybe also some kind of CONTINUES MOVE order or perhaps an add-on toggle to all movement-orders that would tell the troops NOT to stop and reorg at every waypoint but rather just move through them.

    Would be very good when you have to put a waypoint in a danger area (in the middle of e street for example)...don't stop here...move through as fast as you can...The rest of the guys will catch up...

  8. Hello...

    As there are 3 slots still avaliable in the current UI in the MOVEMENT ORDER section. I was thinking that perhaps we could put in an request for some additional movement-orders in future upgrades...

    The first one that comes to mind would be a HUNT order that works the same way as the current one but instead of HUNTING forward...This one would order the AFV to do a REVERSE move in HUNT-mode...

    Backing up and halting when they have a target oppertunity...

    Would this be USEFUL or NOT ? What's your oppinion ?


    Do you have a suggestion for some other MOVEMENT order that could be added in one of these 3 emty slots ?

  9. So in your example I think I'm correct is saying that the unit would not start moving until minute 24 at the earliest even if the trigger was tripped in minute 2. If you want the unit to move as soon as the trigger is hit, but no later than 26 minutes you need set the time as follows - exit between 0.00 and 26.00

    Thanks for the clarification :)

  10. From RSW tutorial link...

    "The Soviets start position ("setup" area in the editor's parlance) is to the south of the hill (yellow area in the map), out of sight from the Germans. In this screenshot, I am telling the Soviets to get out of there towards the next order anytime between the scenario start and end ("Exit between 0 and 28", scenario lasts for 30 min), but to wait until the "Saray" trigger is fired."

    Is this correct ?...If so i have missunderstod things a bit...

    I was under the impression that you could start a AI-group order either by a specific time or by a triggered action...

    For example a platoon is set to advance towards a crossroad after 25 minutes by setting the exit after- and exit before times to 24 and 26 minutes. But if the enemy troops move into a terrain-objective (trigger location) at that crossroad the same platoon should start its advance order at that time (regardless of the timer) due to the triggered terrain-objective...Both options are avaliable...Either at the time 25 minutes or because enemy tropps triggered a start.

    RSW set the order start-time to between 0 and 28 minutes...If i'm correct then the russians could start their attack at a random time between 0 and 28 minutes in RSWs example...

    Have i missunderstood things ? can you only have one option avaliable ? either time or triggered action....

  11. Must have been one of those that KO:ed one of my Tigers this evening while playing the MYTH OF INVINCIBILITY scenario as the germans.

    This happened right at the end :mad:...The mission was pretty much completed and i was using a Tiger to hunt down some fleing russians across an open field.

    On of those ruskies managed to through something at my mighty tiger and not only imobilize it... but KILL it !!

    WTF i thought...A single handgrenade killed my buttoned-up tiger...

    Talk about bad luck...

    I guess it must have been one of those RPG43.

    two minutes later the russians surrendered...MISSION COMPLETED but that tiger-loss was a depressing...

    Total victory though :D First mission completed in CMRT and it was a good one...Very eventful

  12. If BFC could find the space in the UI...

    A slight change to the game-timer would be nice !

    Instead of just showing a coundown timer maybe we could have a mission START- and END TIME and also a 'clock' showing the the current time of day...

    something like this...

    10.00 - 11.30

    --- 10.48 ---

    This would make it easier to see how much time has elapsed and not only the time remaining. Would help to keep track of when the reinforcements arrive...

  13. Also is their a reliability check for radios? The ones in vehicles were notoriously unreliable.

    Yes, there is.

    In the game...Is there any random chans that the radios in the tanks will malfunction ?

    Shock mounting for tube radios in vehicles was extremely hard to get completely right. Tube radios were lots more fragile than the transistor radios we are used to today. Which is why any user of same was well advised to carry spares if possible and replacing damage or burnt out tubes could be a nearly full time job in itself.


  14. But have you seen how big they are, they are not exactly portable!! I pity the radio operators carrying that about.

    Yes. Thats no small thing, uuh...

    Jotte, thanks for the links...They did not get that very many if i read that correct...a few thousand...

    "They all have radios at this point in the war, vs. almost none having radios at the start."

    Yes, IIRC playing with early war russian tanks in CMBB was a bit tricky :)

  15. The ruskies sure are poorly equiped when it comes to radios. No wounder they had trouble reacting quickly to changing battle situation.

    I have had a look at the different formations in the editor...

    Not even Company HQs are equiped with radios...The first radio to be found is at battalion level.

    A few exceptions...Battery HQs, FOs, dedicated recon platoon HQs and Cavalry squadron HQs...


    Recon and artillerysupport have some radios...but thats about it...

    I thought that at this date in the war they would be a little better equiped with radios but apperently not...

    Why did they not get any/more radios though lend-lease if they had trouble producing them by them self...? They sure got a whole bunch of other stuff...

  16. All I can say is that it's very important that you take care of yourself. The medics I am sure are doing all they can.

    Yes...The healthcare-people are doing a wounderful jobb (just like last time)...I can only agree with pretty much everyone else...Thoose people don't get payed enough !

    I'm sorry to hear about you dad. And your mother. I lost my own mother to cancer.

    Cancer sure is one uggly beast (that should be exterminated). Having to witnes our parents end their lifes in this dreadful way is an experience many of us share i'm sure.

    I went ahead and grabbed the damaged version. The map is a beaut.

    Thanks !

  17. Sorry to hear about your dad. Went thru similar with mine. Best wishes...

    Thanks, Erwin...

    My mother died in cancer 3 years ago...That was not pretty !

    I said to my self "i hope i never have to see anybody die like that ever again"...

    Unfortunatelly that is not going to be the case...My dads cancer is terminal also and his health is going downhill fast...

    Same thing once again :(

  18. Hi. Are you still planning on releasing this? I'm just wondering if I should wait for it or just download the battle damaged version.


    'real-life problems' is limiting my computer-time at present...my dad is seriously ill (cancer) and requires alot of help right now...

    I'm not sure if i will make a V1.2 version of the map or if i will jump right into CMRT with my next project when times allows...

    If i decide to finish the V1.2 version i dont think it will be ready any time soon (atleast a months away or more...)

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