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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy



    I have in total 6 terrain objectives. Starting from the west (my side):



    This objective is the least valuable as far as points are conserned (50 VP). This will probably be where i will make my final stand if the enemy are able to advance this far.

    FACTORY No 130


    This old factory will be a strong defensive possition should i need to fall back this far. For now it will serve as my battalion HQ.

    I will keep some of my supply trucks here. It is the most valuable objective on the map (300 VP).



    This will be my last defensive possition on my left flank. For now it will be my 1st company HQ. I will also keep some resupply trucks here (200 VP).

    Infront of these objectives i have three 100 VP objectives. Starting from the north.



    This is a fairly open square surrounded by buildings on all sides (100 VP).

  2. Hello.

    I recently played Panzer Mikes excellent defensive scenario "Fester Platz Polozk" (avaliable at the repository).

    One of the best defensive scenarios i have ever played in any CM-game (CMSF, CMBN, CMFI, CMRT).

    However...I did do a number off misstakes and maybe had a bit of bad luck (getting my hertzer immobolized in the first turn).

    This resulted in me failing to complete my assigned objectives.

    I really liked the scenario though so i thought that i would give it another go and try to learn from my misstakes in my first attempt.

    This scenario has multiple AI-plans so i will do my best to try and get another AI-plan then the one i already played.

    Like in my first attempt i will initially try to defend well forward and then fall back as the enemy pressure increases.

    This time i will try to 'keyhole' my troops a bit better to not expose them to the massed firepower of multiple russian units firering from different directions.

    I will also try to withdraw my exposed units in time rather then keeping them in place for to long and having them get wiped out.

    I will try to pay closer attention to how i move my Hertzer around and hopefully not getting it immobolized at all.

    This will be the first AAR i have done ever so don't expect a masterpiece but i will do my best.

    Any comments regarding the presentation or tactics (or lack off) will be welcome.

    OK. Here we go. The briefing first:



    My forces.

    The briefing mentioned 3 companies of infantry supported by 2 Hertzers and 2 75mm infantry guns.

    Artillerysupport will be provided by 6 medium mortars. I will also have some flak units.

    This is what i have on the map:



    - 3 infantry platoons

    - 1 machinegun section ( 2 HMGs + HQ)

    - 3 sniper teams

    - 2 75mm infantry guns

    - 2 tankhunter teams

    - 7 panzerschreck teams (2 assigned to each platoon and 1 to the company HQ)

    - 1 flamethrower



    - 2 infantry platoons

    - 5 panzerschreck teams (2 assigned to each platoon and 1 to the company HQ)

    And that's it with regards to 2nd company. No other support units and 1 infantry platoon missing.



    - 1 machinegun platoon (4 HMGs + HQ)

    And on the south side of the Dvina river

    - 6 81mm mortars including 1 FO team



    - 3 37mm AA-guns deployed south of the Dvina river with the mortars

    - 1 light machinegun deployed south of the Dvina river with the mortars

    - 3 20mm AA-guns deployed to the west of town



    - 1 Hertzer (with one more arriving as reinforcement in 45 min.)

    - 4 trucks (with ammo)

    - 2 kubelwagens (with ammo)

    My troops are a mix of everthing between green and veteran troops with some crack guys thrown in.

    Crack guys:


    A sniper team and a tankhunter team. Both are assigned to assist my 1st platoon on my left flank.


    A two man tankhunter-team armed with MP40s and panzerfausts.


    Sniper-teams view towards the enemy.

  3. Hello...

    Brilliant scenario. I loved this one !

    Like others said...the map is very good and to describe the battle...let me quote Agua...

    Very immersive and engaging.

    I see this as a perfect scenario to practice doing a fighting withdrawl in an urban area. Very high replay value (especially with multiple AI-plans).

    And replay is exactly what i have to do.

    My plan in my first attempt was to deploy my troops way forward and then fall back as needed. This worked pretty good but a few times i think i got to 'greedy' when i had good killzones and remained in place to long. I should have withdrawn a little earlier.

    My biggest failure however was to get my Herzer immobolized right away (driving past a bombcrater).

    This mobile artillerypiece would have made a world of difference i think. Using it to target russian strongpoints but unfortunatelly that was not to be..

    ------- SPOILER ----------

    I managed to repulse the first attackwave and destroy the 5 assultguns supporting that attack but when the russians lauched their second attack supported by even more assultguns my depelted forces failed to stop them and decided to surrender.

    Despite failing this first time i think you have the playbalance just right. Had i not lost the herzer right away and made some misstakes i should have been able to stop the russians i think.

    Lessons learned. I will have an other go...

    Thanks for yet an other top notch scenario :)


  4. Selectable AI-plans

    When playing scenarios with multiple AI-plans i think i could be a nice idea to allow the player to select wich of the AI-plans he like to play.

    This selection could be made on the same screens as we now use to select difficulty, playstyle and more...

    If a scenario has for example 3 AI-plans the player should be allowed to chose wich one of thoose 3 he likes to play and also have the option to select random.

    Wich would do just that. Select a random AI-plan.

    Having selectable AI-plans would be very good when you have played a good scenario with high replay value and you want to have an other go at it.

    The way it is now...If you are unlucky...After spending maybe an hour with setting up your troops...you realise that you are playing the same AI-plan once again when the desiger has gone through the trouble of creating two more.

    You can reload and spend an other hour on the set-up but without any garanti that it will not be the same one again.

    Selectable AI-plans would garanti that this does not happen !

  5. Going quiet for months at a time causes interest to nosedive..

    I'm affraid you might be right.

    I don't know if it's because of the lack of new information from BFC or something else but the forum over all has been VERY quite for a couple of weeks now.

    Especially the Normandy an CMFI forums seems close to 'dead'...

    I guess everybody is waiting for the updates...

  6. and failed where you failed as well. :)

    I feel your pain !

    However...Those germans will soon regret what they did to 1st squadron.

    --- SPOILER, SPOILER !!! ---

    Their sacrifice will not be invane. They were able to pinpoint what i belive to be the entire german defencive possition at that location.

    Besides the bunker they spotted 5 dug-in fighting possitions maned by the germans as well as some mines.

    I have 2nd and 3rd squadrons located in a possition to flank the german defenders in Zabrezhe and when the 4th squadron arrive they will make a second assult on the enemy possition defending phaseline 4.

    Thanks to 1st squadron this assult will hopefully be more succesful...No smoke this time...this time it will be HE dropping on the germans. A linear fire-mission will be able to target 3 of those foxholes. (hopefully it will land on target).

    Have you finished the entire mission ? or are you still playing it ? where you succesful in Zabrezhe ?

    cheers :)

  7. Was your first attempt at making a scenario not succesful? In what sense?!

    Ooh, the main reason i think was bad initial planing...

    I got an idea i thought was a good one and set about trying to make such a scenario without fully considering the limitations or the current engine...

    I ended up not having enough AI groups to be able to do what i intended for one thing.

    One other thing was that i am not very experienced in what the AI will be able to do or not as of yet...(i have only made ...i think...3 simple scenarios for CMFI before this one.)

    Among other things i thought that i would be able to get the AI to drive down a twisting road in a fluid way...This proved to be very difficult to do unfortunatelly...

    My original plan was a bit to ambitious i think...

    With every new scenario you learn.

    This is true. I have learned a number of things working on this one...

    Before starting on my new project i have decided to have one more try with this first one.

    I have come up with some new ideas that i think will work and that has a good chans to result in a good (hopefully) scenario.

    I will make it a pure PLAYER attack scenario and not a multi task...ATTACK-DEFEND scenario that i had originally planed...

    I will make some changes to the briefing, the map and the force selection to make this work...It should be doable..:)

    With no complicated AI attack in the second part of the mission the 16 avaliable AI groups should be enough...

    Perhaps some minor counterattack and defencive repossitioning will be all thats needed...

    It is unfortunate that player feedback is so scarce in this community. Look at the repository. CMRT Firebrigade has been downloaded almost 600 times. Only 14 ratings.

    Yes..This is a pitty.

    After starting to design scenarios myself i have come to understand that feedback is very useful for the designers...good or bad.

    Before i have not been the best either to give feedback but from now on i will try to give some feedback on the scenarios i play...

    But that's the way it is. It does not stop me from making new ones though.

    That's good to hear !

    You truely make some top quality work and are one of the most productive members in the comunity when i comes to making scenarios.

    much appriciated ! :)

    Thanks for your feedback on my stuff. Highly appreciated. And good luck on your project!

    Your welcome. And..thank you !

  8. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

    happy i could help :)

    You should be a playtester :)

    That would be intresting...

    but my summer hollidays are comming up and i have gotten an idea for a new project to work on. I doubt that i will have very much time spare during the next couple of weeks atleast.

    I learned a couple of things with my first scenario atempt for CMRT that hopefully will make this project more succesful...

    I will still play other scenarios of course and try to leave comments for thoose but it might take me some time (to long) to finish them to be useful as a tester...

    I will finish the 2 games i'm playing right now (including this one) and then start doing some work on my holliday project...

    You can continue your game if you like, it's all minor as you said.

    Good !

    I'm quite happy with my start on this one...

    I have been able to keep my casualties low so far and have been able to make good progress and inflicted some casualties on my enemy...Time to get thoose panthers moving :)


  9. Hello...

    After downloading this scenario and having a look at it i could not help myself from starting to play it... eventhough i have an other game going.

    This looks like a fun scenario...

    I have played the first 15 minutes (the recon part)...

    I have discovered a few MINOR flaws that i thought i would bring to your attention...

    1. You might have missed to remove a few of the terrain-objective tiles for PHASELINE 2.

    there are 2 tiles in Zwierzynic about 80 meters north of the main terrain objective line.

    One more terrain objective tile are located about 200 meters west of the village and about 50 meters north of the main line...

    2. A small typo (i think) in the briefingscreen (plan section)...It now says T35/85. Not T34/85.

    3. According to the briefing the player will recieve a 20mm self propelled flak veichle along with the panthers...The flak veichle never shows up...

    Thanks for the scenario. I'm sure it will be a blast to play...

  10. I have given some advice in the briefing how I think you will have the greatest chance of succes. Read carefully, it might just do the trick.

    Eventhough my first attack at the north east corner failed missrably i don't think that this nut is impossible to crack ;)

    I wish i had gone with HE instead of a smokescreen with my mortars. That would most likely have caused atleast some casualties to the germans in the foxholes.

    having 2 machineguns suppressing the bunker from different locations ought to be enough to keep that bunker out of the action..(hopefully).

    With some of the defenders killed by my mortars i guess that i would have been able to defeat that possition...

    I will try that approach next time if i fail to achive a victory with my remaining troops...

  11. Hello, Panzer Mike

    Thanks for yet an other scenario...

    I have not finished this one yet but have already run into trouble...



    My original plan was to do a two pincer attack (red and blue arrows)

    - the recon platoon would scout ahead of 1st squadron and the sappers along the red arrows. 1st squadron would engage or bypass any enemies found by the reconplatoon.

    - 2nd squadron would advance along the blue arrows...

    - 3rd squadron would reiforce the most succesful probe (red or blue).

    - No plans for 4th squadron yet...They will advance as needed dependant on how the battle goes...

    This GREAT :D plan soon failed however...

    The recon platoon located the enemy possition at the northeast corner (atleast the bunker and 2 foxhole possitions.)

    I set up my machineguns in a supporting possition to be able to suppress the bunker and the area around it.

    I called for a mortar smokescreen on the enemy possition to allow the 1st squadron, sappers and the recon platoon to advance across the fairly open ground on the far right.

    If i moved the entire 1st squadron, some sappers and the recon platoon up there i thought that i would be able to gain fire suppiority on the enemy possition.

    But no...

    - The smokerounds did not land right on target but close enough...

    - I took some casualies from the mines infront of the enemy possition.

    - When pushing into the enemy lines more dugg-in troops were encountered

    and i was unable to suppress them all. My troops started to panik...

    Attack failed ! :(


    I had to pull the survivors back...

    Aftyer they rally i might try to advance them along an other route (orange)..

    but that terrain looks dangerously open...For now they will rest and i will decide later what to do with them...

    My hope now lies with the blue route and 2nd squadron...They have just arrived...

  12. JonS...Thanks for your assistance...I understand your confusion, sorry for the lack of information...My stupid mistake.

    I mixed things up a bit. I thought that i already had the overall description for the scenario mentioned at the top of this thread but that information is in an other thread...

    See here...


    And here is the WIP briefingtext from the scenario itself.... (the situation part of the briefing is not done yet).


    time: 04.15, june 27, 1944


    Your main objective for this mornings attack will be to defeat the german troops defending Lepel.

    Taking possetion of this village is vital. At this location the two main roads leading west to Begoml and south west to Borisov meet.

    Using theese two major roads are the only option the germans have to be able to withdraw their forces from the frontline fast enough to avoid being surrounded by our main advance comming from the east.

    Gaining controll of this crossroad is your primary target.

    Ones you have established yourself in the village you are to set up a blocking possition to prevent the retreating german frontline troops, that are heading your way, to escape.

    Other blocking possitions will be set up by other units to the south and north or your location.

    If we do this right we will be able to prevent the entire german 4th army from retreating towards Minsk.

    To be able to handle any troops that might slip through your defensive line at Lepel you are adviced to also set up a number of secondary blocking possitions west and south of the village.

    These locations are marked on your map as Objectives Natalja and Anna.

    Deploy atleast some of your forces here but keep the bulk of your force in and around Lepel.


    Your regiment is almost at full strenth and the troops are of good spirit. During the night the regiment have been able to advance to its current location more or less unopposed.

    The only germans you have come across so far are some retreating infantry units that have surrendered after only a few shots have been fired.

    The terrain have been a far more difficult enemy then the german soldiers. Moving troops and equipment through this terrain have proven difficult. Especially at night.

    The tanks, from the 35th guard tank brigade and your heavy equipment have had the most difficulty and have fallen behind your more mobile cavalry units.

    The engineers are hard at work trying to get the armour moving forward but don't expect to se them for quite some time yet. Hopefully within the hour.

    The only troops at your dissposal at the start of the mission will be 1st squadron. Followed closely by 2nd- and 3rd squadrons. Your 4th squadron will be held in reserv for now.

    Due to difficulty of the terrain these squadrons will be lacking some of their support weapons to start with. The machinegun platoons are not at full strenth right now but the heavy equipment are moving your way and more machineguns will be arriving shortely followed by atleast on of your AT-gun platoons.

    Your squadrons organic SMG platoons have been assigned to assist the armour and will be arriving with the tanks as tankriders later on.

    Unfortunatelly you will have no artillery support. Atleast not to start with. Your mortar platoons are not far behind you but they are out of ammo. The supply trucks are having the same difficulty as the tanks negotiatiing this terrain.

    The engineers are working on it and more supply, including ammo will arrive later on.

    You might also se some additional sturmoviks overhead later in the morning. That all depends on how fast the rest of the 3rd guards mechanized corps are able to advance from the east. Thoose guys have been given priority to airsupport.


    This crossroad is located well behind the frontline. The enemy troops defending it will most likely be some second line infantry unit. Probably the from 201st security division.

    From our experience security troops have been well trained and are lead by competent officers but most of them lacks major combat experience.

    Apart from the airstrike just conducted agaist this location. These troops have not yet been subject to any friendly attacks. We can expect them to still be well organized and close to full strenth.

    A possition like this will most likely be defended by a reinforced company. Supported by HMGs and anti-tank guns.

    The smoke from a number of burning veichles can be seen from your possition. We have not been able to contact the attacking Sturmoviks to confirm what kind of targets those are.

    A strong pressence of enemy armour is however unlikely. halftracks and perhaps one or two assultguns might have been assigned to support this possition. Nothing more.

    Take advantage of this.

    When the retreating german frontline forces reach this location they will most certanly be supported by a number of tanks. Expext both medium Pz IVs, assultguns as well as some heavy Tigers.

    The first german infantry units that are likely to reach you location will be from the german IV corps. These are very well trained units. Be prepared for this.


    At the start of this mission you will only have very limited forces at your disposal.

    You have to decide wheter to split them up to be able to reconoiter a larger area or to keep them together and concentrate on a single avenue of approach.

    Withing 15 minutes you will have in total 3 squadrons to command.

    The regiments 4th squadron will be held in reserv for now.

    The lack of artillery support will be a problem. You will have to rely on your machineguns to provide suppresive fire.

    As mentioned earlier. You have 3 main objectives to secure. Marked on the map as follows, Crossroad, objective Anna, objective Natalia.

    Your time for securing these will be limited. You'd better be in possition in the village and have your AT-guns deployed and ready to go once the enemy frontline troops reaches this area.

    When deploying your AT-guns...Consider that you might face both medium tanks, panzer IVs,assultguns as well as heavy tigers.

    Against the panzer IVs an AT-gun in a forward slope possition would probaly be a good idea to be able to take it out from long range.

    But against a Tiger. A forward slope AT-gun might not be the best idea. A reverse slope ambush possition might work better. You only have 4 AT-guns.

    Deploy them visely...

    Friendly armour are on the way. 2 platoons of T34 tanks assisted by the regiments SMG platoons are making their way to you as fast as they can. The difficult terrain is making their progress slow though.

    Their ETA at this location is a bit unclear...Probably within the hour.

    Also marked on your map are the 2 largest farms in this area. The Makarov farm and the Krutov farm. These heavy 2 story buildings will provide you with good defensive possitions.

    These possitions will most likely be occupied by enemy troops. Root them out and take possetion of these buildings.

    You will not need to be to conservative with your ammo expendatiure.

    A number of supplytrucks are on their way here. They should arrive in no more then 30 minutes...hopefully !


    We have clear skies this morning and we expext this to continue thoughout the day. There is a cold, strong wind blowing from the west.

    The last week have seen some heavy rain. The ground is still damp and at locations very muddy.

    Commander, we have full confidence in you that this mission will meet with complete succes...

    Now, get your troops moving !


    Maybe this will explain my original idea a bit better...

    Your suggestion with having the enemy not move to a location but rather start at- or arrive at as reinforcements at that spot is a good one and something a have considered.

    The problem with this scenario is that the players defensive location (the village) is located ontop of a ridge. The player will have LOS quite deep into the enemys side of the map (east)

    but the terrain around the road will provide some cover to the advancing troops and limit the friendly LOF. Atleast that has been my intension...

  13. hello, guys...

    TBH I think you are creating a rod for your own back here.

    It also looks like you are trying to micromanage your AI Plan which is at best, tough to do, and at worse impossible.

    I'm affraid you are right...To big scenario for this kind of micro-managing....

    I guess i might have set my goal i bit to high with this scenario...(bad planning...In the furure i will have to make sure that i have enough AI-groups to be able to do what i intend and also plan for some more basic AI-moves...).

    That said...

    I don't think that the micro managing i had in mind would be all that complicated if i only had more AI groups avaliable.

    I have never had the intention for the AI to use an overly complicated plan for its attack...I just want to make sure that the AI troops

    advance using the cover that the terrain (fairly open terrain) provide and also deploy their supporting weapons in a decent way.

    My original plan for the AI attack looked like this:

    1. A few on-map mortars (2-3) with good LOS without any AI-plans

    2. First germans to arrive from the east edge of the map...A supplyplatoon, towing some heavy arty pices, arriving along the southern road. These trucks would be unavare off you precence in the village an simply drive west along the road to try and escape through the exit to the west.

    3. After that 2 infantry platoons mounted in halftracks. 1 platoon arrives along the northern road and 1 platoon a few minutes later (maybe five) along the other road further to the south (same as arty-trucks).

    These troops would be avare off your precence and the halftracks would only advance a short distance before halting and dismounting the infantry platoons wich would advance towards the village on foot with the haltracks

    following a distance behind them to provide fire support.

    4. Some minutes after (10) the infantry platoons arrive they both get acompanied by a Stug each arriving from the east edge to provide some HE fire support...maybe also 1 or 2 PzIVs. (giving the players AT-guns some targets).

    5. After some additional time (??) a number of tanks (Pz IVs and 1 or 2 tigers) would arrive in the fields to the south (from the east edge) accompanied by an additional infantry platoon on foot that would attack

    towards the village through the woods to the south. (by this time the player would have recieved his armour reinforcements resulting in sort of an armour vs armour duell..).

    6. And lastly a few (2) tanks would arrive along the road to the north or through the forrest gaps in the north a few minutes after the other tanks arrive...

    That was my original plan...(i guess it would be doable if i had not spent 8 AI groups on the german defence in the first part of the mission...)

    Regarding your specific problem, why do you want them to move along the road? Are they

    a) moving to contact

    B) conducting an assault, or

    c) just bimbling along to get somewhere they need to be with no likelihood of enemy fire

    The answer matters, since it will affect how you programme the AI.

    like i mentioned above...My initial plan was to have them arrive on the northern road from the east edge of the map in their haltracks. These troops would be informed off your precence in the village and the soldiers would therefore

    dismount from their halftracks and start to ADVANCE towards the village (maybe use QUICK for the first part).

    My reason for wanting them to advance along the road is that by doing so they would use the cover of the ditches and the

    elevated terrain on their right side. The terrain south of the road is quite open but there is a small rise in the field closer to the village wich i want one of the squads to use as a base of fire location.

    What i don't want them to do is to zigg,zagg across the open road while approaching like they do now...

    Maybe the best option (one that could work) would be to have them advance in a tighter group to start with and then have them spread out a bit more as they got closer to the village.

    I'm also considering removing the halftracks from the northern platoon and instead give them a HMG for support...(halftracks on both sides of the road would also zigg, zagg i'm affraid...)

    I will se if a will be able to remove some of the defencive AI groups and do some tweaking to the german attackpart of the scenario to be able to keep the AI groups within the limits. Maybe these compromises will be to big

    and ruin the original idea with this mission...If nothing else...The work on this scenario have been a learning experince...

  14. This sounds like a project I'd like to undertake for my own campaigns at least. Montebourg with flamethrowers! I know exactly where I'd like to use them. It might be less work to redo existing missions than to create a whole new campaign with new maps and all.

    Hello, Paper Tiger...

    If you decide to do this it will be much appriciated. I will for sure have a go at an updated Montebourg campaign.

    The original campaign was VERY good and with these new features it can only get even better...

    Triggered movements, Sneaky AT-fire from buildings, flamethowers..Wow !

    I hope you decide to do this...and by the way...thanks for the original campaign !

  15. I tried a number of different set-ups but this will not work...

    I have found that i will need to use atleast 3 AI groups to get a platoon to advance the way i like (using the terrainfeatures in a good way and being able to support each other.)

    2 squads in 1 AI-group

    1 squad and the HQ in an other

    and a supporting HMG in the third.

    Using multiple AI-groups like this works very well but i'm running out of avaliable AI-groups very quickly doing this.

    A further incease in the number of avaliable AI-groups would be a nice improvment for the future...

    I have come to the conclusion that 16 AI-groups will not be enough for this scenario i'm working on...A scenario with an initial player attack objective followed by defencive orders...

    I have already spent 8 AI-groups on the first player attack part and 8 more will not be enough for the AI to mount an attack in several wawes like i had intended...

  16. kohlenklau, i had a look at your scenario in the editor...

    I tried your suggestion with rectangular blocks. First try with several AI-orders close together along the road.

    Result...the germans are still zig,zagging.

    tried it with a single AI-order...like this


    The result was marginally better but still some zig, zagging across the road...

    Also tried this with the same result



    The single AI order with a rectangular box works the best so far but still not the way i want...

    Thanks for your help....I will try some other things and se how it works out...

  17. Hello...

    Do you guys have any good tips how to make a platoon sized AI group move along a road without zig, zagging all over the place.

    I don't want them to advance in a single line but rather a little spread out.

    This is the set-up AI-order...


    The following AI orders looks like this...




    I tried to put them close together to try and help the AI to move to the closest new order location but the units picks their own actionsquare to move to and end up zig, zagging like this...


    Is there something i can do to avoid this ? Splitting the platoon up into several AI-groups is not an option with the scenario i'm working on now. There is simply not enough AI-groups to go around...

    Any help will be appriciated...Thanks !

  18. Nice screenies, very atmospheric. Good luck on your first scenario!

    Thanks :)

    I hope i will be able to get everything working....

    Very nicely put together, can we get an overhead shot of the map?

    Here you go...



    The russian setup will be in the small woods in the south west corner.

    From the setup location...


    The map is 1800 * 1000 meters

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