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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. - manually select FOV on or off for destroyed or immobile veichles and equipment.

    My original idea with this was to be able to have the destroyed and immobile units visible to the player from the start of the game without the player first having to get 'eyes on' that location.

    This would simulate units destroyed in a previous battle and already known to the player...

    But on second thought...Why limit the manual setting of FOV to only destroyed and immobile units...Why not have this option for ALL units ?

    This would enable the designer to get more controll over what enemy units are

    known to the player. Right now the pre-battle intel is quite random as to what units will be shown to the player (maybe including AT-guns or armour locations that you do not want the player to know about).

    With manual FOV settings you could for example show pre-battle info of:

    - forward line of troops only (nothing more).

    - Specific areas of the map

    - a certain AT-gun, AA-gun or machinegun

    - a specific trenchline

    - ........

    Giving the scenario designer more control over the pre-battle intel would be a good thing i think...

  2. hello

    I don't remember ever seeing a dedicated EDITOR wishlist/suggestion thread. So i thought i'd start one...

    Many suggestions will most likely have been mentioned before but please ...post away ! :)

    - factory buildings, chimnes, cranes, steel skeleton ruins.

    - factory style flavoured objects

    - External ladders and stairs to place along buildings (different styles and hights).

    - multi story walls.

    - edit damage to walls.

    - being able to toggle buildings to have blown out windows and doors.

    - remove individual flors of buildings (but keep the walls).

    - hightediting (ditchlock) with 90 degree angle.

    - heavy and light protected buildings ( maybe even fortrified houses with very good protection).

    - battledamaged trees and other vegitation.

    - manually select FOV on or off for destroyed or immobile veichles and equipment.

    - manually be able to select wich soldiers will be killed in a squad (a suplement to the headcount function).

    - manually editd number of special weapons and ammo in squads, veichles and teams.

    - ice level (thicknes) for lakes and rivers (infantry only- or also veichle passable).

    - more ways to 'complete' mission objectives.

    - ability to choose location, commited assets, start time and duration for AI artillery.

  3. One of the easiest ways to force a player to use strict Soviet Doctrine is to add a "command level" to the game. In this the player would have to commit forces to specific missions according to timetables. Then, in the tactical play, would be required to stick to the plan. Two problems with this from our point of view:

    1. It's a lot of work to make a command layer to the game that is sufficiently detailed and tied into the tactical layer to work as it should.

    2. Hardly anybody would want to use it :D Reason being that the tactical portion of the game is where the excitement is at, so players would not be too happy to be forced into rote execution of abstract orders made before the game started.

    This is pretty much what i was aiming for when i suggested in 'the new feature thread' in CMFI that perhaps a new feature could be to increase the variation of how OBJECTIVES could be fullfilled...

    The only concreate idea i mentioned was the ability to asign certain objectives to certain units in the editor...If the right unit completes the objective gives full points and if an other unit does it will give reduced points or non at all...

    Combine this with (i think it was Womble that mentioned it) OBJECTIVES that has a timelimit to fullfill...and i think something like you mentioned above could be possible...

    but then again...maybe you are right with your point nr 2...Nobody would want to be restricted in the way they deploy their troops...personally i think it could be a nice feature and give some variaty...:)

  4. Hello Bil...Thanks for this AAR.

    One question...

    Why did you choose to remove ALL antitank rifles squads from the two rifle companys ?

    My thinking...If Elvis decides to place some armoured cars with 20mm guns in the village to oppose your infantry from advancing north into the village from the large wooded area to the south (yellow 1 and 2)...I think thoose sneaky AT-assets would come in very handy...

    By looking at the map he ought to be able to protect those armoured cars from flanking shots by hiding them besides some of the buildings (more or less forcing you to deal with them from the front)...

    Maybe sacrificing a SG43 or two...

  5. Yes, Scenario-making sure is a time consuming project. I have only made a few simple ones but even those have taken quite some time to complete.

    My thinking was that with the stock campaigns atleast part of the job is already done...the maps, briefings, unit selection (only minor changes needed)...

    The AI plans will most certanly need to be changed, triggers implemented and some other things maybe...after that play-testing...

    It will take time for sure...but i think the result could be VERY good !

    Having said that, the editor will allow ANYONE to modify the campaigns.


    Yes, thats true...

    But playing your own modified campaign (or your self-made scenario for that matter) is not the same thing...to much unwanted knowledge of the enemy !

    If some of the forum members could get permision from the original campaign designers to update their work to V3 that would offcourse be a good thing also...

  6. I wounder if this would be a worth while project and if it is something that

    BFC (the original campaign creators) are considering doing...

    updating the original campaigns from CMBN and CMFI using the new features from V3...

    - Triggers

    - hand held AT fire from buildings

    - flamethrowers (fire ?)

    - ditchlock

    - ......

    Maybe this will be such a massive undertaking and will take almost as long as creating entirely new campaigns..?

    If however it can be done with alot less work then making a new campaign i think it would be a good idea.

    The stock campaigns were well made and fun to play but if we could have these new features implemented i think they will provide even more of a challange and be well worth to replay...

  7. It'd be nice if there were time-based VCs, giving the option of VP penalties linked to how far "over time" you fell, and/or giving bonus VP for attaining the objective earlier.

    I like this idea...

    having more options with regards to the objectives and how to fullfill them could be another good way to increase creativity amongst the scenario designers (besides triggers).

    An idea i mentioned in an other thread a few months ago is an other way to increase the flexibility of the objectives...


    - having THAT unit fullfill the objective parameters will give FULL POINTS and

    if some other unit does it that will result in reduced points given for that objective (or non at all)...

    I'm sure there are many more ways but these two to ad to the objectives flexibility...Would be a good addition to the game i think...:)

  8. During gameplay the Human moves his units cautiously along the road. Unknown to him he runs over the Trigger Objective and that springs the tank destroyers into action. They appear on top of a hill 800m off to the left, catching the player's attacking tanks in the flank and (hopefully for the AI) knocking some out. After a couple of minutes of trading fire AI Group 3 executes another Order to move back behind the hill for cover and then relocate to a new spot to then be tied into a new Trigger Objective so as to repeat the same sort of thing but from a different location.

    That's just one quick example. Without Triggers the designer would have to guess when to have the tank destroyers crest the hill, which could be too late or too early. Now it happens right when it should.


    Excellent !! This is what i have been waiting and hoping for for a long time...

    reacting enemies...thank you, thank you, thank you !!

  9. In the editor...

    When deploying the troops on the map...the ability to manually select wich weapons of the squads that will be missing due to casualties...

    A good way to do this i think would be to be able to simply toggle the weapon (and soldier) on or off by left-clicking the weapon incon in the TEAM INFO PANEL after having selected a unit on the map.

    When using the HEADCOUNT function right now and setting it to a higher level of casualties (atleast with regards to the germans) they will almost always keep all the machineguns...This might off course be quite realistic since the machinegun is the most powerful weapon...

    However...i think it would be a nice feature if you could choose to remove some of thoose machineguns manually...instead of having a squad with 60 percent headcount

    having A- and B teams consisting of 1 machinegun and 1 rifle/Mp each...being able to edit one of the teams to have 3 rifles and a Mp for example...

  10. Here's the info from the repository...

    This is an updated version of my previous map 'Lingevres - Tilly Sur Seulles road' with major battledamage added to it.

    Lingevres will be a bit more rubbled since besides being shelled by artillery it also has seen some groundcombat (brittish forces succeded in capturing this town.)

    Tilly Sur Seulles on the other hand has only been shelled by brittish artillery and allied warships (the brittish attacks have been halted just north of the town.)

    In addition to rubbled buildings i also have adde the following:

    - internal doors on all the multi-tile modular buildings to facilitate movement through these without haveing to re-enter the street.

    - A lot more flavoured objects to get the map to feel more 'lived in'

    - I have corrected the dirtroads and made them more smooth.

    The map is 1200X1800 meters and primarely farmland (boccage) with 2 small towns on the west and east edge of the map.

    Many thanks to primarely sburke, Broadsword 56 and Hister for their input and suggestions during the work with this map...

    I hope you will enjoy i

  11. Hello, Hister...thanks for your feeback :)

    The update is comming along nicely. I will do the final work on the battle-damaged version of the map tomorrow and upload it to the repository.

    It should be avaliable early next week.

    The V1.2 of the non-destroyed map will be posted a few days later (next week also, i think).

    As you suggested i will most likely 'spray' som green on the map. The reason i have not used it is because for some reason the green grass graphics does not seem to load as well as the other terrain objects...I guess its the mod i'm using for the grass (will have to look at that)...The green grass have a bit off 'pop-up' effect for me...

    If some of the more experienced designers might be intrested in making a scenario on this map they are very welcome to have a go at it.

    That would be the best for sure...:)

    But i think that much of the pros attention are directed towards the eastern front right now.

    I will try to put together a scenario or two on this map...

  12. An other idea...

    In the unit editor...To be able to toggle FOW on or off for veichles, AFVs and other equipment that has been knocked out or imobolized...

    For example if you have a map with a few destroyed tanks from a previously failed attack i think that the player should know about them (atleast some of them)...If you could toggle the FOW for thoos tanks off in the editor they would be vissible to the player from the start...

    or if you want to simulate an atempt to destroy a previosly imobilzed tank...No fow would be good (the troops already know about its possition...)

  13. Thanks, Bradley !

    I'm already seeing my forces on this map and I can't wait to play it!

    Get your troops loaded-up with ammo !

    You will be able to play on this map in a few days. I will upload it to the repository sometimes during the weekend and it will probably be avaliable on monday or tuesday next week.

    I hope it will provide some good fighting-terrain...

  14. Hello...

    Having a go at trying to build me some ruins using the high- and low walls an idea came to me (maybe not a new idea...but here goes).

    Why not add the same battle-damage function to these walls that the independent buildings have now to enable some variations.

    CTRL - left click will toggle between different levels of combat-damage

    once. Intact walls damaged by scrapnel

    twice. partially collapsed wall - version 1

    three times. partially collapsed wall - version 2

    four times. partially collapsed wall - version 3

    Whitout being a computer programer. I don't think that this has to be all that hard for BFC to do.

    And while i'm at it...Why not add the shift - click function also...to change the texture of the walls to further increase variation.

  15. sburke

    I checked the map out.

    I get the general idea and will test-build me some ruins.

    Doing it this way will provide some added flexibility and controll of your troops when fighting amongst the destroyed buildings (rather then just entering a pre-made damaged building).

    many possibilities here...

    Thank you, guys...great tip !

  16. Excellent job on the ruins and battle damaged town.

    You might also want to consider making some totally destoyed and rubbled lots too.

    Various mappers have really advanced the state of the art in making ruined cities and towns.

    For example: The CM totally destoyed buildings are useful but only up to a point. Instead of just using the editor's detruction key to rubble a building 100%, Try making some more diverse types of ruins on your own. For example, rubbled buildings don't just lie flat. They can collapse into their basements and leave a big mound, and collapse into the streets too.

    To get that effect, experiment with ditchlocked elevated mounds, cover them with rocky terrain tiles, and then strew junk and other scattered objects on and around them. Make a few walls left standing by placing a few tall and short wall segments in or on the perimeter.

    Then you can have a lot of craters around, too.

    Thanks for the tip...I will try this :)

  17. Hello...

    I have been working on a battle-damaged version of this map.

    Besides rubbled buildings i have also tried to implement a few things that have been suggested...reworked roads, more flavour objects etc. and i have also added internal doors to all multi-tile modular buildings to allow movement through these without going back out in the streets.

    I have finished Tilly Sur Seulles and reworked the roads. Lingevres and the other farms remain to be done. The map will be avaliable early next week i think...I don't think i will have it ready by this friday...

    This will be the map i intend to use to try and make 2 scenarios. One played as the brittish and one played as the germans.

    The first one.

    The brittish attack on Tilly Sur Seulles will be about battalion sized scenario. Two companies up and one company kept in reserv that will arrive as reinforcements to help with the attack on the town it self.

    To support the infantry i was thinking something like 2 platoons of armour, 6 regular shermans and 2 fireflies...A cromwell supporttank or two might also arrive as reinforcement.

    Facing you will be...

    German infantry and a few Panthers...Also 2 Tiger tanks will be defending this area. Beside clearing objectives in Tilly Sur Seulles...thoose Tigers will be priority targets...locating them and destroying them either with armour or sneaking up AT teams.

    With a map this large i think it will be hard to make a very mobile AI defence but i will try to make some smaller german units moving around the place...

    Scenario two i have no real plans for as of yet.

    I will upload the map to the repository if some of you would like to use it as a QB-map.

    Some pictures of Tilly Sur Seulles after being shelled by brittish artillery and allied warships...





    One of the farms with added flavoured objects


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