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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. Hello....Thanks for your continues work on this.


    Testing AI-plans over and over is by no way the most fun part of scenario designing, uurghf...It can sure take the fun out of scenario-designing and

    become more of tedious work. I hope you will be able to get this scenario to a state that you are happy with...

    Unfortunatelly i have not been able to help much with this but i thought i might mention one little thing you might considder when working with these plans.

    I don't know if this is something you have already tried or not but...


    In some of the scenarios i have made i have found that giving the AI Groups a DASH-order (perhaps also QUICK-orders work...i don't quite recall right now)  instead of ASSULT or ADVANCE works quite well to simulate an AI assult. This/ these commands are the only ones that does not use bounded-movements....Making them faster.

    This will result in all of the troops in the AI Group will move forward at the same time...Using weight of numbers to overwhelm the players defences.  This can make the AI attack

    harder to deal with as a player in some cases i feel. The AI on DASH (QUICK) may not use as much firepower as they advance but they can make more then up for that by having

    more troops assulting simultainously...Can be quite tricky to deal with...This works best in close quarter fighting imo....


    You may not like this at all but if you feel like it please try it out...perhaps as some of the russians advance into the built up areas.

    The downside is offcourse that fast movements tire troops...but its not that terribly exhausting. They can actually advance quite a distance even  with these commands...


    Best of luck with the scenario.../RepsolCBR





  2. 7 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:


    * AI Orders now includes an option to “Withdraw”, which means it moves backwards and ends its move by facing the direction it came instead of the direction it traveled. This might not seem like a big deal, but it is :D





    Yes !!! :D

    Finally the AI armour will be able to do some nice shoot-and-scoot moves ..Huge improvement ! thank you...


    7 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:


    * AI can now be ordered to perform Area Fire in its AI Plan.  This allows the AI to place fire on particular spots on the assumption that the enemy might be there.  Woodlines, reverse ridges, buildings, etc.  This is a compromise between the current system (absolutely no AI area fire) and everybody's fantasy system (the AI is smart enough to know when and where to apply Area Fire all on its own).  Preliminary results indicate that this will be a rather nasty surprise for single player types :)


    I'm hopeing for some sort of improvements to the AI artillery programing for V4.0. This might very well be one step in the right direction...

    If you have let's say 4 medium mortars in an AI-Group...Will they use their main weapon to areafire on a specified area ? hopefully yes ! :P

    It sure would be nice to be able to support  a, mid game,  AI counter attack with some HE (and....even better...also some smoke)...


  3. 19 hours ago, Macisle said:


    It would SURE be great to be able to program timed and/or triggered arty attacks in the Editor. While the AI can be pretty good with targets of opportunity during the game, the scenario designer gets one shot at the opening of the scenario for anything coordinated. That especially impacts the use of smoke. That heavily influenced the way the scenario opening evolved.

    Another thing that this scenario brought home is how quickly 16 AI groups can be used up. I think I remember reading that BF was thinking of expanding that number. That would be AWESOME. As things stand, I'm barely able to get the coordination I want in the scenario. If I had more groups (and objective zones for triggers), I could make the AI much more effecive at taking terrain objectives. Right now, I have to mostly keep things at the company level for infantry. Platoon level would be a lot better for what the AI is up against here.



    I agree with these two points exactelly...Hopefully we will se some improvements in these two areas in the not to far future...

    what i have seen of this scenario so far you are doing a very good jobb with the AI...dealing with the limitations that currently exists.in the editor.

    Whit somewhat larger scenarios it can be a bit tricky right now to get the AI to do what you want...The AI Groups gets quite large and there is a limited number of trigger options avaliable...


  4. Hello...

    I also think that multiple terrain objectives are probably the best way to go...I like your overall plan for this mission !

    I have only played a few turns so far but some initial comments...

    The initial bombardment...

    To large parts i like it alot. Good mix of HE and smoke imo.

    I think it is a good thing that the bombardment does not land right on top of the player forces. This is a personal prefrence but i think it can be a bit to frustrating when half your
    force gets knocked out in the prepartory bombardment (realistic as that might be)...

    There are a few things though that you might considder....

    I don't know if you mean for it to be a heavy prepartory bombardment of the entire area or more off a supporting, lower caliber, fire missions to deal with spotted threats...

    - If it is the first i think that you could perhaps place quite a number of craters on the map to simulate previously hit areas. Maybe Rubble the roofs of a number of the buildings in the village.
    (this does not have to be a massive amount of detsroyed buildings imo...but atleast a few...This along with some craters scattered around the area will improve the feeling a larger barrage haveing been fired on the area.)

    I would also try and make the artillery-target (He) areas in the editor somewhat larger (not massive...but a little larger). hopefully this will make the incomming fire to be a bit more dispersed.
    I know this can be tricky. The AI artillery programing is not very user friendly in my opinion and increasing the target areas might not work if you want to increase the dispersion.

    It might be something to try though...I feel that the incoming HE fire might be a bit to CONCENTRATED in the areas that are being hit right now if this is meant to simulate a larger bombardment.

    - If you mean for this to be more of a reactive firemission to deal with spotted threats i don't think that you need to change it much....perhaps place a few craters closer to the players forces to simulate previous hits..

    Some minor suggestions only...Overall i like the bombardment !

    The AI-programing...

    I'm about 10 minutes into the scenario and as far as i can tell the AI programing is working out very well so far. I have seen some nice russian attacks (armour supported by infantry and some recon elements advancing ahead on my left.)
    Well done ! so far imo...(i'm however not the one to tell you if this is a  historically correct way for the russians to attack or if tis tactically perfect....but to me it looks good !)

    Force selection...

    Here too...good choises imo.


    Good Jobb ! B)

  5. Hello Macisle...

    Thanks for the scenario ! I have just had a quick look at it so far...

    - The briefingscreens are lovely (some of the best i have ever seen in CM). Splendid work ! :)


    - The scoring though...I'm not so sure it will work well in its current state. (i might very well be wrong about this though).

    If i recall correctly the OCCUPY OBJECTIVES will not allow any enemy units at all to be withing the objective location to get points for it.

    In this scenario both the germans and the russians share the excact same objectives. UNIT OBJECTIVES on the entire enemy force Worth 500 points

    and OCCUPY OBJECTIVE on the 'bridgehead' also Worth 500 Point.

    If i'm not wrong about this will mean that the german player might be able to destroy pretty much the entire russian force and halt the attack and still not get

    ANY Points for holding the 'bridgehead' if only a single russian unit manges to enter that area. If this happens only the UNIT OBJECTIVE scoring will matter in deciding

    the victory level (wich might turn out to be pretty much a draw). That should not happen imo if the attack has been completally destroyed but for one single russian unit that managed to enter the 'bridgehead area'....The russian attack is defeated ! The primary objective is achived.

    In the same way...

    If the russian attack is succesful and they manage to push through the village and enter the 'bridgehead'-area in force the russians should get a victory...but if the player only

    keeps a single surviving unit within that area the russians will not get any Points for it....Again....only the UNIT OBJECTIVE scoring will count for victory calculations...

    wich might en up in a draw or at best minor victory eventhough the russians achived their goal...


    I'm not 100 % sure about this but i belive this is how the scoring works...


    I'm looking forward to playing this...Looks like a nice fight...Again...

    Thank you :)





  6. This is a strange thing...the lack of community scenarios being made for CM right now.It feels like no one can really put a finger on it and explanin WHY this is the case. Most of the things mentioned in this thread have been discussed numerous times before and solutions have been suggested and for the most part tested briefely but NO...It's just not happening !

    I think that most of us playing this game agrees that CM is by far the best tactical wargame avaliable. Nothing else really comes close. There should be a wealth of scenarios to chose from.

    I used to think that one of the reasons for the lack of scenarios where the short time periods of the current CM games but that can not be it either.With CMFI, CMBN  and CMFB (with modules included) we pretty much have the entire western front covered. Any idea (except the final months) that pops into peoples heads should be doable.

    The possibilities are endless.

    But still...No ! no scenarios...

  7. Looking good !

    My only suggestion would perhaps be to place a few rubble flavour-objects scattered along the edges of the flatten Buildings (if they fit in this snow terrain)...

    Something like 10-15 rubble-objects ought to be enough for the 6 flatten buildings in the foreground of the pictured for example...

    Maybe you could also use some other terrain type under the buildings to simulate some finer debri around some of the buildings...(works quite well imo if the Buildings are placed so that they occupy halves of actions squares...

    Only some minor suggestions...Looking forward to the finished scenario...

    Thanks ! :)






  8. 24 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

    Shucks, I just happen to be working a new CMRT winter scenario!


    I'm sure this will be Another enjoyable scenario...You're in the habbit of producing those...;)

    I'm messing around a bit in the editor...I have decided to try and make a little something centered around the closing days of the Korsun-pocket episode.

    I think this MOD will fit nicely for such a scenario...

    I'm not sure if it will result in anything useful but i will give it a goo...


  9. This has been mentioned Before...But i think that the lack of feedback (playtesters and comments on finished products) are seriously holding many first- and second time scenario designers back. I have seen quite a few scenarios posted here that have not recieved any comments at all. I Think that this results in many would-be scenario designers loose intrest in producing anything more.

    Speaking from personal experience. Something like the 5 latest scenarios i have uploaded have recieved no comments at all. This makes you belive that if they are not woth a single comment...good or bad...they have to utter crap...Why make any more....?

    Bad comments are far better then none at all....Atleast then you know what to try and improve with your future work...

    If we all could put a greater effort into commenting scenarios we have played (or even better...volunteering to playtest others stuff) then i think we will see a steady increase in uploaded stuff...

    Like PanzerMike mentioned...He himself and a number of other of the most experienced scenario desigers are now involved with making content for BFC...

    Other guys needs to step forward to make Community stuff  B) And they needs decent feedback on their work...

  10. 2 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:


    Perhaps this way we, as a community, can get the number of scenarios and campaigns flowing, from which we all benefit. Good or bad idea? Please your motivated opinions.

    It would no doubt be nice to see an increase in community-made scenarios/Campaigns and all ideas to increase this might be worth a try.

    Unfortunatelly i doubt that this idea will meet with great success. We have had the oppertunity to upload WIP Projects here...


    for quite some time now and  this has not resulted in much so far....


  11. The experience i've had with QBs vs the AI is not that the AI makes strange force selection (i have no big problems with having to select troops for it) but rather how it treats those troops during set-up and gameplay.
    It seems to me that the AI is pretty much incapable of destinguishing between the different troops. It does not seem to make much difference to the AI if its a heavy machinegun-team or a mortar ammobearer-team for example.
    Its simply a group of men...'Let's place these five guys here...and these 4 guys here.'

    THIS ruins the fun in playing QBs Vs the AI more then anything IMO...

  12. IMO the entire Battlefront forum have more or less died...

    Asides from maybe 10 guys frequently posting here not much is happening any more i'm sorry to say.

    A few MODS are being made and recieve some comments but not much more then that...

    Not even larger projects like the Stalingrad MOD seems to atract alot of attention (atleast not on the BFC forum).

    Scenario designing is very limited and overall intrest seems to have gone down significantelly...

    Perhaps BFC needs to prioritize some major game-engine updates ?

  13. 20 hours ago, kevinkin said:

    Don't forget the about the intro scenarios that were bundled with the MOD. If you have played them, please post any feedback when you get a chance.


    Speaking for myself...

    i'm in my absolute 'off-season period' when it comes to computer gaming i'm affraid...

    Summer is here finally B)...Many other things takes priority over the computer right now.

    I have had a quick look at the scenarios but i have not really played them yet...My initial impression of the Stalingrad Project is that this will be the Place to go when i'm in the mode fore some urban fighting...

    But except for some late night sittings during my comming holliday i will not do much wargaming for some time now....I will not be able to provide much in the way of feedback i'm afraid...

    I am looking forward to what this Project will bring though....(and i will most likely try to do a scenario or two myself later on...)

    Best of luck with the Project ! :)

  14. Hello guys...this looks amazing !  I'm sure this Will be a big hit. Brilliant work done by the team. Thank you. After having played the first scenarios for a while i have a suggestion...one that have already been considdered i'm sure but...i Think it Would be a Good idea to have a Fair number of the internal Walls on the buildings toggled to the collapsed state. this will allow movement between the buildings without the use of demo charges. Having a number of walls collapsed at different floors in different buildings would also add to the rubble effects in the city imo...it may be a bit much to ask the mastermap designer to add this strait away but i think it could be a good thing for the scenariodesigners to add...these collapsed walls are one small detail i miss in these first scenarios. That has atleast been my experience so far...if they are in i appologize...again...thanks for this brilliant piece of work

  15. 53 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    Maybe that's how it's supposed to work ? All the trucks dumping all their ammo in one big pile? Try counting the ammo in the dump and compare to the combined the ammo in the 5 trucks.

    Yeeah...5 trucks leaving one dump might be VAD but when i Only have 5 AFVs (pz IVs for example) and set these as dismounted they do not show up at all...i'm sure this used to work in thé past. Wierd...i can se the dismounted tanks in thé training Campaign...but not when i make a New scenario in thé editor...

  16. 4 hours ago, Vanir Ausf B said:

    They show up as ammo dumps.

    I'm sorry...but no t hey don"t. The first truck of 5 in my test...yes...but Only the first. Thé others show up as Notting..

    So does the tanks.

    Thé Map is empty except for one supply dump                5 trucks and 5 tanks show up as 1 dump...nothing more. 

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