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Posts posted by kohlenklau

  1. I pulled into Djibouti for fuel one time. Uh, way back after the Gulf War. Woulda been 1991. My son deployed there back a few years ago. Camp Lemonnier.

    Approx 70 miles from the straits.


    Djibouti is strategically located by the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, which separates the Gulf of Aden from the Red Sea and controls the approaches to the Suez Canal. As a result, the country hosts many other foreign military bases, including a Chinese naval base, a French airbase, an Italian Support Base and a Japanese base. Unlike French troops, who are allowed to enter Djibouti city and interact with the locals, US troops may only leave Camp Lemonnier by special permission, and most of Djibouti City is off limits.

    These Djiboutians(?) are really smart. Lease a base to everybody! $$$

    Maybe just get the Houthis over there and settle it all with a softball game? The Chinese too while we are at it?

  2. 5 minutes ago, The_Capt said:

    And make damn sure my kids are even better than me.

    I agree with you sir. I hope my 2 sons are also better than me. One is active duty USAF C130J loadmaster. The other is a nurse dating a nurse from Peru. I would say in some ways they are better than me. In other areas maybe they just have some maturing to go through! 

    So, maybe it sounds corny, but I offer my hand to shake hands with you virtual style and just move onward. I wish you the best sir and we all hope for a better world. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, Lethaface said:

    Also imho it is stupid to 'support' only one side.

    So, support the allies in 1944 but also the axis? But I forgot, we can never use WW2 as an example anymore. A war where we supposedly did defeat the enemy and tried to eradicate the philosophy of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The wars since then have all been lost or partially won. Call me stupid all you want but I HAVE picked 1 side in this case. You equate it to supporting mass killings of civilians. I don't. Israel can answer in the ICJ. maybe you have already rendered a verdict. Also, should our own soldiers not support only one side, our own side? In a future conflict.    

    @The_Capt I met a wonderful Canadian couple about 20 years ago. She was a teacher in Saskatoon. Unprompted she somehow brought up the (new?) direction of the curriculum of her elementary school. Government directed curriculum. "First Nations". Maybe I am all wrong but it seems to be about instilling in white people from as early an age as possible some type of guilt for the past. 

    I know you were Canadian Forces active duty in Afghanistan.  I don't know for sure but maybe now you are a civilian employee academic type professor/instructor of the Canadian Forces in some type of war college or armed forces type university? Did that require you to go to a civilian school to get a degree? I had started an online degree, a masters in social work, I was disgusted by the intro course to diversity and all the same trappings of white guilt/blame it tries to instill/teach/indoctrinate.

    A comment was made about "North American voters". Now I suspect you meant white voters. Or maybe it was a general comment about the current low level of intelligence/intellect/IQ in people. Low Information voters is the term maybe? If the mantra to whites is to feel guilty and ashamed of the past to understand how non-whites feel...then the same low information/intellect/IQ people of non-white voters just pick-up the corollary. "I am not responsible for my feelings. It is someone else's fault based on the past. I am owed something. I can't be held responsible for my actions. I am oppressed." I have seen a press conference by native American groups openly praising the 7 October attack by Hamas with aspirations of how this might help them get "their" land back. Another video I saw showed an African American watching a pro-Palestine protest and he was asked what he thought. He said he felt a kinship to them as he was also living in occupied land. 

    I am here today as the first day of the future. white, yellow, black, brown, red, whatever. Move forward to achieve prosperity and security. Don't have an agenda of restorative justice or whatever for the past. The US Armed Forces has gone more woke than ever. Meritocracy is apparently out the window. Both the US Armed Forces and many airlines now have a goal to get more non-white pilots. Them being non-white is the number one aspect of the application process. Will it help us win a war? We used to be told to be color blind. Now they instruct us to see the color of the other guys skin and make certain changes in how we treat them. 

    I thought this was a good thread and some folks here were very smart. I could learn. I still feel the same way but I also see now that the current pathology of wokeness and "identity politics" is very widespread.   

    The image in my signature is just a modern take on an old flag used in the early 1800's. 

  4. On 1/1/2024 at 9:42 AM, The_Capt said:

    But let’s be frank and let me ask the real question.  How much of this is western biased and good old fashion racism against Arabs for all the trouble and pain we have gone through in that region?  

    You first brought up racism. You later made the (I thought) loose lipped comment about "some white people". I poked you on why you did that. Now you bring up colonialism and slavery and shame and guilt and white supremacy (and my wife). 









  5. 28 minutes ago, The_Capt said:

    Are you saying there are not white people who don’t basically dislike anyone who is not white?  

    I guess I am older than you and retired. I am lucky I don't have to act woke and get on the hate whites blame whites band wagon. I don't see why you went down that path here. Earlier you had asked if racism was a reason to support Israel. Then I was just calling you on your own racist comment that came out of nowhere. 


  6. 1 hour ago, The_Capt said:

    We have seen anti-Muslim sentiment in both US and Canada, and of course plenty of anti-semitism as well because apparently some white people don’t like anyone.

    Gosh, I am not sure at all why you had to add that extra stuff at the end of that specific remark. To little old me, it kind of blemishes your high and mighty lecturing up to this point. 

    The few surveys I took a minute to look at both had some interesting results. blacks and latinos had lower percentages of viewing muslims in a negative light versus whites. But for anti-semitism, the percentages were higher than white people. So, that tells me that hate is everywhere and is in everybody. Your point was rising hatreds in both categories, got it. But something extra leaked out. Maybe you need a survey? :D A cocktail and a good night's rest AND then a survey. 








  7. I guess this is the tryouts for the high school debate team? JHC.

    I support Israel. 

    I have seen the genocide card played, the apartheid card played, colonization card played, pay them reparations card played, and now I see the racist card is played.


    I guess you mean skin color?

    Only trying to speak for myself here to say that I don't think so.

    For whatever it is worth...Christmas present for me and the Mrs were the DNA kits. No surprise, I am 50-50 Germanic European and Eastern European Slavic (Hungarian). My wife joked and called me Hitler-Putin. She is a mix of Northern Philippines and Indigenous American Indian and Mexican and some Spanish and Portugese...and somehow 1% Jewish. OY VEY!

    I watched a bunch of videos "Ask an Israeli" and "Ask a Palestinian" and for racial identity - I guess I have no 100% handle on what a Palestinian looks like. I have no 100% handle on what an Israeli looks like. Lots of different looks. Even the Israeli hostage Mia Schem said she revealed herself from hiding at that concert to somebody she thought might be an Israeli. She was wrong and got hauled away.

    If it aint racism then what is it?

    I flat out have more respect for the Israeli side. I have spent some intimate time with them. I have also spent some lesser time with military members and civilians of Arab nations. 

    One thing that really resonated with me was the flower industry and greenhouses left behind intact when Israel pulled out of Gaza back in 2005 or whenever it was. Palestinians I guess do not like making flowers. Just tunnels!

    If the point of this thread is to sway pro-Israeli opinions and win by having someone change their view. I guess I will just say I don't see that happening. 

    HAMAS! Please surrender and stop the death of your people. Not gonna? OK, we kinda figured that. Iran says "hang in there guys!"...

    Nobody is perfect. But given these 2 sides, I support Israel. I called my elected representatives and said so. I joined Friends of the IDF. I donated and specified my donation for 5.56mm ammo. 


    The entertainment industry and movie makers have always portrayed people whatever way they wanted and felt they could get away with or what was easiest. Charlie Chan was really a white actor. Cowboy and Indian movies had white actors with make-up quite a bit. Coke bottle glasses Japanese soldiers in the WW2 movies. Black domestic servants in many old movies. (Now the pendulum swings the other way. If you don't know what I mean, I guess you don't watch too many of the new "woke" movies). Classic Arab bad guys I recall from "Navy Seals" and Charlie Sheen kills the bad guy in the water at the end. Also good old Chuck Norris with the rearward firing motorcycle rocket in Delta Force. Classic stuff with the bad guy getting it. I saw a Made in China movie about the Korean War. Lots of scenes of white guys getting it from the Chinese hero. Entertainment Industry is like that globally I guess. 

    I will make the CMFI Palestine 1948 mod and folks can battle it out. By the end of the year it should be done.

    Best wishes to everybody. Shalom!



  8. I did a search of the CMCW forums for "demo"...

    Do it and you can read many threads about the reasons/excuses/stories about why there is not a CMCW demo.

    One guy said that there is "sort of a demo" in Steam where you purchase CMCW but then ask for a refund before 2 hours of play.

    Go for it!

  9. I have been out of the navy a long time and didn't know the exact model of that SEAHAWK helicopter nor what exactly was the squadron designation. It is an MH-60R and HSM is the current navy abbreviation for Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron. (HSM-77) "Saberhawks" is a United States Navy helicopter squadron based at Naval Air Facility, Atsugi, Japan. 

    I guess somebody has some "kill markings" on the nose now?



  10. 4 hours ago, wlmiv said:

    Thanks for your advice.

    I am a noob so I would not even know how to mod the uniforms into FJ. That may be beyond my capability. I'd have to research modding more. 

    I can be your coach and help any time. PM me.

    I recommend to just focus on creating the scenario itself. Use my cobbled together set of mods (at first at least). Later you can maybe alter the mods or tweak them.

    Scenario writing for CM is a good challenge with AI plans and points and briefings and maps and testing. Plus how will you do the "pistols only FJ's"...

    My last advice is to make the scenario much smaller than you want. Going big and grand is a sure way to have it never get finished. Fight the urge.

    Maybe you have experience with these scenario projects and CAN pull off big and grand right away. I don't know.

    Best wishes!



  11. I will put this idea on the table for you to consider. My brain has lots of ideas. I don't always say if they are good ideas. :D

    A scenario author could simulate the small groups of FJ landing with just pistols (crew with pistols and maybe with one SMG) by using dismounted vehicle crews. The normal vehicle crew uniform and headgear COULD be modded to display as FJ uniforms and helmets. The vehicles could be made transparent with icons also transparent with scenario author deploying the vehicle in a "fenced off" area of the battle map. 

  12. sure, standby, I will paste it here in a minute.


    I admit it. When it comes to CM stuff, I am like a guy with about a half-dozen girlfriends. I get all into one and spend a lot of time with her and then - "poof!" - she just doesn't do it for me as much anymore and I head over to another hot chick instead. :D FRANCE 1940 keeps calling me but it always goes to voicemail and I haven't taken her on a date in a while. CMAK2 AFRIKA I have some excitement going on. With that series I can roll in the hay (sand?) with British and various Commonwealth birds, French Mademoiselles, exotic Polish and Indian ladies, Italianas, German frauleins and even some 1940's Apple Pie American babes.  I have a real faded relationship with my Russian Barbarossa beauty. I built a sauna for my fond memories of my time or 2 with that fine female from Finland. Don't forget the Kreta silky parachute pants hotties. I confess I have been eyeballing a Spanish Blue Division senorita upon occasion. ...BUT...KOREA 1950 has got me doodling her name at work and daydreaming of her all day. I told her to enjoy it while she can. Now I see the raven haired women in Palestine 1948. 

    Bottomline is I did some Kreta stuff but then move on...as described above. 

     The crashed German glider I could go back and try to finish.

    I say you should go for it. I can give 2 cents of advice as needed. 

  13. 1 hour ago, wadepm said:

    IN your mods are you able to make new vehicles and not just reskin existing models?  Has anyone been able to do that outside of BFC?

    I can do a variety of things that I call "fake lobster" but I cannot change the physics of the game code. 

    Here is an example for CMFI Korea 1950...

    CMFI does not have the T-34/85. I use various resources to decide my best option to deliver a "fake lobster" version of the T-34/85. One resource I find easy to use is the ASL game with its counters and rules.  This resource led me to decide to use the British Sherman IIA as the "host" for the "shell" 3D model from CMRT. The power of the gun, the armor strength, the crew size were a good enough "fake lobster" match.

    Making new vehicles

    I have also created new/hybrid/bastardized 3D models in a program called Blender to be the "shell" over a good enough "host". One example is a Hungarian armoured car called the Csaba. It had a turret stolen from vehicle X with guns from another vehicle Z, slapped on the hull from vehicle Y. 

    85% fake lobster with melted butter fresh off the coast of Maine.



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