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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I would suggest a modtag [nogear] or whatever you desire it be called and then a folder of the modtagged bmps for the "not desired to be seen in the game gear" and these are alpha layered to be transparent.
  2. Oh well. No worry. I will just keep the sleeves normal. German tunics: I read that some of these "model numbers" were not official 3rd Reich designations but have come into being from the "uniform collectors" world. So, that said, I think creating a German tunic that matches to 1941 is definitely doable. Maybe just some coloration changes. Decals are needed for the stalhelms. Everybody should be in jack boots. Barbarossa Camo should be almost non-existent except for zeltbahns and the early version Waffen-SS smocks.
  3. Yes, BLENDER is a handy little friend. I figured it is iconic for Barbarossa to have those bayonets on the Mosins! I already made a v2.0 where the color is steel versus a bit of the brownish stock texture you see above. But I also have to go make sure they are not TOO long as well. I need to make them a tad bit shorter... The M36 helmet was made by @JM Stuff and still needs some texture UV mapping work. I did buy another version for $5 off the internet. So, either way, we have the older style Red Army helmet!
  4. I don't have all the titles. Maybe one of the more modern titles has this? Rolled up sleeves on the upper garment. Full length trousers. (I DO know there is the British "yacht club" uniform with short pants and rolled up shirt...)
  5. Thanks for asking! Coming along nicely. I have 3 scenarios done. Working last night on a 4th scenario. 1 more new scenario after that. uniform mods are almost done.
  6. New Project! I want to take my PzIVAusf F1 and "Barbarossify" it! That will be mods for the PzIV file and the PzIII file where the stubby gun comes from. While I am messing with the PzIII, I will go ahead and "Barbarossify" the PzIIIG as well.
  7. This is my long range, long term plan. Scenario 1 is PRESENTED to be the summer of 1941. Actual scenario editor date of course must be June 1944. Germans attacking. Soviets defending. This scenario name can be "Scorched Earth" Scenario 2 is PRESENTED to be the winter of 1941. Actual scenario editor date of course must be December 1944. Soviets attacking. Germans defending. This scenario name can be "Frozen Meat" Goal will be to mod the Soviet and German uniforms to make the scenarios seem to be 1941. I will try my best to purchase units with the best "1941 style weapons". This means I try NOT to have any panzershrecks, panzerfausts, MG42, STG44. The same with the Soviets to try not to see the PPsH-43. I will try to mod a set of German items in Panzer Grey. I have a hope to use Blender to augment the scenarios in other ways...we'll see.
  9. I do not want to derail @Double Deuce 's thread. If anybody wants to talk more about 1941 early war Soviets and stuff like that. Please join me at the below forum thread. Thanks
  10. Hey Tim, Yes, it is new. It is called "Bloody Wadi" and is supposed to be April 1941 in Libya. I have to prepare the mods a bit better so it is not ready for upload.
  11. "KO'd tanks as flavor objects" The stock BFC KO'd tanks are pretty lame. The gun is ALWAYS at 12 o'clock. They remove some turret side hatches. Not opened, just disappeared! To make your own, import the vehicle mdr into Blender. Rotate the turret and all other items on the turret. R Z 110 or whatever angle. It looks funky in Blender as you do it. It all gets misaligned but then looks good in the game. If it looks good in Blender it will probably misalign in the game. Export without metadata and save as your desired flavor object in z folder. Then go into scenario editor 2D map to plop down that flavor object and verify in 3D if it looks good. THEN you can hexedit the mdr file to rename the turret bmp files so you can get the art looking different. replace pz-ivg-turret with pz-ivg-turre7 or pz-ivg-turre8 and do GiMP work on those renamed files to make the tank look different. You can do the hull art too if you want. Of course the new bmp files go in your z. EDIT: I want to also have the barrel elevation be different. I tried but it didn't work. I have to learn how to isolate/designate the axis of rotation to the proper axis. The same with the commanders hatch and turret side hatches. Open them up like the entire crew was able to escape or at least drag off the guy who was injured.
  12. Oh hey guys. I have been wanting to do this and now I was finally able to pull this off. I call it... "KO'd tanks as flavor objects" Took a few hours of trial and error. I have used Blender to freeze some tanks in a "more exciting pose of being KO'd"... In this screenshot, junk7 flavor object tank is KO'd PzIV with 800 numerals on the turret pointed at 10 o'clock. junk8 flavor object tank is a slightly different PzIV with numerals 807 and gun pointed towards 7 o'clock. Followed by a living tank with numerals 808. I can put a burning vehicle (itself made transparent with an alpha layer) inside either 800 or 807 as needed. The front hull hatches are also opened so some of the crew escaped. I can put on a hit decal as well...
  13. Yeah! You were right. I had been staring at it, scratching my head. Thanks for mentioning it. It was just on the starboard side of the turret. The others were correct.
  14. Thanks Matt! @Heirloom_Tomato I am all set. Soon my forum signature will have a dropbox link to all my stuff in organized folders for "self-serve scenarios, maps and mods". A few more days to organize it and upload it...
  15. I put all the turret numeral layers in a layer group and set the group to soft light layer mode. Down at the bottom right is my prototype of a DAK M41 feld mutze.
  16. Here is what I suggest. Create a main dropbox folder called whatever, "NPye CM Stuff" Then it should have a subfolder for CMRT and a subfolder for CMBN. Then in each of those subfolders you could have a folder for maps, a folder for mods. The tree structure doesn't take long to set up and keeps it all squared away for the downloader. THEN you share the dropbox link to the main folder...right click in dropbox on that main folder's line and you will see one of the options "copy link", select that and then return here to the forum and paste that link in a post.
  17. Request for assistance. I need an experienced dropbox dude to PM me that he can give me some info on how this goes with the file structure for a new dropbox link. Probably a five minute job. You get a free CMFI scenario for your trouble. Basically, I want to have in my forum signature an active dropbox link that opens a folder for many subfolders to click on and then only download "new stuff"...I guess I name folders as batches of "new stuff"...? with a date. Downloaders would just look at the folder name of what they have now to know if new downloads are needed...
  18. found the right font for the turret numbers DIN 1451 Mittelschrift. No more using the magic wand to try and copy the numbers from a decal sheet jpeg... Though I see I need to tweak the red saturation and maybe throw a few blending layers of tan and brown dust over it...with a low opacity. Damn! I am starting to sound like I sort of know what I am effing talking about. Very odd feeling with CM modding... :-)
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