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  1. If you select a unit at the start of the turn it's morale status at the end of the turn is briefly displayed in the UI.
  2. Barbed wire. Everywhere. One platoon of engineers locked in a small setup zone with enemy trps all over it. Trucks. Lots of them with no room to manuever and nowhere to hide. Large arbitrary elevation changes, after all whats the point of a horrible and unwinnable scenario if the map is pretty to look at. Reinforcements arriving within LOS of enemy AT guns. Theres an unplayable stock CMSF scenario that starts your mech company in sight of enemy T72s. Like within 200m if them on wide open ground. We can learn something from that.
  3. For added immersion you could also sit outside in the rain for a few days, not sleep not eat and not change your underwear.
  4. Regarding casualties in the platoon HQs, I have an HQ in the Montebourge campaign that has lost the PL and his XO leaving a sargeant in command. The radio operator is still there and there is a radio in the inventory. According to the UI it is still the HQ. However, it is a broken link in the C2, no one in the platoon considers sarge a leader worth telling anything apparently. Sarge also dosn't believe in radios or talking to the Captain, cause there's no C2 even when sitting next to the CO. Red dots. Didn't find an answer in the manual, thought I'd ask here instead of starting a new thread. I have a save file.
  5. You guys are doing it wrong. Once you see the map(LOOK AT THAT FIELD OH GOD) you turn to the battalion commander and tell him where to shove it and/or then shoot yourself in the foot. Anyway, for the record I like this scenario and scenarios like it alot. A green rifle company gets channeled through two big, obvious killzones and is thrown back by numericaly inferior but experienced and motivated german force. Sounds about right too me. Tagline say "Charlie Company Gets Schooled in Bocage Warfare." Scenario delivers. Weeee
  6. My guys like to stand behind the wire fences too. It dosn't work out too well for them so I avoid fences like the plague.
  7. Whoops, guess I missed it. LOL, I've played CMSF since it came out and I thought I had made a brilliant and insightful observation that would win me great fame and recognition.
  8. Ever since CMBO came out I've wanted a command like 'Covering fire for X amount of time then stop'. Well, I just figured out how to do that in CM2. When you plan your area fires add a pause to the firing unit, then plot a movement order on the spot they are already sitting on, and add a cover arc to the move point. Your squad will fire until the pause runs out, reorg, and then cease fire. I have found this helpful when assaulting the hedgerows if you time it right, your men will stop firing just as your maneuver teams reaches the next hedge. It's a good way to save ammo and minimize FF casualties. I wonder if it works in CMSF...
  9. Playing against a person is always going to be more fun than playing the computer. The computer can't get it's feelings hurt and cuss you out while you laugh when you correctly predict it's kinetic point of attack and drop 105 into it's assembly area. No solo battle victory is going to beat winning a hotseat WEGO game on turn 8.
  10. Hello, let me start by saying this is one of my favorite games, and a big THANKS to Battlefront for sticking with it over the last three years. This game went from being an unbelievably disappointing to a real piece of art. Hooray. Anyway, since the last patch (1.31) I have noticed in the campaigns when an MG team takes a casualty in the next mission they no longer have the MG. I am OCD about buddy aid, and make sure heavy weapons get picked up. I don't remember this in any of the older patches. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this? I don't have a save handy, but if need be I can, uh, arrange some casualties and save the results.
  11. bbaker: There are definately mines under the wires at the near side of the bridge. I too was surprised to see an engineer fireteam BLOW THEMSELVES THE HELL UP AND FAIL TO TAKE OUT THE WIRE. The next team spotted the mines, blew the wires, then RAN INTO THE MINEFIELD AND BLEW THE HELL UP. The next squad moved up to mark said mines AND WAS SQUISHED BY MORTORS. Sorry about the caps, this mission makes me type like that. Also, I feel like the bridge is a bit buggy, I know I'm not the only one having problems setting waypoints around it. And yet I still love this mission and the cruel jerk who designed it. Seriously, that guys a jerk.
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