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Everything posted by thejetset

  1. I played as US on this mission last night ... and yes! ... it is hell trying to take out the Panthers. I got creamed by trying to slug it out with them on the ridge at long range. ... With my remaining Shermans and later the M10s I raced down the hill and hid them in the dry stream-bed at the bottom of the valley. (3 still got knocked out on the rush down though!!!) .... then it's just a matter of trying to score hits on the side of the Panthers at <400m range. ... but yeah ... they really make you sweat!!!!! It feels great to KO one though!!!!!!!!
  2. You are COMPLETELY correct here! ... That would be a GREAT secondary benefit of having the clickable mini-map inset.
  3. HAHAHAHAH!!!! Same here! They just don't understand!!!!
  4. I never really got into SF, but I've played all of the CMx1 games for MANY hours ... I'm just now starting to get into the forums again. I used to play CMx1 at a high angle of elevation ... where I would see about 30%-40% of the entire field the entire time. But with CM:BN, I can't decide if I want to limit myself to basically a 3rd person view where I'm floating about 20meters behind and above my units with the trees ON for maximum realism ... or float above the entire field. A cool option might be to have a "mini-map" that would let you jump from area to area by clicking on the mini-map. On the mimi-map all of YOUR UNITS ONLY would be displayed. .... This would encourage me to keep on a more zoomed-in level. And at the same time as Company CO, I could keep track of where all my units are. Just a though.
  5. Great! Thanks! .... Si I guess that US Halftrack in the "Closing the Gap" scenario is good for something after all! It's got a bunch of AT rockets in it but I had no idea how to access them ... until now.
  6. Some of the units have the Acquire button available. What is this command used for??
  7. Yeah ... I've been playing around with alt-t a lot. So far, I can't get it anywhere close to how it is shown in the screen-shot. In a different post, someone mentioned it might have something to do with the 3D settings or something like that. Have you been able to get the trunks to appear like they do in the screen-shot??
  8. When I toggle them "off" .. they disappear completely, trunks and all. Bil Hardenberger did a AAR post when beta testing. In this beta, there was an option to just have the trunks appear for the trees (there was also the option to have the trees disappear completely ... trunks and all) Here is a screen-shot from his beta game: This is a pretty cool option .. you can still see where the trees are and at the same time see where your guys are.
  9. My ONLY suggestion (as of right now ) is regarding the Tree Toggle. One of the beta testers posted an AAR tank battle. In one of the screen shots he explained how you can toggle the TRUNKS ONLY. However, in this beta version of the game, the tree trunks were shown across the entire map ... not just when zoomed in to your area. Personally, I was really excited about this toggle option! ... In the demo 1.0 release the trunks only toggle doesn't really do much. You have to be zoomed in to a very high level and it is almost the same as having the trees toggled to FULL. Personally, I would get a much better situational awareness when the trunks are toggled across the entire map. .. it's easier to find your units and see how they are positioned. Could the BF team ad an additional tree toggle option to have trunks-only visible across the ENTIRE map?? Thanks!
  10. Trees Toggle I agree, the toggle doesn't seem to be working correctly (or working as envisioned). One of the beta testers put an AAR tank battle. In one of the screen shots he explained how you can toggle the TRUNKS ONLY. However, in this beta version of the game, the trunks were shown across the entire map ... not just when zoomed in to your area. Personally, I was really excited about this toggle option! ... The trunks only toggle doesn't really do much when you have to be zoomed in so much. You will get a much better situational awareness when the trunks are toggled across the entire map. .. it's easier to find your units and see how they are positioned.
  11. 7 HOURS OF PURE INTENSITY!!!!!! I played CM1 since 1999 .... never played Shock Force though except for the demos. But this is absolutely incredible! It really requires tactics! It's so much more noticeable than in CM1. I really liked the bocage mission. ... and the "standard method" for taking a hedgerow actually works! .... I did the mission from the USA side and only lost one Sherman. .... I focused all three platoons on the right side of the road and just bypassed anything Germany had on the left side of the road. I can't say enough AWESOME things about this game!!!! The demo alone will keep me going for weeks!!!!!!!!! And this just the beginning!!!!!!!!!!! Great job Battlefront!!!!!
  12. May 12 --- The Longest Day This has been the longest and most unproductive day at work I have ever had!!! The only strategies and logistics I am thinking about have to do with taking out MG42's and Panzers!!!! ONLY ONE MORE HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!
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