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Posts posted by Cymru

  1. By now I should know better. In a small QB I am given a Xylophone and go ahead and use it. I place a linear barrage along a hedgerow behind where I expect the enemy main defense line to be. The barrage is set to last five minutes and experience has taught me to play it safe and stay put and hidden during the barrage.

    Hah! Over the course of the next five minutes eight rockets land a full one third of the map away from the target zone: and every one of them lands *directly* on one of my units. I lose a quarter of my force before I have even started and a third of my units are so freaked out that they play no real part in the rest of the QB. When I manage to get close to the enemy I do find that almost all of their artillery and mortars have been knocked, so I suppose my losses were the cost of doing business. Nonetheless, from now on I either aim at the back of the map, or don’t use them at all.

  2. What's really frustrating is that there is no way to clear mines without getting at least one guy killed, or risking immobilizing a vehicle. I understand that you wouldn't know they were there at first, but after finding and marking one field, you should be able to spot the ones adjacent to it. Unless there is some way to do this that I am missing.

    Wait till the Brits arrive with their Flail tanks!

  3. I've seen this, particularly with the US .30 medium MG; the tripod is quite low, and it seems that sometimes it sets up at a point where the LOS is blocked by the berm of the bocage. I haven't thus far found any good way to avoid this.

    It would seem reasonable to me that in real life they would move until they did have a good LOS/LOF, otherwise they might as well go home

  4. Why is that?

    How come you can drive for 15 seconds and have to wait 45 seconds until the next turn to give the dismount command.

    I had two guys in a jeep drive down a road come to a stop and start to receive incoming fire and just take it until they were dead.

    So there's no auto dismount under fire either like in CM1?

    My tankers seem to dismount under fire at the first chance they get :)

  5. Here here.

    One could almost write their own thesis on this general subject from all the material that's been written here, across so many threads.

    Is there any general consensus on the best book(s) to address the "Why did the Allies win WWII?" question? I suppose that's yet another can-o-worms now opened, but...anybody?

    My dad said it was him and his mates that won the war. I would hate to think any of you are calling him a liar!

  6. The Normandy title does not exactly lend itself to historical armor-only engagements, especially in the American sector. By the time the American broke out to open country German armor facing them had been pretty much destroyed. The Brits, though, were up against far more German tanks in somewhat more tank-friendly country. So you can expect to see more tank-heavy engagements there. The trick is getting out of bocage country. And remember there's a Market Garden module/Sept. timeframe coming down the road as well. :D

    Yeah, I am waiting for Operation Goodwood.

  7. I have found that the increased realism often backfires, and makes me become irked when it fails: soldiers walking through each other, mortar loaders with no shell, first aid with no bandages etc. Ironically, older programs (of all types) had so little realism that I automatically supplied all necessary details in my head. Now I expect everything to me done by the game and it is jarring when this doesn’t happen.

    I still think this is an outstanding game and I am amazed at the quality: I guess I am hoping for all effects to be of equivalent detail. If we can see a soldier push a clip into a rifle, why don’t we see mortar shells dropping into the tube?

    I know this is a petty concern and the added programming and CPU time could probably be used on more worthwhile projects, so I won’t keep complaining.

  8. Me guesses the conscript Waffengrenadiers needed to throw everything they had, incl. the famous kitchen sink, vs. the elite US para squad. :D

    ...but it´s just a movie and thus has its requirements as Slysniper pointed out nicely.

    Edit: Somehow the german force composition reminds me of a typical CMX1 QB selection (a bunch of Waffengrenadiers, a Tiger, a Marder, a Flak and a HMG). Are Spielberg and Hanks CM players? :eek:

    Then its a good thing it isn’t based on a CMx2 QB. They would have 20 Marders and nothing else.

  9. I try to be philosophical about such weird behavior (tank turns flank to enemy tank firing at him from 100 metres to attack panicked single enemy armed with a .45) by telling myself I have never been in a tank under fire, so I don't know how irrational I would be. On the other hand, it would seem that the choice should be obvious.

    Having said that; I have a glimmer of just how hard programming a good AI response is, so I don't know if a decision tree that realistically covers all situations is ever going to satisfy us all.

  10. "You are right, ma'am - I am drunk. However, come tomorrow I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." - Anonymous


    Usually ascribed to Winston Churchill to MP Bessie Braddock

    Braddock: "Winston, you are drunk, and what's more you are disgustingly drunk."

    Churchill: "Bessie, my dear, you are ugly, and what's more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly.

    Also may be Nancy Astor

  11. To put a stop to the ever-increasing Emrys signature tying up valuable bandwidth (second now only to Netflix): I suggest the following.

    *Everyone* post some variant of this "Michael Emrys is utterly and irrefutably correct and his answer so totally covers every aspect of this matter that no further threads on this topic will be allowed"

    There will be no need for more additions to his sig, and the force will cease being disturbed

  12. I wonder if we could get some machine generated help. Say, a procedure to add minor elevation variations to an existing map. A few aids like that might not do anything for the reproduction maps, but could make the creation of "good" QB maps much easier. I've seen a slew of map-generation algorithms created for other games by players.

    It'd require some new elements to the scenario editor... so maybe with the UI refit.

    I had the same thought a while back: I have no idea how difficult it would be to add ‘random’ modifications to an existing QB map. Leave the basic scenario intact but change elevations, trees, rivers etc. Not all would work but, as Emrys pointed out, in the old system that was one of the enjoyable aspects. Since QB is 90% of my playing, I really miss the old system and would love to see anything that would get closer to it.

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