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Posts posted by Cymru

  1. Are engineers suppose to be able to clear hedgehogs? I've set up a little test to see what engineers can clear or blast. I've tested them with bunkers, barbed wire, mines and hedgehogs. And I have not been able to get them to do anything with hedgehogs. I have attempted to blast them. I have left the engineers in place in the same tile with hedgehogs for several minutes to see if anything happens. Nothing.

    I take it hedgehogs were not that easily removed?

    A dish of milk and bread will usually lure them out. Hamsters are another story altogether.

  2. Of course WEGO is very artificial: in real life we don't have time to go round the battlefield giving individual orders to each unit individually. On the other hand, what is the largest group where that could be done? I reckon a company is about the limit, larger than that you have to give general orders (take that hill) and let subordinates take care of the fine details. I suspect this is why I enjoy small unit scenarios the most, I can have the illusion that I really could control that number of men in detail.

    One question about the AI in RT. Are the units 'aware' of the victory conditions and behave accordingly in the absence of orders from the player? In other words could you have AI vs AI battles?

  3. After 10 years absence I am very happy with the game. I am managing victories against the AI so far, though I get the feeling I am playing a fairly sloppy game. I seem to have units scattered all over the place and don’t know if this is more because of the 1:1 ratio, or whether I am not handling them as tightly as I used to.

    Anyway: congratulations to the entire BF team: a long wait, but worth it.

    One weird bug: infantry getting out of the trucks come through the sides with disembodied legs sticking through the canvas.

  4. I realize this is probably not doable (at least not easily), but I would love to be able to overlay contour lines on a map. One of the few things I was good at in my limited experience was the ability to determine LOS between any two points on a map. This saved a lot of trial and error in positioning observers and ordnance. One of the small frustrations with the game is trying to find out where a unit can be placed to see point X.

  5. The designers didn’t make bocage as a gamey ploy; they were trying to recreate an integral part of the Normandy landscape. Is no use complaining that it is too hard to penetrate, it is what it is.

    This is a hedge


    This is bocage


    Nuff said.

    I suppose when the Russian campaign comes out people will complain that there is too much snow, and could they have snowplows to remove it

    Edit: clearly I don’t know how to attach pictures : hedge on the left, bocage on the right in case there was any doubt



  6. Could it be that you accidentally double clicked its parent HQ and gave them a movement order, thereby accidentally moving all the units under its command? Just a thought. Happens to me.

    I doubt it: the HQ was part of the suicide mission, and I am pretty certain I told them all to stay put.

  7. I am not sure just how much initiative the AI is supposed to have. In my latest game I had two MG set up in bocage, providing covering fire across an open field. Next thing I know they have decided they are bored or something and both are trudging across the field, straight at the enemy and are all knocked out within a minute. How do I stop this kind of dumb behavior?

  8. Seems like most of the naysayers are stuck in the "back in my day our squads of infantry were rendered as 3 lego men, and WE LIKED IT!" kind of attitude. They just need to give CMx2 a chance and they will see how much better it is.

    Guys like me are just itching to play the game and coming up with things to complain about in the meantime.

    I understand their feeling: I reached a comfort level with CMBO that allowed me to play without having to think about the process. As a result playing was pure fun. Of course ten years have passed and I may be having a senior moment of false memories. Now the mechanics have changed (and seem more complex), so I am not enjoying the playing process as much. I am sure the enjoyment level will go up as I become more comfortable with the CMX2 engine but for now it seems like a struggle.

  9. Thanks akd !

    Ok, looks like any hedgerow larger then knee-high can not be crossed by infantry, thats something to remember...

    Also i would like to have the scenario designers use small holes in those hedges, that could simulate points where it is possible to jump over or go through as well.

    But then it would not be true to reality. These are very dense growths *designed* to prevent animals from moving through them, so having small holes would be pointless.

    Edit: Sorry YankeeDog, we must have posted almost simultaneously

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