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Everything posted by ricroma

  1. I am a newbee, not a smart player in general, and have little understand on game mechanics and technical stuff. Therefore, I'd rather shut up, but still I would like to express my opinions. I really love CM:BN, and I cannot wait for new modules, still I think that some improvements can be done. I repeat I'm not expert so I won't venture into discussing AI management and such, but I also think that most of the user frustrations can be significantly lessen with some UI tweaks. - Selecting units: this should be looked upon. The floating dots are ok when playing small scenarios, but when you have to manage a vast amount of troops it gets confusing. More variety of the icons would be welcome too, such as specific ones for Engineers. - Moving troops around. In one of my old post I've suggested to add a feature that I personally would find very usefull. Didn't get much appreciation back then, but I'll try to repropose now, maybe I will be luckier. Maybe this is my style of playing, but when I move troops around I like to use certain "patterns". Like: scouting: set a round cover arc of 20m -> contact movement for 50 meters -> 15 sec pause -> repeat marching: fast movement mode for 100m -> 15 sec pause So, instead of issuing 30 times the same orders sequence, I would really like to be able to set some custom patterns that then I can access from the movement menu. This are my simple suggestions for now... hope you guys appreciate. Otherwise, well, I've tried! Thanks, Ricroma
  2. Hi, sorry again to be so slow to answer. Well, I don't have too much game experience to give a sure answer, but I would say that I play mostly at normal zoom. For the little bit I've played I found zoomed out view useful for moving naval forces. Since you all are so kind, I would ask another question. I have purchased the game last week and installed on my home computer. I was thinking to try the game on my other computer, the one at work... :-) Maybe I will be luckier. So, will it be possible to install the game on another computer with the same license key? What a second installation would exactly mean? Will I be able to re-install the game on my home computer in case I will format my hard drive? (I actually perform a fresh os installation every 6 months or so). Thanks, Ricroma
  3. About hardware acceleration. I don't recall to have been asked to enable this option when I first started the game (I remember something similar for old strategic command titles). Since many were pointing to this feature, I started looking around a little bit and found out that in the SCWWI folder there is a file named sc2.ini . Once opened in notepad there's a bunch of configuration options, the first ones concerning video output: I've tried to change video_acceleration parameter to 0, but it only did worst: completely unplayable. I assume that 1 means video acceleration on. Thanks again! Ricroma
  4. Hi, sorry to answer so late, but I've been kind of busy at work. Anyway, first of all thanks to everyone who took some of their time to answer my problems. Still, I've tried everything that was suggested (wireless mouse, resolutions, ecc.) and nothing solved the lag. The only thing I cannot do is to test the game under a different OS (on a side note, I did try the "run in XP compatibility mode"). I see that other people seems to experience similar conditions, so maybe this can be an issue that is going to be looked up and eventually solved in future patches. Call me lazy, but right now I really don't feel like playing the game (that, by the way, looks fantastic). I don't have much time to play in general, and I prefer to avoid the frustration of playing under such conditions. Thanks again to everyone. Ricroma PS. Ehi, this doesn't mean that I won't accept other suggestions/solution to the problem! Keep them coming! :-)
  5. Update 2. The problem seems to be due or somehow connected with the quantity of units in the screen. The lag increases according to the density of units in the screen. When moving in empty zones (like see ones), the lag disappears. In other zones (mostly the french/german border) the lag reaches tops of almost a second (click -> actual selection of unit; mouse movement -> actual map scrolling). While I'll be fine playing a slow game, this is kind of annoying, I reapeat, it is more than slow. Thanks again for the answers. Ricroma
  6. Update. Tried also different resolutions, but no, nothing different... @glabro: what you mean is that I'm not experiencing something new? Thanks, Ricroma
  7. Hi, thanks for the answers! Well, my graphic card is an ATI HD5700. Drivers are updated. I'm playing under Windows 7 Home. I've tried both windowed and full screen mode, no changes. Didn't try yet other resolutions beside the native for my monitor. I'll give it a try tonight when I get home. How do I enable "hardware acceleration"? I'm not an expert, but the name sound cool, maybe it can do the trick! Thanks again
  8. Hi, just bought the game, and it looks like a cool one... the problem is that it plays really slow on my machine! I seriously wouldn't expect it, I have a Interl i7, 4GB Ram, 1GB video card. I'm not talking about AI thinking, those are fine. I'm talking about just scrolling the map, selecting the units and moving them. Everything is just... laggy. I've looked for other post about this but found none. I don't know if: a) this is normal; there is an obvious solution to the issue that doesn't need to be discussed... and I missed it. c) everyone here plays the game on pcs from 2020. I don't know, it just seems like a really enjoyable game, if I could only play without staring at the monitor and yelling: "COME ON! SPEED UP!". Thanks for all the help! RIcroma
  9. Hi, i have a quick question. How i can set a pause order for shooting? eg. When i want to shoot some smoke shells from a tank no matter how much second of pause i set, the tank start shooting from the very beginning of the turn. That's particularly annoying since usually tanks don't have many smoke shells and one or two would be enough most of the times. Then i have an idea/suggestion. What about adding a feature to allow the payer to set some personal path settings? let me explain. Me, as some other players, as a standard like to give "complex" orders: like "set a round 20 meters target arch" + "quick advance for 30 meters" + "pause for 10 seconds" + whatever. It would be nice to be able to save our favorite orders (maybe three: scout, advance, assault), that can really help some tedious moments of the game where you need to give complex orders to a bunch of units... Just my two cent. Please excuse me for my terrible english.
  10. I personally agree with all the requests from the poster. I would also add: 4) target lines, right now I don't have any idea to what my guys are shooting at, or where they are shooted from. In big battles things tend to become really confusing (at least for me, not such a good gamer, I know). 5) terrain indication (as stated in other post). 6) specific anti-tank arch. 7) different unspotted icons for tanks and veichles (again, as stated in other posts). I just find it conterintuitive (sp?): "Sir, I'm sure there's an enemy formation behind that bocage, but I'm not sure if it's a tank or an infantry squad making tank noise with their mounth" I personally don't know if any of these can be somehow coded by modders. In any case, the game is great, and I think that most of these "issues" can be solved only by getting used to the new engine. My two cents. Ricroma Edited for adding more stuff
  11. Hi, great great demo/game! I personally didn't have much time to play (work stuff mixed with the fact that my hard drive decided to break down exactly the day the demo came out!). I have all the old CMx1 games, but never played CMSF so I guess it will take me some time to get used to all the new stuff/improvements. So far, my biggest problem concerns unit selection: I play WEGO, still to me is kind of difficult to understand which unit I selected and/or which soldiers are part of the unit I selected. The dots on top of the units don't always help much. They are ok when zoomed out, but they become pretty confusing when zoomed in. I loved the units' "bases" in CMx1 where you could tell in a glance exactly where your units were on the battlefield. I also find it difficult to recognize the different kind of terrain. But I guess I only need to be more experienced. And a question: when I give a multi-waypoints order, I'm not able to adjust the orders in the middle. You know the "cone" way points? Well, I can't adjust their positions once I set them. Is this WAD or am I missing something? Again, all my problems can be simply be a matter of lack of habit or of abundance of stupiity, but still, since battlefront was talking about constructive criticism, I'll try to trow in my opinions. Thanks and sorry for the long post, trying to pass some time at work... Ricroma
  12. understanding is often linked with a painful acceptance of a cruel necessity.
  13. Ok, so proof or CM's existence can only be found on battlefront website? I personally remember I first came to know about CMx1 back in the early 2000s reading about it in an video game MAGAZINE...
  14. I have to say that I do understand battlefront for holding the demo release. After all all the people writing here (at least the vast majority) will buy the game no matter what. Demo's purpose isn't exactly to entertain hardcore fans... maybe we should all say something like: "uhmmm... I was browsing the internet and ended up knowing about CB:BN. I'm new to this kind of game, and I'm not really sure I'll buy it. Certanly a demo could help me to evaluate the product and decide for a future purchase"...
  15. I do understand the "work in progress" and the "not a certain date" attitude, and I thank you guys for the hard and dedicated work. But I think that today it may be safe enough to tell us if the demo (or the full game) will be released this week...
  16. ehi, did you guys notice that digitallydownloaded.net reviewed SCWW1?
  17. As I said on another post I work in a store where nobody enters, so I end up checking the website every 5 minutes. A couple of times the website was down, I don't know if that could mean they are preparing something.... excited and frustrated
  18. Please, release it asap. I work in a store where NOBODY enters, so every 2 minutes I keep checking the battlefront website... I'm going insane.
  19. Hi, long time ago I purchase TOW2 only to find out that it was unplayable (super slow even though my specs were meeting the required ones) with my pc. After a while I updated most of the hardware and recently I've tried to play the game again and soon I've found out... that nothing changed! To be honest, the game runs much smother, but soon it starts to be clunky. I never went pass the first mission on TOW - Africa because in the middle of it, when there is a bunch of enemy troops everyhing starts to go slow and navigating the map becomes really tedious. My specs now are: cpu: intel I7; video card: ATI RADEON HD5770; 4GB RAM I don't know... it seems to me that it SHOULD play more or less at a steady and good frame rate... I'm not even playing at the maxium details setting, still the game is plain slow. Now TOW3 is coming up, so it seems that the series should sell good, my question is: do you REALLY need a SUPER computer to run the game at a decend speed togheter with decent graphical detail? Thanks a lot! Ricroma PS: I've purchased the game trought Gamersgate, is there a way to patch it with the last version in case it would help performances?
  20. So, basically, the boxed version only come with one disc (the regular game) and 3 empty spaces to store the FUTURE modules? Therefore, is not that preordering will give me ALSO the modules... right?
  21. Hi, I'm really happy to know that CB2 is moving into ww2! I was a big fan of CM1, and canot wait to play again with all the new stuff! Sorry for my complete ignorance and lack of understanding, but I have few questions about modules. a) First of all: what they are? Does the pre-ordered game come with those "modules" while the downloaded one will not have them? c) will those modules be avaible in futere to "regular" constumers? And will they be free or not? Thanks a lot! I'm thinking about preorder, but since I'm not much into fancy stuff like printed manual and other "special material", I'd like to know if these modules really add more stuff to the actual game. Thanks for your time and patience. Ricroma
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