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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. Which is pretty much what I said. If the LT is incap then the PlSgt will take over but he will be in a position that is different to the HQ element, i.e. he will not magically teleport there but will take an amount of time to assume command and could be in any one of a number of places where the HQ element isn't. In the intervening period the connection to the platoon will be maintained via the PlSig which is what we see in the game, as the game does not model the succession of command it really can't go much beyond that.
  2. I did know about the Soviets using wire mesh on their tanks but I thought they were for anti tank magnetic mines like the Zimmeritt on German tanks. All this is well and good but the REAL question is in the photo of German Short Skirts on Parade ..... isn't that a guy's head in the bottom right hand corner,lying on the ground. What on earth is he up to ? Or is it only me who looked down that far (after a long pause in the middle) ?
  3. Ironically it was the Germans who tended to add side skirts "Schürzen" to defeat HEAT rounds I don't know of any Soviet tanks that had similar side skirts installed. Western allied tanks like the M4 sometimes had sandbags for similar protection.
  4. You can do a screen capture if you open the map in the editor and that could be printed well enough. It would be easy enough to make a mapper, if could "decode" the map files into a simple value for each square and the height model I could make a really cool topo map with contours etc.
  5. I find that the colour of the desert terrain makes features very indistinct and I find myself "riding on the shoulder" of my units continuously. I kinda like that tho' seems a bit more realistic to me.
  6. Things is that the type of operation doesn't really effect the organisation of a platoon. COIN or "conventional" the platoon sergeant is still going to be mainly concerned with tasks that will take him away from the Pl HQ element. The big thing with CMSF is that all units start as full strength as per TO & E and so the platoons lead by sergeants a la' Band of Brothers do not really figure in the scenarios. We are also talking the Platoon Sergeant not sergeants who are in the platoon. Correct me if I am wrong but I think that in many cases American squads are lead by Sergeants ? Consequently there are more ppl of sergeant rank engaged in the fighting, Mr Rock for example. The other thing is that yes the PlSgt will take over the platoon if the Lt is incapacitated but the thing is it will take an appreciable amount of time for that to happen. In the meantime now that I think of it the Pl Sig could step in to the role as he is the one in contact with the higher command until the Sergeant can take over, something that may not actually occur within the game time frames.
  7. I think the key is admin "focussed" The duties of the senior NCO's (PlSGT and CSM) on ops is very much an admin/support type thing. Making sure the platoon and Company, have water, ammo, food etc also that the needs of the troops are met as well, discipline etc. It is only the Platoon Sergeant however who could conceivably end up in charge of his subunit. A CSM would be well down the list to run a company and similarly the RSM for a Battalion. Form that perspective there is a gap of sorts given that the Sgt is not in the Pl HQ element, but the other side of the coin is that the HQ would become larger than it practically should be if the Sgt was added. But I have to agree, having the Pl Sig running the platoon is a bit odd.
  8. I'll third that, I cannot see how rate of fire would effect accuracy at all. About the only thing the rate of fire might effect, other than how fast you run out of ammo, is the time required between fire missions. I.E. the gunners are tired out. I always use the full number of tubes except when attacking point targets. I have found a single 155mm is very effective against halted vehicles.
  9. Ah yes, when I read it now I see it is for " Military professionals and hard-core simulation fans" I only read the "Training on a soldiers PC bit" It looks like a first person sim?
  10. In my experience the Pl Sgt generally moves with PHQ but does have other roles to perform depending on the situation, resupply being a big one but yes often assisting a junior section commander. I can't imagine that the Pl Sig would ever take command of the Pl HQ. I guess it would be difficult to game the Sgt being elsewhere and then returning to Pl HQ on the demise of the Lt.
  11. Sure I know we are not in NATO but we are deployed along side NATO forces in Afghanistan, the Dutch for a time anyway. What I was really meaning was that BF have a few of the "also rans" in the NATO module which really does have a feel for including some of the main players currently deployed in Afghanistan then extending that to the ARA is certainly conceivable in the future CMSF2. Steel Beasts looks impressive, pity it is "only for the pros"
  12. Sure, I wasn't suggesting that the ARA would adopt CM2 as a training aide but they do have Tacops ? (after my time so I am not sure what they use it for). I always did wonder tho' given that the Dutch and Canadians were in the NATO module it would not be too much of a leap to have an ARA module. Especially since nearly everything you need is already in the game in the various nationalities, only the Bushmaster is totally unique. I guess it comes down to, as always, a marketing and economics not sure if there is a really big market in Australia, just you and I so far but I am sure there are others.
  13. "the “Normandy sideshow” is done with." LOL My thoughts exactly ! And what is the timeline for the Aussie module ?
  14. I take your point on the political debate being in another forum and will respect those wishes however I will point out that I was merely commenting on the comments made by others, rather than "dragging it back to politics again"
  15. Especially in campaigns it would be great to have the B echelon involved, even the possibility of an ongoing battle so to speak. Something like you finish the current map, do a reorg, resupply etc then move to an exit area that kicks off the next map with your force in the condition it was when you entered the exit zone.
  16. I do not see the NATO Air Forces or the USS Enterprise helping that situation. I also think it silly to suggest that your/our leaders are gutless for not racing off in a knee jerk reaction to no-fly, bomb, invade or what ever. We have tried the "Fastest Gun from the West " approach for good few years now and really hasn't done anyone much good.
  17. LOL @ Boche video. Ok so once we invade what do we do with "ANZAC" ? "AAC" is just silly
  18. I note that Sergeants (and Captains) in general seem to be fairly thin on the ground. How can the units even function at all ?
  19. so given that Europe has been trading for oil of Libya for years and now the flow has stopped because of the rebellion wouldn't that mean you would want to put down the rebellion ASAP ? And by the same logic if NATO fighters are justified over Libya because we can and he can't does't that hold that he can attack the rebels with aircraft because he can and they can't? You don't think that is just a bit hypocritical ?
  20. I just do not see how a no-fly zone could possibly help. If your concern is the flow of oil, what happens if you impose a no-fly zone and even then the rebels do not win ? I cannot imagine Libya will be very happy with you. Even if the rebels did win there would be a huge down time before any oil flows again. I do not think any nation or organisation is justified in intervening in the internal politics of a sovereign nation. Can you imagine if Ghaddafi sent fighter jets to impose a no-fly zone over Madrid because of a Muslim uprising in Spain ? If that is so unthinkable why is the opposite not the case?
  21. What obligation does NATO or anyone else for that matter have to Libya ? Sure it is not a good thing that is going on but for outside forces to intervene is a pretty big step.
  22. Nah there are not that many of us over there, it is just that we are all so much taller and better looking that it SEEMS like there are heaps.
  23. I guess when I see these errors and assumptions I always wonder what else they are getting wrong that I do not have the knowledge to realise they are getting wrong.
  24. I have the 32 bit version of Win 7, my wife has the 64 bit version and there is little difference between the 2 that we can see, we still network fine and all that. I guess in time there will be more and more 64bit programs but it isn't an issue atm. I guess 64 bit is better for some high end stuff but nothing that we do. My Win7 is actually an upgrade from the original Vista that my computer came with. It works just fine but I did have to do quite a lot of driver hunting. Once I got all that sorted tho' it isn't an issue. Mind you if I want to do a reinstall it will be a pain. I think as far as the codes or licenses go you can only ever have 2 installs of the program at once and by the ULA you can only use one instance of the program at a time. So in reality you only actually have 1 license but you are able to have it installed on 2 computers. When you unlicense you are just moving it from one computer to another.
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