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Posts posted by Rokko

  1. Weeeell, that or maybe the Ukrainians repaired some of their junk T-72s, equipped them with Sosna-U and export Kontakt-5 from Belarus and let those fall into the Separatist's hands to make it look like Russia supplied high end T-72s to the coal miners. ;)


    On a more serious note: Does Russia have a lot of old T-72 around in garages and warehouses and such which aren't getting upgraded? Or aren't they actually upgrading but rather producing new ones (given the newer models have new engines for instance),


    I remember having read an interview with some poor sod who was arrested for DUI in Rostov and then offered to go to Donezk to repair and maintain tanks (cause he was a mechanic) for two weeks in exchange for dropped charges. The end of the song was he got captured by the Ukrainians after a column of tanks, one of which he drove, getting driven near the frontlines was ambushed. Doubt it was the same incident though, since these guys weren't supposed to fight and the crewmember didn't even know each other and weren't trained either.


    Do you know how many AFVs were lost in that incident? From the pictures I'd say at least 3 T-72s and 1 BMP. I'd also really like to know how they were engaged. For me this is part of a bigger issue since I have real difficulties imagning what typical combat and engagements in that conflict look like, given that there is more or less parity in numbers and equipment for the most part (not like OIF for instance which was more the type of fighting CMSF tried to portray).

  2. I found when the Bradleys are approximately out of Javelin range and hull down, they have enough time to back out off sight when lased by enemy tanks.

    I didn't really like the Red AI in this scenario though, they were just doing a suicidal tank rush into the teeth of my defense. And the surviving tanks then did another suicidal tank rush out off the valley and drove straight through my advancing infantry screen.

  3. So I am still not sure what the (now meaningless anyways) Minsk II agreement had in mind for the Debaltseve area? How was that supposed to go down? Were the Ukrainians supposed to leave without the Separatists/Russians to interfere? After Ilovaysk I can understand why the Ukrainians would not want do this again, but I am still wondering what the original plan was.

  4. I can't really look at CMBN myself right now, but in CMRT you have about 1-3 PzF per platoon split up among the grenadiers and none in the halftracks. That was different before and I am wondering, is this intentional or a bug?


    In the motorized batallions you still get 2 PzF per Opel truck.

  5. longform-original-8932-1424194830-22.jpg


    Could someone please tell me exactly what type of tank this is?


    The picture is from a collection on buzzfeed btw. I think I can't post the link here due to the graphic nature of some of the photographs, but I strongly encourage anyone to check them out. They are gruesome, yet strangely beautiful as well in some cases.

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