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Posts posted by Rokko

  1. @Severian

    thanks comrade, just don't forget that this scenario is fascist-only, unless you are intending to get someone else to play the Axis for you. If that were the case I'd do my best to finish the Soviet briefings in the next day, not a priority atm.


    thanks again for playing, I'm trying not to spoiler too much, but only a part of your artillery is on-map, most of it is off-map. The ones that are on-map are mostly for flavour, since its a pretty rare thing to have. I don't think it puts you at any disadvantage. Otherwise I'd probably change that.

    As for the time limit, you have 2hrs + 15min variable extra time. That should be enough, even on foot and without having to rush too much. I can't really push the limit further back for historical reasons, so if in your experience the given time is too short, I might have to let the scenario start earlier, which would mean it starts before sunrise though.

  2. I'm not a programming wizard but I don't think that's true. I mean, there are Mac versions of games which use DirectX on PC so this is very doable I think. And if that's true, it doesn't mean losing that part of the playerbase.

    And yes, the engine upgrade would be a great thing, it could help performance on newest hardware, get rid of zigzag roads you mentioned, perhaps change the way the environment works and add some more variety not only on per tile basis and many other things, not to mention the graphics upgrade.

    But I guess we'll see quite a few more of the current engine games since switching to a new one is infinitely more work (and money) than creating more games in the current one. So we need to wait until Battlefront decide themselves that it is worth it to make the switch.

    No, DirectX is Windows proprietary. You have to use OpenGL for anything other than a Windows platform. You can ofcourse do parallel development for DirectX and OpenGL.

    Anyways, I've never understood why there is such a large customer base for the Mac versions appearently, that is pretty unusual I think.

    Also, I am putting some expectations into GT's Mius Front game, maybe that will also set some new impulses to the CM series.

  3. No we're not. We're in version 3 of the second game engine. CMx2 v3.

    He didn't ask for another version of the same engine. He asked for a step change of the same magnitude as the progress from CMx1 to CMx2. You know, the difference between CMBO/BB/AK and CMBN/FI/RT. CMx3 Back to Normandy, but with a new engine that has a new architecture.

    Maybe the change from OpenGL to whatever replaces that (DirectX) would constitute a new engine. Maybe that would remove some of the limitations that current architecture choices impose.

    I doubt that will happen anytime soon. Not before at least the entire Eastern Front family is done. Also, switching to DirectX would kill any Mac version, and while I don't understand why, there seems to be a lot of people buying these versions.

    But I hear you, would love to see some visual upgrade in form of a new engine, too. Done away with the zigzag roads.

  4. During these last weeks and months I've been working on a scenario for CMRT.

    It is pretty historical (semi-historical) and is based on an actual engagement where troops of the 3rd SS Totenkopf Division cut off Soviet forces west of the Nemen river to the east of Grodno, trapping them in Sopockinie and the Augustow forest.

    I initially intended this to be part of a campaign, but considering how long it took me to (almost) finish this one, I decided to release it as a scenario. It is only playable as Axis vs. AI or H2H (although there are no Soviet briefings).

    The map size is 2144x3120m and the forces are Batallion+

    If you'd like to participate in testing, post here or send me a PM.

    The scenario is not completely finished, left to do are:

    - Tac Map for the Axis side

    - Soviet briefing text and graphics

    - some flavour objects here and there

    - some finetuning (obviously)

  5. I managed to play some 5 turns or so in the first scenario. I was suprised how easily Tigers could be penetrated frontally by Soviet ATGs at 500m+

    For a 1944 scenario that might make sense but probably is inappropriate in a 1943 Kursk scenario. Either way it serves as a decent counterweight to having almost an entire batallion of Tiger tanks. Although it is pretty large I'd say it's still not large enough to 'accomodate' an entire batallion of Tigers.

    18th PD had only one batallion of tanks instead of two, my suggestion would be to replace most of the Tigers with Panzer IV Gs and at most keep one company of Tigers (depleted to maybe simulate pre-battle breakdowns).

    Also, it seems somewhat unlikely to really have elements from two different divisions in one battle in the scale of Combat Mission, at least for most battles. The infantry would more likely be from one of 18th PDs Panzergrenadier units, so it would also make sense to have infantry in halftracks.

  6. Congratulations for being the first one to release a campaign for CMRT!

    I haven't gotten to actually playing it, but it took a look at it in the editor. The maps look nice, good steppe feeling I'd say. But I wonder if the German OOB is all that historically accurate?

    Lots of Tigers and infantry in halftracks (infantry from an Infanterie-Division!).

    There weren't all that many units with Tigers and no Infantry-Divisions with halftracks.

    I didn't take a look at the Soviet OOB to not ruin anything for myself, but with all those Tigers the German player is probably overpowered.

  7. Could someone with more knowledge on the Red Army than me please elaborate on this?

    I suppose the typical hierarchy in a Rifle formation would be Rifle Company - Rifle Batallion - Rifle Regiment (or Brigade?) - Rifle Division and then Rifle Corps.

    But how did they number each of these levels? Were companies numbered consecutively based on their regiment like the Germans did or did they do it differently?

  8. JasonC you misread me. I was talking about AT Platoons in the heavy companies of each motorized Panzergrenadier batallion. As far as I can remember and see, there are no regimental Antitank companies for Panzergrenadier formations in 1944 (though I believe there were regimental AT companies for regular Grenadier regiments which are not in the game at all).


    So if I am correct, there are 6 AT guns for each motorized PG regiment, 3 per batallion. For SS-PG regiments the number would be 9 due to the 3 batallions per regiment.

  9. I haven't taken as close a look into the TOEs in Red Thunder yet as I have done for CMBN, but so far I've noted that German motorized Panzergrenadier batallions have thrice as many ATGs as they should have. The reason is that the heavy company's antitank platoon has three further antitank platoons assigned to it, instead of three squads, raising the number of ATGs to nine instead of three per batallion.

  10. Also note that details like those gardens will not be shown on 1:50000 scale maps like the one you used. A long row of black blocks on such a map I would interpret as a row of buildings, but not all right next to each other, but more like a row of compounds, each with one or two small buildings (probably rarely even two stories high) and the compound being about 3-5 editor tiles wide and 7-10 tiles deep.

  11. I personally prefer the setups like these:


    You are pretty much restricted to crop types 1,3 and 5, since 2 and 4 are wheat and 6 is rape, which nobody has in his backgarden.

    Since 1,3 and 5 are all either N/S or E/W they look weird for angled (like 45°) compounds like on the left, so I prefer little orchards for these or alternatively flavour objects.

    I personally would pepper each and every little compound with a few (no more than ten I'd say) flavour objects, as they can really spice things up.

    Note that only one building in this picture is a modular building, the second one from the right. The others are Independent buildings, two of them barn type buildings.

    You can put alot of these little compounds right next to each other and get, I believe, a realistic approximation of what Northeastern European villages looked like in the 40's, at least in Byelorussia, for Poland and Ukraine, things looked probably a little bit different.

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