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Posts posted by Rokko

  1. I was worried this Stug bug could be a problem  :wacko:

    I habe encountered this myself in other scenarios. Unfortunately BF seems to be unwilling to adress this issue, similar to issue of halftrack MG shields being near useless.

    But as I understand it, you didn't go through the open center, but through the hills and woods on left, correct? My hope was, that the longer ranges in the open center would allow the Stugs to be somewhat safe. I'll have to see if others report similar experiences with the Stugs. Were it September I could use the late variant with the RC MG, I really don't want to use PzIVs because I'd like to keep it historically accurate.


    Can you tell me how far you got in 1hr of playing?

    The maximum time limit is 2hrs and 15 minutes, and the map length is 3.1 km, of which about 2.5 km have to be fought through on foot mainly, I thought that would be doable.


    PS I am not sure why so many of you seem to prefer the woods over the open fields in center with all the long range firepower the axis side gets, probably due to fear of indirect fire, which shouldn't be too strong, though. Anyways, I'll probably have to add some further discouragements to that effect ;)

  2. Interesting approach, I think I have done something like that before, using infantry as "spotters". Don't know how historical that approach is to be honest.

    But I'm playing against the AI that doesn't know about such tricks. Why can it's goddamn T34s just sit in the open and spot turrets in 2000m distance and hit them in 2-3 shots just fine, while my own seem to be unable to (consistently) do so?

  3. BTW, if anyone wants to compare the map to real life location, here you can find it:


    I used the same map used in Vopersal's divisional history (of Totenkopf), a polish 1:100000 map, for the elevations and to see what was different back then.

    I decided to use the Polish location names over the Belarussian names used today, because it appears those are the ones they used back than, at least the Germans did.

  4. Hi Frank,

    I relied heavily on Vopersal's vol. 6a for my sources. Sopockinie is to the west of Grodno, this engagement actually happened in one way or another (probably less interesting than it is in this scenario). I'm pretty sure you have this book as well, you can read all it has to offer on it on page 48. I'm not going into detail here, but I remained faithful to the source when I created the Axis OOB.

  5. Well, it seems this can go either way. I guess my biggest gripe after all these years is still the terribly inconsistent spotting in all the CM games. Who shoots first, wins. But you cannot expect your Tank A, that sits hidden in 10-15m meters deep in a forest (ofc with line of sight) with a very narrow covered arc to spot a Tank B that comes rumbling into that arc to spot first. What models or types A and B are probably doesn't matter a whole lot.

  6. Sure, I am not expecting PzIVs to survive very long against T34/85 for a longer period of time. But I was thinking that numbers advantage, experience advantage, overall positioning advantage, not moving in advantage, etc. would outweigh their obvious technical advantages at that range.

    Also, any other complains about 34s in the other direction were AFAIR related to the 76mm variant with a 4 man crew.

  7. Hi,

    I'm playing "The Passage" atm, and I am wondering. Has anyone else noticed T34/85s showing exceedingly well against German armor? To me it seems (and I am of course speaking of anecdotal evidence here) that they have an unusual advantage in terms of spotting as well as first-hit-probabilty/accuracy. I just had 3 T-34/85s in the open wipe the floor with 3-4 PzIVHs, all unbuttoned and with target arcs on the T34s, some of them in a forrest, some hull down at a range of 1300m. Their first hits came in the first or the second shots, most of the PzIVs never even spotted them, I was so frustrated after that that I took a look the experience ratings, and the crews were only Green or Regular, my own were ranging from Regular to Crack. Admittedly, some of the T34s were also hull down, but I've made similar experiences in other scenarios as well, such as Myth of Invincibility.

    Has anyone had similar occurences?

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