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Posts posted by Rokko

  1. I have discovered a neat way how to get more protective and better looking trenches for scenario designers.


    This is a German HMG team in a two-piece slit trench. The trench pieces sit on terrain that has been lowered by 1m compared to the surrounding ground using the ditchlook (blue) elevation fix mode. The troops have full LOS and LOF and are actually below groundlevel when set to hide. It looks pretty nice I think and also offers more protection.

    While these are neither player placable nor hidden in FOW, I do believe this could be pretty useful for fixed position where the other side already knows the whereabouts of the enemy trench line.

    Here is how it looks without any spotting done:


    So it's not even completely obvious unless you take a closer look.

  2. Hi folks,

    I've played a number of CMRT scenarios by now and I have seen very often that troops in tiles with foxholes very rarely actually position themselves in the actual foxholes, but rather in the open ground around them. That seems to be especially the case if troops are not in foxhole tiles at the beginning of the game, so if troops move into foxholes later (be they dug by enemy or friend), they won't go into them.

    I believe that was true as well for CMBN and CMFI, but not to that extent.

    Has anyone else noticed that?

  3. Well what we know is that they will expand the timeline to a full year so the fully upgraded Red Thunder would have a span from June 44 to May 45.

    In general each title will probably have the same timespan, from June to June, which usually was the end of the mud period. This means there would be a total of 4 new Ostfront titles, each with 2-3 modules I guess, with the ones I'd find most interesting probably coming last.

    Also the 42-43 game would necessarily have a pretty huge scope (2nd Kharkov, initial Blau, Caucasus, Stalingrad, 3rd Kharkov, Demyansk, Rhzev meatgrinder, etc) so maybe they'd split this up into two titles.

  4. The rules were the rules. If the Luftwaffe was the only branch with eyes on the enemy, and if no other pilot claimed the kill, it needed another pilot who had seen the kill and testified it, in case cameras did not film it. Under rare conditions and only with the word of of honor, a claimed kill was accepted as confirmed kill. Otherwise it was unconfirmed and not counted.

    Contrary to the Luftwaffe, the western alliied air forces allowed the claim of partial kills. The Soviet air force even had collective kills additionally to individual kills. Contrary to these armies the Luftwaffe used the strict principle of "One Pilot - One Kill".

    How extraordinary strict the German rules were, can probably seen best, when it comes to sharpshooters. Their kills needed to be confirmed by an officer. Everyone knowing how German sharpshooters operated understands that their confirmed kills are a conservative number.

    If another pilot confirms it or not does not matter, you cannot reliably confirm an air-to-ground kill from the air exclusively, unless you see something blowing up in a huge explosion I guess.

    And just because something is regulation does not mean it is actually followed in reality. There were rules in the German army against rape, yet only a complete moron (or neo-nazi ignoramus) would use that as evidence that no rapes were commited by the German army, and in fact thousands rapes were commited by members of the German armed forces, especially in the East and even if they went noticed there rarely was any punishment.

  5. I do believe there is some problem with where the AI aims at. For targeting IS-2s I have noted for instance, that when shooting from an 90° angle it aims at the very rear end of the turret, which is a very bad spot to aim at, of course.

    Same probably for IS-1s, generally the TacAI aims pretty high on these two.

    With ISU-122 I have noticed, that the AI aims pretty low, I've seen two consecutive shots go through UNDER the vehicle and hitting the ground behind it.

  6. Also, it seems to me the Germans would not have had anything in their sleeve to counter these new Soviet heavies, had the war gone on and their cities not been laid to waste. Did they not consider these new designs a great enough threat or was there simply not enough time and resources to develop a sensible answer? I am not sure the E-50 design would have been a sufficient solution.

  7. Still, it's quite amazing they developed a tank that could take on any of the German heavies and still have it 30t lighter than their heaviest solution. And it had a 100+ mm gun. It is my understanding that the IS-2 was the first turreted AFV with a main gun of such calibre. The best the Germans could come up with weighed 77t, had no turret and was pretty much a complete failure.

    I'd really like to know what would have happened had the Western Allies encountered IS-2s in 1945 or later. Were there any in the Korean wars?

    Besides, from a game standpoint I believe there is some sort of problem with them. Their centermass appears to be very high up, appearently it is right at the rear of turret where the rear machinegun is located. And that's exactly the spot the opposite TacAI aims at, which is very illogical, since this is a terrible spot to aim at and in fact, even with Crack crews, many shots will miss (I am speaking about shooting from a 90° angle at 750m here).

    75mm/L48 won't penetrate there, ever. Only hope is of a round going short and hitting the upper hull, in which case it is often an instant kill. Not much difference for 75mm/L70, except these sometimes get partial penetrations on that spot.

  8. Well not reliably and consistently at least. I've had one Panther literally fire almost its entire ammo loadout (37 shots) at one IS-2 at 1200m. As soon as an IS-2 is only slightly angled, its turret just shrugs off everything that comes flying at it. In fact I have noticed Panthers to refuse to shoot at angled IS-2, presumable estimating their chances of destroying it rather realistically.

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