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Everything posted by Dadekster

  1. Fair enough. Can be a bit difficult to distinguish in this thread with all the chatter about Hitler and Stalin. People tend to look at anyone in those regimes to be guilty as well many times simply by association. My grandfather was Dutch and lived in Holland during WW2 and worked as a rail inspector under Nazi supervision. Therefore I tend to want to clarify generalized statements regarding this issue. As for the rest of this thread about good and bad. Good and bad are man made and therefore subject to ones own perceptions on the matter. From the day one is born you are subject to your environment and society raising you and have to be taught what is good and what is bad. It is one of several things that makes us different from other life on this planet. While the lioness will show her cubs how to kill an antelope she does not teach them to feel bad or good about it or debate whether it is right or wrong to do so. Good and bad and wrong or right is strictly a human emotional dilemma and subject to ones experiences based on society and culture. If the Nazis had won and taken over the world after 2 generations had gone by many people would probably be raised to believe it was the correct thing to do or at least justified. It goes to the old saying that those who win get to write the history books and what one reads and is told by those in charge goes a long way in how one grows up and sees the world. Obviously it isn't anywhere as neat and clean as that but it does account for a large part as to who is running things gets to call the shots one of them being 'education'. Most everyone is taught that taking another persons life is bad with the exception to those societies raising warrior children. So what happens between learning this and then doing it anyways either over ethnicity, religion, gender preference, or even color of ones clothing? We are simply influenced by events and people around us. Even this forum and thread play to that tune. Meanwhile the lioness just goes out to hunt whenever she feels the primordial hunger urge...and we call them animals.
  2. People are just motivated to talk about this stuff currently since CMRT also has dead horses in it. Besides aren't all grogs pontificating when they post on this board?
  3. When outnumbered moving around on a defense is imo never a good thing. Good positions and patience are key. If possible have a mobile reserve which for me would have been his tracks to support where needed. I would guess most of us are familiar with the phrase regarding plans and enemy contact but I feel Elvis never gave his plan a chance prior to contact. I'm rooting for him as I love supporting the underdog in fights and he is definitely the underdog in this time period.
  4. I'm a hockey fan and a statement by one of their leading stars ties into this and I thought was rather telling. It was a good article but I am leery of posting a link to another site so I'll just provide the last paragraph of the article: "There’s so much pressure on this Russian hockey team. The Sochi Olympic cost $50 billion and countless hours of frustration to create … and for what? There are other gold medals, of course. Russia won the pair figure skating, for instance – Russia has an unprecedented record in pairs figure skating. But, in Russia, realistically, there are no other gold medals. “What would gold mean here?” Ovechkin was asked in what has already become the most talked about exchange of the Olympics. Ovechkin had clearly prepared his answer. “It means gold only cost $50 billion,” he said and he smiled. It was a joke. Sort of." Written by Joe Posnanski
  5. Are those roads just really wide or it that some kind of terrain feature like plain dirt? I use the term 'road' loosely since we are talking East Front here. I like the look but must admit when I first saw the map on the 1st page I thought they were dried up river beds. Looks like things are starting to really heat up. Love the map dissection going on. Feels like we are starting surgery for something.
  6. I disagree with the no good guys in war. There are lots of good ordinary people in war serving their respective countries. The problem is they are just put in bad situations by people who are not good people. Big distinction imho. We may be from different countries with very different ethical thought processes but I hope you can understand what I mean by this.
  7. Very nice to hear it's something that's been tossed around then. If it can be implemented that'd be fantastic but not the end of the world if it can't be done. I'm hoping the game engine could support it as I'd love to see the consequences of placing ammo on top of your engine deck :eek: assuming that would be capable of being modeled as well. Just gotta love that Russian shrug the shoulders and go with it mentality
  8. Yep. There's a good reason I never took my helmet off inside of my track. So many sharp objects to smack into.
  9. It's similar to a person in an unbreakable car hitting an unmovable wall while something at a decent speed (40 mph is what I have seen/read). Even seat belted in, while your body would stop with the car seat the rest of your bodies internal organs will continue forward at 40 miles per hour until they violently stop. That's enough to cause internal tearing of organs. In the scenario we are discussing the close impact or solid hit of that much HE would make the target jerk enough that the soft bodies inside would impact something solid hard enough to cause either instant death or eventual death I'd wager. Physics is a biznatch. :cool: Germans seemed to like to drill a nice neat hole into an eggshell to get to the yolk inside. Russians went about getting to the yolk by just dropped a hammer onto the egg.
  10. Speaking of lugging around extra ammo will we see the 152's carrying extra rounds on the rear deck by chance? I would think that would make for an interesting dilemma for people playing when picking their forces maybe?
  11. Gotta love crazy ivan. I also agree in thinking that running that HQ unit out there to run a fire mission is maybe not a good idea. IME running units around on the map just tends to get them killed quick like. IF they can get there unspotted it may pay off but it's a big gamble for what he is hoping to accomplish imo. Course that's easy for me to say since I'm not playing some other guy for the whole interweb world to see and backseat drive on. He's braver than me.
  12. I can attest to the fact that moving around with that amount of gear in anything other than a normal walking gait after a certain amount of time is tiring. Doing it a forest isn't making it any easier. It just is fatiguing work as well as mentally draining since you have to be alert the whole time as well. I'd rather do the airborne shuffle for five miles than that kind of movement for a half mile bad knees and all.
  13. I haven't read too many instances of nice tidy polite wars to be honest. You'd think with as long as mankind has been on this rock we'd learn to behave better but we haven't really come much further than the times of Genghis Khan and Mao Tse-tung more recently. All I know is there's always an agenda in war and it's never a good one for the vast majority of the common people on either side of the fight. The Nazis and Communists were no different. Currently who knows how many people die of malnutrition in North Korea everyday so some dbag weenie can amass a bigger military and WMD's?
  14. Yeah good point, he was mentioning that his ammo supply was getting eaten up pretty quickly just in that little skirmish. He chews through that too fast prior to getting into some MOUT he may be pulling the short end of the straw with some of his squads. Of course anytime you are running a defense on the hopes that your opponent simply runs out of ammo is probably not the greatest either.
  15. Agreed. Looking over the map again I think he (Elvis) is pretty much hosed as far as being able to keep Bill at arms reach due to the geography. The woods seem to go right up into the urban area negating the Germans longer reach advantage. If Elvis can find some good vantage spots he can give Bill a good bloody nose especially with some standoff support with his armor. I think Elvis may have the advantage when Bill presses for the other VP locations; however, this will require he preserve a good portion of his forces. This will get interesting quickly. I also feel compelled to mention that the teasing or outright harassment going on in this thread is bordering on juvenile. Let it go guys and let's focus on the this AAR please or take it elsewhere.
  16. I don't either. That man is exceedingly efficient at analyzing the opposition he is facing and coming to the correct conclusion as to what that opposition was attempting to achieve with it. Someone needs to stand over him at his PC and just fire random shots over his head and maybe light something on fire as well. Give him some more stuff to think about while he plots his moves
  17. Color is one of the most subjective things around. This is because the differences in how a person sees with their eyeball varies from one person to another. Sounds kind of obvious but the cellular differences between peoples eyeballs are different so people will perceive color differently. Of course green is still green but as to what looks better or is more green will always be subjective. Personally I just want to see how the differences between CMRT and CMBN play out.
  18. Damn, I gotta say that is pretty close to quotable material right there.
  19. That's how it went in RL too I think. Lots of nothing going on for a long time and then BAM! After which of about one minute into BAM thing you are wishing that you were back to doing nothing. I for one am enjoying the setting up and prepping portion. Recon is not something to be rushed.
  20. If history is any indication, not so well.
  21. That's a nice breakdown of the squads and utilization of each weapons strengths. :cool:
  22. Well you need two teams to play a game...only one showed up from what I saw. I hope the tin box has proper kick ass artwork on it to hold all the modules btw.
  23. I said it once already...but man that is a beautiful map. Have you split any of your squads up to use as scouts or do you plan to?
  24. I meant more along the lines of having them work as independent squads for periods of a time. I did state that it wasn't that they couldn't or wouldn't as to the examples you mentioned just like I am sure they weren't required to march to a treeline as a squad to relive themselves . With the explanations Steve gave I am perfectly fine with them splitting to enable tank riding and so forth. I am just curious to seeing how the morale effects work in the AAR's and to see if the drawbacks are potentially worth it. To me they are similar as in the difference between a phalanx and a legions maniples.
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