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Everything posted by Gryphonne

  1. I can definitely relate better to the second picture right now
  2. Wasn't BFC physically located in Maine (East Coast)?
  3. It's almost evening where BFC is located I think, but some concrete news would be nice. Instead of just a "few days" after the demo release it's been almost a week already.
  4. Still waiting for my email from BFC Come on already, I wanna cruise around in that StuG III!
  5. What does this imply then for the full game release?
  6. Every time I see Moon has posted something in this thread I think it might be some hint, only to see that it's not. Now thát's disappointing
  7. Still reporting for duty, nothing to see yet
  8. Well, I am a preorder guy and I can assure, I am not yet downloading otherwise I'd mysteriously disappear from this thread
  9. So what timeframe are we looking at? days or hours?
  10. Exactly my thoughts. In fact, I've only read one account of a tank ever firing on the move in WW2, and that was commanded by Wittmann with his gunner Wohl.
  11. Vehicles on the move also seem too accurate to me, even at short ranges. A panther was moving perpendicular to 2 M10s at 400m. While travelling at fast speed it tracked and first round hit my M10s. I've seen instances such as this several times actually. And the game feels nothing like CMx1 when it comes to tank combat. Vehicles are that accurate. It feels a bit like CMSF actually. Was CMx1 so far off the mark or are these vehicles simply shooting and acquiring too well?
  12. That's quite a few assumptions there Also, they didn't exactly promise it
  13. The website said a few days, almost a week ago
  14. They said they wanted to wait a couple of days to gather demo feedback for a perfect release. But there don't seem to be that many problems judging by the posts. So hopefully tonight? I would love to see some sort of announcement however. I've played all the scenarios from every side (yes, the tut as well) already
  15. Then i suspect that the self casting shadows are part of an instruction set that is simply not compatible with your gfx card. Or rather, your gfx card can't make/doesn't know how to make use of this particular set of DX instructions.
  16. Outdated cards don't run all the DX instructions from newer DX version thát well. They are usually optimised for a specific set of DX instructions and no amount of patching is going to fix that (had the same issue with my 7900GTO which is orders of magnitude more powerful than yours). Simply put, that architecture/supported instruction set is outdated. Your best bet would be a new computer to be honest. Also, I wouldn't adhere to the minimum specs of anything as they are the "piss-poor-gaming-experience" minimum most of the time. All in all, i'd recommend a newer computer over anything else if you want to experience this game somewhat comfortably.
  17. I have to admit that all the other fanboys and zealots are a hoot to read. Seriously, why do people have to piss on other people's opinions on this forum all the time? :') I wonder where this trend came from, cause it's friggin annoying and deconstructive if anything. Replies like the above add absolutely *nothing*.
  18. Uhm, this is a serious bug report? That pc is ancient by any standard, it's at least 10 years old :') I don't think thát kind of videocard is supported by the new engine anymore. It's what, a DX6 card? Did you ever try to play SF on that rig? I suspect you'd see the same behaviour to be honest
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