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Posts posted by Boche

  1. After thinking about modifying buildings to represent an airliner, I thought "Well, if you did that, then all similar buildings would take on that appearance." So, that would mean that you would have an entire city of jet airliners with such a mod. Ah well, maybe these flavor items could be included in a new CMSF module. Chris.

    Sadly development on CMSF has ended so BFC can concentrate on new projects :). This game wont get anymore atention!

  2. Since the fact the German's didn't have a heavy weapon of similar caliber to the M2, I have to wonder why they didn't develop one? I know they had the capability and a decent design. The MG131 was in wide spread use on aircraft, why not mount one on the roof of a PzIV or PzIII to give it more punch and penetration compared to the MG34.

    Even today, German and Spanish made Leos sport only an MG3 on the commanders hatch. Must be a doctrine thing.

  3. ok................. i have three Allied AI plans so far and am working up the Axis ones - with the 3 plans, to make sure the plan selection is random do i set them all to 'use sometimes', or all to 'use frequently'? or indeed anything else!

    Setting them all to "used sometimes" should work.

  4. Boche,

    Thanks for the reply, though it still had me confused for a minute. As I could find no fortification tab. Then I had a closer look at the red side, there it was. So it looks like they are there for red but not for blue. I even double check the mission type. Did not matter if red attack or blue attack, the mines we only under red.

    This is a pity as I am trying to use shock force as a training aid and wanted to set a blue defence with mines. Looks like I will need to do a work around.

    Thanks for clarifying what I could not find in the manual.

    True, I forgot blue units in CMSF dont have fortifications :P, been playing too much Normandy!

    pardon me. but Bluchers descrpition solves it.

  5. This thread brings to mind a question I have wondered about. If you set a TRP up for the AI will it give preference to using the TRP? In other words can the scenario designer use TRPs to direct where he wants the AI to place it's indirect fire?

    I suppose the AI will use their support as they always do. No difference. The only difference is that the arty will come in faster.

  6. yeah - that was the first problem i had!

    I always try and create a big area for movement orders, the moves become more random then, and less predictable.

    And hey, weve all had our learning curve in the editor, good thing is its like riding a bike, its not easily forgotten and makes things so much easier.

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