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Posts posted by Boche

  1. I cannot remember the name of the map. I played the campaign last year. But I would love to be able to replay the single map over and over again where the US has to cross one little bridge, through the mist and through hundreds of yards of open ground to take the high ground. That map was BRUTAL...but I loved it.

    If I remember correctly, the player has several companies of infantry. One company of machine gun support, some on board 60mm mortars for each company and on board 81mm mortars with 105mm howitzer as support a little later. There are also a platoon of Shermans as reinforcements and that's about it.


    You must be the only person in this forum who cannot name that map! jajjaa

    "School of hard knocks"

    (unless im wrong, to which now im totally embarassed)

    Also its mission 2 of the campaign, and only after a short fist mission.

  2. What'd they do, demo charge the wall?


    Roger, that side of the buldings didnt have an entrnace i forgot they where some canadians inside when i moved those squads towards the wall. (the whole place was filled with smoke from the river crossing, its a KG ENGEL mission.) and I quikcly moved a demo team to blow up the place. Did lose a gunner before they fell.

  3. I can't imagine a more terrifying way to die. This is exactly why I joined the infantry when it came time to serve. I played enough Steel Panthers 2 to know how many weapons exist that are designed to kill tanks in a big way. After the service, CMSF reinforced this. For infantry, Artillery is the stuff of nightmares, for tank crews, everything else. Granted, modern MBTs are designed to take hits and allow the crew to escape, but there is no guarantee that you will escape with everything you climbed in with. Really intense vid there, I already respect WWII vets with almost god like reverence for going to war without all the stuff we have today to keep you breathing, but to see it.........

    Indeed, im joining the Infantry for the same reason. Interesting to see im not alone in my reasons. Ive always said I like to have my feet on the ground and if the worst should happen I dont want it to be by burning, or in the navies case, by drowning.

  4. As it is using a physics model, I was surprised to see that vehicles went through trees. Maybe it is to do with complicated pathing issues for Pumas etc. through woods. I had a Puma stop at the end of a WEGO turn and it was in a perfectly impaled state!


    It all depends on the terrain. If the terrain grid is set to "light/heavy woodland" vehicles will not be able to cross.

  5. Thats a question that has been bugging me for sometime, trying to find out what was their purpouse. The only thing I can come up with is that they where supposed to be used as some sort of light assault gun to target enemy strongpoints, giving the infantry some punch without a stug or panzer, and maybe use it as an indirect firing gun sometimes...

    because as far as I see, they are not a good indirect fire weapon and are not good antitank weapons...

  6. How about a modern version of WWII? In late 2013, radical elements of the Bundeswher stage a successful military coup and re-establish the old Third Reich, complete with Waffen SS brigades. In 2014, they launch an offensive against France, but this time they don't waste manpower or resources on a campaign against the Russian Federation. The United States threatens Germany with a nuclear strike if they invade Great Britain but the Russians threaten to launch a retaliatory nuclear strike if the United States does so. Before the world knows it, the Germans once again man defensive positions on the Normandy coast. And you can take it from there.............

    The ability to create a german VS US/Britian is their if you have the modules. its deffinatelly something that hasnt been done before and has been on my mind as a good idea for sometime :)

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