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Brian the Dane

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Everything posted by Brian the Dane

  1. I ran into frustration downloading...The license key is long, and type as well as I can, it still took a few tries.... That said, I did get it done. And it's good. Very good. I could say a funny here, but it is best not to. I will say what this company does, works (and that is good. Very good). The support is awesome and excellent. And you will be playing in no time (they don't pay me to say that).
  2. It is a complex game. Now. And that is good. Very good. I'm remembering SC 1. That was complex too. For it's time. But we are all so much smarter now. And that is good. Very good. (and I'm more polite!) There is Huge replay value here. Stepping back a bit, I remember some computer games would keep me up til Sunrise. SC 1 did. SC2 did, and does. And now, well there is this. It is good. Very good. Anyone ever see that movie Sleepless in Seattle. I'm sleepless in Seattle, but for better reasons. To my mind, at least. I'm tagging on this message, as I don't want to start a new Thread. And that's not bad.
  3. I will tag on this...as opposed to a new Thread.... So far, so good, but I am puzzled why I can't influence Spain (or You Go Slavia). The screen of influencings runs out at the Solomons (not that I would influence that either) Perhaps, it's the computer, but i am puzzled to know.
  4. yes and yes. I agree with what You say....But.... There is no global campaign...that connects alll the Dots. This one does I kind of like it.
  5. Playing the game and no complaints. At all. But still, the forum is here to provide feedback, and here is some. 1) I would like...to be able to see the MMP screen longer, relative to what was provided, or created, or earned. I would like if that screen stayed on until I click it, somewhat similar to the options and news screens. (I'm trying to get a read on all the income that Britain is receiving...) 2) This game moves fast. Action fast. I'm not asking to slow it down, as I see that the result of haste makes the AI work faster. But I will say, the action does go fast. 3) There is no three. Just having fun. And alot of it. My wife isn't speaking to me right now. And that is very fine. I'm busy.
  6. Got the game up and running and here's some initial comments/first impressions and I've only watched the bad guys take their turn. Almost afraid to take mine. The graphics are simply stunning. Crisp and clean and tight. The world is now a very complex place. I can see many replays. I told my wife that I love her and I would talk to her in May (I may have to push that back). I love it. It was worth the wait. And the nagging... That license key is sure long! I look forward to other player comments. But now, gotta take care of the bad guys (you can probably guess I'm playing at Allied. I always do, though)
  7. Last week, I did perdict that the release would be Friday, March 5... Because see, with Jupiter rising over Mercury, the planetary alignments were set for the release of March 5. Now March 6 would be bad, because then Saturn is out of alignment. And March 4 wouldn't work, because it's high tide in Venice.... So scientifically, of course it's March 5...
  8. As You know, we look forward to this release. And that is why we are pushing. It happens sometimes, when the public knows something really really good is arriving. Moon, Martin, you've done this well. Civil and informatnional. I'm not going to push. This creation, this game, i believe, will be good and very good. And besides, once it's ours to play, there is no timeline. That spells up to me, compliments. To Hubert for This, and your patience. With us. Thanks.
  9. Here's my guess...I'm thinking for Friday, March 5th. I base this on the fact that at that point, Jupiter will be rising over Mercury... Actually, it's just a wild guess....
  10. It's a good idea, but I would have some problems with it. See, I only have ten fingers to count with. If there were stengthes of 20, I would have to take off my shoes! I still do have to that with over strength units, but fortunately only one shoe, so the other foot stays warm. And goodness, what if the 20 strength unit had experience enough to be over strengthed. I'd be out of fingers and toes and would have to wander in circles... But still, it's a good idea (I haven't come up with any, which is zero, and I can count that high, after wandering in a circle).
  11. Perhaps we are indeed. The questions asked and the style in which they were asked make me wonder how is the individual testing something for the first time we are waiting (impatiently of course) to test? I, like most everyone, am looking forward to doing some testing myself...
  12. Fair question (but lousy name, if i may say). Movement is expressed by the reduction of readiness. And morale. It is not so much in mmp measurements. I think it works. So that there is less of all of this overcalculation. Just because a unit is at ten, does not mean it's a good ten. Might be weak, not entrenched, not supplied, not rested. The numbers seem to measure out. So, to my mind, it's not upside down at all. But that's only to my mind, which is odd
  13. Fortunately, this is a short month! Glad it's not a leap year. That would be bad
  14. Hmmm, The end of the first quarter is in 69 days... But since this purportedly is going to be released Before the end of the first quarter, that would be 68 days! Not that I'm counting or anything... (tick, tick, tick) smile
  15. Excellent! I will definitely enjoy the hypotheticals (if I ever get to them - I might get wrapped up in the standard '39 Global for a year or so).
  16. I read the posts... Fascinating...really, As I think the both of you are very interesting, very different yes, but the answer to that is just to talk about everything else regarding Global, except each other. (kind of like don't put the hair dryer in the jacuzzi). New game coming, happy days are here. And good observations from both of you...
  17. My favorite part of the announcement is that we now know that Global will be coming out in the first quarter of 2010. This means 75 days yet to go, and that's at max. With the rule book out, I'm thinking it's less. I can't remember looking forward to a new game release as much as this one, in a very very long time. If ever.
  18. What's better than a morsel? An appetizer! Thank you, Sir Hubert. I am looking forward to it.
  19. No need to duck the flying shoe, even though Jesse Ventura has nothing to do with Global (or penguins, for that matter. And penguins don't wear shoes, so can't throw them). Pending the release, the posts around here are morsels I devour. Anyways, I'm actually playing my first Email game. Patton drives East, Storm across Europe. I'm playing the allies similar to how I would against the computer, knowing I have a little time before anything happens: So I strengthen up my French air and start bringing back the corps and armies from the Med. England invests in Uboats. Russian doesn't matter yet. Bam! Turn three, Denmark (oh, but they put up such a fight! - I think it was done in one air attack), and Belgium fall. The french aren't ready, and Paris falls in August. Spain is already influenced to 80%. This isn't an AAR, by any means. But goodness, my expertise (or lack of it), shows. I've been lulled by the computer AI. I should stick to Sudoku (which I hate, frankly). Anyways, that's enough of this (or more than enough)...
  20. I've read as much of what I can relative to what's coming with this new release, but just for followup, and clarification, and information, and morsels... So, in the European theatre, will the Aircraft carriers will have the Pacific Strike air capacities? Can Germany build an aircraft carrier? Italy (even)? Will there will be light cruiser classification? Light Carriers? Is Brazil going to be a neutral minor that can be influenced? Mexico? Curious, I am. Available to read, perhaps this has been. But if so, missed it, I did.
  21. Major Kuniworth, It's an intriguing idea, although I'm not sure why I can't call him Mr. Devil, if I do it respectfully, while fending off his fiendish (fiendish! I tell you) invasion efforts. Kind of like: Mr. Devil, could you not invade Denmark, since we know you don't like pickled herring anyway, and that's all we got here in the cupboard. We're fresh out of MMPs. Perhaps you could check back in '42? I think we'll have some fresh MMP's then. Anyways, I look forward to getting demolished on a levil (not a typo, it just rhymes better) playing field with the release of Global. I will enjoy employing the unorthodox (I'd um consider buying a couple of Russian Armor units on Ebay...). I'll be happy to share polite! AAR's of my destruction (but painted so vividly and biased that you will all be rooting for me). smile. Me and the penguins don't want to get off topic, so, gotta go. Take care. Counting the days for the release...
  22. That is so true, Gorgon. I was simply attempting to demonstrate my expert novice skills, and in that, I think I succeeded in demonstrating that I am, indeed, a novice (when it comes to posting here).
  23. Huh! I did not know this! After all this time! Thank you.
  24. I don't want to sound disaggreable here, so I won't. I'll just disagree... I've been playing the Strategic Command series for a long time now against the AI, and yes! I still find it challenging! There are scenarios, where if I just put the evil opponent thinking machine on max difficulty, that I just find my penguin heinie kicked! So no complaints at all relative to the AI. At all. PBEM is something I will look forward to with Global. Some of you will have fun, demolishing me. And that time is coming sooner than later. I can feel it.
  25. I'm sure this has been covered (must have been): Is there any way to custom name one's saved games, or put them in a separate file. There are times, when I'm getting so hammered by the bad guys (ai opponent, usually), I just want to stop and perhaps play that game another day and not save over it. Then the next time I sit down to play, I see that game that I want to continue, but not today. Today, I want a fresh start, a fresh chance to conquer the evil bad machine. But tomorrow, hmmm, maybe I will want to conquer the evil bad machine that is hammering me... So, is there? Thanks.
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