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Posts posted by DaveyJJ

  1. Though I didn't say anything at the time, printing the manual in Latin probably wasn't a good move. The idea was to save on translation costs by using a 'universal' language.

    Latin? I must have the first version then because mine's in Klingon. No wonder I'm having trouble, Latin would've been much easier. I find myself now "A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi."

  2. For the first year at least, good user-made scenarios will come out faster than you can play them.

    You betcha! I've already got two maps and TOEs designed. I can finally combine my double major historical geography/fine art degree and love of tactical WW2 gaming to produce small scenarios/engagements for the community. Looking forward to it!

  3. Not being smart, DaveyJJ, but are we talking about the same City?!?!:confused:

    We were talking about Alexandria, LOUISIANA USA. Alexandria was incorporated as a town in 1819 and received a city charter in 1882. Current Estimated Census is about 55,000.:)

    From what I understand from the locals, nothing has changed except a city by-pass being put in about 12-15 yrs. ago!!!

    Oops! My bad, definitely wrong city. My dad always said a geography degree was useless. :rolleyes:

  4. Since I haven't been paying attention to BF, nor its release cycles, do you or anyone else know how distant an announcement and a release typical are for these games? Are we more than a year away? Sometimes I have the feeling, that people are expecting a pre-order appearing any day now, not that I'd be unhappy.

    Per scottie's post elsewhere (http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1230379&postcount=87) you'll see the CMSF preview was just a shade over a month before its release date. That answers your question, I think, but only in relation to CMSF however, and in no way should be an indicator of when CMBN will be released or available for pre-order. The answer round here is it'll get released when its ready and not a day before. Everyone seems to have their guesses though. Sometime this year is a reasonable assumption, perhaps even as early as April/May some guess. Soon enough.

  5. Ah, Oakland. I used to get off the BART at Fruitvale and make my way by bus up High Street towards my (rented) house in the crook of the 580 and 13. It was right at San Carlos that the bullet smashed into the bus window 3 rows in front of me at around 6:30pm one evening. No one hurt just a real scare. Ah, such fond memories. (Actually Oakland isn't that bad. But there are a few parts like any major city ... shudder.)

  6. Schrullenhaft is correct (as usual) :) No downloadable PDF, but an online viewer version like we have up for most of our games (e.g. here is the v.1.21 manual for CMSF).


    No, Martin, it's not. Fliipingbook are Flash files and the iPad can not view Flash (cue criticism of iPad in 3...2...1 :) ). There's no reason not to use jQuery and make the pages viewable via a slide show type format, however. Once the manual is finished I'd be happy to convert the manual and provide the HTML code and images for you if you'd like (I do that as my day-job so it'd be fast).

  7. I would LOVE to have one as it's the weapon my Grandfather used in WWII. Problem is, even the semi-auto version is crazy expensive.

    They are expensive. That said, if you ever get to Knob Creek at either the mud or dust semi-annual MG shoots let me know. I have friends who go every year at least to one of them and they manage to shoot almost everything you can imagine. I'd be happy to hook you up with them for some heavy weapon experience if you'd like. It's apparently the place to be for firearms enthusiasts.

  8. Sorry guys, have just done a reinstall and am in the middle of flavor objects at the moment so dont have time for a screen shot but basically we reduced the height of the dirt and added a layer or so of sandbags to the top...as a result I think they visually they look much more like a reasonably good reinforced position considering the compromises with regards to FOW. :) Trenches have also been reworked with the new sandbags, in fact fortifications in general have probably been completely revamped from any screen shots you guys may have seen (older than a couple of weeks at least). :)


    Agreed with previous posters, thanks very much for that update, that's great news.

  9. It's probably just his individually, how old is it? Condition? Barrel condition, is it shot out? Mine is super accurate actually though the peep sight is a bit different and takes some getting used to before becoming proficient with it. One of my buddies actually shoots the Lee Enfield better than any of the other bolt actions I have.

    It's definitely original, early 40s. I'll get the date and production details next time I manage to hook up with him, and have a real good look at the rifle as well. External condition is fine but you're most likely right about the barrel being worn out, or perhaps improperly cleaned over the years. I now this one's changed hands a fair bit and was picked up for a song.

  10. I am still going to get huge enjoyment from CMBN ... so I would be prepared to cough up far more dosh to Battlefront than I would for any other game producer that I know about.

    Ditto. If it hadn't been for the transition to OSX and the whole RAVE graphics debacle (not Battlefront's fault) I'd still be playing CMBO. It was, and remains, my favourite computer game of all time. So with that, I'd be willing to pay CDN$80 or so for CMBN which is $20-30 more than the standard PC game in these parts.

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