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Posts posted by DaveyJJ

  1. Here's a simple editor question/assumption as hinted at in the new online Feature List.

    Under [bUILDINGS] it mention all sorts of neat stuff ... different styles, heights, special buildings, windows/doors etc. Combined with the flavour objects this is going to be, for a geographer like me, amazing.

    Under [sIMULATION] it talks about deformable terrain, including the partial and complete destruction of buildings.

    Can anyone yet address my assumption that the buildings you place while creating a new map can be put into one of those assumed three states (OK, partially ruined, fully destroyed) so that they appear that way when the game begins? I would assume so, but didn't see any confirmation of that. My search-fu couldn't find any reference to this.


    P.S. Already drawn out two depleted company scale engagement maps to create when I can get my hands on the editor.

  2. Interesting point , well put. When i design a map i tend to make them extremely wide with the objectives in the middle section to allow for freedom of movement. I understand this is not possible under all circumstances but feel this is the best way to represent real world maps and tactical solutions within the current framework.

    Agreed. I've done tactical WW2 map designs for board games, miniatures games, and computer games ("See, dad, my double major in art and geography all those years ago with a huge interest in history did pay off!") and that's the route I tend to take given boundary limitations.

    The maps and scenarios I plan to provide the CMBN community will be smaller scale (platoon and company), fairly accurate historically and geographically realistic, as that's the scale I like, but will generally follow this idea.

    Can't wait for the editor. Wish I'd maintained contact with Steve and the BF team after my Combat Ranger CM chat program got sidetracked to have been able to volunteer 17 years of beta testing experience to this effort, but soon enough now, we'll all get it in our hands.

  3. Well I suspect the jury is still out on that given that its not even finished yet.

    Perhaps some “expectation management” is required here. :)

    Maybe buy it, play it and then decide?

    Not saying you’ll be wrong though. ;)

    Oh and make sure the Mac has OS X 10.6.x or better on it.

    I was referring to the CM1 series. Arguably, at least in my eyes, the innovations and gameplay stood them head and shoulders above every other WW2 tactical game. But I admit CMBO was at a pace I could handle and the WeGo system rocked.

    For me, if CMBO is anywhere near remotely as good as CM1 series, I'm hooked. PLus it's been a long time for me without the series.

    I've got three machines lined up for the game all with the latest in 10.6 goodness ... the 27" i3 iMac I just bought with the 512MB video card, a new 15" i7 MacBook Pro maxxed out, and a previous generation iMac as well. Raring to go. Plus the working SE30 and assorted others in the basement (those might not run it well :rolleyes: ).

  4. Ditto, thanks for the info MikeyD. Can't wait to get my hands on that editor for the community here.

    It meant climbing over the earth and stone berm while squirming through dense growth. Not a task undertaken casually. Being shot at the while tended to discourage the effort.


    That is precisely how my relative did lose fingers off his hand. He got his hand high enough while climbing that someone on the other side took offence and blew them off for him. At least he didn't stick his head up first.

  5. I have waited so so long for my favourite game of all-freakin' time to make it's return to Apple hardware. I have never anticipated a piece of software this much, and I've used computers since the days of Wang systems with punch cards. It's almost too much for this old guy to bear. [Note: I am not crying with excitement. Jeez. Not yet anyway. But I'm rocking on my chair with excitement.] I plan to still buy two copies and give one away, if the BF guys will let me. Everyone needs to experience the very best tactical WW2 war game series ever made, don't you think?

  6. This AAR is simply brilliant. Clears up a lot of questions for me (hey, I am old and all) and simply reinforces the belief that I will never, ever stop playing this bloody game. I thought that after the OSX no-RAVE debacle I'd left my addiction to my favourite Mac game of all time behind. I know, as only an addict can, now that I can't. Giddy with excitement to play. Must get in a few more games of Combat Commander: Europe before this CMBN drug hits my door.

  7. Don't confuse "miles square" with square miles. An area 2.5 miles square would enclose 6.25 square miles.

    You sure that was a Mac? I thought Apple didn't start making Macs until 1984.


    Apple IIe then. Macs since my first 512 in 1984. And yes, my math was wrong. That's what I get for posting too fast in the morning (and why I married a writer/editor). Or being too old, perhaps.

    It's still an amazing map area ... can't wait to create maps for the community.

  8. Massive maps 2.5 miles square, wow. Sheer amount scenarios/fighting you could stage just on one map! This mixed with ALL of the terrain features both natural and man made structures with custom prepared forces at your disposal. Boggles the mind tactically. Worth the year wait?

    Worth the year wait? I've been waiting in OSX for far more than a year to play some superb BF goodness like the old days of CMBO. And a 2.5 square mile map? Huge. Huge! I play most of my 10mm company and smaller wargaming on terrain that represents never more than 400-600 yards square. 2.5 miles is heaven to me. And as a designer/artist/geographer I can't wait to make my own scenarios in said terrain. Lovely. Positively giddy and shaking with excitement.

    ...the irresistable draw of a 2nd interpretation of CMBO will bring longtime and longlost players alike back into the fold...

    I'm back, I"m back!!! My hard drive has been waiting many years for this. I fear an addiction only matched by the original release of CMBO (my favourite game since I first owned a Mac back in the late 1970s) coming on, oh yes I do. CMBO was a religion to me ... nothing since has ever come close.

  9. As an old gamer and one of the very early owners of the CM series when it was first released back in 2000 I am celebrating the return of this fantastic series to the Mac by pre-ordering two copies of the game as soon as I can. I intend to give one OSX copy away in some fashion to another member of the forums (details to follow). Can not wait for this title to land. Bravo to all the BF gents for making this happen (slowly, sure, but happen none-the-less.)

    Does the word 'asymptote' mean anything to you?



    Yes, but my doctor said not to worry about it. Even when the rash develops on the surrounding skin. He simply recommended hydrocortisone cream.

    P.S. Maybe I'll finish off the CM "Combat Ranger" chat client I was coding back in 2000, eh Steve?

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